! wilson_dalessandro_filled_keyboard.scl ! Dalessandro with two 1-3-7-9-11-15 eikosanies with filled blanks for keyboard 38 ! 2079/2048 33/32 135/128 77/72 35/32 9/8 1155/1024 297/256 1215/1024 77/64 315/256 5/4 10395/8192 165/128 21/16 4/3 693/512 11/8 45/32 1485/1024 189/128 3/2 385/256 99/64 405/256 77/48 105/64 27/16 3465/2048 55/32 7/4 231/128 945/512 15/8 31185/16384 495/256 63/32 2/1