#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Color Harmony - Inkscape extension to generate # palettes of colors that go well together # # Version 0.2 "golem" # # Copyright (C) 2009-2018 Ilya Portnov # (original 'palette-editor' tool, version 0.0.7) # 2020 Maren Hachmann (extension-ification) # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. """ This extension allows you to automatically add guides to your Inkscape documents. """ #from math import sqrt #import types import inkex from inkex import Group, Rectangle from inkex.colors import is_color from color_harmony.colorplus import ColorPlus from color_harmony.harmonies import * from color_harmony.shades import * class ColorHarmony(inkex.EffectExtension): """Generate palettes of colors that go well together""" color = '' def add_arguments(self, pars): # General options pars.add_argument('--tab', default='render', help='Extension functionality to use') # options: render, save, colorize # Render tab options pars.add_argument('--harmony', default="five", help='Color harmony to generate, options: from_raster, just_opposite, split_complementary, three, four, rectangle, five, similar_3, similar_5, similar_and_opposite') pars.add_argument('--sort', default="by_hue", help="Method to sort the palette by, options: by_hue, by_saturation, by_value, hue_contiguous") pars.add_argument('--factor', default=50, type=int, help="Factor to affect the result, between 1 and 100. Default is 50. This modifies the angle between the resulting colors on the color wheel.") pars.add_argument('--size', default=10, help="Size of the generated palette squares") pars.add_argument('--unit', default='mm', help='Units') # options: mm, cm, in, px, pt, pc pars.add_argument('--delete_existing', type=inkex.Boolean, help='Delete existing palettes before generating a new one') # Shading: cooler, warmer, saturation, value, chroma, luma, hue, hue_luma, luma_plus_chroma, luma_minus_chroma pars.add_argument( '--cooler', type=inkex.Boolean, help='Add shades with cooler color temperature') pars.add_argument( '--warmer', type=inkex.Boolean, help='Add shades with warmer color temperature') pars.add_argument( '--saturation', type=inkex.Boolean, help='Add shades with saturation steps') pars.add_argument( '--value', type=inkex.Boolean, help='Add shades with value steps') pars.add_argument( '--chroma', type=inkex.Boolean, help='Add shades with chroma steps') pars.add_argument( '--luma', type=inkex.Boolean, help='Add shades with luma steps') pars.add_argument( '--hue', type=inkex.Boolean, help='Add shades with hue steps') pars.add_argument( '--hue_luma', type=inkex.Boolean, help='Add shades with hue and luma steps') pars.add_argument( '--luma_plus_chroma', type=inkex.Boolean, help='Add shades with luma plus chroma steps') pars.add_argument( '--luma_minus_chroma', type=inkex.Boolean, help='Add shades with luma minus chroma steps') pars.add_argument('--step_width', type=float, default=0.1, help='Shader step width') # TODO: find out what range this can take on, and adjust min, max, default in inx # Save tab options pars.add_argument('--palette_format', default='gimp', help='Palette file format') # options: gimp, krita, scribus pars.add_argument('--palette_folder', help="Folder to save the palette file in") pars.add_argument('--palette_name', help="Name of the palette") # Colorize tab options # no options currently def effect(self): if self.options.tab == "render": if len(self.svg.selected) == 1: for obj_id, obj in self.svg.selected.items(): fill = obj.style.get("fill") if is_color(fill): if self.options.delete_existing: self.delete_existing_palettes() self.color = ColorPlus(fill) self.options.factor = self.options.factor/100 colors = self.create_harmony() shades = self.create_shades(colors) palettes = [colors] + shades for i in range(len(palettes)): self.render_palette(palettes[i], i) else: raise inkex.AbortExtension( "Please select an object with a plain fill color.") else: raise inkex.AbortExtension( "Please select one object.") elif self.options.tab == "save": palettes = self.get_palettes_in_doc() if len(palettes) >= 1: self.save_palette(palettes[0]) else: raise inkex.AbortExtension( "There is no rendered palette in the document. Please render a palette using the first tab of the dialog before you try to save it.") elif self.options.tab == "colorize": if len(self.svg.selected) > 0: self.colorize() else: raise inkex.AbortExtension( "Please select an object to colorize!") # METHODS FOR EACH TAB # -------------------- # Render tab # ========== def create_harmony(self): harmony_functions = { "from_raster": self.palette_from_raster, # not implemented yet "just_opposite": self.opposite, "split_complementary": self.splitcomplementary, "three": self.nhues3, "four": self.nhues4, "rectangle": self.rectangle, "five": self.fivecolors, "similar_3": self.similar_3, "similar_5": self.similar_5, "similar_and_opposite": self.similaropposite, } # use appropriate function for the selected tab colors = harmony_functions[self.options.harmony](self.color) colors = self.sort_colors(colors) return colors def render_palette(self, colors, shift): size = self.svg.unittouu(str(self.options.size)+self.options.unit) top = 0 + shift * size left = 0 layer = self.svg.get_current_layer() if self.svg.get_current_layer() is not None else self.document.getroot() group_attribs = {inkex.addNS('label', 'inkscape'): "Palette ({harmony}, {color}) ".format(color=self.color, harmony=self.options.harmony)} palette_group = Group(**group_attribs) for color in colors: palette_field = Rectangle(x=str(left), y=str(top), width=str(size), height=str(size)) palette_field.style = {'fill': color} palette_group.add(palette_field) left += size palette_group.transform.add_translate(0, self.svg.viewport_height + size) layer.add(palette_group) def palette_from_raster(self, color): # TODO: implement return [] def opposite(self, color): colors = opposite(color) return colors def splitcomplementary(self, color): colors = splitcomplementary(color, self.options.factor) return colors def nhues3(self, color): colors = nHues(color, 3) return colors def nhues4(self, color): colors = nHues(color, 4) return colors def rectangle(self, color): colors = rectangle(color, self.options.factor) return colors def fivecolors(self, color): colors = fiveColors(color, self.options.factor) return colors def similar_3(self, color): colors = similar(color, 3, self.options.factor) return colors def similar_5(self, color): colors = similar(color, 5, self.options.factor) return colors def similaropposite(self, color): colors = similarAndOpposite(color, self.options.factor) return colors def create_shades(self, colors): shades = [] shading_options = { "cooler": cooler, "warmer": warmer, "saturation": saturation, "value": value, "chroma": chroma, "luma": luma, "hue": hue, "hue_luma": hue_luma, "luma_plus_chroma": luma_plus_chroma, "luma_minus_chroma": luma_minus_chroma, } for option, function in shading_options.items(): if vars(self.options)[option] == True: # shades are created per color, # but we want to get one palette per shading step shaded_colors = [] for i in range(len(colors)): shaded_colors.append(function(colors[i], self.options.step_width)) pals = [list(a) for a in zip(*shaded_colors)] shades += pals return shades def delete_existing_palettes(self): """Delete all palettes in the document""" for palette in self.get_palettes_in_doc(): palette.delete() # Save tab # ======== def save_palette(self, palette): # TODO: implement # if not hasattr(self.palette, 'name'): # if type(file_w) in [str, unicode]: # self.palette.name = basename(file_w) # else: # self.palette.name='Colors' pass # Colorize tab # ============ def colorize(self): # TODO: implement pass # HELPER FUNCTIONS # ---------------- def get_palettes_in_doc(self): palettes = [] for group in self.svg.findall('.//svg:g'): if group.get('inkscape:label').startswith('Palette ('): palettes.append(group) return palettes def sort_colors(self, colors): if self.options.sort == "by_hue": colors.sort(key=lambda color: color.to_hsv()[0]) elif self.options.sort == "by_saturation": colors.sort(key=lambda color: color.to_hsv()[1]) elif self.options.sort == "by_value": colors.sort(key=lambda color: color.to_hsv()[2]) # this option looks nicer when the palette colors are similar red tones # some of which have a hue close to 0 # and some of which have a hue close to 1 elif self.options.sort == "hue_contiguous": # sort by hue first colors.sort(key=lambda color: color.to_hsv()[0]) # now find out if the hues are maybe clustered around the 0 - 1 boundary hues = [color.to_hsv()[0] for color in colors] start_hue = 0 end_hue = 0 max_dist = 0 for i in range(len(colors)-1): h1 = hues[i] h2 = hues[i+1] cur_dist = h2-h1 if cur_dist > max_dist and self.no_colors_in_between(h1, h2, hues): max_dist = cur_dist start_hue = h2 for i in range(len(colors)): sorting_hue = hues[i] - start_hue if sorting_hue > 1: sorting_hue -=1 elif sorting_hue < 0: sorting_hue += 1 hues[i] = sorting_hue sorted_colors = [color for hue, color in sorted(zip(hues,colors))] colors = sorted_colors else: raise inkex.AbortExtension( "Please select one of the following sorting options: by_hue, by_saturation, by_value.") return colors def no_colors_in_between(self, hue1, hue2, hues): for hue in hues: if hue > hue1 and hue < hue2: return False return True if __name__ == '__main__': ColorHarmony().run()