from __future__ import division from math import sqrt, cos, sin, acos, degrees, radians, log from import MutableSequence # This file contains classes for the different types of SVG path segments as # well as a Path object that contains a sequence of path segments. MIN_DEPTH = 5 ERROR = 1e-12 def segment_length(curve, start, end, start_point, end_point, error, min_depth, depth): """Recursively approximates the length by straight lines""" mid = (start + end) / 2 mid_point = curve.point(mid) length = abs(end_point - start_point) first_half = abs(mid_point - start_point) second_half = abs(end_point - mid_point) length2 = first_half + second_half if (length2 - length > error) or (depth < min_depth): # Calculate the length of each segment: depth += 1 return (segment_length(curve, start, mid, start_point, mid_point, error, min_depth, depth) + segment_length(curve, mid, end, mid_point, end_point, error, min_depth, depth)) # This is accurate enough. return length2 def approximate(path, start, end, start_point, end_point, max_error, depth, max_depth): if depth >= max_depth: return [start_point, end_point] actual_length = path.measure(start, end, error=max_error/4) linear_length = abs(end_point - start_point) # Worst case deviation given a fixed linear_length and actual_length would probably be # a symmetric tent shape (I haven't proved it -- TODO). deviationSquared = (actual_length/2)**2 - (linear_length/2)**2 if deviationSquared <= max_error ** 2: return [start_point, end_point] else: mid = (start+end)/2. mid_point = path.point(mid) return ( approximate(path, start, mid, start_point, mid_point, max_error, depth+1, max_depth)[:-1] + approximate(path, mid, end, mid_point, end_point, max_error, depth+1, max_depth) ) def removeCollinear(points, error, pointsToKeep=set()): out = [] lengths = [0] for i in range(1,len(points)): lengths.append(lengths[-1] + abs(points[i]-points[i-1])) def length(a,b): return lengths[b] - lengths[a] i = 0 while i < len(points): j = len(points) - 1 while i < j: deviationSquared = (length(i, j)/2)**2 - (abs(points[j]-points[i])/2)**2 if deviationSquared <= error ** 2 and set(range(i+1,j)).isdisjoint(pointsToKeep): out.append(points[i]) i = j break j -= 1 out.append(points[j]) i += 1 return out class Segment(object): def __init__(self, start, end): self.start = start self.end = end def measure(self, start, end, error=ERROR, min_depth=MIN_DEPTH): return Path(self).measure(start, end, error=error, min_depth=min_depth) def getApproximatePoints(self, error=0.001, max_depth=32): points = approximate(self, 0., 1., self.point(0.), self.point(1.), error, 0, max_depth) return points class Line(Segment): def __init__(self, start, end): super(Line, self).__init__(start,end) def __repr__(self): return 'Line(start=%s, end=%s)' % (self.start, self.end) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Line): return NotImplemented return self.start == other.start and self.end == other.end def __ne__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Line): return NotImplemented return not self == other def getApproximatePoints(self, error=0.001, max_depth=32): return [self.start, self.end] def point(self, pos): if pos == 0.: return self.start elif pos == 1.: return self.end distance = self.end - self.start return self.start + distance * pos def length(self, error=None, min_depth=None): distance = (self.end - self.start) return sqrt(distance.real ** 2 + distance.imag ** 2) class CubicBezier(Segment): def __init__(self, start, control1, control2, end): super(CubicBezier, self).__init__(start,end) self.control1 = control1 self.control2 = control2 def __repr__(self): return 'CubicBezier(start=%s, control1=%s, control2=%s, end=%s)' % ( self.start, self.control1, self.control2, self.end) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, CubicBezier): return NotImplemented return self.start == other.start and self.end == other.end and \ self.control1 == other.control1 and self.control2 == other.control2 def __ne__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, CubicBezier): return NotImplemented return not self == other def is_smooth_from(self, previous): """Checks if this segment would be a smooth segment following the previous""" if isinstance(previous, CubicBezier): return (self.start == previous.end and (self.control1 - self.start) == (previous.end - previous.control2)) else: return self.control1 == self.start def point(self, pos): """Calculate the x,y position at a certain position of the path""" if pos == 0.: return self.start elif pos == 1.: return self.end return ((1 - pos) ** 3 * self.start) + \ (3 * (1 - pos) ** 2 * pos * self.control1) + \ (3 * (1 - pos) * pos ** 2 * self.control2) + \ (pos ** 3 * self.end) def length(self, error=ERROR, min_depth=MIN_DEPTH): """Calculate the length of the path up to a certain position""" start_point = self.point(0) end_point = self.point(1) return segment_length(self, 0, 1, start_point, end_point, error, min_depth, 0) class QuadraticBezier(Segment): def __init__(self, start, control, end): super(QuadraticBezier, self).__init__(start,end) self.control = control def __repr__(self): return 'QuadraticBezier(start=%s, control=%s, end=%s)' % ( self.start, self.control, self.end) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, QuadraticBezier): return NotImplemented return self.start == other.start and self.end == other.end and \ self.control == other.control def __ne__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, QuadraticBezier): return NotImplemented return not self == other def is_smooth_from(self, previous): """Checks if this segment would be a smooth segment following the previous""" if isinstance(previous, QuadraticBezier): return (self.start == previous.end and (self.control - self.start) == (previous.end - previous.control)) else: return self.control == self.start def point(self, pos): if pos == 0.: return self.start elif pos == 1.: return self.end return (1 - pos) ** 2 * self.start + 2 * (1 - pos) * pos * self.control + \ pos ** 2 * self.end def length(self, error=None, min_depth=None): a = self.start - 2*self.control + self.end b = 2*(self.control - self.start) a_dot_b = a.real*b.real + a.imag*b.imag if abs(a) < 1e-12: s = abs(b) elif abs(a_dot_b + abs(a)*abs(b)) < 1e-12: k = abs(b)/abs(a) if k >= 2: s = abs(b) - abs(a) else: s = abs(a)*(k**2/2 - k + 1) else: # For an explanation of this case, see # A = 4 * (a.real ** 2 + a.imag ** 2) B = 4 * (a.real * b.real + a.imag * b.imag) C = b.real ** 2 + b.imag ** 2 Sabc = 2 * sqrt(A + B + C) A2 = sqrt(A) A32 = 2 * A * A2 C2 = 2 * sqrt(C) BA = B / A2 s = (A32 * Sabc + A2 * B * (Sabc - C2) + (4 * C * A - B ** 2) * log((2 * A2 + BA + Sabc) / (BA + C2))) / (4 * A32) return s class Arc(Segment): def __init__(self, start, radius, rotation, arc, sweep, end, scaler=lambda z:z): """radius is complex, rotation is in degrees, large and sweep are 1 or 0 (True/False also work)""" super(Arc, self).__init__(scaler(start),scaler(end)) self.start0 = start self.end0 = end self.radius = radius self.rotation = rotation self.arc = bool(arc) self.sweep = bool(sweep) self.scaler = scaler self._parameterize() def __repr__(self): return 'Arc(start0=%s, radius=%s, rotation=%s, arc=%s, sweep=%s, end0=%s, scaler=%s)' % ( self.start0, self.radius, self.rotation, self.arc, self.sweep, self.end0, self.scaler) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Arc): return NotImplemented return self.start == other.start and self.end == other.end and \ self.radius == other.radius and self.rotation == other.rotation and \ self.arc == other.arc and self.sweep == other.sweep def __ne__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Arc): return NotImplemented return not self == other def _parameterize(self): # Conversion from endpoint to center parameterization # cosr = cos(radians(self.rotation)) sinr = sin(radians(self.rotation)) dx = (self.start0.real - self.end0.real) / 2 dy = (self.start0.imag - self.end0.imag) / 2 x1prim = cosr * dx + sinr * dy x1prim_sq = x1prim * x1prim y1prim = -sinr * dx + cosr * dy y1prim_sq = y1prim * y1prim rx = self.radius.real rx_sq = rx * rx ry = self.radius.imag ry_sq = ry * ry # Correct out of range radii radius_check = (x1prim_sq / rx_sq) + (y1prim_sq / ry_sq) if radius_check > 1: rx *= sqrt(radius_check) ry *= sqrt(radius_check) rx_sq = rx * rx ry_sq = ry * ry t1 = rx_sq * y1prim_sq t2 = ry_sq * x1prim_sq c = sqrt(abs((rx_sq * ry_sq - t1 - t2) / (t1 + t2))) if self.arc == self.sweep: c = -c cxprim = c * rx * y1prim / ry cyprim = -c * ry * x1prim / rx = complex((cosr * cxprim - sinr * cyprim) + ((self.start0.real + self.end0.real) / 2), (sinr * cxprim + cosr * cyprim) + ((self.start0.imag + self.end0.imag) / 2)) ux = (x1prim - cxprim) / rx uy = (y1prim - cyprim) / ry vx = (-x1prim - cxprim) / rx vy = (-y1prim - cyprim) / ry n = sqrt(ux * ux + uy * uy) p = ux theta = degrees(acos(p / n)) if uy < 0: theta = -theta self.theta = theta % 360 n = sqrt((ux * ux + uy * uy) * (vx * vx + vy * vy)) p = ux * vx + uy * vy d = p/n # In certain cases the above calculation can through inaccuracies # become just slightly out of range, f ex -1.0000000000000002. if d > 1.0: d = 1.0 elif d < -1.0: d = -1.0 delta = degrees(acos(d)) if (ux * vy - uy * vx) < 0: delta = -delta = delta % 360 if not self.sweep: -= 360 def point(self, pos): if pos == 0.: return self.start elif pos == 1.: return self.end angle = radians(self.theta + ( * pos)) cosr = cos(radians(self.rotation)) sinr = sin(radians(self.rotation)) x = (cosr * cos(angle) * self.radius.real - sinr * sin(angle) * self.radius.imag + y = (sinr * cos(angle) * self.radius.real + cosr * sin(angle) * self.radius.imag + return self.scaler(complex(x, y)) def length(self, error=ERROR, min_depth=MIN_DEPTH): """The length of an elliptical arc segment requires numerical integration, and in that case it's simpler to just do a geometric approximation, as for cubic bezier curves. """ start_point = self.point(0) end_point = self.point(1) return segment_length(self, 0, 1, start_point, end_point, error, min_depth, 0) class SVGState(object): def __init__(self, fill=(0.,0.,0.), fillOpacity=None, fillRule='nonzero', stroke=None, strokeOpacity=None, strokeWidth=0.1, strokeWidthScaling=True): self.fill = fill self.fillOpacity = fillOpacity self.fillRule = fillRule self.stroke = stroke self.strokeOpacity = strokeOpacity self.strokeWidth = strokeWidth self.strokeWidthScaling = strokeWidthScaling def clone(self): return SVGState(fill=self.fill, fillOpacity=self.fillOpacity, fillRule=self.fillRule, stroke=self.stroke, strokeOpacity=self.strokeOpacity, strokeWidth=self.strokeWidth, strokeWidthScaling=self.strokeWidthScaling) class Path(MutableSequence): """A Path is a sequence of path segments""" # Put it here, so there is a default if unpickled. _closed = False def __init__(self, *segments, **kw): self._segments = list(segments) self._length = None self._lengths = None if 'closed' in kw: self.closed = kw['closed'] if 'svgState' in kw: self.svgState = kw['svgState'] else: self.svgState = SVGState() def __getitem__(self, index): return self._segments[index] def __setitem__(self, index, value): self._segments[index] = value self._length = None def __delitem__(self, index): del self._segments[index] self._length = None def insert(self, index, value): self._segments.insert(index, value) self._length = None def reverse(self): # Reversing the order of a path would require reversing each element # as well. That's not implemented. raise NotImplementedError def __len__(self): return len(self._segments) def __repr__(self): return 'Path(%s, closed=%s)' % ( ', '.join(repr(x) for x in self._segments), self.closed) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Path): return NotImplemented if len(self) != len(other): return False for s, o in zip(self._segments, other._segments): if not s == o: return False return True def __ne__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Path): return NotImplemented return not self == other def _calc_lengths(self, error=ERROR, min_depth=MIN_DEPTH): ## TODO: check if error has decreased since last calculation if self._length is not None: return lengths = [each.length(error=error, min_depth=min_depth) for each in self._segments] self._length = sum(lengths) self._lengths = [each / (1 if self._length==0. else self._length) for each in lengths] def point(self, pos, error=ERROR): # Shortcuts if pos == 0.0: return self._segments[0].point(pos) if pos == 1.0: return self._segments[-1].point(pos) self._calc_lengths(error=error) # Find which segment the point we search for is located on: segment_start = 0 for index, segment in enumerate(self._segments): segment_end = segment_start + self._lengths[index] if segment_end >= pos: # This is the segment! How far in on the segment is the point? segment_pos = (pos - segment_start) / (segment_end - segment_start) break segment_start = segment_end return segment.point(segment_pos) def length(self, error=ERROR, min_depth=MIN_DEPTH): self._calc_lengths(error, min_depth) return self._length def measure(self, start, end, error=ERROR, min_depth=MIN_DEPTH): self._calc_lengths(error=error) if start == 0.0 and end == 1.0: return self.length() length = 0 segment_start = 0 for index, segment in enumerate(self._segments): if end <= segment_start: break segment_end = segment_start + self._lengths[index] if start < segment_end: # this segment intersects the part of the path we want if start <= segment_start and segment_end <= end: # whole segment is contained in the part of the path length += self._lengths[index] * self._length else: if start <= segment_start: start_in_segment = 0. else: start_in_segment = (start-segment_start)/(segment_end-segment_start) if segment_end <= end: end_in_segment = 1. else: end_in_segment = (end-segment_start)/(segment_end-segment_start) segment = self._segments[index] length += segment_length(segment, start_in_segment, end_in_segment, segment.point(start_in_segment), segment.point(end_in_segment), error, MIN_DEPTH, 0) segment_start = segment_end return length def _is_closable(self): """Returns true if the end is on the start of a segment""" try: end = self[-1].end except: return False for segment in self: if segment.start == end: return True return False def breakup(self): paths = [] prevEnd = None segments = [] for segment in self._segments: if prevEnd is None or segment.point(0.) == prevEnd: segments.append(segment) else: paths.append(Path(*segments, svgState=self.svgState)) segments = [segment] prevEnd = segment.point(1.) if len(segments) > 0: paths.append(Path(*segments, svgState=self.svgState)) return paths def linearApproximation(self, error=0.001, max_depth=32): closed = False keepSegmentIndex = 0 if self.closed: end = self[-1].end for i,segment in enumerate(self): if segment.start == end: keepSegmentIndex = i closed = True break keepSubpathIndex = 0 keepPointIndex = 0 subpaths = [] subpath = [] prevEnd = None for i,segment in enumerate(self._segments): if prevEnd is None or segment.start == prevEnd: if i == keepSegmentIndex: keepSubpathIndex = len(subpaths) keepPointIndex = len(subpath) else: subpaths.append(subpath) subpath = [] subpath += segment.getApproximatePoints(error=error/2., max_depth=max_depth) prevEnd = segment.end if len(subpath) > 0: subpaths.append(subpath) linearPath = Path(svgState=self.svgState) for i,subpath in enumerate(subpaths): keep = set((keepPointIndex,)) if i == keepSubpathIndex else set() special = None if i == keepSubpathIndex: special = subpath[keepPointIndex] points = removeCollinear(subpath, error=error/2., pointsToKeep=keep) # points = subpath for j in range(len(points)-1): linearPath.append(Line(points[j], points[j+1])) linearPath.closed = self.closed and linearPath._is_closable() linearPath.svgState = self.svgState return linearPath def getApproximateLines(self, error=0.001, max_depth=32): lines = [] for subpath in self.breakup(): points = subpath.getApproximatePoints(error=error, max_depth=max_depth) for i in range(len(points)-1): lines.append(points[i],points[i+1]) return lines @property def closed(self): """Checks that the path is closed""" return self._closed and self._is_closable() @closed.setter def closed(self, value): value = bool(value) if value and not self._is_closable(): raise ValueError("End does not coincide with a segment start.") self._closed = value def d(self): if self.closed: segments = self[:-1] else: segments = self[:] current_pos = None parts = [] previous_segment = None end = self[-1].end for segment in segments: start = segment.start # If the start of this segment does not coincide with the end of # the last segment or if this segment is actually the close point # of a closed path, then we should start a new subpath here. if current_pos != start or (self.closed and start == end): parts.append('M {0:G},{1:G}'.format(start.real, start.imag)) if isinstance(segment, Line): parts.append('L {0:G},{1:G}'.format( segment.end.real, segment.end.imag) ) elif isinstance(segment, CubicBezier): if segment.is_smooth_from(previous_segment): parts.append('S {0:G},{1:G} {2:G},{3:G}'.format( segment.control2.real, segment.control2.imag, segment.end.real, segment.end.imag) ) else: parts.append('C {0:G},{1:G} {2:G},{3:G} {4:G},{5:G}'.format( segment.control1.real, segment.control1.imag, segment.control2.real, segment.control2.imag, segment.end.real, segment.end.imag) ) elif isinstance(segment, QuadraticBezier): if segment.is_smooth_from(previous_segment): parts.append('T {0:G},{1:G}'.format( segment.end.real, segment.end.imag) ) else: parts.append('Q {0:G},{1:G} {2:G},{3:G}'.format( segment.control.real, segment.control.imag, segment.end.real, segment.end.imag) ) elif isinstance(segment, Arc): parts.append('A {0:G},{1:G} {2:G} {3:d},{4:d} {5:G},{6:G}'.format( segment.radius.real, segment.radius.imag, segment.rotation, int(segment.arc), int(segment.sweep), segment.end.real, segment.end.imag) ) current_pos = segment.end previous_segment = segment if self.closed: parts.append('Z') return ' '.join(parts)