! dconv9gam.scl ! Convex closure in gamelismic of 9-limit diamond in 190-tET 31 ! 31.57895 82.10526 151.57895 183.15789 202.10526 233.68421 265.26316 315.78947 385.26316 416.84211 435.78947 467.36842 498.94737 549.47368 581.05263 618.94737 650.52632 701.05263 732.63158 764.21053 783.15789 814.73684 884.21053 934.73684 966.31579 997.89474 1016.84211 1048.42105 1117.89474 1168.42105 2/1 !! dconv9gamr.scl !! !2.5.7 transveral of convex closure in gamelismic of 9-limit diamond ! 31 !! ! 16807/16384 ! 256/245 ! 35/32 ! 131072/117649 ! 588245/524288 ! 8/7 ! 2401/2048 ! 2048/1715 ! 5/4 ! 1048576/823543 ! 84035/65536 ! 64/49 ! 343/256 ! 16384/12005 ! 7/5 ! 10/7 ! 12005/8192 ! 512/343 ! 49/32 ! 131072/84035 ! 823543/524288 ! 8/5 ! 1715/1024 ! 4096/2401 ! 7/4 ! 1048576/588245 ! 117649/65536 ! 64/35 ! 245/128 ! 32768/16807 ! 2/1