! fokker_uv.scl ! Table of Unison Vectors, Microsons and Minisons, from article KNAW, 1969 70 ! 4375/4374 2401/2400 420175/419904 2460375/2458624 32805/32768 65625/65536 2100875/2097152 102760448/102515625 6144/6125 3136/3125 10976/10935 225/224 15625/15552 321489/320000 1029/1024 2109375/2097152 2097152/2083725 1728/1715 4000/3969 126/125 245/243 413343/409600 33075/32768 65536/64827 110592/109375 2048/2025 2430/2401 81/80 875/864 531441/524288 1063125/1048576 34034175/33554432 4194304/4134375 2097152/2066715 31104/30625 64/63 686/675 3125/3072 300125/294912 131072/128625 327680/321489 100352/98415 50/49 49/48 234375/229376 535815/524288 1071875/1048576 12288/12005 128/125 2240/2187 5625/5488 525/512 16807/16384 786432/765625 131072/127575 36/35 12005/11664 540225/524288 16128/15625 6272/6075 405/392 1323/1280 42875/41472 648/625 28/27 25/24 21/20 135/128 3584/3375 625/588