#! /usr/bin/env python3 ''' Generates Inkscape SVG file containing box components needed to laser cut a tabbed construction box taking kerf and clearance into account Copyright (C) 2011 elliot white elliot@twot.eu This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . ''' __version__ = "0.8" ### please report bugs, suggestions etc to bugs@twot.eu ### from ink_helper import * from lxml import etree def drill(center, diameter, n_pt): from math import sin, cos, pi center = Vec2(center) radius = diameter / 2. out = Vec2([1, 0]) up = Vec2([0, 1]) path = Path([center + out * radius]) dtheta = (2 * pi) / n_pt for i in range(n_pt + 1): path.append(center + out * radius * cos(i * dtheta) + up * radius * sin(i * dtheta)) return path def t_slot(center, orient, screw_diameter, nut_diameter): ''' make one t-slot starting __ | | -----------+ +-----+ ------ | ^ x center | screw_diameter x----------------------> orient | v -----------+ +-----+ ------ | | -- ''' orient = Vec2(orient) out = orient / orient.norm() up = Vec2([out[1], -out[0]]) center = Vec2(center) screw_r = screw_diameter / 2. nut_r = nut_diameter / 2. nut_w = screw_diameter path = Path([center + up * screw_r]) path.append_from_last(orient) path.append_from_last(up * (nut_r - screw_r)) path.append_from_last(out * (nut_w)) path.append_from_last(-up * (nut_r - screw_r)) path.append_from_last(out * (screw_length - thickness - orient.norm() - nut_w)) path.append_from_last(-up * screw_r) path.extend(path.reflect(center, up).reverse()) return path def t_slots(rx, ry, sox, soy, eox, eoy, tabVec, length, dirx, diry, isTab, do_holes): # root startOffset endOffset tabVec length direction isTab divs=int(length/nomTab) # divisions if not divs%2: divs-=1 # make divs odd divs=float(divs) tabs=(divs-1)/2 # tabs for side if equalTabs: gapWidth=tabWidth=length/divs else: tabWidth=nomTab gapWidth=(length-tabs*nomTab)/(divs-tabs) if isTab: # kerf correction gapWidth-=correction tabWidth+=correction first=correction/2 else: gapWidth+=correction tabWidth-=correction first=-correction/2 s=[] firstVec=0; secondVec=tabVec dirxN=0 if dirx else 1 # used to select operation on x or y diryN=0 if diry else 1 (Vx,Vy)=(rx+sox*thickness,ry+soy*thickness) nut_diameter = 2 * screw_diameter step = Vec2([dirx * (tabWidth + gapWidth + firstVec * 2), diry * (tabWidth + gapWidth + firstVec * 2)]) orient = Vec2([-diry * (screw_length - thickness - screw_diameter), dirx * (screw_length - thickness - screw_diameter)]) center = Vec2(Vx + dirx * (gapWidth + tabWidth/2.), Vy + diry * (gapWidth + tabWidth/2.)) + (orient / orient.norm()) * thickness slot = t_slot(center, orient, screw_diameter, nut_diameter) hole = drill(center - (orient / orient.norm()) * (thickness * 1.5 + spacing), screw_diameter, 360) slots = [] holes = [] for i in range(0, int(divs / 2), 1): slots.append(slot.translate(step * i)) if do_holes: holes.append(hole.translate(step * i)) holes.append(hole.translate(step * i - orient / orient.norm() * (Z - thickness) )) out = [s.drawXY() for s in slots] out.extend([h.drawXY() for h in holes]) return out def side(rx, ry, sox, soy, eox, eoy, tabVec, length, dirx, diry, isTab): # root startOffset endOffset tabVec length direction isTab divs=int(length/nomTab) # divisions if not divs%2: divs-=1 # make divs odd divs=float(divs) tabs=(divs-1)/2 # tabs for side if equalTabs: gapWidth=tabWidth=length/divs else: tabWidth=nomTab gapWidth=(length-tabs*nomTab)/(divs-tabs) if isTab: # kerf correction gapWidth-=correction tabWidth+=correction first=correction/2 else: gapWidth+=correction tabWidth-=correction first=-correction/2 firstVec=0; secondVec=tabVec dirxN=0 if dirx else 1 # used to select operation on x or y diryN=0 if diry else 1 (Vx,Vy)=(rx+sox*thickness,ry+soy*thickness) s='M '+str(Vx)+','+str(Vy)+' ' if dirxN: Vy=ry # set correct line start if diryN: Vx=rx # generate line as tab or hole using: # last co-ord:Vx,Vy ; tab dir:tabVec ; direction:dirx,diry ; thickness:thickness # divisions:divs ; gap width:gapWidth ; tab width:tabWidth for n in range(1,int(divs)): if n%2: Vx=Vx+dirx*gapWidth+dirxN*firstVec+first*dirx Vy=Vy+diry*gapWidth+diryN*firstVec+first*diry s+='L '+str(Vx)+','+str(Vy)+' ' Vx=Vx+dirxN*secondVec Vy=Vy+diryN*secondVec s+='L '+str(Vx)+','+str(Vy)+' ' else: Vx=Vx+dirx*tabWidth+dirxN*firstVec Vy=Vy+diry*tabWidth+diryN*firstVec s+='L '+str(Vx)+','+str(Vy)+' ' Vx=Vx+dirxN*secondVec Vy=Vy+diryN*secondVec s+='L '+str(Vx)+','+str(Vy)+' ' (secondVec,firstVec)=(-secondVec,-firstVec) # swap tab direction first=0 s+='L '+str(rx+eox*thickness+dirx*length)+','+str(ry+eoy*thickness+diry*length)+' ' return s class TSlotBoxMaker(inkex.Effect): def add_arguments(self, pars): pars.add_argument('--unit', default='mm',help='Measure Units') pars.add_argument('--inside',type=int, default=0, help='Int/Ext Dimension') pars.add_argument('--length',type=float, default=100, help='Length of Box') pars.add_argument('--width',type=float, default=100, help='Width of Box') pars.add_argument('--depth',type=float, default=100, help='Height of Box') pars.add_argument('--tab',type=float, default=25, help='Nominal Tab Width') pars.add_argument('--equal',type=int, default=0, help='Equal/Prop Tabs') pars.add_argument('--thickness',type=float, default=10, help='Thickness of Material') pars.add_argument('--kerf',type=float, default=0.5, help='Kerf (width) of cut') pars.add_argument('--clearance',type=float, default=0.01, help='Clearance of joints') pars.add_argument('--style',type=int, default=25, help='Layout/Style') pars.add_argument('--spacing',type=float, default=25, help='Part Spacing') pars.add_argument('--screw_length',type=float, default=25, help='Screw Length') pars.add_argument('--screw_diameter',type=float, default=25, help='Screw Diameter') def effect(self): global parent,nomTab,equalTabs,thickness,correction, screw_length, screw_diameter, spacing, Z # Get access to main SVG document element and get its dimensions. svg = self.document.getroot() # Get the attibutes: widthDoc = self.svg.unittouu(svg.get('width')) heightDoc = self.svg.unittouu(svg.get('height')) # Create a new layer. layer = etree.SubElement(svg, 'g') layer.set(inkex.addNS('label', 'inkscape'), 'T-Slot Box') layer.set(inkex.addNS('groupmode', 'inkscape'), 'layer') parent=self.svg.get_current_layer() # Get script's option values. unit=self.options.unit inside=self.options.inside X = self.svg.unittouu( str(self.options.length) + unit ) Y = self.svg.unittouu( str(self.options.width) + unit ) Z = self.svg.unittouu( str(self.options.depth) + unit ) thickness = self.svg.unittouu( str(self.options.thickness) + unit ) nomTab = self.svg.unittouu( str(self.options.tab) + unit ) equalTabs=self.options.equal kerf = self.svg.unittouu( str(self.options.kerf) + unit ) clearance = self.svg.unittouu( str(self.options.clearance) + unit ) layout=self.options.style spacing = self.svg.unittouu( str(self.options.spacing) + unit ) screw_length = self.svg.unittouu( str(self.options.screw_length) + unit ) screw_diameter = self.svg.unittouu( str(self.options.screw_diameter) + unit ) if inside: # if inside dimension selected correct values to outside dimension X+=thickness*2 Y+=thickness*2 Z+=thickness*2 correction=kerf-clearance # check input values mainly to avoid python errors # TODO restrict values to *correct* solutions error=0 if min(X,Y,Z)==0: inkex.errormsg(_('Error: Dimensions must be non zero')) error=1 if max(X,Y,Z)>max(widthDoc,heightDoc)*10: # crude test inkex.errormsg(_('Error: Dimensions Too Large')) error=1 if min(X,Y,Z)<3*nomTab: inkex.errormsg(_('Error: Tab size too large')) error=1 if nomTabmin(X,Y,Z)/3: # crude test inkex.errormsg(_('Error: Material too thick')) error=1 if correction>min(X,Y,Z)/3: # crude test inkex.errormsg(_('Error: Kerf/Clearence too large')) error=1 if spacing>max(X,Y,Z)*10: # crude test inkex.errormsg(_('Error: Spacing too large')) error=1 if spacing 0=holes 1=tabs if layout==1: # Diagramatic Layout pieces=[[(2,0,0,1),(3,0,1,1),X,Z,0b1010, False, False], [(1,0,0,0),(2,0,0,1),Z,Y,0b1111, False, False], [(2,0,0,1),(2,0,0,1),X,Y,0b0000, True, True], [(3,1,0,1),(2,0,0,1),Z,Y,0b1111, False, False], [(4,1,0,2),(2,0,0,1),X,Y,0b0000, True, False], [(2,0,0,1),(1,0,0,0),X,Z,0b1010, False, False]] elif layout==2: # 3 Piece Layout pieces=[[(2,0,0,1),(2,0,1,0),X,Z,0b1010, False, False], [(1,0,0,0),(1,0,0,0),Z,Y,0b1111, False, False], [(2,0,0,1),(1,0,0,0),X,Y,0b0000, False, False]] elif layout==3: # Inline(compact) Layout pieces=[[(1,0,0,0),(1,0,0,0),X,Y,0b0000, False, False], [(2,1,0,0),(1,0,0,0),X,Y,0b0000, False, False], [(3,2,0,0),(1,0,0,0),Z,Y,0b0101, False, False], [(4,2,0,1),(1,0,0,0),Z,Y,0b0101, False, False], [(5,2,0,2),(1,0,0,0),X,Z,0b1111, False, False], [(6,3,0,2),(1,0,0,0),X,Z,0b1111, False, False]] elif layout==4: # Diagramatic Layout with Alternate Tab Arrangement pieces=[[(2,0,0,1),(3,0,1,1),X,Z,0b1001, False, False], [(1,0,0,0),(2,0,0,1),Z,Y,0b1100, False, False], [(2,0,0,1),(2,0,0,1),X,Y,0b1100, False, False], [(3,1,0,1),(2,0,0,1),Z,Y,0b0110, False, False], [(4,1,0,2),(2,0,0,1),X,Y,0b0110, False, False], [(2,0,0,1),(1,0,0,0),X,Z,0b1100, False, False]] for piece in pieces: # generate and draw each piece of the box (xs,xx,xy,xz)=piece[0] (ys,yx,yy,yz)=piece[1] x=xs*spacing+xx*X+xy*Y+xz*Z # root x co-ord for piece y=ys*spacing+yx*X+yy*Y+yz*Z # root y co-ord for piece dx=piece[2] dy=piece[3] tabs=piece[4] slots = piece[5] holes = piece[6] a=tabs>>3&1; b=tabs>>2&1; c=tabs>>1&1; d=tabs&1 # extract tab status for each side # generate and draw the sides of each piece drawS(side(x , y , d, a, -b, a, -thickness if a else thickness, dx, 1, 0, a), layer) # side a drawS(side(x+dx, y , -b, a, -b, -c, thickness if b else -thickness, dy, 0, 1, b), layer) # side b drawS(side(x+dx, y+dy, -b, -c, d, -c, thickness if c else -thickness, dx, -1, 0, c), layer) # side c drawS(side(x , y+dy, d, -c, d, a, -thickness if d else thickness, dy, 0, -1, d), layer) # side d # side((rx,ry),(sox,soy),(eox,eoy),tabVec,length,(dirx,diry),isTab): # root startOffset endOffset tabVec length direction isTab if slots: [drawS(slot, layer) for slot in t_slots(x , y , d, a, -b, a, -thickness if a else thickness, dx, 1, 0, a, holes)] # slot a [drawS(slot, layer) for slot in t_slots(x+dx, y , -b, a, -b, -c, thickness if b else -thickness, dy, 0, 1, b, holes)] # slot b [drawS(slot, layer) for slot in t_slots(x+dx, y+dy , -b, -c, d, -c, thickness if c else -thickness, dx, -1, 0, c, holes)] # slot c [drawS(slot, layer) for slot in t_slots(x , y+dy , d, -c, d, a, -thickness if d else thickness, dy, 0, -1, d, holes)] # slot d # Create effect instance and apply it. TSlotBoxMaker().run()