#!/usr/bin/env python3 import inkex import math from lxml import etree class BoundingBox(inkex.EffectExtension): def add_arguments(self, pars): pars.add_argument('--offset', type=float, default=0.0, help='Offset from object (all directions)') pars.add_argument('--unit', default="mm") pars.add_argument('--box', type=inkex.Boolean, default=0.0, help='Draw boxes') pars.add_argument('--corner_radius', type=float, default=0.0, help='Corner radius') pars.add_argument('--circle', type=inkex.Boolean, default=0.0, help='Draw circles') pars.add_argument('--split', type = inkex.Boolean, default = True, help = 'Handle selection as group') def drawBBox(self, bbox): so = self.options offset = self.svg.unittouu(str(so.offset) + so.unit) if self.options.box: attribs = { 'style' : str(inkex.Style({'stroke':'#ff0000','stroke-width':str(self.svg.unittouu("1px")),'fill':'none'})), 'x' : str(bbox.left - offset), 'y' : str(bbox.top - offset), 'width' : str(bbox.width + 2 * offset), 'height': str(bbox.height + 2 * offset), 'ry' : str(self.options.corner_radius), 'rx' : str(self.options.corner_radius) } etree.SubElement(self.svg.get_current_layer(), inkex.addNS('rect','svg'), attribs) if self.options.circle: attribs = { 'style': str(inkex.Style({'stroke':'#ff0000','stroke-width':str(self.svg.unittouu("1px")),'fill':'none'})), 'cx' : str(bbox.center_x), 'cy' : str(bbox.center_y), #'r' : str(bbox.width / 2 + offset), 'r' : str(math.sqrt((bbox.width + 2 * offset)* (bbox.width + 2 * offset) + (bbox.height + 2 * self.options.offset) * (bbox.height + 2 * self.options.offset)) / 2), } etree.SubElement(self.svg.get_current_layer(), inkex.addNS('circle','svg'), attribs) def effect(self): scale_factor = self.svg.unittouu("1px") if len(self.svg.selected) > 0: if self.options.split is False: for element in self.svg.selected.values(): self.drawBBox(element.bounding_box()) else: #combined bbox #self.drawBBox(self.svg.get_selected_bbox()) #works for InkScape (1:1.0+devel+202008292235+eff2292935) @ Linux and for Windows (but with deprecation) #self.drawBBox(self.svg.selection.bounding_box()) #works for InkScape 1.1dev (9b1fc87, 2020-08-27)) @ Windows bbox = inkex.BoundingBox() for element in self.svg.selected.values(): if isinstance (element, inkex.ShapeElement) and element.tag != inkex.addNS('use','svg') and element.get('inkscape:groupmode') != 'layer': #bbox fails for svg:use elements and layers: bbox += element.bounding_box() self.drawBBox(bbox) else: inkex.errormsg('Please select some objects first.') return if __name__ == '__main__': BoundingBox().run()