2022-12-06 22:37:33 +01:00

338 lines
11 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
Defintion of Common functions and variables used by stroke font extensions
Copyright (C) 2019 Shrinivas Kulkarni
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
import sys, os, fileinput, re, locale
from inkex import errormsg, addNS, NSS
from xml.dom.minidom import parse, Document
from math import ceil
from lxml import etree
from inkex import Style, Boolean
from inkex.paths import Path, CubicSuperPath, Transform
from inkex import bezier
# sys path already includes the module folder
from stroke_font_manager import CharData, getFontNames, xAscent, \
xDescent, xCapHeight, xXHeight, xSpaceROff, xFontId, xSize
class CommonDefs:
# inx filed that have the font list to be synchronized
inxFilesWithDynFont = ['render_stroke_font_text.inx', 'edit_stroke_font.inx']
vgScaleFact = 2.
lineT = .005
idAttribName = 'id'
hGuideIDPrefix = 'h_'
lvGuideIDPrefix = 'lv_'
rvGuideIDPrefix = 'rv_'
fontOtherInfo = 'otherInfo'
encoding = sys.stdin.encoding
if(encoding == 'cp0' or encoding is None):
encoding = locale.getpreferredencoding()
def getPartsFromCubicSuper(csp):
parts = []
for subpath in csp:
part = []
prevBezPt = None
for i, bezierPt in enumerate(subpath):
if(prevBezPt != None):
seg = [prevBezPt[1], prevBezPt[2], bezierPt[0], bezierPt[1]]
prevBezPt = bezierPt
return parts
def formatStyle(styleStr):
return str(Style(styleStr))
def getCubicSuperPath(d = None):
if(d == None): return CubicSuperPath([])
return CubicSuperPath(Path(d).to_superpath())
def getCubicLength(csp):
return bezier.csplength(csp)[1]
def getCubicBoundingBox(csp):
bbox = csp.to_path().bounding_box()
return bbox.left, bbox.right, bbox.top, bbox.bottom
def formatSuperPath(csp):
return csp.__str__()
def getParsedPath(d):
return [[seg.letter, list(seg.args)] for seg in Path(d).to_absolute()]
def applyTransform(mat, csp):
def getTranslatedPath(d, posX, posY):
path = Path(d)
path.translate(posX, posY, inplace = True)
return path.to_superpath().__str__()
def getTransformMat(matAttr):
return Transform(matAttr)
def getCurrentLayer(effect):
return effect.svg.get_current_layer()
def getViewCenter(effect):
return effect.svg.namedview.center
def computePtInNode(vc, layer):
return (-layer.transform).apply_to_point(vc)
def getSelectedElements(effect):
return effect.svg.selected
def getEtree():
return etree
def getAddFnTypes(effect):
addFn = effect.arg_parser.add_argument
typeFloat = float
typeInt = int
typeString = str
typeBool = Boolean
return addFn, typeFloat, typeInt, typeString, typeBool
def runEffect(effect):
def getDecodedChars(chars):
return chars
def indentStr(cnt):
ostr = ''
for i in range(0, cnt):
ostr += ' '
return ostr
def getXMLItemsStr(sectMarkerLine, sectMarker, fontNames):
lSpaces = sectMarkerLine.find(sectMarker)
outStr = indentStr(lSpaces) + sectMarker + ' [start] -->\n'
for fName in fontNames:
outStr += indentStr(lSpaces + 4) + '<item value="' + fName + '">' + fName + '</item>\n'
outStr += indentStr(lSpaces) + sectMarker + ' [end] -->\n'
return outStr
def syncFontList(extPath):
sectMarker = '<!-- ##! dynamically generated portion'
sectMarkerLine = None
xmlFilePaths = [extPath + "/" + f for f in CommonDefs.inxFilesWithDynFont]
fontNames = getFontNames(extPath)
for xf in xmlFilePaths:
for line in fileinput.input(xf, inplace = True):
if sectMarker in line:
if(sectMarkerLine != None):
eval("print(getXMLItemsStr(sectMarkerLine, sectMarker, fontNames), end = '')")
sectMarkerLine = None
sectMarkerLine = line
if(sectMarkerLine == None):
eval("print(line, end = '')")
except Exception as e:
errormsg('Error updating font list...\n' + str(e))
def addGridLine(layer, posX, posY, length, lType, style, attribs):
line = etree.Element(addNS('path','svg'))
d = 'M '+str(posX) + ' ' + str(posY) +' '+ lType +' '
if(lType == 'H'):
d += str(posX + length)
if(lType == 'V'):
d += str(posY + length)
line.set('style', formatStyle(style))
line.set('d', d)
for key in attribs:
line.set(key, attribs[key])
def addText(layer, textStr, posX, posY, style):
text = etree.Element(addNS('text','svg'))
text.text = textStr
text.set('x', str(posX))
text.set('y', str(posY))
text.set('style', formatStyle(style))
def createTempl(callback, effect, extraInfo, rowCnt, glyphCnt, \
vgScaleFact, createRvGuides, lineT, newCallBackLayerName = None):
hgStyle = {'stroke-width':str(lineT), 'opacity':'1', 'stroke':'#ff0066'}
lvgStyle = {'stroke-width':str(lineT), 'opacity':'1', 'stroke':'#00aa88'}
rvgStyle = {'stroke-width':str(lineT), 'opacity':'1', 'stroke':'#1b46ff'}
fontSize = extraInfo[xSize]
spcY = fontSize * 3
spcX = fontSize * 3
fontSize = extraInfo[xSize]
vLineH = fontSize * vgScaleFact
colCnt = int(ceil(float(glyphCnt) / float(rowCnt)))
docW = (colCnt + 1) * spcX
docH = (rowCnt + 1) * spcY
svg = effect.document.getroot()
svg.set('width', str(docW))
svg.set('height', str(docH))
#Remove viewbox
if('viewBox' in svg.attrib):
currLayers = svg.xpath('//svg:g', namespaces = NSS)
for layer in currLayers:
# Note: getparent()
parentLayer = layer.getparent()
if(parentLayer != None):
currExtraElems = svg.xpath('//svg:' + CommonDefs.fontOtherInfo, namespaces = NSS)
for elem in currExtraElems:
parentElem = elem.getparent()
extraInfoElem = etree.SubElement(svg, CommonDefs.fontOtherInfo)
extraInfoElem.set(xAscent, str(extraInfo[xAscent]))
extraInfoElem.set(xDescent, str(extraInfo[xDescent]))
extraInfoElem.set(xCapHeight, str(extraInfo[xCapHeight]))
extraInfoElem.set(xXHeight, str(extraInfo[xXHeight]))
extraInfoElem.set(xSpaceROff, str(extraInfo[xSpaceROff]))
extraInfoElem.set(xFontId, str(extraInfo[xFontId]))
extraInfoElem.set(xSize, str(extraInfo[xSize]))
templLayer = etree.SubElement(svg, 'g')
templLayer.set(addNS('label', 'inkscape'), 'Guides')
templLayer.set(addNS('groupmode', 'inkscape'), 'layer')
if(newCallBackLayerName != None):
callbackLayer = etree.SubElement(svg, 'g')
callbackLayer.set(addNS('label', 'inkscape'), newCallBackLayerName)
callbackLayer.set(addNS('groupmode', 'inkscape'), 'layer')
callbackLayer = templLayer
editLayer = etree.SubElement(svg, 'g')
editLayer.set(addNS('label', 'inkscape'), 'Glyphs')
editLayer.set(addNS('groupmode', 'inkscape'), 'layer')
editLayer.set('id', 'glyph')#TODO: How to make this dynamic?
view = svg.namedview
view.set(addNS('current-layer', 'inkscape'), editLayer.get('id'))
for row in range(0, rowCnt):
hAttribs = {CommonDefs.idAttribName : CommonDefs.hGuideIDPrefix + str(row)}
addGridLine(templLayer, 0, \
(row + 1) * spcY, docW, 'H', hgStyle, hAttribs)
for col in range(0, colCnt):
glyphIdx = row * colCnt + col
if(glyphIdx >= glyphCnt):
posX = (col + 1) * spcX
posY = (row + 1) * spcY# + lineT / 2
#Caller can create whatever it wants at this position
rOffset = callback(callbackLayer, editLayer, glyphIdx, posX, posY)
if(rOffset == None):
rOffset = fontSize
lvAttribs = {CommonDefs.idAttribName : CommonDefs.lvGuideIDPrefix + \
str(row).zfill(4) + '_' + str(col).zfill(4)}
addGridLine(templLayer, \
posX, posY + fontSize / 1.5, -vLineH, 'V', \
lvgStyle, lvAttribs)
rvAttribs = {CommonDefs.idAttribName : CommonDefs.rvGuideIDPrefix + \
str(row).zfill(4) + '_' + str(col).zfill(4)}
addGridLine(templLayer, \
posX + rOffset, posY + fontSize / 1.5, -vLineH, 'V', \
rvgStyle, rvAttribs)
def getCharStyle(strokeWidth, naChar):
#na character is a filled box
naStyle = { 'stroke': '#000000', 'fill': '#000000', 'stroke-width': strokeWidth}
charStyle = { 'stroke': '#000000', 'fill': 'none', 'stroke-width': strokeWidth,
'stroke-linecap':'round', 'stroke-linejoin':'round'}
return naStyle
return charStyle
class InkscapeCharData(CharData):
def __init__(self, char, rOffset, pathStr, glyphName):
self.pathStr = pathStr
super(InkscapeCharData, self).__init__(char, rOffset, glyphName)
def getBBox(self):
return getCubicBoundingBox(getCubicSuperPath(self.pathStr))
def scaleGlyph(self, scaleX, scaleY):
self.rOffset *= scaleX
cspath = getCubicSuperPath(self.pathStr)
for subpath in cspath:
for bezierPts in subpath:
for i in range(0, len(bezierPts)):
#No worries about origin...
bezierPts[i] = [bezierPts[i][0] * scaleX, bezierPts[i][1] * scaleY]
self.pathStr = formatSuperPath(cspath)
self.bbox = getCubicBoundingBox(cspath)
class InkscapeCharDataFactory:
def __init__(self):
def getCharData(self, char, rOffset, pathStr, glyphName):
return InkscapeCharData(char, rOffset, pathStr, glyphName)