/* */ "format cjs"; "use strict"; var _toolsProtectJs2 = require("./../../tools/protect.js"); var _toolsProtectJs3 = _interopRequireDefault(_toolsProtectJs2); exports.__esModule = true; exports.ComprehensionBlock = ComprehensionBlock; exports.ComprehensionExpression = ComprehensionExpression; _toolsProtectJs3["default"](module); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { "default": obj }; } /** * Prints ComprehensionBlock, prints left and right. */ function ComprehensionBlock(node, print) { this.keyword("for"); this.push("("); print.plain(node.left); this.push(" of "); print.plain(node.right); this.push(")"); } /** * Prints ComprehensionExpression, prints blocks, filter, and body. Handles generators. */ function ComprehensionExpression(node, print) { this.push(node.generator ? "(" : "["); print.join(node.blocks, { separator: " " }); this.space(); if (node.filter) { this.keyword("if"); this.push("("); print.plain(node.filter); this.push(")"); this.space(); } print.plain(node.body); this.push(node.generator ? ")" : "]"); }