import { Matrix } from '@doodle3d/cal'; import * as exportSTL from '@doodle3d/threejs-export-stl'; import * as exportOBJ from '@doodle3d/threejs-export-obj'; import * as THREE from 'three'; import ThreeBSP from 'three-js-csg'; import ClipperShape from '@doodle3d/clipper-js'; import ShapeMesh from '../d3/ShapeMesh.js'; import { applyMatrixOnShape, pathToVectorPath } from '../math/vectorUtils.js'; import { shapeToPoints } from '../shape/shapeToPoints.js'; import { SHAPE_TYPE_PROPERTIES } from '../shape/shapeTypeProperties.js'; import { bufferToBase64 } from '../utils/binaryUtils.js'; const THREE_BSP = ThreeBSP(THREE); // Causes y and z coord to flip so z is up const ROTATION_MATRIX = new THREE.Matrix4().makeRotationX(Math.PI / 2); const SCALE = 10.0; function createExportGeometry(shapeData, offsetSingleWalls, lineWidth) { let shapes = shapeToPoints(shapeData).map(({ points, holes }) => { const shape = applyMatrixOnShape([points, ...holes], shapeData.transform); return new ClipperShape(shape, shapeData.fill, true, false); }); if (shapeData.fill) { shapes = => shape .fixOrientation() .clean(0.01) ); } else if (offsetSingleWalls) { shapes = => shape .scaleUp(SCALE) .round() .offset(lineWidth * 2 * SCALE, { jointType: 'jtSquare', endType: 'etOpenButt' }) .simplify('pftNonZero') .scaleDown(SCALE) ); } const fill = shapeData.fill || offsetSingleWalls; shapes = shapes .map(shape => shape .mapToLower() .map(pathToVectorPath) ) .map(paths => paths.filter(path => path.length > 0)) .filter(paths => paths.length > 0) .map(paths => => { if (fill) path.push(path[0].clone()); return path; })) .map(([points, ...holes]) => ({ points, holes })); const objectMesh = new ShapeMesh({ ...shapeData, transform: new Matrix(), type: 'EXPORT_SHAPE', fill, shapes }); return objectMesh; } export function generateExportMesh(state, options = {}) { const { experimentalColorUnionExport = false, exportLineWidth = 2, offsetSingleWalls = true, matrix = ROTATION_MATRIX } = options; const geometries = []; const materials = []; for (const id in state.objectsById) { const shapeData = state.objectsById[id]; if (!SHAPE_TYPE_PROPERTIES[shapeData.type].D3Visible) continue; const { geometry, material } = createExportGeometry(shapeData, offsetSingleWalls, exportLineWidth); let objectGeometry = new THREE.Geometry().fromBufferGeometry(geometry); objectGeometry.mergeVertices(); objectGeometry.applyMatrix(state.spaces[].matrix); if (experimentalColorUnionExport) objectGeometry = new THREE_BSP(objectGeometry); const colorHex = material.color.getHex(); const index = materials.findIndex(exportMaterial => exportMaterial.color.getHex() === colorHex); if (index !== -1) { if (experimentalColorUnionExport) { geometries[index] = geometries[index].union(objectGeometry); } else { geometries[index].merge(objectGeometry); } } else { geometries.push(objectGeometry); materials.push(material); } } const exportGeometry = geometries.reduce((combinedGeometry, geometry, materialIndex) => { if (experimentalColorUnionExport) geometry = geometry.toMesh().geometry; combinedGeometry.merge(geometry, matrix, materialIndex); return combinedGeometry; }, new THREE.Geometry()); const exportMaterial = new THREE.MultiMaterial(materials); return new THREE.Mesh(exportGeometry, exportMaterial); } export async function createFile(objectsById, type, options) { const exportMesh = generateExportMesh(objectsById, options); switch (type) { case 'json-string': { const object = exportMesh.geometry.toJSON().data; const string = JSON.stringify(object); return string; } case 'json-blob': { const object = exportMesh.geometry.toJSON().data; const string = JSON.stringify(object); const blob = new Blob([string], { type: 'application/json' }); return blob; } case 'stl-string': { const string = exportSTL.fromMesh(exportMesh, false); return string; } case 'stl-base64': { const buffer = exportSTL.fromMesh(exportMesh, true); return bufferToBase64(buffer); } case 'stl-blob': { const buffer = exportSTL.fromMesh(exportMesh, true); return new Blob([buffer], { type: 'application/' }) } case 'obj-blob': { const buffer = await exportOBJ.fromMesh(exportMesh, true); return buffer; } case 'obj-base64': { const buffer = await exportOBJ.fromMesh(exportMesh, true); const base64 = bufferToBase64(buffer); return base64; } default: throw new Error(`did not regonize type ${type}`); } }