import * as actions from 'src/js/actions/index.js'; import * as d2Tools from 'src/js/constants/d2Tools.js'; import initialMenuStructure from 'src/js/constants/menu.js'; // import createDebug from 'debug'; // const debug = createDebug('d3d:reducer:menu:index'); // flatten & add menu structure const initialState = addChildren({}, initialMenuStructure); // read children recursivly and add them flat/unnested to the state function addChildren(state, childrenData) { return childrenData.reduce((reducedState, childData) => { reducedState = addItem(reducedState, childData); if (childData.children) { reducedState = addChildren(reducedState, childData.children); } return reducedState; }, { ...state }); } function addItem(state, data) { state[data.value] = { disabled: false, selected: '', open: false,, // override defaults with given data children: getChildrenValues(data.children) }; return state; } function getChildrenValues(childrenData = []) { return => child.value); } // item specific reducer function item(state, action) { switch (action.type) { case actions.sketcher.MENU_OPEN: case actions.sketcher.MENU_CLOSE: return { ...state, open: (action.type === actions.sketcher.MENU_OPEN) }; default: return state; } } function getMenu(state, targetValue) { if (state[targetValue] === undefined) { throw new Error(`Can't find menu item '${targetValue}'`); } for (const value in state) { if (state[value].children.indexOf(targetValue) !== -1) { return value; } } return null; } export const select = (state, value) => { const menuValue = getMenu(state, value); // debug(`selectItem: ${value} in ${menuValue}`); if (menuValue === null) return state; // select value in menu state = { ...state, [menuValue]: { ...state[menuValue], selected: value } }; // try selecting menu in it's menu state = select(state, menuValue); return state; }; export default function menusReducer(state = initialState, action) { if (action.category === actions.sketcher.CAT_SELECTION) { state = select(state, d2Tools.TRANSFORM); } switch (action.type) { case actions.sketcher.MENU_OPEN: case actions.sketcher.MENU_CLOSE: if (action.menuValue === undefined) return state; return { ...state, [action.menuValue]: item(state[action.menuValue], action) }; case actions.sketcher.D2_CHANGE_TOOL: case actions.sketcher.D3_CHANGE_TOOL: case actions.sketcher.CONTEXT_CHANGE_TOOL: // recursivly select items in menu's return select(state, action.tool); default: return state; } }