import fitCurve from 'fit-curve'; import Bezier from 'bezier-js'; import { Vector } from 'cal'; const DEFAULT_CURVE_ERROR = 3.0; const DEFAULT_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD = 1.0; export function fitPath(path, curveError = DEFAULT_CURVE_ERROR) { if (!path || path.length === 0) throw new Error('Path contains no points in fitPath'); const first = path[0].clone(); // store first point so it can be used in reduce function path ={ x, y }) => [x, y]); // convert path to [...[x, y]] format return fitCurve(path, curveError) .reduce((bezierPath, [ // convert to [...Vector] format. n+0 is path point, n+1 and n+2 are control points start, [controlPoint1X, controlPoint1Y], [controlPoint2X, controlPoint2Y], [endX, endY] ]) => { bezierPath.push( new Vector(controlPoint1X, controlPoint1Y), new Vector(controlPoint2X, controlPoint2Y), new Vector(endX, endY) ); return bezierPath; }, [first]); // always add first point } export function segmentBezierPath(bezierPath, distanceThreshold = DEFAULT_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD) { const path = []; for (let i = 0; i < bezierPath.length - 3; i += 3) { const bezierCurve = new Bezier( bezierPath[i].x, bezierPath[i].y, bezierPath[i + 1].x, bezierPath[i + 1].y, bezierPath[i + 2].x, bezierPath[i + 2].y, bezierPath[i + 3].x, bezierPath[i + 3].y ); path.push(...recursiveBezierSegmenter(distanceThreshold, bezierCurve)); } path.push(new Vector().copy(bezierPath[bezierPath.length - 1])); return path; } function recursiveBezierSegmenter( distanceThreshold, bezierCurve, tStart = 0.0, tEnd = 1.0, pStart = new Vector().copy(bezierCurve.get(tStart)), pEnd = new Vector().copy(bezierCurve.get(tEnd)) ) { const tCenter = (tStart + tEnd) * 0.5; const pCenter = new Vector().copy(bezierCurve.get(tCenter)); const distance = Math.abs(pEnd.subtract(pStart).normal().normalize().dot(pCenter.subtract(pStart))); if (distance > distanceThreshold) { const segmentStart = recursiveBezierSegmenter( distanceThreshold, bezierCurve, tStart, tCenter, pStart, pCenter ); const segmentEnd = recursiveBezierSegmenter( distanceThreshold, bezierCurve, tCenter, tEnd, pCenter, pEnd ); return segmentStart.concat(segmentEnd); } else { return [pStart]; } }