import React from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import * as actions from '../actions/index.js'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import Menu from '../components/Menu.js'; import SubMenu from '../components/SubMenu.js'; import MenuItem from '../components/MenuItem.js'; import * as contextTools from '../constants/contextTools.js'; import * as d2Tools from '../constants/d2Tools.js'; import { createSelector } from 'reselect'; import injectSheet from 'react-jss'; // import createDebug from 'debug'; // const debug = createDebug('d3d:sketchertoolbars'); const TOOLBAR2D = 'toolbar2d'; const TOOLBAR3D = 'toolbar3d'; const CONTEXT = 'context'; const styles = { contextMenuContainer: { position: 'absolute', left: 0, bottom: 0, right: 0, top: 0, display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center', pointerEvents: 'none', /* enable clicking through object */ '& *': { pointerEvents: 'visible' /* enable clicking in children */ } } } class SketcherToolbars extends React.Component { static propTypes = { dispatch: PropTypes.func.isRequired, toolbar2d: PropTypes.object, // TODO: specify further toolbar3d: PropTypes.object, // TODO: specify further context: PropTypes.object // TODO: specify further }; onSelect2D = ({ value }) => { const { dispatch } = this.props; dispatch(actions.d2ChangeTool(value)); }; onSelect3D = ({ value }) => { this.props.dispatch(actions.d3ChangeTool(value)); }; onSelectContext = ({ value }) => { switch (value) { case contextTools.DUPLICATE: this.props.dispatch(actions.duplicateSelection(value)); break; case contextTools.DELETE: this.props.dispatch(actions.deleteSelection(value)); break; case contextTools.UNION: this.props.dispatch(actions.union(value)); break; case contextTools.INTERSECT: this.props.dispatch(actions.intersect(value)); break; default: const { dispatch } = this.props; dispatch(actions.contextChangeTool(value)); break; } }; onOpen = ({ menuValue }) => { this.props.dispatch(actions.menuOpen(menuValue)); }; onClose = ({ menuValue }) => { this.props.dispatch(actions.menuClose(menuValue)); }; renderToolbar = (value, onSelect, data) => { return (
); }; render() { const { toolbar2d, toolbar3d, context, classes } = this.props; return (
{this.renderToolbar(TOOLBAR2D, this.onSelect2D, toolbar2d)} {this.renderToolbar(TOOLBAR3D, this.onSelect3D, toolbar3d)}
{context.children.length > 0 &&
{this.renderToolbar(CONTEXT, this.onSelectContext, context)}
); } } function renderChildren(children) { const components = []; for (const child of children) { let component; if (child.children.length > 0) { component = ( {renderChildren(child.children)} ); } else { component = ( ); } components.push(component); } return components; } function filterMenus(numSelectedObjects, allObjectsAreFilled, activeTool, menus) { const showUnion = activeTool === d2Tools.TRANSFORM && allObjectsAreFilled && numSelectedObjects >= 2; const showIntersect = activeTool === d2Tools.TRANSFORM && numSelectedObjects >= 1; return { ...menus, children: menus.children.filter(({ value }) => { switch (value) { case contextTools.ADVANCED: return showUnion || showIntersect; case contextTools.UNION: return showUnion; case contextTools.INTERSECT: return showIntersect; case contextTools.DUPLICATE: case contextTools.DELETE: case contextTools.FILL_TOGGLE: return numSelectedObjects > 0; case contextTools.ALIGN: return numSelectedObjects > 1; case contextTools.COLOR_PICKER: if (activeTool === d2Tools.ERASER) return false; if (activeTool === d2Tools.TRANSFORM && numSelectedObjects === 0) return false; return true; case contextTools.ERASER_SIZE: return activeTool === d2Tools.ERASER; case contextTools.BRUSH_SIZE: return activeTool === d2Tools.BRUSH; default: return true; } }).map(child => { return filterMenus(numSelectedObjects, allObjectsAreFilled, activeTool, child); }) }; } function nestChildren(menus, target) { // const targetStr = JSON.stringify(target); const children = => nestChildren(menus, menus[value])); const { selected } = target; return { svg: selected && children.find(({ value }) => value === selected).svg,, selected, children: children.filter(({ hide }) => !hide) }; } const getMenus = createSelector([ state => state.sketcher.present.menus, state => state.sketcher.present.selection.objects.length, state => state.sketcher.present.selection.objects.every(({ id }) => state.sketcher.present.objectsById[id].fill), state => state.sketcher.present.d2.tool ], (menus, numSelectedObjects, allObjectsAreFilled, activeTool) => ({ toolbar2d: filterMenus(numSelectedObjects, allObjectsAreFilled, activeTool, nestChildren(menus, menus[TOOLBAR2D])), toolbar3d: filterMenus(numSelectedObjects, allObjectsAreFilled, activeTool, nestChildren(menus, menus[TOOLBAR3D])), context: filterMenus(numSelectedObjects, allObjectsAreFilled, activeTool, nestChildren(menus, menus[CONTEXT])) })); const style = document.createElement('style'); style.innerHTML = ` .button { cursor: pointer; } #toolbar3d-container { position: absolute; right: 0; bottom: 0; width: 50%; } #toolbar3d { background-image: url('../img/toolbar3d/toolbar3d.png'); background-size: 493px auto; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center -4px; height: 77px; width: 493px; } #toolbar3d>.menuitem>.button, #toolbar3d>.submenu>.button { /* positioning buttons with padding to increase hit area */ padding: 10px 52px 0 52px; } /* 3D toolbar tools */ #toolbar3d #height-tool { background-image: url('../img/toolbar3d/btnExtrude.png'); background-size: 21px auto; width: 21px; height: 42px; } #toolbar3d #sculpt-tool { background-image: url('../img/toolbar3d/btnSculpt.png'); background-size: 39px auto; width: 39px; height: 42px; } #toolbar3d #twist-tool { background-image: url('../img/toolbar3d/btnTwist.png'); background-size: 40px auto; width: 40px; height: 42px; } #toolbar3d #cut-tool { background-image: url('../img/toolbar3d/btnCut.png'); background-size: 43px auto; width: 43px; height: 41px; } #toolbar3d #stamp-tool { background-image: url('../img/toolbar3d/btnStamp.png'); background-size: 43px auto; width: 40px; height: 42px; } /* 3D toolbar tools SELECTED */ #toolbar3d #height-tool.selected { background-image: url('../img/toolbar3d/btnExtrudeSelect.png'); } #toolbar3d #sculpt-tool.selected { background-image: url('../img/toolbar3d/btnSculptSelect.png'); } #toolbar3d #twist-tool.selected { background-image: url('../img/toolbar3d/btnTwistSelect.png'); } #toolbar3d #cut-tool.selected { background-image: url('../img/toolbar3d/btnCutSelect.png'); } #toolbar3d #stamp-tool.selected { background-image: url('../img/toolbar3d/btnStampSelect.png'); } @media (max-width: 900px) { #toolbar3d { background-image: none; background-color: white; height: 60px; } #toolbar3d>.menuitem>.button, #toolbar3d>.submenu>.button { padding: 10px 25px 0 25px; } } @media (max-width: 720px) { #toolbar3d>.menuitem>.button, #toolbar3d>.submenu>.button { padding: 10px 25px 0 25px; } } @media (max-width: 620px) { #toolbar3d>.menuitem>.button, #toolbar3d>.submenu>.button { padding: 10px 10px 0 10px; } } #context { background: #fff; border: 4px solid #000; border-radius: 1rem; } #context .submenu { position: relative; } #context .menu { z-index: 1; position: absolute; top: 50px; /* Using transform to center submenu Needed because some browser don't support flex-box's changed behaivior: Can't use the bottom toolbar's positioning system because this submenu needs to be in line with the flex direction */ left: 50%; transform: translateX(-50%); } #context .button { padding: 0.5rem 0.5rem 0.5rem 0.5rem; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center; } #context #duplicate-tool { background-image: url('../img/contextmenu/btnDuplicate.png'); background-size: 33px auto; height: 41px; } #context #delete-tool { background-image: url('../img/contextmenu/btnDelete.png'); background-size: 33px auto; height: 41px; } #context #union-tool { background-image: url('../img/contextmenu/btnGroup.png'); background-size: 33px auto; height: 41px; width: 30px; } #context #intersect-tool { background-image: url('../img/contextmenu/btnCutOut.png'); background-size: 33px auto; height: 41px; width: 30px; } #union-tool-menu, #intersect-tool-menu { background-image: url('../img/contextmenu/btnMore.png'); background-size: 33px auto; height: 41px; width: 30px; } #brush-size-small, #brush-size-small-menu, #eraser-size-small, #eraser-size-small-menu { background-image: url('../img/contextmenu/btnOutline1.png'); background-size: 33px auto; width: 33px; height: 41px; } #brush-size-medium, #brush-size-medium-menu, #eraser-size-medium, #eraser-size-medium-menu { background-image: url('../img/contextmenu/btnOutline2.png'); background-size: 33px auto; width: 33px; height: 41px; } #brush-size-large, #brush-size-large-menu, #eraser-size-large, #eraser-size-large-menu { background-image: url('../img/contextmenu/btnOutline3.png'); background-size: 33px auto; width: 33px; height: 41px; } #fill-toggle-fill, #fill-toggle-fill-menu { background-image: url('../img/contextmenu/btnShapeFill.png'); background-size: 33px auto; width: 33px; height: 41px; } #fill-toggle-outline, #fill-toggle-outline-menu { background-image: url('../img/contextmenu/btnShapeOutline.png'); background-size: 33px auto; width: 33px; height: 41px; } #hole-toggle-solid, #hole-toggle-solid-menu { background-image: url('../img/contextmenu/btnShapeFill.png'); background-size: 33px auto; width: 33px; height: 41px; } #hole-toggle-hole, #hole-toggle-hole-menu { background-image: url('../img/contextmenu/btnShapeOutline.png'); background-size: 33px auto; width: 33px; height: 41px; } #align-right-menu, #align-horizontal-menu, #align-left-menu, #align-top-menu, #align-vertical-menu, #align-bottom-menu { background-image: url('../img/contextmenu/btnAlignHorizontal.png'); background-size: 40px auto; width: 40px; height: 40px; } #align-left { background-image: url('../img/contextmenu/btnAlignLeft.png'); background-size: 40px auto; width: 40px; height: 40px; } #align-horizontal { background-image: url('../img/contextmenu/btnAlignHorizontal.png'); background-size: 40px auto; width: 40px; height: 40px; } #align-right { background-image: url('../img/contextmenu/btnAlignRight.png'); background-size: 40px auto; width: 40px; height: 40px; } #align-top { background-image: url('../img/contextmenu/btnAlignTop.png'); background-size: 40px auto; width: 40px; height: 40px; } #align-vertical { background-image: url('../img/contextmenu/btnAlignVertical.png'); background-size: 40px auto; width: 40px; height: 40px; } #align-bottom { background-image: url('../img/contextmenu/btnAlignBottom.png'); background-size: 40px auto; width: 40px; height: 40px; } #color-picker-tool .button { margin: 0.5rem 0.5rem 0.5rem 0.5rem; padding: 0; width: 33px; height: 41px; overflow: hidden; } #color-picker-tool .menu .button { width: 30px; height: 30px; } #color-picker-tool .menu { width: 185px; flex-wrap: wrap; } #align-tool .menu { width: 170px; flex-wrap: wrap; } #color-light-blue, #color-light-blue-menu { fill: #c8e4f7; } #color-light-green, #color-light-green-menu { fill: #cbe6c0; } #color-light-pink, #color-light-pink-menu { fill: #f8c4d8; } #color-light-yellow, #color-light-yellow-menu { fill: #f5f5c0; } #color-blue, #color-blue-menu { fill: #92c8ef; } #color-green, #color-green-menu { fill: #99cc81; } #color-pink, #color-pink-menu { fill: #f28bb1; } #color-yellow, #color-yellow-menu { fill: #ebea7f; } #color-dark-blue, #color-dark-blue-menu { fill: #50a8e4; } #color-dark-green, #color-dark-green-menu { fill: #5aae31; } #color-dark-pink, #color-dark-pink-menu { fill: #e94481; } #color-dark-yellow, #color-dark-yellow-menu { fill: #dfde24; } /* menu's */ .menu { list-style: none; margin: 0; padding: 0; border: none; } .menu .menuitem { display: block; } .menu .submenu { display: flex; /* put menu above button */ flex-direction: column-reverse; /* center menu above button */ align-items: center; /* overriding width making the submenu's menu doesn't take up space */ width: 64px; } .menu .submenu .menu { background-color: #fff; border: 4px solid #000; border-radius: 1rem; display: none; margin: 0 0 -0.5rem 0; } .menu .menu { display: flex; } .menu .submenu .button { padding: 0.2rem 0.6rem 0.4rem 0.6rem; } /* Toolbars */ .toolbar .button { background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center; } .toolbar .button.disabled { opacity: 0.5; cursor: auto; } #sketcher-toolbars .toolbar { max-width: 100%; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: flex-end; } @media (max-width: 930px) { .menu .submenu { width: 54px; } } @media (max-width: 790px) { .menu .submenu { width: 40px; } } /* 2D toolbar */ #toolbar2d-container { position: absolute; left: 0; bottom: 0; width: 50%; } #toolbar2d { background-image: url('../img/toolbar2d/toolbar2d.png'); background-size: 493px auto; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center; height: 77px; width: 493px; } #toolbar2d>.menuitem>.button, #toolbar2d>.submenu>.button { /* positioning buttons with padding to increase hit area */ padding: 25px 15px 0 15px; } #toolbar2d #shape-tools .menu{ width: 160px; flex-wrap: wrap; } #toolbar2d #bucket-tools .menu{ width: 220px; flex-wrap: wrap; } /*#toolbar2d #pen-tools { align-items: flex-start; }*/ #toolbar2d #pen-tools .menu { margin: 0 0 -0.7rem 0; } /* 2D toolbar tools */ #toolbar2d #transform-tool { background-image: url('../img/toolbar2d/btnSelect.png'); background-size: 34px auto; width: 34px; height: 41px; } #toolbar2d #freehand-tool-menu, #toolbar2d #freehand-tool { background-image: url('../img/toolbar2d/btnDraw.png'); background-size: 34px auto; width: 34px; height: 41px; } #toolbar2d #polygon-tool-menu, #toolbar2d #polygon-tool { background-image: url('../img/toolbar2d/btnPolygon.png'); background-size: 34px auto; width: 34px; height: 41px; } #toolbar2d #brush-tool-menu, #toolbar2d #brush-tool { background-image: url('../img/toolbar2d/btnBrush.png'); background-size: 34px auto; width: 34px; height: 41px; } #toolbar2d #eraser-tool { background-image: url('../img/toolbar2d/btnEraser.png'); background-size: 45px auto; width: 44px; height: 45px; } #toolbar2d #text-tool { background-image: url('../img/toolbar2d/btnText.png'); background-size: 35px auto; width: 37px; height: 35px; } #toolbar2d #photo-guide-tool { background-size: 45px auto; width: 50px; height: 34px; background-image: url('../img/toolbar2d/btnPhoto.png'); } /* 2D toolbar shape submenu tools */ #toolbar2d #star-tool-menu, #toolbar2d #star-tool { background-image: url('../img/toolbar2d/shapes/btnShapeStar.png'); background-size: 34px auto; width: 34px; height: 41px; } #toolbar2d #circle-tool-menu, #toolbar2d #circle-tool { background-image: url('../img/toolbar2d/shapes/btnShapeCircle.png'); background-size: 34px auto; width: 34px; height: 41px; } #toolbar2d #poly-point-tool-menu, #toolbar2d #poly-point-tool { background-image: url('../img/toolbar2d/shapes/btnShapeHex.png'); background-size: 34px auto; width: 34px; height: 41px; } #toolbar2d #heart-tool-menu, #toolbar2d #heart-tool { background-image: url('../img/toolbar2d/shapes/btnShapeHeart.png'); background-size: 42px auto; width: 42px; height: 41px; } #toolbar2d #circle-segment-tool-menu, #toolbar2d #circle-segment-tool { background-image: url('../img/toolbar2d/shapes/btnShapeCircleSegment.png'); background-size: 34px auto; width: 34px; height: 41px; } #toolbar2d #rect-tool-menu, #toolbar2d #rect-tool { background-image: url('../img/toolbar2d/shapes/btnShapeRect.png'); background-size: 34px auto; width: 34px; height: 41px; } #toolbar2d #triangle-tool-menu, #toolbar2d #triangle-tool { background-image: url('../img/toolbar2d/shapes/btnShapeTriangle.png'); background-size: 34px auto; width: 34px; height: 41px; } #toolbar2d #bucket-tool-menu, #toolbar2d #bucket-tool { background-image: url('../img/toolbar2d/btnBucket.png'); background-size: 34px auto; width: 34px; height: 41px; } /* 2D toolbar tools SELECTED */ #toolbar2d #transform-tool.selected { background-image: url('../img/toolbar2d/btnSelectSelect.png'); } #toolbar2d #freehand-tool-menu.selected, #toolbar2d #freehand-tool.selected { background-image: url('../img/toolbar2d/btnDrawSelect.png'); } #toolbar2d #polygon-tool-menu.selected, #toolbar2d #polygon-tool.selected { background-image: url('../img/toolbar2d/btnPolygonSelect.png'); } #toolbar2d #brush-tool-menu.selected, #toolbar2d #brush-tool.selected { background-image: url('../img/toolbar2d/btnBrushSelect.png'); } #toolbar2d #eraser-tool.selected { background-image: url('../img/toolbar2d/btnEraserSelect.png'); } #toolbar2d #text-tool.selected { background-image: url('../img/toolbar2d/btnTextSelect.png'); } #toolbar2d #photo-guide-tool.selected { background-image: url('../img/toolbar2d/btnPhotoSelect.png'); } /* 2D toolbar shape submenu tools SELECTED */ #toolbar2d #star-tool-menu.selected, #toolbar2d #star-tool.selected { background-image: url('../img/toolbar2d/shapes/btnShapeStarSelect.png'); } #toolbar2d #circle-tool-menu.selected, #toolbar2d #circle-tool.selected { background-image: url('../img/toolbar2d/shapes/btnShapeCircleSelect.png'); } #toolbar2d #circle-segment-tool-menu.selected, #toolbar2d #circle-segment-tool.selected { background-image: url('../img/toolbar2d/shapes/btnShapeCircleSegmentSelect.png'); } #toolbar2d #rect-tool-menu.selected, #toolbar2d #rect-tool.selected { background-image: url('../img/toolbar2d/shapes/btnShapeRectSelect.png'); } #toolbar2d #triangle-tool-menu.selected, #toolbar2d #triangle-tool.selected { background-image: url('../img/toolbar2d/shapes/btnShapeTriangleSelect.png'); } #toolbar2d #poly-point-tool-menu.selected, #toolbar2d #poly-point-tool.selected { background-image: url('../img/toolbar2d/shapes/btnShapeHexSelect.png'); } #toolbar2d #heart-tool-menu.selected, #toolbar2d #heart-tool.selected { background-image: url('../img/toolbar2d/shapes/btnShapeHeartSelect.png'); } #toolbar2d #bucket-tool-menu.selected, #toolbar2d #bucket-tool.selected { background-image: url('../img/toolbar2d/btnBucketSelect.png'); } @media (max-width: 930px) { #toolbar2d>.menuitem>.button, #toolbar2d>.submenu>.button { padding: 25px 10px 0 10px; } } @media (max-width: 900px) { #toolbar2d { background-image: none; background-color: white; height: 60px; } #toolbar2d>.menuitem>.button, #toolbar2d>.submenu>.button { padding: 25px 0px 0 0px; } } /*#submenu-shape { display: none; position: absolute; bottom: 55px; width: 181px; height: 200px; padding-left: 18px; padding-top: 25px; /*border: 1px solid red;*/ /*background-color: white; background-image: url('../img/toolbar2d/shapeMenuBackground.png'); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: 181px auto;*/ /*}*/ /*#submenu-shape div { display: inline-block; } #submenu-shape img { width: 45px; height: 45px; } #btnShapeMenuMini { position: absolute; margin-left: -310px; display: inline-block; } #btnShapeMenuMini img { width: 67px; height: 33px; } #submenu-shape #skewed-rect-tool { display: none; }*/ `; document.body.append(style); export default injectSheet(styles)(connect(getMenus)(SketcherToolbars));