import update from 'react-addons-update'; import * as actions from '../../../actions/index.js'; import createDebug from 'debug'; import { removeObject, addObjectActive2D, setActive2D } from '../../../reducer/objectReducers.js'; import { SNAPPING_DISTANCE, LINE_WIDTH } from '../../../constants/d2Constants.js'; import { SHAPE_TYPE_PROPERTIES } from '../../../constants/shapeTypeProperties.js'; import { getSnappingPoints } from '../../../utils/objectSelectors.js'; import { fitPath, segmentBezierPath } from '../../../utils/curveUtils.js'; import * as tools from '../../../constants/d2Tools.js'; const debug = createDebug('d3d:reducer:pen'); const LINE_DIAMETER = LINE_WIDTH / 2.0; const FREE_HAND = 'FREE_HAND'; const POLYGON = 'POLYGON'; const BRUSH = 'BRUSH'; export default function penReducer(state, action) { if (action.log !== false && action.type) debug(action.type); const screenPosition = action.position; const activeShape = state.d2.activeShape; const activeTool = state.d2.tool; let screenMatrixZoom; let screenMatrixZoomInverse; if (action.screenMatrixZoom) { screenMatrixZoom = action.screenMatrixZoom; screenMatrixZoomInverse = action.screenMatrixZoom.inverseMatrix(); } switch (action.type) { case actions.D2_DRAG_START: { const preDrags = => preDrag.applyMatrix(screenMatrixZoomInverse)); switch (activeTool) { case tools.POLYGON: { return addObjectActive2D(state, { type: POLYGON, // draw straight line between drag start and current position points: [preDrags[0], preDrags[preDrags.length - 1]] }); } case tools.BRUSH: { return addObjectActive2D(state, { type: BRUSH, strokeWidth: state.d2.brush.size, points: preDrags }); } case tools.FREE_HAND: { return addObjectActive2D(state, { type: FREE_HAND, points: preDrags }); } default: return state; } } case actions.D2_DRAG: { if (activeShape) { const shapeData = state.objectsById[activeShape]; const points = shapeData.points; const matrix = shapeData.transform.multiplyMatrix(screenMatrixZoom).inverseMatrix(); const position = screenPosition.applyMatrix(matrix); switch (activeTool) { case tools.POLYGON: { return update(state, { objectsById: { [activeShape]: { points: { [points.length - 1]: { $set: position } } } } }); // update last point to curren mouse position } case tools.BRUSH: case tools.FREE_HAND: { state = update(state, { objectsById: { [activeShape]: { points: { $push: [position] } } } }); // add current mouse position to points array } default: return state; } } return state; } case actions.D2_DRAG_END: { if (activeShape) { state = setActive2D(state, null); const currentShapeData = state.objectsById[activeShape]; const shapeProps = SHAPE_TYPE_PROPERTIES[currentShapeData.type]; if (!shapeProps.snapping) return state; let currentPoints = currentShapeData.points; // smooth if (activeTool === tools.FREE_HAND) { // convert to screen space currentPoints = => point.applyMatrix(screenMatrixZoom)); // smooth path currentPoints = segmentBezierPath(fitPath(currentPoints)); // convert back to object space currentPoints = => point.applyMatrix(screenMatrixZoomInverse)); } const currentStartPoint = currentPoints[0].applyMatrix(screenMatrixZoom); const currentEndPoint = currentPoints[currentPoints.length - 1].applyMatrix(screenMatrixZoom); // create list of possible snapping connections // sorts on distance to connection and filters out connections that exceed the snapping threshold const snappingDistance = SNAPPING_DISTANCE + LINE_DIAMETER *; const snappingPoints = getSnappingPoints(state, screenMatrixZoom) .reduce((points, { shapeData, endPoint, startPoint }) => { if (shapeData.UID === activeShape) { if (currentPoints.length >= 3) { points.push({ shapeData, hit: 'self', distance: endPoint.distanceTo(startPoint) }); } } else { points.push( { shapeData, hit: 'start-start', distance: currentStartPoint.distanceTo(startPoint) }, { shapeData, hit: 'start-end', distance: currentStartPoint.distanceTo(endPoint) }, { shapeData, hit: 'end-start', distance: currentEndPoint.distanceTo(startPoint) }, { shapeData, hit: 'end-end', distance: currentEndPoint.distanceTo(endPoint) } ); } return points; }, []) .filter(({ distance }) => distance < snappingDistance) .sort((a, b) => a.distance - b.distance); // the active shape's start and end points can only be connected to one other shape, // this variable can be used to check if the start or end point is already been snapped to // when the point has a connection it stores the shape UID of the connected shape let currentEndPointHit = false; let currentStartPointHit = false; for (const { hit, shapeData } of snappingPoints) { let newPoints; if (hit !== 'self') { const newMatrix = shapeData.transform.multiplyMatrix(currentShapeData.transform.inverseMatrix()); newPoints = => point.applyMatrix(newMatrix)); } if (hit === 'start-start' || hit === 'end-end') newPoints.reverse(); switch (hit) { case 'self': // can only connect to self if end point AND start point aren't connected yet if (!currentEndPointHit && !currentStartPointHit) { currentEndPointHit = shapeData.UID; currentStartPointHit = shapeData.UID; currentPoints = update(currentPoints, { [currentPoints.length - 1]: { $set: currentPoints[0].clone() } }); } break; case 'start-start': case 'start-end': // can only connect start point if start point isn't connected yet if (!currentStartPointHit) { currentStartPointHit = shapeData.UID; if (currentEndPointHit === shapeData.UID) { // if the end point is connected to the same shape it has already been added to // the end of the shape and does not have to be added to the start of the shape if (activeTool === tools.FREE_HAND) { currentPoints = update(currentPoints, { $push: [currentPoints[0].clone()] }); } else if (activeTool === tools.POLYGON) { currentPoints = update(currentPoints, { [currentPoints.length - 1]: { $set: currentPoints[0].clone() } }); } } else { // add the shape to the start of the active shape if (activeTool === tools.FREE_HAND) { currentPoints = update(currentPoints, { $splice: [[0, 0, ...newPoints]] }); } else if (activeTool === tools.POLYGON) { currentPoints = update(currentPoints, { $splice: [[0, 1, ...newPoints]] }); } } if (state.objectsById[shapeData.UID]) state = removeObject(state, shapeData.UID); } break; case 'end-start': case 'end-end': if (!currentEndPointHit) { currentEndPointHit = shapeData.UID; if (currentStartPointHit === shapeData.UID) { // if the start point is connected to the same shape it has already been added to // the start of the shape and does not have to be added to the end of the shape if (activeTool === tools.FREE_HAND) { currentPoints = update(currentPoints, { $push: [currentPoints[0].clone()] }); } else if (activeTool === tools.POLYGON) { currentPoints = update(currentPoints, { [currentPoints.length - 1]: { $set: currentPoints[0].clone() } }); } } else { // add the shape to the end of the active shape if (activeTool === tools.FREE_HAND) { currentPoints = update(currentPoints, { $push: newPoints }); } else if (activeTool === tools.POLYGON) { currentPoints = update(currentPoints, { $splice: [[currentPoints.length - 1, 1, ...newPoints]] }); } } if (state.objectsById[shapeData.UID]) state = removeObject(state, shapeData.UID); } break; default: break; } } state = update(state, { objectsById: { [activeShape]: { points: { $set: currentPoints } } } }); } return state; } default: return state; } }