import { shapeDataToShape, determineActiveShape2d } from '../shape/shapeDataUtils.js'; import _ from 'lodash'; export default class ShapesManager { constructor(objectContainerActive, objectContainerInactive) { this.objectContainerActive = objectContainerActive; this.objectContainerInactive = objectContainerInactive; this._shapes = {}; this._activeObjectUIDs = []; this._inactiveObjectUIDs = []; } // activeShapes is an array with object id's that are active update(state) { const needRender = { active: false, inactive: false }; // determine if shape is "active", meaning it will be updated frequently const activeShapes = determineActiveShape2d(state); const { objectsById } = state; if ( this._objectsById === objectsById && _.isEqual(activeShapes, this._activeShapes) && state.activeSpace === this._activeSpace ) return needRender; // object ids that are in the current space const spaceObjectIds = state.spaces[state.activeSpace].objectIds; // remove shapes if (this._objectsById !== undefined) { for (const id in this._objectsById) { if (spaceObjectIds.indexOf(id) === -1) { this._handleShapeRemove(id, needRender); } } } const newActiveObjectUIDs = []; const newInactiveObjectUIDs = []; for (const UID of spaceObjectIds) { const active = activeShapes[UID]; if (active) { newActiveObjectUIDs.push(UID); } else { newInactiveObjectUIDs.push(UID); } const shapeData = objectsById[UID]; const shape = this._shapes[shapeData.UID] || this._createShape(shapeData); // Put shapes into the right container; active or inactive if (!active && this._activeObjectUIDs.indexOf(UID) !== -1) { this.objectContainerActive.remove(shape); = true; } else if (active && this._inactiveObjectUIDs.indexOf(UID) !== -1) { this.objectContainerInactive.remove(shape); needRender.inactive = true; } if (!active && this._inactiveObjectUIDs.indexOf(UID) === -1) { this.objectContainerInactive.add(shape); needRender.inactive = true; } else if (active && this._activeObjectUIDs.indexOf(UID) === -1) { this.objectContainerActive.add(shape); = true; } // update shape properties if (!this._objectsById || !this._objectsById[UID]) continue; const update = shape.update(shapeData); if (update) { if (active) = true; else needRender.inactive = true; } } this._activeObjectUIDs = newActiveObjectUIDs; this._inactiveObjectUIDs = newInactiveObjectUIDs; this._objectsById = objectsById; this._activeShapes = activeShapes; this._activeSpace = state.activeSpace; return needRender; } updateTransparent(selectedUIDs) { for (const UID in this._shapes) { const shape = this._shapes[UID]; const selected = selectedUIDs.indexOf(UID) !== -1; const opaque = selected || selectedUIDs.length === 0; shape.setOpaque(opaque); } } _handleShapeRemove(UID, needRender) { const shape = this._shapes[UID]; delete this._shapes[UID]; // check which container const active = this._activeObjectUIDs.indexOf(UID) !== -1; if (active) { this.objectContainerActive.remove(shape); = true; } else { this.objectContainerInactive.remove(shape); needRender.inactive = true; } } _createShape(shapeData) { const shape = shapeDataToShape(shapeData); this._shapes[shapeData.UID] = shape; return shape; } }