import * as contextTools from './contextTools.js'; import bowser from 'bowser'; export const SHAPE_CACHE_LIMIT = 50; export const IS_CORDOVA = typeof cordova !== 'undefined'; export const MAX_ANGLE = 30; // if shape has an corner sharper then MAX_ANGLE said corner will be sharp (3D) export const PIXEL_RATIO = 1.0; // On android and iOS autofocus means the keyboard pops up for one second and then hides // Disable autofocus on these devices export const AUTO_FOCUS_TEXT_FIELDS = !( || bowser.tablet); export const COLOR_STRING_TO_HEX = { [contextTools.LIGHT_BLUE]: 0xc8e4f7, [contextTools.LIGHT_GREEN]: 0xcbe6c0, [contextTools.LIGHT_PINK]: 0xf8c4d8, [contextTools.LIGHT_YELLOW]: 0xf5f5c0, [contextTools.BLUE]: 0x92c8ef, [contextTools.GREEN]: 0x99cc81, [contextTools.PINK]: 0xf28bb1, [contextTools.YELLOW]: 0xebea7f, [contextTools.DARK_BLUE]: 0x50a8e4, [contextTools.DARK_GREEN]: 0x5aae31, [contextTools.DARK_PINK]: 0xe94481, [contextTools.DARK_YELLOW]: 0xdfde24 }; export const COLOR_HEX_TO_STRING = Object .entries(COLOR_STRING_TO_HEX) .reduce((obj, [key, value]) => { obj[value] = key; return obj; }, {}); // LEGACY // add old color codes to corresponding color strings // so old doodles with old colors are previewd correctly in color picker color selector COLOR_HEX_TO_STRING[0x96cbef] = contextTools.BLUE; COLOR_HEX_TO_STRING[0x9bca87] = contextTools.GREEN; COLOR_HEX_TO_STRING[0xf08eb2] = contextTools.PINK; COLOR_HEX_TO_STRING[0xfff59a] = contextTools.YELLOW; COLOR_HEX_TO_STRING[0x7098b3] = contextTools.DARK_BLUE; COLOR_HEX_TO_STRING[0x7ab063] = contextTools.DARK_GREEN; COLOR_HEX_TO_STRING[0xb36984] = contextTools.DARK_PINK; COLOR_HEX_TO_STRING[0xf5e872] = contextTools.DARK_YELLOW; COLOR_HEX_TO_STRING[0x00DDFF] = contextTools.BLUE; export const REQUEST_CONFIG = { LARGE: { timeout: 0 } };