import React from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import * as THREE from 'three'; import injectSheet from 'react-jss'; import { CANVAS_SIZE } from '../constants/d2Constants'; import ShapesManager from '../d3/ShapesManager'; import { getSelectedObjectsSelector, getBoundingBox } from '../utils/selectionUtils'; import createRAFOnce from '../utils/rafOnce.js'; import { hasExtensionsFor } from '../utils/WebGLSupport.js'; import { PIXEL_RATIO } from '../constants/general.js'; import * as toolsNames from '../constants/d3Tools.js'; import { EventScene, EventObject3D } from '../d3/EventScene.js'; import HeightTransformer from '../d3/transformers/HeightTransformer.js'; import TwistTransformer from '../d3/transformers/TwistTransformer.js'; import SculptTransformer from '../d3/transformers/SculptTransformer.js'; import StampTransformer from '../d3/transformers/StampTransformer.js'; import SelectionBox from '../d3/SelectionBox.js'; import ToonShaderRenderChain from '../d3/ToonShaderRenderChain'; import RenderChain from '../d3/RenderChain'; import BaseTransformer from '../d3/transformers/BaseTransformer.js'; import Camera from '../d3/Camera.js'; import ReactResizeDetector from 'react-resize-detector'; // import createDebug from 'debug'; // const debug = createDebug('d3d:d3'); const rafOnce = createRAFOnce(); const CANVAS_WIDTH = CANVAS_SIZE * 2; const CANVAS_HEIGHT = CANVAS_SIZE * 2; const tools = { [toolsNames.HEIGHT]: HeightTransformer, [toolsNames.SCULPT]: SculptTransformer, [toolsNames.TWIST]: TwistTransformer, [toolsNames.STAMP]: StampTransformer }; // TODO the same as 3d const styles = { container: { flexGrow: 1, width: '100%', display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', alignItems: 'stretch', overflow: 'hidden' }, canvasContainer: { flexGrow: 1, margin: '0px', overflow: 'hidden', '& canvas': { position: 'absolute' } } }; class D3Panel extends React.Component { static propTypes = { state: PropTypes.object.isRequired, dispatch: PropTypes.func.isRequired, classes: PropTypes.objectOf(PropTypes.string) }; needRender = false; componentWillMount() { this.createScene(); if (hasExtensionsFor.toonShaderPreview) { this.renderChain = new ToonShaderRenderChain(this.renderer, this.scene,, { UI: this.UIContainer, shapes: this.shapesManager, boundingBox: this.selectionBox, plane: this.plane }); } else { this.renderer.setClearColor(0xffffff); this.renderChain = new RenderChain(this.renderer, this.scene,; } this.DOM = null; } componentDidMount() { this.container = this.refs.canvasContainer; this.container.appendChild(this.renderer.domElement); this.renderScene(); // immidiatly render because when THREE.JS inits, a black screen is generated } componentWillUnmount() { this.scene.setCanvas(null); } createScene() { this.renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer(); this.scene = new EventScene(this.renderer.domElement); = new Camera(50, 1, 1, 10000); this.scene.add(; // this.grid = new THREE.GridHelper(200, 20); // this.grid.setColors(0xe0e0e0, 0xeeeeee); // this.scene.add(this.grid); const geometryPlane = new THREE.PlaneGeometry(CANVAS_WIDTH, CANVAS_HEIGHT); const materialPlane = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ color: 0xcccccc, side: THREE.DoubleSide, transparent: true, opacity: 0.5 }); this.plane = new THREE.Mesh(geometryPlane, materialPlane); this.plane.rotation.x = Math.PI / 2; this.plane.position.y = -0.01; = 'bed-plane'; this.scene.add(this.plane); const directionalLight = new THREE.PointLight(0xffffff, 0.6);; const ambientLight = new THREE.AmbientLight(0x505050); this.scene.add(ambientLight); this.shapesManager = new ShapesManager({ toonShader: hasExtensionsFor.toonShaderPreview }); this.UIContainer = new EventObject3D(); this.UIContainer.matrixAutoUpdate = false; = 'ui-container'; this.scene.add(this.shapesManager, this.UIContainer); this.selectionBox = new SelectionBox(); this.scene.add(this.selectionBox); } updateTool(newState) { this.switchTool(newState.d3.tool); if (this.tool) { const toolNeedRender = this.tool.update(newState); if (toolNeedRender) this.activeNeedRender = true; } } switchTool(toolName) { if (this.state && toolName === this.state.d3.tool) return; // cleanup & remove previous tool if (this.tool) { this.tool.destroy(); this.UIContainer.remove(this.tool); } // initialize new tool // The tool itself is added to the active object container (Objects Container Space), which is // influenced by zooming and panning, but the tool also needs to add objects to the container that // isn't; the active scene (Scene Space). For example the wheelContainer, because it needs a // mouse position, regardless of zoom level. // Each tool also get's the renderRequest callback to request re-renders, // even when it won't change the state const ToolClass = tools[toolName] ? tools[toolName] : BaseTransformer; this.tool = new ToolClass(this.props.dispatch, this.scene,, this.renderer.domElement); this.UIContainer.add(this.tool); this.needRender = true; } update(newState) { if (this.state === newState) return; if (!this.state || newState.activeSpace !== this.state.activeSpace) { const spaceMatrix = newState.spaces[newState.activeSpace].matrix; this.UIContainer.matrix.copy(spaceMatrix); this.UIContainer.updateMatrixWorld(true); this.selectionBox.matrix.copy(spaceMatrix); this.selectionBox.updateMatrixWorld(true); } const selection = (this.state) ? this.state.selection : null; const newSelection = newState.selection; this.updateTool(newState); const meshNeedRender = this.shapesManager.update(newState); if (meshNeedRender) this.needRender = true; const hasSelections = newSelection.objects.length > 0; if (!this.state || newSelection !== selection) { const newSelectedObjects = newSelection.objects; if (!selection || selection.objects !== newSelectedObjects) { const selected = =>; this.shapesManager.updateTransparent(selected); this.needRender = true; this.selectionBox.visible = hasSelections; } if (hasSelections) { this.selectionBox.updateTransform(newSelection.transform); this.needRender = true; } } if (!this.state || !== {; this.needRender = true; } // NOTE: if there is a selection, any state change will trigger this: if (hasSelections) { const objectsById = newState.objectsById; const selectedShapeDatas = getSelectedObjectsSelector(newSelection.objects, objectsById); const boundingBox = getBoundingBox(selectedShapeDatas, newSelection.transform); // TODO: add selected shape datas and boundingbox diff checking this.selectionBox.updateBoundingBox(boundingBox); } this.state = newState; } resizeHandler = (width, height) => { // set renderer size this.renderChain.setSize(width, height, PIXEL_RATIO); this.renderRequest(); }; renderRequest = () => { this.needRender = true; rafOnce(this.renderScene); }; render() { const { state, classes } = this.props; this.update(state); this.renderScene(); return (
); } renderScene = () => { if (this.needRender) { this.scene.updateMatrixWorld(); this.renderChain.render(true); this.needRender = false; } }; } // Wrap the component to inject dispatch and state into it export default injectSheet(styles)(connect(state => ({ state: state.sketcher.present }))(D3Panel));