import update from 'react-addons-update'; import ClipperShape from '@doodle3d/clipper-js'; import { Matrix } from '@doodle3d/cal'; import { addObject, removeObject } from './objectReducers.js'; import { recursiveClone } from '../utils/clone.js'; import { shapeToPoints } from '../shape/shapeToPoints.js'; import { applyMatrixOnShape, pathToVectorPath } from '../utils/vectorUtils.js'; import subtractShapeFromState from '../utils/subtractShapeFromState.js'; import * as d2Tools from '../constants/d2Tools'; import { CLIPPER_PRECISION } from '../constants/d2Constants.js'; import * as actions from '../actions/index.js'; const LINE_WIDTH = 0.5; export default function (state, action) { switch (action.type) { case actions.DELETE_SELECTION: for (const { id } of state.selection.objects) { state = removeObject(state, id); } state = update(state, { selection: { objects: { $set: [] } } }); return state; case actions.DUPLICATE_SELECTION: for (const { id } of state.selection.objects) { const shapeData = state.objectsById[id]; state = addObject(state, recursiveClone(shapeData)); } // force update selection so alpha is redrawn state = update(state, { selection: { objects: { $set: [...state.selection.objects] } } }); return state; case actions.UNION: { let unionShape = new ClipperShape([], true); const shapeDataDictation = state.objectsById[state.selection.objects[0].id]; for (const { id } of state.selection.objects) { const shapeData = state.objectsById[id]; if (!shapeData.fill) continue; state = removeObject(state, id); const shapes = applyMatrixOnShape( shapeToPoints(shapeData).reduce((a, { points, holes }) => a.concat([points, ...holes]), []), shapeData.transform ); const shape = new ClipperShape(shapes, shapeData.fill, true, false, false) .scaleUp(CLIPPER_PRECISION) .round(); unionShape = unionShape.union(shape); } const unionShapes = unionShape.scaleDown(CLIPPER_PRECISION).separateShapes().map(shape => { shape = shape .removeDuplicates() .mapToLower() .map(pathToVectorPath); shape.forEach(path => path.push(path[0].clone())); return shape; }); for (const shape of unionShapes) { const [points, ...holes] = shape; state = addObject(state, { ...recursiveClone(shapeDataDictation), type: 'COMPOUND_PATH', transform: new Matrix(), points, holes }); } state = update(state, { selection: { objects: { $set: [] } } }); return state; } case actions.INTERSECT: { let unionShape = new ClipperShape([], true); for (const { id } of state.selection.objects) { const shapeData = state.objectsById[id]; const shapes = applyMatrixOnShape( shapeToPoints(shapeData).reduce((a, { points, holes }) => a.concat([points, ...holes]), []), shapeData.transform ); let shape = new ClipperShape(shapes, shapeData.fill, true, false, false) .scaleUp(CLIPPER_PRECISION) .round(); if (!shapeData.fill) { shape = shape .offset(LINE_WIDTH * CLIPPER_PRECISION, { jointType: 'jtSquare', endType: 'etOpenButt' }) .simplify('pftNonZero'); } unionShape = unionShape.union(shape); } unionShape = unionShape.scaleDown(CLIPPER_PRECISION); state = subtractShapeFromState(state, unionShape, d2Tools.ERASER, { scale: CLIPPER_PRECISION, skip:{ id }) => id) }); // force update selection so alpha is redrawn state = update(state, { selection: { objects: { $set: [...state.selection.objects] } } }); return state; } default: return state; } }