2021-05-20 04:16:53 +02:00

384 lines
10 KiB

import update from 'react-addons-update';
import { Matrix, Vector } from '@doodle3d/cal';
import { CANVAS_SIZE } from '../../../constants/d2Constants.js';
import * as actions from '../../../actions/index.js';
import { calculateGestureMatrix } from '../../../utils/matrixUtils.js';
import * as selectionUtils from '../../../utils/selectionUtils.js';
// import createDebug from 'debug';
// const debug = createDebug('d3d:reducer:transform');
export function transformReducer(state, action) {
// if (action.log !== false) {
// debug(action.type);
// }
switch (action.category) {
case actions.CAT_SELECTION:
state = updateInitTransform(state);
state = updateTransforms(state);
switch (action.type) {
case actions.TRANSFORM_START:
case actions.TRANSFORM_END: {
const start = action.type === actions.TRANSFORM_START;
state = update(state, {
d2: {
transform: {
active: { $set: start },
handle: { $set: start ? action.handle : '' }
if (action.handle === 'dragselect' && start) {
state = update(state, {
d2: {
transform: {
dragSelect: {
end: { $set: action.position.clone() },
start: { $set: action.position.clone() }
return state;
case actions.TRANSFORM: {
switch (state.d2.transform.handle) {
case 'translate':
return translate(state, action);
case 'rotate':
return rotate(state, action);
case 'scale-lefttop':
case 'scale-leftbottom':
case 'scale-rightbottom':
case 'scale-righttop':
case 'scale-left':
case 'scale-bottom':
case 'scale-right':
case 'scale-top':
return scale(state, action);
case 'dragselect':
return dragSelect(state, action);
return state;
const start = action.type === actions.MULTITOUCH_TRANSFORM_START;
state = update(state, {
d2: {
transform: {
active: { $set: start }
return state;
return multitouch(state, action);
case actions.MOVE_SELECTION:
return moveSelection(state, action.deltaX, action.deltaY);
return state;
function translate(state, { delta, screenMatrixZoom }) {
delta = delta.applyMatrix(screenMatrixZoom.normalize().inverseMatrix());
return moveSelection(state, delta.x, delta.y);
function rotate(state, { delta, position, screenMatrixZoom }) {
const transform = state.selection.transform;
let { center } = getBoundingBox(state, false);
center = center.applyMatrix(transform);
const centerScreen = center.applyMatrix(screenMatrixZoom);
const current = position;
const start = position.subtract(delta);
const oldAngle = start.subtract(centerScreen).angle();
const newAngle = current.subtract(centerScreen).angle();
const angle = newAngle - oldAngle;
const rotation = new Matrix().rotateAroundAbsolute(angle, center);
return containSelectedObjects(updateTransforms(update(state, {
selection: {
transform: { $set: transform.multiplyMatrix(rotation) }
function scale(state, { position, screenMatrixZoom }) {
// let {min, max} = state.selection.boundingBox;
let { min, max } = getBoundingBox(state, false);
min = new Vector(min.x, min.z);
max = new Vector(max.x, max.z);
let move; // position of corner we are transforming
let scaleAround; // position of corner to use as reference point
switch (state.d2.transform.handle) {
case 'scale-lefttop':
scaleAround = new Vector(max.x, max.y);
move = new Vector(min.x, min.y);
case 'scale-leftbottom':
scaleAround = new Vector(max.x, min.y);
move = new Vector(min.x, max.y);
case 'scale-rightbottom':
scaleAround = new Vector(min.x, min.y);
move = new Vector(max.x, max.y);
case 'scale-righttop':
scaleAround = new Vector(min.x, max.y);
move = new Vector(max.x, min.y);
case 'scale-top':
scaleAround = new Vector((min.x + max.x) / 2, max.y);
move = new Vector((min.x + max.x) / 2, min.y);
case 'scale-bottom':
scaleAround = new Vector((min.x + max.x) / 2, min.y);
move = new Vector((min.x + max.x) / 2, max.y);
case 'scale-left':
scaleAround = new Vector(max.x, (min.y + max.y) / 2);
move = new Vector(min.x, (min.y + max.y) / 2);
case 'scale-right':
scaleAround = new Vector(min.x, (min.y + max.y) / 2);
move = new Vector(max.x, (min.y + max.y) / 2);
throw Error('Unknown corner');
position = new Vector(position.x, position.y);
// transform from container space to object space
const matrix = state.selection.transform.multiplyMatrix(screenMatrixZoom).inverseMatrix();
const mousePos = position.applyMatrix(matrix);
const currentSize = move.subtract(scaleAround);
const newSize = mousePos.subtract(scaleAround);
let sx;
let sy;
switch (state.d2.transform.handle) {
case 'scale-lefttop':
case 'scale-leftbottom':
case 'scale-rightbottom':
case 'scale-righttop':
const ratioX = currentSize.x === 0 ? 1 : (newSize.x / currentSize.x);
const ratioY = currentSize.y === 0 ? 1 : (newSize.y / currentSize.y);
sx = sy = (Math.abs(ratioX) > Math.abs(ratioY)) ? ratioX : ratioY;
case 'scale-top':
case 'scale-bottom':
sx = 1;
sy = currentSize.y === 0 ? 1 : (newSize.y / currentSize.y);
case 'scale-left':
case 'scale-right':
sx = currentSize.x === 0 ? 1 : (newSize.x / currentSize.x);
sy = 1;
throw Error('Unknown corner');
const transform = state.selection.transform;
const newScale = new Matrix().scaleAroundAbsolute(sx, sy, scaleAround);
const newState = updateTransforms(update(state, {
selection: {
transform: { $set: newScale.multiplyMatrix(transform) }
const boundingBox = getBoundingBox(newState, true);
// TODO: move to constants
const minX = boundingBox.min.x < -CANVAS_SIZE;
const minY = boundingBox.min.z < -CANVAS_SIZE;
const maxX = boundingBox.max.x > CANVAS_SIZE;
const maxY = boundingBox.max.z > CANVAS_SIZE;
return (minX || minY || maxX || maxY) ? state : newState;
function dragSelect(state, { position }) {
return update(state, {
d2: {
transform: {
dragSelect: {
end: { $set: position.clone() }
function multitouch(state, { positions, previousPositions, screenMatrixZoom }) {
const gestureMatrix = calculateGestureMatrix(positions, previousPositions, screenMatrixZoom, {
rotate: true, scale: true, pan: true
const transform = state.selection.transform.multiplyMatrix(gestureMatrix);
return containSelectedObjects(updateTransforms(update(state, {
selection: {
transform: { $set: transform }
function moveSelection(state, deltaX, deltaY) {
const transform = state.selection.transform.translate(deltaX, deltaY);
return containSelectedObjects(updateTransforms(update(state, {
selection: {
transform: { $set: transform }
function containSelectedObjects(state) {
const boundingBox = getBoundingBox(state, true);
let transform = new Matrix(state.selection.transform);
let minX = boundingBox.min.x;
let minY = boundingBox.min.z;
let maxX = boundingBox.max.x;
let maxY = boundingBox.max.z;
const width = maxX - minX;
const height = maxY - minY;
let change = false;
if (width > CANVAS_WIDTH || height > CANVAS_HEIGHT) {
change = true;
const constainFactor = Math.min(CANVAS_WIDTH / width, CANVAS_HEIGHT / height);
const center = new Vector((maxX + minX) / 2, (maxY + minY) / 2);
const newScale = new Matrix().scaleAroundAbsolute(constainFactor, constainFactor, center);
transform = transform.multiplyMatrix(newScale);
minX = center.x + (minX - center.x) * constainFactor;
maxX = center.x + (maxX - center.x) * constainFactor;
maxY = center.y + (maxY - center.y) * constainFactor;
minY = center.y + (minY - center.y) * constainFactor;
if (minX < -CANVAS_SIZE) {
change = true;
transform.x -= minX + CANVAS_SIZE;
} else if (maxX > CANVAS_SIZE) {
change = true;
transform.x -= maxX - CANVAS_SIZE;
if (minY < -CANVAS_SIZE) {
change = true;
transform.y -= minY + CANVAS_SIZE;
} else if (maxY > CANVAS_SIZE) {
change = true;
transform.y -= maxY - CANVAS_SIZE;
if (change) {
return updateTransforms(update(state, {
selection: { transform: { $set: transform } }
} else {
return state;
export function updateInitTransform(state) {
// Clone object's transform into object's initialTransform
// Store new Matrix as selection transform
state = update(state, {
selection: {
objects: {
$set:{ id }) => {
const shapeData = state.objectsById[id];
const initialTransform = new Matrix(shapeData.transform);
return { id, initialTransform };
transform: { $set: new Matrix() }
return state;
// update each object's transform with multiplication of object's initial transform with selection transform
function updateTransforms(state) {
const matrix = state.selection.transform;
for (const { initialTransform, id } of state.selection.objects) {
const transform = initialTransform.multiplyMatrix(matrix);
state = update(state, {
objectsById: {
[id]: { transform: { $set: transform } }
return state;
function getBoundingBox(state, axisAligned) {
const selection = state.selection;
const selectedShapeDatas = selectionUtils.getSelectedObjectsSelector(selection.objects, state.objectsById);
if (axisAligned) {
return selectionUtils.getBoundingBox(selectedShapeDatas);
} else {
return selectionUtils.getBoundingBox(selectedShapeDatas, selection.transform);