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synced 2025-02-18 22:08:12 +01:00
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271 lines
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* @author Michael Guerrero / http://realitymeltdown.com
THREE.BlendCharacter = function () {
this.animations = {};
this.weightSchedule = [];
this.warpSchedule = [];
this.load = function ( url, onLoad ) {
var scope = this;
var loader = new THREE.JSONLoader();
loader.load( url, function( geometry, materials ) {
var originalMaterial = materials[ 0 ];
originalMaterial.skinning = true;
THREE.SkinnedMesh.call( scope, geometry, originalMaterial );
// Create the animations
for ( var i = 0; i < geometry.animations.length; ++ i ) {
var animName = geometry.animations[ i ].name;
scope.animations[ animName ] = new THREE.Animation( scope, geometry.animations[ i ] );
// Create the debug visualization
scope.skeletonHelper = new THREE.SkeletonHelper( scope );
scope.skeletonHelper.material.linewidth = 3;
scope.add( scope.skeletonHelper );
scope.showSkeleton( false );
// Loading is complete, fire the callback
if ( onLoad !== undefined ) onLoad();
} );
this.update = function( dt ) {
for ( var i = this.weightSchedule.length - 1; i >= 0; -- i ) {
var data = this.weightSchedule[ i ];
data.timeElapsed += dt;
// If the transition is complete, remove it from the schedule
if ( data.timeElapsed > data.duration ) {
data.anim.weight = data.endWeight;
this.weightSchedule.splice( i, 1 );
// If we've faded out completely, stop the animation
if ( data.anim.weight == 0 ) {
data.anim.stop( 0 );
} else {
// interpolate the weight for the current time
data.anim.weight = data.startWeight + (data.endWeight - data.startWeight) * data.timeElapsed / data.duration;
this.updateWarps( dt );
this.updateWarps = function( dt ) {
// Warping modifies the time scale over time to make 2 animations of different
// lengths match. This is useful for smoothing out transitions that get out of
// phase such as between a walk and run cycle
for ( var i = this.warpSchedule.length - 1; i >= 0; -- i ) {
var data = this.warpSchedule[ i ];
data.timeElapsed += dt;
if ( data.timeElapsed > data.duration ) {
data.to.weight = 1;
data.to.timeScale = 1;
data.from.weight = 0;
data.from.timeScale = 1;
data.from.stop( 0 );
this.warpSchedule.splice( i, 1 );
} else {
var alpha = data.timeElapsed / data.duration;
var fromLength = data.from.data.length;
var toLength = data.to.data.length;
var fromToRatio = fromLength / toLength;
var toFromRatio = toLength / fromLength;
// scale from each time proportionally to the other animation
data.from.timeScale = ( 1 - alpha ) + fromToRatio * alpha;
data.to.timeScale = alpha + toFromRatio * ( 1 - alpha );
data.from.weight = 1 - alpha;
data.to.weight = alpha;
this.play = function(animName, weight) {
this.animations[ animName ].play( 0, weight );
this.crossfade = function( fromAnimName, toAnimName, duration ) {
var fromAnim = this.animations[ fromAnimName ];
var toAnim = this.animations[ toAnimName ];
fromAnim.play( 0, 1 );
toAnim.play( 0, 0 );
this.weightSchedule.push( {
anim: fromAnim,
startWeight: 1,
endWeight: 0,
timeElapsed: 0,
duration: duration
} );
this.weightSchedule.push( {
anim: toAnim,
startWeight: 0,
endWeight: 1,
timeElapsed: 0,
duration: duration
} );
this.warp = function( fromAnimName, toAnimName, duration ) {
var fromAnim = this.animations[ fromAnimName ];
var toAnim = this.animations[ toAnimName ];
fromAnim.play( 0, 1 );
toAnim.play( 0, 0 );
this.warpSchedule.push( {
from: fromAnim,
to: toAnim,
timeElapsed: 0,
duration: duration
} );
this.applyWeight = function(animName, weight) {
this.animations[ animName ].weight = weight;
this.pauseAll = function() {
for ( var a in this.animations ) {
if ( this.animations[ a ].isPlaying ) {
this.animations[ a ].stop();
this.unPauseAll = function() {
for ( var a in this.animations ) {
if ( this.animations[ a ].isPlaying && this.animations[ a ].isPaused ) {
this.animations[ a ].pause();
this.stopAll = function() {
for ( a in this.animations ) {
if ( this.animations[ a ].isPlaying ) {
this.animations[ a ].stop(0);
this.animations[ a ].weight = 0;
this.weightSchedule.length = 0;
this.warpSchedule.length = 0;
this.showSkeleton = function( boolean ) {
this.skeletonHelper.visible = boolean;
this.showModel = function( boolean ) {
this.visible = boolean;
THREE.BlendCharacter.prototype = Object.create( THREE.SkinnedMesh.prototype );
THREE.BlendCharacter.prototype.constructor = THREE.BlendCharacter;
THREE.BlendCharacter.prototype.getForward = function() {
var forward = new THREE.Vector3();
return function() {
// pull the character's forward basis vector out of the matrix
-this.matrix.elements[ 8 ],
-this.matrix.elements[ 9 ],
-this.matrix.elements[ 10 ]
return forward;