mirror of
synced 2025-03-19 20:05:06 +01:00
1733 lines
33 KiB
1733 lines
33 KiB
rollout ThreeJSExporter "ThreeJSExporter"
-- Variables
local ostream,
threeMatrix = (matrix3 [1,0,0] [0,0,1] [0,-1,0] [0,0,0]),
headerFormat = "\"metadata\":
\"sourceFile\": \"%\",
\"generatedBy\": \"3ds max ThreeJSExporter\",
\"formatVersion\": 3,
\"vertices\": %,
\"normals\": %,
\"colors\": %,
\"uvs\": %,
\"triangles\": %,
\"materials\": %
vertexFormat = "%,%,%",
vertexNormalFormat = "%,%,%",
UVFormat = "%,%",
triFormat = "%,%,%,%",
triUVFormat = "%,%,%,%,%,%,%",
triNFormat = "%,%,%,%,%,%,%",
triUVNFormat = "%,%,%,%,%,%,%,%,%,%",
footerFormat = "\n}",
boneFormat = "\t\t{
\t\t\t\"parent\" : %,
\t\t\t\"name\" : \"%\",
\t\t\t\"pos\" : %,
\t\t\t\"scl\" : %,
\t\t\t\"rotq\" : [%,%,%,%]
animHeaderFormat = "\t\"animation\" : {
\t\t\"name\" : \"Action\",
\t\t\"fps\" : %,
\t\t\"length\" : %,
\t\t\"hierarchy\" : [\n",
animBoneHeaderFormat = "\t\t\t{
\t\t\t\t\"parent\" : %,
\t\t\t\t\"keys\" : [\n",
keyFormat = "\t\t\t\t\t{
\t\t\t\t\t\t\"pos\" :[%,%,%],
\t\t\t\t\t\t\"rot\" :[%,%,%,%],
\t\t\t\t\t\t\"scl\" :%
animBoneFooterFormat = "\t\t\t\t]
animFooterFormat = "\n\n\t\t]
-- User interface
group "ThreeJSExporter v0.8"
label msg "Exports selected meshes in Three.js ascii JSON format" align:#left
hyperLink lab1 "Original source at GitHub" address:"https://github.com/alteredq/three.js/blob/master/utils/exporters/max/ThreeJSExporter.ms" color:(color 255 120 0) align:#left
label dummy1 "--------------------------------------------------------" align:#left
checkbox exportColor "Export vertex colors" checked:false enabled:true
checkbox exportUv "Export uvs" checked:true enabled:true
checkbox exportNormal "Export normals" checked:true enabled:true
checkbox smoothNormal "Use vertex normals" checked:false enabled:true
label dummy2 "--------------------------------------------------------" align:#left
checkbox flipYZ "Flip YZ" checked:false enabled:false
checkbox flipUV "Flip UV" checked:false enabled:false
checkbox flipFace "Flip all faces" checked:false enabled:false
checkbox autoflipFace "Try fixing flipped faces" checked:false enabled:false
label dummy3 "--------------------------------------------------------" align:#left
spinner fps "Animation speed (FPS)" range:[0,1000,25] type:#integer
label dummy4 "--------------------------------------------------------" align:#left
button btn_export "Export selected objects"
-- Dump vertices
function DumpVertices src =
Format "\"vertices\": [" to:ostream
num = src.count
if num > 0 then
for i = 1 to num do
vert = src[i]
if flipYZ.checked then
x = vert.x
y = vert.z
z = vert.y
z *= -1
x = vert.x
y = vert.y
z = vert.z
Format vertexFormat x y z to:ostream
if i < num then Format "," to:ostream
Format "],\n\n" to:ostream
-- Dump colors
function DumpColors src useColors =
Format "\"colors\": [" to:ostream
num = src.count
if num > 0 and useColors then
for i = 1 to num do
col = src[i]
r = col.r as Integer
g = col.g as Integer
b = col.b as Integer
hexNum = ( bit.shift r 16 ) + ( bit.shift g 8 ) + b
-- hexColor = formattedPrint hexNum format:"#x"
-- Format "%" hexColor to:ostream
decColor = formattedPrint hexNum format:"#d"
Format "%" decColor to:ostream
if i < num then Format "," to:ostream
Format "],\n\n" to:ostream
-- Dump normals
function DumpNormals src =
Format "\"normals\": [" to:ostream
num = src.count
if num > 0 and exportNormal.checked then
for i = 1 to num do
normal = src[i]
normal = normalize normal as point3
if flipYZ.checked then
x = normal.x
y = normal.z
z = normal.y
z *= -1
x = normal.x
y = normal.y
z = normal.z
Format vertexNormalFormat x y z to:ostream
if i < num then Format "," to:ostream
Format "],\n\n" to:ostream
-- Dump uvs
function DumpUvs src =
Format "\"uvs\": [[" to:ostream
num = src.count
if num > 0 and exportUv.checked then
for i = 1 to num do
uvw = src[i]
u = uvw.x
if flipUV.checked then
v = 1 - uvw.y
v = uvw.y
Format UVFormat u v to:ostream
if i < num then Format "," to:ostream
Format "]],\n\n" to:ostream
-- Dump faces
function DumpFaces src useColors =
Format "\"faces\": [" to:ostream
num = src.count
if num > 0 then
for i = 1 to num do
zface = src[i]
fv = zface[1]
fuv = zface[2]
m = zface[3] - 1
fc = zface[4]
needsFlip = zface[5]
isTriangle = true
hasMaterial = true
hasFaceUvs = false
hasFaceVertexUvs = ((classof fuv == Point3) and exportUv.checked)
hasFaceNormals = false
hasFaceVertexNormals = (exportNormal.checked)
hasFaceColors = false
hasFaceVertexColors = ((classof fc == Point3) and useColors)
faceType = 0
faceType = bit.set faceType 1 (not isTriangle)
faceType = bit.set faceType 2 hasMaterial
faceType = bit.set faceType 3 hasFaceUvs
faceType = bit.set faceType 4 hasFaceVertexUvs
faceType = bit.set faceType 5 hasFaceNormals
faceType = bit.set faceType 6 hasFaceVertexNormals
faceType = bit.set faceType 7 hasFaceColors
faceType = bit.set faceType 8 hasFaceVertexColors
if i > 1 then
Format "," faceType to:ostream
Format "%" faceType to:ostream
if isTriangle then
va = (fv.x - 1) as Integer
vb = (fv.y - 1) as Integer
vc = (fv.z - 1) as Integer
if flipFace.checked or needsFlip then
tmp = vb
vb = vc
vc = tmp
Format ",%,%,%" va vb vc to:ostream
if hasMaterial then
Format ",%" m to:ostream
if hasFaceVertexUvs then
ua = (fuv.x - 1) as Integer
ub = (fuv.y - 1) as Integer
uc = (fuv.z - 1) as Integer
if flipFace.checked or needsFlip then
tmp = ub
ub = uc
uc = tmp
Format ",%,%,%" ua ub uc to:ostream
if hasFaceVertexNormals then
if smoothNormal.checked then
-- normals have the same indices as vertices
na = va
nb = vb
nc = vc
-- normals have the same indices as face
na = i - 1
nb = na
nc = na
if flipFace.checked or needsFlip then
tmp = nb
nb = nc
nc = tmp
Format ",%,%,%" na nb nc to:ostream
if hasFaceVertexColors then
ca = (fc.x - 1) as Integer
cb = (fc.y - 1) as Integer
cc = (fc.z - 1) as Integer
if flipFace.checked or needsFlip then
tmp = cb
cb = cc
cc = tmp
Format ",%,%,%" ca cb cc to:ostream
Format "]" to:ostream
-- Dump color
function DumpColor pcolor label =
r = pcolor.r / 255
g = pcolor.g / 255
b = pcolor.b / 255
fr = formattedPrint r format:".4f"
fg = formattedPrint g format:".4f"
fb = formattedPrint b format:".4f"
Format "\"%\" : [%, %, %],\n" label fr fg fb to:ostream
-- Dump map
function DumpMap pmap label =
if classof pmap == BitmapTexture then
bm = pmap.bitmap
if bm != undefined then
fname = filenameFromPath bm.filename
Format "\"%\" : \"skins/%\",\n" label fname to:ostream
-- Dump bones
-- src = #( #(index, name, position, scale, rotation), .. )
-- boneOrder lists the correct output order of the bones
-- newIndices is inverse of boneOrder
function DumpBones src boneOrder newIndices =
numBones = boneOrder.count
Format ",\n\n\t\"bones\" : [\n" to:ostream
for i = 1 to numBones do
b = src[boneOrder[i]]
if b[1] == -1 then
parent_index = -1
) else (
parent_index = newIndices[b[1]+1]
bone_name = b[2]
p = b[3]
s = b[4]
r = b[5]
Format boneFormat parent_index bone_name p s r.x r.y r.z r.w to:ostream
if (i < numBones) then (Format "," to:ostream)
Format "\n\n" to:ostream
Format "\t],\n\n" to:ostream
-- Dump skin indices
-- src = #( #(skinned?, #(index1A, index1B, ..), name )
-- If the mesh wasn't skinned, look in boneNames for its parent to fix the index
-- If it's not there, leave as 0
-- boneOrder lists the correct output order of the bones
-- newIndices is inverse of boneOrder
function DumpIndices src boneNames newIndices =
output = #()
for i=1 to src.count do
if src[i][1] then
join output src[i][2]
) else (
bone = findItem boneNames src[i][3]
for j=1 to src[i][2].count do
src[i][2][j] = bone
join output src[i][2]
Format "\t\"skinIndices\" : [" to:ostream
num = output.count
if num > 0 then
for i = 1 to num do
Format "%" (newIndices[output[i] + 1]) to:ostream
if i < num then
Format "," to:ostream
Format "],\n\n" to:ostream
-- Dump skin weights
-- src = #( weight1, weight2, .. )
function DumpWeights src =
Format "\t\"skinWeights\" : [" to:ostream
num = src.count
if num > 0 then
for i = 1 to num do
Format "%" src[i] to:ostream
if i < num then Format "," to:ostream
Format "],\n\n" to:ostream
-- Dump the keyframes for every bone
-- src = #( #( parent, #( time, #( posx, posy, posz ), rot, scl ), .. ), .. )
-- ||---Bone-- |---------------Keyframe----------------| ----||
-- boneOrder lists the correct output order of the bones
-- newIndices is inverse of boneOrder
function DumpKeyframes src boneOrder newIndices fps =
Format animHeaderFormat fps src[1][2][src[1][2].count][1] to:ostream
numBones = boneOrder.count
for i = 1 to (numBones) do
if (src[boneOrder[i]][1] == -1) then
parent_index = -1
) else
parent_index = newIndices[src[boneOrder[i]][1]+1]
Format animBoneHeaderFormat parent_index to:ostream
bnkeys = src[boneOrder[i]][2]
for j = 1 to bnkeys.count do
Format keyFormat bnkeys[j][1] bnkeys[j][2][1] bnkeys[j][2][2] bnkeys[j][2][3] bnkeys[j][3].x bnkeys[j][3].y bnkeys[j][3].z bnkeys[j][3].w bnkeys[j][4] to:ostream
if j < bnkeys.count then Format "," to:ostream
Format "\n" to:ostream
Format animBoneFooterFormat to:ostream
if i < (numBones) then
Format "," to:ostream
Format "\n" to:ostream
Format animFooterFormat to:ostream
-- Dump the morphtargets
-- src = #( #( #(index, name, vertices = #( #( x,y,z ), .. ) ), .. ), .. )
-- |List of meshes ----------------------------------------------|
-- |- |List of targets: only one mesh may have multiple ---| ----|
-- |- |- |Individual target(s) ----------------------| ----| ----|
function DumpMorphTargets src =
-- This procedure assumes that only one element of src has actual morph targets.
-- The targets field of the other elements is used to store the vertices of static meshes.
-- These vertices are duplicated and joined with the vertices of the actual morph targets.
-- Initialize with whatever happens to be first
output = src[1]
for m=2 to src.count do
if (src[m].count == 1) then
-- This is a static mesh; attach its vertices, but do nothing else.
for t=1 to output.count do
join output[t][3] src[m][1][3]
) else (
-- This mesh contains morph targets.
-- Duplicate the static vertices, join with each morph target, and set the indices and names.
while ( output.count < src[m].count ) do
-- Duplicate vertices
append output (deepCopy output[1])
for t=1 to src[m].count do
-- Vertices
join output[t][3] src[m][t][3]
-- Index, name
output[t][1] = src[m][t][1]
output[t][2] = src[m][t][2]
Format "\"morphTargets\": [" to:ostream
for k=1 to output.count do
target = output[k]
Format "{ \"name\": \"morph_%\", \"vertices\": [" target[2] to:ostream
vertices = target[3]
for j=1 to vertices.count do
Format "%,%,%" vertices[j][1] vertices[j][2] vertices[j][3] to:ostream
if (j != vertices.count) then
Format "," to:ostream
Format "] }" to:ostream
if (k != output.count) then
Format ",\n" to:ostream
Format "],\n" to:ostream
-- Export materials
function ExportMaterials zmaterials zcolors =
Format "\"materials\": [\n" to:ostream
totalMaterials = zmaterials.count
for i = 1 to totalMaterials do
mat = zmaterials[i]
Format "{\n" to:ostream
-- debug
Format "\"DbgIndex\" : %,\n" (i-1) to:ostream
if classof mat != BooleanClass then
useVertexColors = zcolors[i]
Format "\"DbgName\" : \"%\",\n" mat.name to:ostream
-- colors
DumpColor mat.diffuse "colorDiffuse"
DumpColor mat.ambient "colorAmbient"
DumpColor mat.specular "colorSpecular"
t = mat.opacity / 100
s = mat.glossiness
Format "\"transparency\" : %,\n" t to:ostream
Format "\"specularCoef\" : %,\n" s to:ostream
-- maps
DumpMap mat.diffuseMap "mapDiffuse"
DumpMap mat.ambientMap "mapAmbient"
DumpMap mat.specularMap "mapSpecular"
DumpMap mat.bumpMap "mapBump"
DumpMap mat.opacityMap "mapAlpha"
useVertexColors = false
Format "\"DbgName\" : \"%\",\n" "dummy" to:ostream
DumpColor red "colorDiffuse"
Format "\"vertexColors\" : %\n" useVertexColors to:ostream
Format "}" to:ostream
if ( i < totalMaterials ) then Format "," to:ostream
Format "\n\n" to:ostream
Format "],\n\n" to:ostream
-- Extract vertices from mesh
function ExtractVertices obj whereto =
n = obj.numVerts
for i = 1 to n do
v = GetVert obj i
append whereto v
-- Extract vertex colors from mesh
function ExtractColors obj whereto =
nColors = GetNumCPVVerts obj
if nColors > 0 then
for i = 1 to nColors do
c = GetVertColor obj i
append whereto c
-- Extract normals from mesh
function ExtractNormals obj whereto needsFlip =
if smoothNormal.checked then
num = obj.numVerts
for i = 1 to num do
n = GetNormal obj i
if flipFace.checked or needsFlip then
n.x *= -1
n.y *= -1
n.z *= -1
append whereto n
num = obj.numFaces
for i = 1 to num do
n = GetFaceNormal obj i
if flipFace.checked or needsFlip then
n.x *= -1
n.y *= -1
n.z *= -1
append whereto n
-- Extract uvs from mesh
function ExtractUvs obj whereto =
n = obj.numTVerts
for i = 1 to n do
v = GetTVert obj i
append whereto v
-- Extract faces from mesh
function ExtractFaces objMesh objMaterial whereto allMaterials needsFlip hasVColors offsetVert offsetUv offsetColor =
n = objMesh.numFaces
hasUVs = objMesh.numTVerts > 0
useMultiMaterial = false
materialIDList = #()
materialClass = classof objMaterial
if materialClass == StandardMaterial then
fm = findItem allMaterials objMaterial
else if materialClass == MultiMaterial then
useMultiMaterial = true
for i = 1 to n do
mID = GetFaceMatID objMesh i
materialIndex = findItem objMaterial.materialIDList mID
if materialIndex > 0 then
subMaterial = objMaterial.materialList[materialIndex]
mMergedIndex = findItem allMaterials subMaterial
if mMergedIndex > 0 then
materialIDList[mID] = mMergedIndex
materialIDList[mID] = findItem allMaterials false
materialIDList[mID] = findItem allMaterials false
-- undefined material
fm = findItem allMaterials false
for i = 1 to n do
zface = #()
fv = GetFace objMesh i
fv.x += offsetVert
fv.y += offsetVert
fv.z += offsetVert
if useMultiMaterial then
mID = GetFaceMatID objMesh i
fm = materialIDList[mID]
if hasUVs then
fuv = GetTVFace objMesh i
fuv.x += offsetUv
fuv.y += offsetUv
fuv.z += offsetUv
fuv = false
if hasVColors then
fc = GetVCFace objMesh i
fc.x += offsetColor
fc.y += offsetColor
fc.z += offsetColor
fc = false
append zface fv
append zface fuv
append zface fm
append zface fc
append zface needsFlip
append whereto zface
-- Extract materials from eventual multi-material
function ExtractMaterials objMesh objMaterial whereto wheretoColors zname hasVColors =
materialClass = classof objMaterial
if materialClass == StandardMaterial then
if ( findItem whereto objMaterial ) == 0 then
append whereto objMaterial
append wheretoColors hasVColors
else if materialClass == MultiMaterial then
n = objMesh.numFaces
for i = 1 to n do
mID = getFaceMatId objMesh i
materialIndex = findItem objMaterial.materialIDList mID
if materialIndex > 0 then
subMaterial = objMaterial.materialList[materialIndex]
if ( findItem whereto subMaterial ) == 0 then
append whereto subMaterial
append wheretoColors hasVColors
-- unknown or undefined material
append whereto false
append wheretoColors false
-- Hack to figure out if normals are messed up
function NeedsFaceFlip node =
needsFlip = false
local tmp = Snapshot node
face_normal = normalize ( getfacenormal tmp 1 )
face = getface tmp 1
va = getvert tmp face[1]
vb = getvert tmp face[2]
vc = getvert tmp face[3]
computed_normal = normalize ( cross (vc - vb) (va - vb) )
if distance computed_normal face_normal > 0.1 then needsFlip = true
delete tmp
return needsFlip
-- Extract only things that either already are or can be converted to meshes
function ExtractMesh node =
if SuperClassOf node == GeometryClass then
needsFlip = false
hasVColors = false
zmesh = SnapshotAsMesh node
if autoflipFace.checked then
needsFlip = NeedsFaceFlip node
if exportColor.checked and ( getNumCPVVerts zmesh ) > 0 then
hasVColors = true
return #( zmesh, node.name, node.material, needsFlip, hasVColors )
-- Not geometry ... could be a camera, light, etc.
return #( false, node.name, 0, false, false )
-- Extract the morph targets
-- whereto = #( #( #(index, name, vertices = #( #( x,y,z ), .. ) ), .. ), .. )
-- |List of meshes -----------------------------------------------|
-- |- |List of targets -------------------------------------| ----|
-- |- |- |Individual target --------------------------| ----| ----|
function ExtractMorphTargets node whereto &morphFlag =
targets = #()
morphs = #()
if ( node.modifiers[#morpher] != undefined ) then (
-- Export the morph target, if one exists
morphFlag = true
for i=1 to 100 do
nPts = WM3_MC_NumMPts node.morpher i
if (nPts > 0) then
append targets #(i, nPts)
--Set all to zero
for k=1 to targets.count do
i = targets[k][1]
node.morpher[i].controller.value = 0
--Max out one at a time, record it, then zero out again
for k=1 to targets.count do
i = targets[k][1]
numVerts = targets[k][2]
name = WM3_MC_GetName node.morpher i
verts = #()
node.morpher[i].controller.value = 100
for j = 1 to numVerts do
p = GetVert node j
append verts #(p.x, p.y, p.z)
node.morpher[i].controller.value = 0
append morphs #(i, name, verts)
append whereto morphs
) else (
-- Export the mesh vertices as a dummy morph target
verts = #()
for k=1 to node.numVerts do
p = GetVert node k
append verts #(p.x, p.y, p.z)
dummy = #()
append dummy #(0, "DUMMY", verts)
append whereto dummy
-- Transforms the matrix of a bone into its parent space, if a parent exists.
function thinkLocally bone_node localForm =
localForm = bone_node.transform
if ( bone_node.parent != undefined ) then
parentForm = bone_node.parent.transform
localForm = localForm * inverse parentForm
newLocal = matrix3 1
px = localForm.translationpart.x
py = localForm.translationpart.y
pz = localForm.translationpart.z
lTran = transMatrix (localForm.translationpart)
lRot = (inverse localForm.rotationpart) as matrix3
lScale = scaleMatrix localForm.scalepart
localForm = lScale * lRot * lTran * newLocal
-- Extract bones and keyframes
function ExtractAnimation node bones keyframes FPS bone_names &skinFlag =
if node.modifiers[#skin] != undefined then
skinFlag = true
-- A dummy root bone is first created and roatated to orient the model
p = (matrix3 1).translationpart
s = (matrix3 1).scalepart
r = (matrix3 1).rotationpart
append bones #(-1,"flipRoot",p,s,r)
if (flipYZ.checked) then
r = threeMatrix.rotationpart
) else (
r = (matrix3 1).rotationpart
r = threeMatrix.rotationpart
root_keys = #(#(0, p, r, s))
slidertime = 0
while (slidertime < animationrange.end) do
slidertime += 1
sTime = (slidertime / FPS) as String
append root_keys #(substring sTime 1 (sTime.count - 1), p, r, s)
append keyframes #(-1, root_keys)
-- The model's bones and keyframes are then extracted
max modify mode
total_bones = skinops.getnumberbones node.modifiers[#skin]
vertex_count = getNumverts node
-- Find parents by looking up their names; bone names MUST be unique
-- Can't guarantee that parent will be read before child; store all names beforehand
for i = 1 to total_bones do
bone_name = skinops.getbonename node.modifiers[#skin] i 0
append bone_names bone_name
for i = 1 to total_bones do
slidertime = 0
bone_name = skinops.getbonename node.modifiers[#skin] i 0
bone_node = getNodeByName bone_name
parent_index = 0
if ( bone_node.parent != undefined ) then
parent_name = bone_node.parent.name
parent_index = (findItem bone_names parent_name)
localForm = bone_node.transform
localForm = thinkLocally bone_node localForm
p = localForm.translationpart
r = localForm.rotationpart
s = localForm.scalepart
append bones #(parent_index, bone_name, p, bone_node.transform.scalepart, r)
in coordsys parent bone_keys = #(#(0, p, r, bone_node.transform.scalepart))
while (slidertime < animationrange.end) do
slidertime += 1
sTime = (slidertime / FPS) as String
localForm = bone_node.transform
localForm = thinkLocally bone_node localForm
p = localForm.translationpart
r = localForm.rotationpart
s = localForm.translationpart
append bone_keys #(substring sTime 1 (sTime.count - 1), p, r, bone_node.transform.scalepart)
append keyframes #(parent_index, bone_keys)
-- Extract the skin indices and weights in one pass
-- If it's a skin, skinned? = true and indices contains the bones
-- If it's not, indices is dummied to #(0,..) and DumpIndices uses the parent to fix it in post
-- indices = #( #( skinned?, indices, parent), ..)
function ExtractInfluences node indices weights =
vertex_count = getNumverts node
meshIndices = #()
if node.modifiers[#skin] != undefined then
for i = 1 to vertex_count do
-- Insane defaults for the sort; these shouldn't escape into the output
index1 = -1
index2 = -1
weight1 = -1
weight2 = -1
numBones = skinOps.GetVertexWeightCount node.modifiers[#skin] i
--Two passes of a bubble sort to get the 2 heaviest weights
for j = 1 to numBones do
thisIndex = skinops.getVertexWeightBoneID node.modifiers[#skin] i j
thisWeight = skinops.getvertexweight node.modifiers[#skin] i j
if (thisWeight) > weight1 then
weight1 = thisWeight
index1 = thisIndex
for j = 1 to numBones do
thisIndex = skinops.getVertexWeightBoneID node.modifiers[#skin] i j
thisWeight = skinops.getvertexweight node.modifiers[#skin] i j
if ((thisWeight > weight2) and (thisIndex != index1)) then
weight2 = thisWeight
index2 = thisIndex
-- Establish legal defaults: no weight from the root
if (index1 == -1) then
index1 = 0
weight1 = 0
if (index2 == -1) then
index2 = 0
weight2 = 0
append meshIndices (index1)
append meshIndices (index2)
append weights weight1
append weights weight2
append indices #(true, meshIndices, "ROOT")
) else (
for i = 1 to vertex_count do
append meshIndices 0
append meshIndices 0
append weights 1
append weights 1
name = "Scene Root"
if node.parent != undefined then
name = node.parent.name
append indices #(false, meshIndices, name)
-- Enforce that parent is above all of its children in the output
-- This fixes several amusing bugs (mostly fingers of infinite length)
-- boneOrder: order to dump the bones in #(bones)
-- newIndices: new positional indices of bones
function ReorderBones bones boneOrder newIndices =
* Reorder bones
* Python function prototype:
* for i in range(n):
* for b in range(n):
* #new bone parent of bone legal
* if not inOut[b] and (parents[b] == -1 or inOut[parents[b]]):
* inOut[b] = True
* boneOrder.append(b)
* break;
total_bones = bones.count
-- Keeps track of which parents have been accounted for
inOut = #()
for i = 1 to total_bones do
append inOut false
rootNotAdded = true
for i = 1 to total_bones do
notFound = true
for b = 1 to total_bones while notFound do
if (inOut[b] != true) then
if (rootNotAdded and bones[b][1] == -1) then
inOut[b] = true
append boneOrder b
notFound = false
rootNotAdded = false
) else (
if (inOut[bones[b][1] + 1]) then
inOut[b] = true
append boneOrder b
notFound = false
-- Takes original bone index/parent + 1, returns new correct index for parent, skinIndices, etc
for i=1 to total_bones do
newIndices[boneOrder[i]] = i - 1
-- Export scene
-- This will BREAK in HORRIBLE WAYS if you feed it more than one object for now.
function ExportScene =
-- Extract meshes
meshObjects = #()
mergedVertices = #()
mergedNormals = #()
mergedColors = #()
mergedUvs = #()
mergedFaces = #()
mergedMaterials = #()
mergedMaterialsColors = #()
sceneHasVColors = false
hasSkin = false
bones = #()
keyframes = #()
influences = #()
weights = #()
boneOrder = #()
newIndices = #()
bone_names = #()
hasMorph = false
mergedMorphTargets = #()
-- The horrible hackery that is skinops requires only one object be selected.
original_selection = #()
for obj in selection do
append original_selection obj.name
max select none
for name in original_selection do
obj = getnodebyname name
select obj
result = ExtractMesh obj
meshObj = result[1]
if ClassOf meshObj == TriMesh then
meshName = result[2]
meshMaterial = result[3]
needsFlip = result[4]
hasVColors = result[5]
sceneHasVColors = sceneHasVColors or hasVColors
append meshObjects result
vertexOffset = mergedVertices.count
uvOffset = mergedUvs.count
colorOffset = mergedColors.count
ExtractMaterials meshObj meshMaterial mergedMaterials mergedMaterialsColors meshName hasVColors
ExtractVertices meshObj mergedVertices
ExtractNormals meshObj mergedNormals needsFlip
ExtractColors meshObj mergedColors
ExtractUvs meshObj mergedUvs
ExtractFaces meshObj meshMaterial mergedFaces mergedMaterials needsFlip hasVColors vertexOffset uvOffset colorOffset
ExtractAnimation obj bones keyframes fps.value bone_names &hasSkin
ExtractInfluences obj influences weights
ReorderBones bones boneOrder newIndices
ExtractMorphTargets obj mergedMorphTargets &hasMorph
max select none
totalVertices = mergedVertices.count
totalFaces = mergedFaces.count
totalMaterials = mergedMaterials.count
totalColors = 0
totalNormals = 0
totalUvs = 0
useColors = false
if sceneHasVColors and exportColor.checked then
totalColors = mergedColors.count
useColors = true
if exportNormal.checked then
totalNormals = mergedNormals.count
if exportUv.checked then
totalUvs = mergedUvs.count
-- Dump model
Format "{\n\n" to:ostream
-- Dump header
Format headerFormat maxFileName totalVertices totalNormals totalColors totalUvs totalFaces totalMaterials to:ostream
-- Dump all materials in the scene
ExportMaterials mergedMaterials mergedMaterialsColors
-- Dump merged data from all selected geometries
DumpVertices mergedVertices
if hasMorph then
DumpMorphTargets mergedMorphTargets
DumpNormals mergedNormals
DumpColors mergedColors useColors
DumpUvs mergedUvs
DumpFaces mergedFaces useColors
if hasSkin then
DumpBones bones boneOrder newIndices
DumpIndices influences bone_names newIndices
DumpWeights weights
DumpKeyframes keyframes boneOrder newIndices fps.value
-- Dump footer
Format footerFormat to:ostream
-- Open and prepare a file handle for writing
function GetSaveFileStream =
zname = getFilenameFile maxFileName
zname += ".js"
fname = GetSaveFileName filename:zname types:"JavaScript file (*.js)|*.js|All Files(*.*)|*.*|"
if fname == undefined then
return undefined
ostream = CreateFile fname
if ostream == undefined then
MessageBox "Couldn't open file for writing !"
return undefined
return ostream
-- Export button click handler
on btn_export pressed do
ostream = GetSaveFileStream()
if ostream != undefined then
close ostream
createDialog ThreeJSExporter width:300