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<div class="desc">3D vector.</div>
<code>var a = new THREE.Vector3( 1, 0, 0 );
var b = new THREE.Vector3( 0, 1, 0 );
var c = new THREE.Vector3();
c.crossVectors( a, b );
<h3>[name]( [page:Float x], [page:Float y], [page:Float z] )</h3>
x -- [page:Float] the vector's x value <br />
y -- [page:Float] the vector's y value <br />
z -- [page:Float] the vector's z value
A 3 dimensional vector
<h3>[property:Float x]</h3>
<h3>[property:Float y]</h3>
<h3>[property:Float z]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector3 set]( [page:Float x], [page:Float y], [page:Float z] ) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
Sets value of this vector.
<h3>[method:Vector3 setX]( [page:Float x] ) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
Sets x value of this vector.
<h3>[method:Vector3 setY]( [page:Float y] ) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
Sets y value of this vector.
<h3>[method:Vector3 setZ]( [page:Float z] ) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
Sets z value of this vector.
<h3>[method:Vector3 copy]( [page:Vector3 v] ) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
Copies value of *v* to this vector.
<h3>[method:Vector3 add]( [page:Vector3 v] ) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
Adds *v* to this vector.
<h3>[method:Vector3 addVectors]( [page:Vector3 a], [page:Vector3 b] ) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
Sets this vector to *a + b*.
<h3>[method:Vector3 sub]( [page:Vector3 v] ) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
Subtracts *v* from this vector.
<h3>[method:Vector3 subVectors]( [page:Vector3 a], [page:Vector3 b] ) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
Sets this vector to *a - b*.
<h3>[method:Vector3 multiplyScalar]( [page:Float s] ) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
Multiplies this vector by scalar *s*.
<h3>[method:Vector3 divideScalar]( [page:Float s] ) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
Divides this vector by scalar *s*.<br />
Set vector to *( 0, 0, 0 )* if *s == 0*.
<h3>[method:Vector3 negate]() [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
Inverts this vector.
<h3>[method:Float dot]( [page:Vector3 v] )</h3>
Computes dot product of this vector and *v*.
<h3>[method:Float lengthSq]()</h3>
Computes squared length of this vector.
<h3>[method:Float length]()</h3>
Computes length of this vector.
<h3>[method:Float lengthManhattan]()</h3>
Computes Manhattan length of this vector.<br />
<h3>[method:Vector3 normalize]() [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
Normalizes this vector. Transforms this Vector into a Unit vector by dividing the vector by it's length.
<h3>[method:Float distanceTo]( [page:Vector3 v] )</h3>
Computes distance of this vector to *v*.
<h3>[method:Float distanceToSquared]( [page:Vector3 v] )</h3>
Computes squared distance of this vector to *v*.
<h3>[method:Vector3 setLength]( [page:Float l] ) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
Normalizes this vector and multiplies it by *l*.
<h3>[method:Vector3 cross]( [page:Vector3 v] ) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
Sets this vector to cross product of itself and *v*.
<h3>[method:Vector3 crossVectors]( [page:Vector3 a], [page:Vector3 b] ) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
Sets this vector to cross product of *a* and *b*.
<h3>[method:Vector3 setFromMatrixPosition]( [page:Matrix4 m] ) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
Sets this vector extracting position from matrix transform.
<h3>[method:Vector3 setFromMatrixScale]( [page:Matrix4 m] ) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
Sets this vector extracting scale from matrix transform.
<h3>[method:Boolean equals]( [page:Vector3 v] )</h3>
Checks for strict equality of this vector and *v*.
<h3>[method:Vector3 clone]()</h3>
Clones this vector.
<h3>[method:Vector3 clamp]([page:Vector3 min], [page:Vector3 max]) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
min -- [page:Vector3] <br />
max -- [page:Vector3]
If this vector's x, y or z value is greater than the max vector's x, y or z value, it is replaced by the corresponding value. <br /><br />
If this vector's x, y or z value is less than the min vector's x, y or z value, it is replace by the corresponding value.
<h3>[method:Vector3 clampScalar]([page:Float min], [page:Float max]) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
min -- [page:Float] the minimum value the components will be clamped to <br />
max -- [page:Float] the maximum value the components will be clamped to
If this vector's x, y or z values are greater than the max value, they are replaced by the max value. <br /> If this vector's x, y or z values are less than the min value, they are replace by the min value.
<h3>[method:Vector3 floor]()</h3>
The components of the vector are rounded downwards (towards negative infinity) to an integer value.
<h3>[method:Vector3 ceil]()</h3>
The components of the vector are rounded upwards (towards positive infinity) to an integer value.
<h3>[method:Vector3 round]()</h3>
The components of the vector are rounded towards the nearest integer value.
<h3>[method:Vector3 roundToZero]()</h3>
The components of the vector are rounded towards zero (up if negative, down if positive) to an integer value.
<h3>[method:Vector3 applyMatrix3]([page:Matrix3 m]) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
m -- [page:Matrix3]
Multiplies this vector times a 3 x 3 matrix.
<h3>[method:Vector3 applyMatrix4]([page:Matrix3 m]) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
m -- [page:Matrix4]
Multiplies this vector by 4 x 3 subset of a Matrix4.
<h3>[method:Vector3 projectOnPlane]([page:Vector3 planeNormal]) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
planeNormal -- [page:Vector3 planeNormal] A vector representing a plane normal.
Projects this vector onto a plane by subtracting this vector projected onto the plane's normal from this vector.
<h3>[method:Vector3 projectOnVector]([page:Vector3]) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
vector -- [page:Vector3]
Projects this vector onto another vector.
<h3>[method:Vector3 addScalar]([page:Float]) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
s -- [page:Float]
Adds a s to this vector.
<h3>[method:Vector3 divide]([page:Vector3 v]) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
v -- [page:Vector3]
Divides this vector by vector v.
<h3>[method:Vector3 min]([page:Vector3 v]) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
v -- [page:Vector3]
If this vector's x, y, or z value is less than vector v's x, y, or z value, that value is replaced by the corresponding vector v value.
<h3>[method:Vector3 max]([page:Vector3 v]) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
v -- [page:Vector3]
If this vector's x, y, or z value is greater than vector v's x, y, or z value, that value is replaced by the corresponding vector v value.
<h3>[method:Vector3 setComponent]([page:Integer index], [page:Float value]) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
index -- 0, 1, or 2 <br />
value -- [page:Float]
If index equals 0 the method sets this vector's x value to value <br />
If index equals 1 the method sets this vector's y value to value <br />
If index equals 2 the method sets this vector's z value to value
<h3>[method:Vector3 transformDirection]([page:Matrix4 m]) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
m -- [page:Matrix4]
Transforms the direction of this vector by a matrix (a 3 x 3 subset of a Matrix4) and then normalizes the result.
<h3>[method:Vector3 multiplyVectors]([page:Vector3 a], [page:Vector3 b]) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
a -- [page:Vector3] <br />
b -- [page:Vector3]
Sets this vector equal to the result of multiplying vector a by vector b.
<h3>[method:Float getComponent]([page:Integer index])</h3>
index -- [page:Integer] 0, 1, or 2
Returns the value of the vector component x, y, or z by an index. <br /><br />
Index 0: x <br />
Index 1: y <br />
Index 2: z <br />
<h3>[method:Vector3 applyAxisAngle]([page:Vector3 axis], [page:Float angle]) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
axis -- A normalized [page:Vector3] <br />
angle -- An angle in radians
Applies a rotation specified by an axis and an angle to this vector.
<h3>[method:Vector3 lerp]([page:Vector3 v], [page:Float alpha]) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
v -- [page:Vector3] <br />
alpha -- [page:Float] between 0 and 1.
Linear Interpolation between this vector and vector v, where alpha is the percent along the line.
<h3>[method:Vector3 lerpVectors]([page:Vector3 v1], [page:Vector3 v2], [page:Float alpha]) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
v1 -- [page:Vector3] <br />
v2 -- [page:Vector3] <br />
alpha -- [page:Float] between 0 and 1.
Sets this vector to be the vector linearly interpolated between *v1* and *v2* with *alpha* factor.
<h3>[method:Float angleTo]([page:Vector3 v])</h3>
v -- [page:Vector3]
Returns the angle between this vector and vector v in radians.
<h3>[method:Vector3 setFromMatrixColumn]([page:Integer index], [page:Matrix4 matrix]) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
index -- 0, 1, 2, or 3 <br />
matrix -- [page:Matrix4]
Sets this vector's x, y, and z equal to the column of the matrix specified by the index.
<h3>[method:Vector3 reflect]([page:Vector3 normal]) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
normal -- [page:Vector3] the normal to the reflecting plane
Reflect incident vector off of plane orthogonal to normal. normal is assumed to have unit length.
<h3>[method:Vector3 fromArray]([page:Array array]) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
array -- [page:Array] [x, y, z]
Sets the vector's components based on an array formatted like [x, y, z]
<h3>[method:Vector3 multiply]([page:Vector3 v]) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
v -- [page:Vector3] <br />
Multipies this vector by vector v.
<h3>[method:Vector3 applyProjection]([page:Matrix4 m]) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
m -- [page:Matrix4] projection matrix.
Multiplies this vector and m, and divides by perspective.
<h3>[method:Array toArray]( [page:Array array] )</h3>
array -- Optional array to store the vector.
Assigns this vector's x value to array[0]. <br />
Assigns this vector's y value to array[1]. <br />
Assigns this vector's z value to array[2]. <br />
Returns the created array.
<h3>[method:Vector3 applyEuler]([page:Euler euler]) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
euler -- [page:Euler]
Applies euler transform to this vector by converting the [page:Euler] obect to a [page:Quaternion] and applying.
<h3>[method:Vector3 applyQuaternion]([page:Quaternion quaternion]) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
quaternion -- [page:Quaternion]
Applies a [page:Quaternion] transform to this vector.
<h3>[method:Vector3 project]( [page:Camera camera] )</h3>
[page:Camera camera] — camera to use in the projection.<br />
Projects the vector with the camera.
<h3>[method:Vector3 unproject]( [page:Camera camera] )</h3>
[page:Camera camera] — camera to use in the projection.<br />
Unprojects the vector with the camera.
[link:https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/blob/master/src/[path].js src/[path].js]