mirror of
synced 2025-02-05 15:55:11 +01:00
267 lines
6.4 KiB
267 lines
6.4 KiB
* @author zz85 / https://github.com/zz85
* Ascii generation is based on http://www.nihilogic.dk/labs/jsascii/
* Maybe more about this later with a blog post at http://lab4games.net/zz85/blog
* 16 April 2012 - @blurspline
THREE.AsciiEffect = function ( renderer, charSet, options ) {
// its fun to create one your own!
charSet = ( charSet === undefined ) ? ' .:-=+*#%@' : charSet;
// ' .,:;=|iI+hHOE#`$';
// darker bolder character set from https://github.com/saw/Canvas-ASCII-Art/
// ' .\'`^",:;Il!i~+_-?][}{1)(|/tfjrxnuvczXYUJCLQ0OZmwqpdbkhao*#MW&8%B@$'.split('');
if ( !options ) options = {};
// Some ASCII settings
var bResolution = !options['resolution'] ? 0.15 : options['resolution']; // Higher for more details
var iScale = !options['scale'] ? 1 : options['scale'];
var bColor = !options['color'] ? false : options['color']; // nice but slows down rendering!
var bAlpha = !options['alpha'] ? false : options['alpha']; // Transparency
var bBlock = !options['block'] ? false : options['block']; // blocked characters. like good O dos
var bInvert = !options['invert'] ? false : options['invert']; // black is white, white is black
var strResolution = 'low';
var width, height;
var domElement = document.createElement('div');
domElement.style.cursor = 'default';
var oAscii = document.createElement("table");
domElement.appendChild( oAscii );
var iWidth, iHeight;
var oImg;
this.setSize = function ( w, h ) {
width = w;
height = h;
renderer.setSize( w, h );
this.render = function ( scene, camera ) {
renderer.render( scene, camera );
asciifyImage( renderer, oAscii );
this.domElement = domElement;
// Throw in ascii library from http://www.nihilogic.dk/labs/jsascii/jsascii.js
* jsAscii 0.1
* Copyright (c) 2008 Jacob Seidelin, jseidelin@nihilogic.dk, http://blog.nihilogic.dk/
* MIT License [http://www.nihilogic.dk/licenses/mit-license.txt]
function initAsciiSize() {
iWidth = Math.round( width * fResolution );
iHeight = Math.round( height * fResolution );
oCanvas.width = iWidth;
oCanvas.height = iHeight;
// oCanvas.style.display = "none";
// oCanvas.style.width = iWidth;
// oCanvas.style.height = iHeight;
oImg = renderer.domElement;
if ( oImg.style.backgroundColor ) {
oAscii.rows[0].cells[0].style.backgroundColor = oImg.style.backgroundColor;
oAscii.rows[0].cells[0].style.color = oImg.style.color;
oAscii.cellSpacing = 0;
oAscii.cellPadding = 0;
var oStyle = oAscii.style;
oStyle.display = "inline";
oStyle.width = Math.round(iWidth / fResolution * iScale) + "px";
oStyle.height = Math.round(iHeight / fResolution * iScale) + "px";
oStyle.whiteSpace = "pre";
oStyle.margin = "0px";
oStyle.padding = "0px";
oStyle.letterSpacing = fLetterSpacing + "px";
oStyle.fontFamily = strFont;
oStyle.fontSize = fFontSize + "px";
oStyle.lineHeight = fLineHeight + "px";
oStyle.textAlign = "left";
oStyle.textDecoration = "none";
var aDefaultCharList = (" .,:;i1tfLCG08@").split("");
var aDefaultColorCharList = (" CGO08@").split("");
var strFont = "courier new, monospace";
var oCanvasImg = renderer.domElement;
var oCanvas = document.createElement("canvas");
if (!oCanvas.getContext) {
var oCtx = oCanvas.getContext("2d");
if (!oCtx.getImageData) {
var aCharList = (bColor ? aDefaultColorCharList : aDefaultCharList);
if (charSet) aCharList = charSet;
var fResolution = 0.5;
switch ( strResolution ) {
case "low" : fResolution = 0.25; break;
case "medium" : fResolution = 0.5; break;
case "high" : fResolution = 1; break;
if ( bResolution ) fResolution = bResolution;
// Setup dom
var fFontSize = (2 / fResolution) * iScale;
var fLineHeight = (2 / fResolution) * iScale;
// adjust letter-spacing for all combinations of scale and resolution to get it to fit the image width.
var fLetterSpacing = 0;
if ( strResolution == "low" ) {
switch (iScale) {
case 1 : fLetterSpacing = -1; break;
case 2 :
case 3 : fLetterSpacing = -2.1; break;
case 4 : fLetterSpacing = -3.1; break;
case 5 : fLetterSpacing = -4.15; break;
if ( strResolution == "medium" ) {
switch (iScale) {
case 1 : fLetterSpacing = 0; break;
case 2 : fLetterSpacing = -1; break;
case 3 : fLetterSpacing = -1.04; break;
case 4 :
case 5 : fLetterSpacing = -2.1; break;
if ( strResolution == "high" ) {
switch (iScale) {
case 1 :
case 2 : fLetterSpacing = 0; break;
case 3 :
case 4 :
case 5 : fLetterSpacing = -1; break;
// can't get a span or div to flow like an img element, but a table works?
// convert img element to ascii
function asciifyImage( canvasRenderer, oAscii ) {
oCtx.clearRect( 0, 0, iWidth, iHeight );
oCtx.drawImage( oCanvasImg, 0, 0, iWidth, iHeight );
var oImgData = oCtx.getImageData(0, 0, iWidth, iHeight).data;
// Coloring loop starts now
var strChars = "";
// console.time('rendering');
for (var y = 0; y < iHeight; y+=2) {
for (var x = 0; x < iWidth; x ++) {
var iOffset = (y * iWidth + x) * 4;
var iRed = oImgData[iOffset];
var iGreen = oImgData[iOffset + 1];
var iBlue = oImgData[iOffset + 2];
var iAlpha = oImgData[iOffset + 3];
var iCharIdx;
var fBrightness;
fBrightness = (0.3 * iRed + 0.59 * iGreen + 0.11 * iBlue) / 255;
// fBrightness = (0.3*iRed + 0.5*iGreen + 0.3*iBlue) / 255;
if (iAlpha == 0) {
// should calculate alpha instead, but quick hack :)
//fBrightness *= (iAlpha / 255);
fBrightness = 1;
iCharIdx = Math.floor((1 - fBrightness) * (aCharList.length - 1));
if (bInvert) {
iCharIdx = aCharList.length - iCharIdx - 1;
// good for debugging
//fBrightness = Math.floor(fBrightness * 10);
//strThisChar = fBrightness;
var strThisChar = aCharList[iCharIdx];
if (strThisChar === undefined || strThisChar == " ")
strThisChar = " ";
if (bColor) {
strChars += "<span style='"
+ "color:rgb(" + iRed + "," + iGreen + "," + iBlue + ");"
+ (bBlock ? "background-color:rgb(" + iRed + "," + iGreen + "," + iBlue + ");" : "")
+ (bAlpha ? "opacity:" + (iAlpha / 255) + ";" : "")
+ "'>" + strThisChar + "</span>";
} else {
strChars += strThisChar;
strChars += "<br/>";
oAscii.innerHTML = "<tr><td>" + strChars + "</td></tr>";
// console.timeEnd('rendering');
// return oAscii;
// end modified asciifyImage block