/****************************************************** * * Box * Representation of de Doodle3DBox * Handles all communication with the doodle box * ******************************************************/ //TODO //Als meerdere clients met box zouden verbinden zal de api te veel requests krijgen waardoor hij crasht //implimentatie van het veranderen van onder andere naam, netwerkverbinding etc D3D.Box = function (localIp) { "use strict"; var self = this; this.batchSize = 512; this.maxBufferedLines = 4096; this.localIp = localIp; this.api = "http://" + localIp + "/d3dapi/"; this.config = {}; this.printBatches = []; this.currentBatch = 0; this.loaded = false; this.onload; getAPI(self.api + "config/all", function (data) { for (var i in data) { if (i.indexOf("doodle3d") === 0) { self.config[i] = data[i]; } } self.printer = new D3D.Printer(data); self.update(); self.loaded = true; if (self.onload !== undefined) { self.onload(); } }); }; D3D.Box.prototype.update = function () { "use strict"; //TODO //Code is zo op gezet dat maar api call te gelijk is //Bij error wordt gelijk zelfde data opnieuw gestuurd //Als DoodleBox ontkoppeld wordt komt er een error in de loop waardoor pagina breekt en ververst moet worden //if (this.printBatches.length > 0 && (this.progress["buffered_lines"] + this.batchSize) <= this.maxBufferedLines) { if (this.printBatches.length > 0 ) { this.printBatch(); } else { this.updateState(); } }; D3D.Box.prototype.updateState = function () { "use strict"; var self = this; //que api calls so they don't overload the d3d box getAPI(this.api + "info/status", function (data) { self.printer.status = data; self.update(); }); }; D3D.Box.prototype.print = function (gcode) { "use strict"; this.currentBatch = 0; //clone gcode to remove array links gcode = gcode.clone(); //gcode split in batches while (gcode.length > 0) { var gcodeBatch = gcode.splice(0, Math.min(this.batchSize, gcode.length)); this.printBatches.push(gcodeBatch); } return this; }; D3D.Box.prototype.printBatch = function () { "use strict"; var self = this; var gcode = this.printBatches.shift(); sendAPI(this.api + "printer/print", { "start": ((this.currentBatch === 0) ? "true" : "false"), "first": ((this.currentBatch === 0) ? "true" : "false"), "gcode": gcode.join("\n") }, function (data) { console.log("batch sent: " + self.currentBatch, data); if (self.printBatches.length > 0) { //sent new batch self.currentBatch ++; } else { //finish printing } self.updateState(); }); }; D3D.Box.prototype.stop = function () { "use strict"; this.printBatches = []; this.currentBatch = 0; var finishMove = [ "M107 ;fan off", "G91 ;relative positioning", "G1 E-1 F300 ;retract the filament a bit before lifting the nozzle, to release some of the pressure", "G1 Z+0.5 E-5 X-20 Y-20 F9000 ;move Z up a bit and retract filament even more", "G28 X0 Y0 ;move X/Y to min endstops, so the head is out of the way", "M84 ;disable axes / steppers", "G90 ;absolute positioning", "M104 S180", ";M140 S70", "M117 Done ;display message (20 characters to clear whole screen)" ]; sendAPI(this.api + "printer/stop", { "gcode": finishMove.join("\n") //"gcode": {} }, function (data) { console.log("Printer stop command sent"); }); return this; }; D3D.Box.prototype.setConfig = function (data) { "use strict"; sendAPI(this.api + "config", data); return this; }; D3D.Box.prototype.getInfoLog = function (callback) { "use strict"; getAPI(this.api + "info/logfiles", function (data) { if (callback !== undefined) { callback(data); } }); return this; }; D3D.Box.prototype.getInfoAcces = function (callback) { "use strict"; //error //cannot call function or module 'info/acces' ('module/function 'info/acces' does not exist') getAPI(this.api + "info/acces", function (data) { if (callback !== undefined) { callback(data); } }); return this; }; D3D.Box.prototype.getNetwerkScan = function (callback) { "use strict"; getAPI(this.api + "network/scan", function (data) { if (callback !== undefined) { callback(data); } }); return this; }; D3D.Box.prototype.getNetworkKnown = function (callback) { "use strict"; getAPI(this.api + "network/known", function (data) { if (callback !== undefined) { callback(data); } }); return this; }; D3D.Box.prototype.getNetworkStatus = function (callback) { "use strict"; getAPI(this.api + "network/status", function (data) { if (callback !== undefined) { callback(data); } }); return this; }; D3D.Box.prototype.setNetworkAssosiate = function (data) { "use strict"; sendAPI(this.api + "network/assosiate", data); return this; }; D3D.Box.prototype.setNetworkDisassosiate = function (data) { "use strict"; sendAPI(this.api + "network/displayassosiate", data); return this; }; D3D.Box.prototype.setNetworkOpenap = function (data) { "use strict"; sendAPI(this.api + "network/openap", data); return this; }; D3D.Box.prototype.setNetworkRemove = function (ssid) { "use strict"; sendAPI(this.api + "network/displayassosiate", {ssid: ssid}); return this; }; D3D.Box.prototype.getNetworkAlive = function (callback) { "use strict"; //emty? getAPI(this.api + "network/alive", function (data) { if (callback !== undefined) { callback(data); } }); return this; }; D3D.Box.prototype.getPrinterListAll = function (callback) { "use strict"; getAPI(this.api + "printer/listall", function (data) { if (callback !== undefined) { callback(data); } }); return this; }; D3D.Box.prototype.setPrinterHeatup = function (data) { "use strict"; sendAPI(this.api + "printer/heatup", data); return this; }; D3D.Box.prototype.getVersion = function (data) { "use strict"; //error //cannot call function or module 'system/fwversion' ('module/function 'system/fwversion' does not exist') getAPI(this.api + "system/fwversion", function (data) { if (callback !== undefined) { callback(data); } }); return this; };