/****************************************************** * * Printer * Representation of the connected printer * ******************************************************/ D3D.Printer = function () { "use strict"; this.config = {}; }; D3D.Printer.prototype.updateConfig = function (config) { "use strict"; for (var i in config) { this.config[i] = config[i]; } return this; }; D3D.Printer.prototype.getStartCode = function () { "use strict"; var gcode = this.config["startCode"]; gcode = this.subsituteVariables(gcode); return gcode; }; D3D.Printer.prototype.getEndCode = function () { "use strict"; var gcode = this.config["endCode"]; gcode = this.subsituteVariables(gcode); return gcode; }; D3D.Printer.prototype.subsituteVariables = function (gcode) { "use strict"; var temperature = this.config["temperature"]; var bedTemperature = this.config["bedTemperature"]; var preheatTemperature = this.config["heatupTemperature"]; var preheatBedTemperature = this.config["heatupBedTemperature"]; var printerType = this.config["type"]; var heatedbed = this.config["heatedbed"]; switch (printerType) { case "makerbot_replicator2": printerType = "r2"; break; case "makerbot_replicator2x": printerType = "r2x"; break; case "makerbot_thingomatic": printerType = "t6"; break; case "makerbot_generic": printerType = "r2"; break; case "_3Dison_plus": printerType = "r2"; break; } var heatedBedReplacement = heatedbed ? "" : ";"; gcode = gcode.replace(/{printingTemp}/gi, temperature); gcode = gcode.replace(/{printingBedTemp}/gi, bedTemperature); gcode = gcode.replace(/{preheatTemp}/gi, preheatTemperature); gcode = gcode.replace(/{preheatBedTemp}/gi, preheatBedTemperature); gcode = gcode.replace(/{printerType}/gi, printerType); gcode = gcode.replace(/{if heatedBed}/gi, heatedBedReplacement); return gcode; };