
A Helper class to ease the loading of images of different types.


[property:string crossOrigin]

The crossOrigin string to implement CORS for loading the image from a different domain that allows CORS.


[method:DataTexture generateDataTexture]([page:Number width], [page:Number height], [page:Number color])

width -- The width of the texture.
height -- The height of the texture.
color -- The hexadecimal value of the color.
Generates a texture of a single color. It is a DataTexture with format, RGBFormat.

[method:CompressedTexture parseDDS]([page:String buffer], [page:boolean loadMipmaps])

buffer -- A string containing the data of the dds.
loadMipmaps -- A boolean to indicate if you need to load the mipmaps. Default is True.
Parses a DDS Image from the string into a CompressedTexture.

[method:todo loadCompressedTexture]([page:todo url], [page:todo mapping], [page:todo onLoad], [page:todo onError])

url -- todo
mapping -- todo
onLoad -- todo
onError -- todo

[method:todo loadTexture]([page:String url], [page:UVMapping mapping], [page:Function onLoad], [page:Function onError])

url -- the url of the texture
mapping -- Can be an instance of [page:UVMapping THREE.UVMapping], [page:CubeReflectionMapping THREE.CubeReflectionMapping] or [page:SphericalReflectionMapping THREE.SphericalReflectionMapping]. Describes how the image is applied to the object.
Use undefined instead of null as a default value. See mapping property of [page:Texture texture] for more details.
onLoad -- callback function
onError -- callback function

[method:todo getNormalMap]([page:todo image], [page:todo depth])

image -- todo
depth -- todo

[method:todo loadCompressedTextureCube]([page:todo array], [page:todo mapping], [page:todo onLoad], [page:todo onError])

array -- todo
mapping -- todo
onLoad -- todo
onError -- todo

[method:todo loadTextureCube]([page:todo array], [page:todo mapping], [page:todo onLoad], [page:todo onError])

array -- todo
mapping -- todo
onLoad -- todo
onError -- todo


[link:https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/blob/master/src/[path].js src/[path].js]