[page:Object3D] →
An 3d object that has bones data. These Bones can then be used to animate the vertices of the object.
[name]([page:Geometry geometry], [page:Material material], [page:boolean useVertexTexture])
geometry — An instance of [page:Geometry].
material — An instance of [page:Material] (optional).
useVertexTexture -- Defines wether a vertex texture can be used (optional).
This Creates a new instance of skinnedMesh.
[property:array bones]
This contains the array of bones for this mesh. These should be set in the constructor.
[property:Matrix4 identityMatrix]
This is an identityMatrix to calculate the bones matrices from.
[property:boolean useVertexTexture]
The boolean defines whether a vertex texture is used to calculate the bones. This boolean shouldn't be changed after constructor.
[property:array boneMatrices]
This array of matrices contains the matrices of the bones. These get calculated in the constructor.
[method:null pose]()
This method sets the skinnedmesh in the rest pose.
[method:Bone addBone]([page:Bone bone])
bone -- This is the bone that needs to be added. (optional)
This method adds the bone to the skinnedmesh when it is provided. It creates a new bone and adds that when no bone is given.
[link:https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/blob/master/src/[path].js src/[path].js]