/****************************************************** * * WiFi-Box * Representation of de Doodle3D-WiFi Box * Handles all communication with the doodle box * Check http://www.doodle3d.com/help/api-documentation * ******************************************************/ D3D.Box = function (localIp) { "use strict"; var scope = this; this.alive = false; this.batchSize = 512; this.maxBufferedLines = 4096; this.localIp = localIp; this.api = "http://" + localIp + "/d3dapi/"; this.config = {}; this.status = {}; this._printBatches = []; this._currentBatch = 0; this.loaded = false; }; D3D.Box.prototype.init = function () { "use strict"; var scope = this; this.getNetworkAlive(function (error, data) { if (error) { if (scope.alive) { scope.alive = false; if (scope.ondisconnect !== undefined) { scope.ondisconnect(); } } console.warn(error); setTimeout(function () { scope.init(); }, 1000); return; } scope.alive = true; if (scope.onconnect !== undefined) { scope.onconnect(); } scope.getConfigAll(function (error, data) { if (error) { console.warn(error); scope.init(); } scope.config = data; if (!scope.loaded) { scope.loaded = true; if (scope.onload !== undefined) { scope.onload(); } } scope._updateState(); }); }); return this; }; D3D.Box.prototype._updateLoop = function () { "use strict"; var scope = this; if (this._printBatches.length > 0 && (this.status["buffered_lines"] + this._printBatches[0].length) <= this.maxBufferedLines) { //if (this._printBatches.length > 0 ) { this._printBatch(); } else { setTimeout(function () { scope._updateState(); }, 1000); } }; D3D.Box.prototype._updateState = function () { //que api calls so they don't overload the d3d box "use strict"; var scope = this; this.getInfoStatus(function (error, data) { if (error) { console.warn(error); scope.init(); return; } scope.status = data; if (scope.onupdate !== undefined) { scope.onupdate(data); } scope._updateLoop(); }); }; D3D.Box.prototype.print = function (gcode) { "use strict"; this._currentBatch = 0; gcode = gcode.split("\n"); //split gcode in batches while (gcode.length > 0) { var gcodeBatch = gcode.splice(0, Math.min(this.batchSize, gcode.length)); this._printBatches.push(gcodeBatch); } return this; }; D3D.Box.prototype._printBatch = function () { "use strict"; var scope = this; var gcode = this._printBatches.shift(); this.setPrinterPrint({ "start": ((this._currentBatch === 0) ? true : false), "first": ((this._currentBatch === 0) ? true : false), "gcode": gcode.join("\n"), "last": ((this._printBatches.length === 0) ? true : false) //only for debug purposes }, function (error, data) { if (error) { scope._printBatches.unshift(gcode); console.warn(error); scope.init(); return; } console.log("batch sent: " + scope._currentBatch, data); if (scope._printBatches.length > 0) { scope._currentBatch ++; } else { console.log("Finish sending model to printer"); } scope._updateState(); }); }; D3D.Box.prototype.stopPrint = function (printer) { "use strict"; var scope = this; this._printBatches = []; this._currentBatch = 0; this.setPrinterStop({ "gcode": printer.getEndCode() }, function (error, data) { if (error) { console.warn(error); scope.init(); return; } console.log("Printer stop command sent"); }); return this; }; //COMMUNICATION SHELL //see http://www.doodle3d.com/help/api-documentation D3D.Box.prototype.getConfig = function (keys, callback) { "use strict"; getAPI(this.api + "config/?" + keys.join("=&") + "=", callback); return this; }; D3D.Box.prototype.getConfigAll = function (callback) { "use strict"; getAPI(this.api + "config/all", callback); return this; }; D3D.Box.prototype.setConfig = function (data, callback) { "use strict"; var scope = this; sendAPI(this.api + "config", data, function (response) { for (var i in response.validation) { if (response.validation[i] === "ok") { scope[i] = data[i]; } } if (callback !== undefined) { callback(response); } }); return this; }; D3D.Box.prototype.getInfo = function (callback) { "use strict"; getAPI(this.api + "info", callback); return this; }; D3D.Box.prototype.getInfoStatus = function (callback) { "use strict"; getAPI(this.api + "info/status", callback); return this; }; D3D.Box.prototype.downloadInfoLogFiles = function () { //works in google chrome... not tested in other browsers //some browsers may redirect using this code "use strict"; window.location = this.api + "info/logfiles"; }; D3D.Box.prototype.getInfoAcces = function (callback) { "use strict"; getAPI(this.api + "info/access", callback); return this; }; D3D.Box.prototype.getNetworkScan = function (callback) { "use strict"; getAPI(this.api + "network/scan", callback); return this; }; D3D.Box.prototype.getNetworkKnown = function (callback) { "use strict"; getAPI(this.api + "network/known", callback); return this; }; D3D.Box.prototype.getNetworkStatus = function (callback) { "use strict"; getAPI(this.api + "network/status", callback); return this; }; D3D.Box.prototype.setNetworkAssosiate = function (data, callback) { "use strict"; sendAPI(this.api + "network/associate", data, callback); return this; }; D3D.Box.prototype.setNetworkDisassosiate = function (callback) { //not tested "use strict"; sendAPI(this.api + "network/disassociate", {}, callback); return this; }; D3D.Box.prototype.setNetworkOpenAP = function (callback) { //not tested "use strict"; sendAPI(this.api + "network/openap", {}, callback); return this; }; D3D.Box.prototype.setNetworkRemove = function (ssid, callback) { "use strict"; sendAPI(this.api + "network/remove", { "ssid": ssid }, callback); return this; }; D3D.Box.prototype.getNetworkSignin = function (callback) { "use strict"; getAPI(this.api + "network/signin", callback); return this; }; D3D.Box.prototype.getNetworkAlive = function (callback) { "use strict"; getAPI(this.api + "network/alive", callback); return this; }; D3D.Box.prototype.getPrinterTemperature = function (callback) { "use strict"; getAPI(this.api + "printer/temperature", callback); return this; }; D3D.Box.prototype.getPrinterProgress = function (callback) { "use strict"; getAPI(this.api + "printer/progress", callback); return this; }; D3D.Box.prototype.getPrinterState = function (callback) { "use strict"; getAPI(this.api + "printer/state", callback); return this; }; D3D.Box.prototype.getPrinterListAll = function (callback) { "use strict"; getAPI(this.api + "printer/listall", callback); return this; }; D3D.Box.prototype.setPrinterHeatup = function (callback) { "use strict"; sendAPI(this.api + "printer/heatup", {}, callback); return this; }; D3D.Box.prototype.setPrinterPrint = function (data, callback) { "use strict"; sendAPI(this.api + "printer/print", data, callback); return this; }; D3D.Box.prototype.setPrinterStop = function (data, callback) { "use strict"; sendAPI(this.api + "printer/stop", data, callback); return this; }; D3D.Box.prototype.getSketch = function (id, callback) { "use strict"; getAPI(this.api + "sketch/?id=" + id, callback); return this; }; D3D.Box.prototype.setSketch = function (data, callback) { "use strict"; sendAPI(this.api + "sketch", { "data": data }, callback); return this; }; D3D.Box.prototype.getSketchStatus = function (callback) { "use strict"; getAPI(this.api + "sketch/status", callback); return this; }; D3D.Box.prototype.setSketchClear = function (callback) { "use strict"; sendAPI(this.api + "sketch/clear", callback); return this; }; D3D.Box.prototype.getSystemVersions = function (callback) { "use strict"; getAPI(this.api + "system/fwversions", callback); return this; }; D3D.Box.prototype.getUpdateStatus = function (callback) { "use strict"; getAPI(this.api + "update/status", callback); return this; }; D3D.Box.prototype.setUpdateDownload = function (callback) { //not tested "use strict"; sendAPI(this.api + "update/download", {}, callback); return this; }; D3D.Box.prototype.setUpdateInstall = function (callback) { //not tested "use strict"; sendAPI(this.api + "update/install", {}, callback); return this; }; D3D.Box.prototype.setUpdateClear = function (callback) { //not tested "use strict"; sendAPI(this.api + "update/clear", {}, callback); return this; };