/** * @author zz85 / http://www.lab4games.net/zz85/blog * @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/ * * For Text operations in three.js (See TextGeometry) * * It uses techniques used in: * * typeface.js and canvastext * For converting fonts and rendering with javascript * http://typeface.neocracy.org * * Triangulation ported from AS3 * Simple Polygon Triangulation * http://actionsnippet.com/?p=1462 * * A Method to triangulate shapes with holes * http://www.sakri.net/blog/2009/06/12/an-approach-to-triangulating-polygons-with-holes/ * */ THREE.FontUtils = { faces: {}, // Just for now. face[weight][style] face: 'helvetiker', weight: 'normal', style: 'normal', size: 150, divisions: 10, getFace: function () { try { return this.faces[ this.face ][ this.weight ][ this.style ]; } catch (e) { throw "The font " + this.face + " with " + this.weight + " weight and " + this.style + " style is missing." }; }, loadFace: function ( data ) { var family = data.familyName.toLowerCase(); var ThreeFont = this; ThreeFont.faces[ family ] = ThreeFont.faces[ family ] || {}; ThreeFont.faces[ family ][ data.cssFontWeight ] = ThreeFont.faces[ family ][ data.cssFontWeight ] || {}; ThreeFont.faces[ family ][ data.cssFontWeight ][ data.cssFontStyle ] = data; ThreeFont.faces[ family ][ data.cssFontWeight ][ data.cssFontStyle ] = data; return data; }, drawText: function ( text ) { // RenderText var i, face = this.getFace(), scale = this.size / face.resolution, offset = 0, chars = String( text ).split( '' ), length = chars.length; var fontPaths = []; for ( i = 0; i < length; i ++ ) { var path = new THREE.Path(); var ret = this.extractGlyphPoints( chars[ i ], face, scale, offset, path ); offset += ret.offset; fontPaths.push( ret.path ); } // get the width var width = offset / 2; // // for ( p = 0; p < allPts.length; p++ ) { // // allPts[ p ].x -= width; // // } //var extract = this.extractPoints( allPts, characterPts ); //extract.contour = allPts; //extract.paths = fontPaths; //extract.offset = width; return { paths: fontPaths, offset: width }; }, extractGlyphPoints: function ( c, face, scale, offset, path ) { var pts = []; var i, i2, divisions, outline, action, length, scaleX, scaleY, x, y, cpx, cpy, cpx0, cpy0, cpx1, cpy1, cpx2, cpy2, laste, glyph = face.glyphs[ c ] || face.glyphs[ '?' ]; if ( ! glyph ) return; if ( glyph.o ) { outline = glyph._cachedOutline || ( glyph._cachedOutline = glyph.o.split( ' ' ) ); length = outline.length; scaleX = scale; scaleY = scale; for ( i = 0; i < length; ) { action = outline[ i ++ ]; //console.log( action ); switch ( action ) { case 'm': // Move To x = outline[ i ++ ] * scaleX + offset; y = outline[ i ++ ] * scaleY; path.moveTo( x, y ); break; case 'l': // Line To x = outline[ i ++ ] * scaleX + offset; y = outline[ i ++ ] * scaleY; path.lineTo( x, y ); break; case 'q': // QuadraticCurveTo cpx = outline[ i ++ ] * scaleX + offset; cpy = outline[ i ++ ] * scaleY; cpx1 = outline[ i ++ ] * scaleX + offset; cpy1 = outline[ i ++ ] * scaleY; path.quadraticCurveTo( cpx1, cpy1, cpx, cpy ); laste = pts[ pts.length - 1 ]; if ( laste ) { cpx0 = laste.x; cpy0 = laste.y; for ( i2 = 1, divisions = this.divisions; i2 <= divisions; i2 ++ ) { var t = i2 / divisions; THREE.Shape.Utils.b2( t, cpx0, cpx1, cpx ); THREE.Shape.Utils.b2( t, cpy0, cpy1, cpy ); } } break; case 'b': // Cubic Bezier Curve cpx = outline[ i ++ ] * scaleX + offset; cpy = outline[ i ++ ] * scaleY; cpx1 = outline[ i ++ ] * scaleX + offset; cpy1 = outline[ i ++ ] * scaleY; cpx2 = outline[ i ++ ] * scaleX + offset; cpy2 = outline[ i ++ ] * scaleY; path.bezierCurveTo( cpx1, cpy1, cpx2, cpy2, cpx, cpy ); laste = pts[ pts.length - 1 ]; if ( laste ) { cpx0 = laste.x; cpy0 = laste.y; for ( i2 = 1, divisions = this.divisions; i2 <= divisions; i2 ++ ) { var t = i2 / divisions; THREE.Shape.Utils.b3( t, cpx0, cpx1, cpx2, cpx ); THREE.Shape.Utils.b3( t, cpy0, cpy1, cpy2, cpy ); } } break; } } } return { offset: glyph.ha * scale, path:path }; } }; THREE.FontUtils.generateShapes = function ( text, parameters ) { // Parameters parameters = parameters || {}; var size = parameters.size !== undefined ? parameters.size : 100; var curveSegments = parameters.curveSegments !== undefined ? parameters.curveSegments : 4; var font = parameters.font !== undefined ? parameters.font : 'helvetiker'; var weight = parameters.weight !== undefined ? parameters.weight : 'normal'; var style = parameters.style !== undefined ? parameters.style : 'normal'; THREE.FontUtils.size = size; THREE.FontUtils.divisions = curveSegments; THREE.FontUtils.face = font; THREE.FontUtils.weight = weight; THREE.FontUtils.style = style; // Get a Font data json object var data = THREE.FontUtils.drawText( text ); var paths = data.paths; var shapes = []; for ( var p = 0, pl = paths.length; p < pl; p ++ ) { Array.prototype.push.apply( shapes, paths[ p ].toShapes() ); } return shapes; }; /** * This code is a quick port of code written in C++ which was submitted to * flipcode.com by John W. Ratcliff // July 22, 2000 * See original code and more information here: * http://www.flipcode.com/archives/Efficient_Polygon_Triangulation.shtml * * ported to actionscript by Zevan Rosser * www.actionsnippet.com * * ported to javascript by Joshua Koo * http://www.lab4games.net/zz85/blog * */ ( function ( namespace ) { var EPSILON = 0.0000000001; // takes in an contour array and returns var process = function ( contour, indices ) { var n = contour.length; if ( n < 3 ) return null; var result = [], verts = [], vertIndices = []; /* we want a counter-clockwise polygon in verts */ var u, v, w; if ( area( contour ) > 0.0 ) { for ( v = 0; v < n; v ++ ) verts[ v ] = v; } else { for ( v = 0; v < n; v ++ ) verts[ v ] = ( n - 1 ) - v; } var nv = n; /* remove nv - 2 vertices, creating 1 triangle every time */ var count = 2 * nv; /* error detection */ for ( v = nv - 1; nv > 2; ) { /* if we loop, it is probably a non-simple polygon */ if ( ( count -- ) <= 0 ) { //** Triangulate: ERROR - probable bad polygon! //throw ( "Warning, unable to triangulate polygon!" ); //return null; // Sometimes warning is fine, especially polygons are triangulated in reverse. THREE.warn( 'THREE.FontUtils: Warning, unable to triangulate polygon! in Triangulate.process()' ); if ( indices ) return vertIndices; return result; } /* three consecutive vertices in current polygon, */ u = v; if ( nv <= u ) u = 0; /* previous */ v = u + 1; if ( nv <= v ) v = 0; /* new v */ w = v + 1; if ( nv <= w ) w = 0; /* next */ if ( snip( contour, u, v, w, nv, verts ) ) { var a, b, c, s, t; /* true names of the vertices */ a = verts[ u ]; b = verts[ v ]; c = verts[ w ]; /* output Triangle */ result.push( [ contour[ a ], contour[ b ], contour[ c ] ] ); vertIndices.push( [ verts[ u ], verts[ v ], verts[ w ] ] ); /* remove v from the remaining polygon */ for ( s = v, t = v + 1; t < nv; s ++, t ++ ) { verts[ s ] = verts[ t ]; } nv --; /* reset error detection counter */ count = 2 * nv; } } if ( indices ) return vertIndices; return result; }; // calculate area of the contour polygon var area = function ( contour ) { var n = contour.length; var a = 0.0; for ( var p = n - 1, q = 0; q < n; p = q ++ ) { a += contour[ p ].x * contour[ q ].y - contour[ q ].x * contour[ p ].y; } return a * 0.5; }; var snip = function ( contour, u, v, w, n, verts ) { var p; var ax, ay, bx, by; var cx, cy, px, py; ax = contour[ verts[ u ] ].x; ay = contour[ verts[ u ] ].y; bx = contour[ verts[ v ] ].x; by = contour[ verts[ v ] ].y; cx = contour[ verts[ w ] ].x; cy = contour[ verts[ w ] ].y; if ( EPSILON > ( ( ( bx - ax ) * ( cy - ay ) ) - ( ( by - ay ) * ( cx - ax ) ) ) ) return false; var aX, aY, bX, bY, cX, cY; var apx, apy, bpx, bpy, cpx, cpy; var cCROSSap, bCROSScp, aCROSSbp; aX = cx - bx; aY = cy - by; bX = ax - cx; bY = ay - cy; cX = bx - ax; cY = by - ay; for ( p = 0; p < n; p ++ ) { px = contour[ verts[ p ] ].x py = contour[ verts[ p ] ].y if ( ( ( px === ax ) && ( py === ay ) ) || ( ( px === bx ) && ( py === by ) ) || ( ( px === cx ) && ( py === cy ) ) ) continue; apx = px - ax; apy = py - ay; bpx = px - bx; bpy = py - by; cpx = px - cx; cpy = py - cy; // see if p is inside triangle abc aCROSSbp = aX * bpy - aY * bpx; cCROSSap = cX * apy - cY * apx; bCROSScp = bX * cpy - bY * cpx; if ( ( aCROSSbp >= - EPSILON ) && ( bCROSScp >= - EPSILON ) && ( cCROSSap >= - EPSILON ) ) return false; } return true; }; namespace.Triangulate = process; namespace.Triangulate.area = area; return namespace; } )( THREE.FontUtils ); // To use the typeface.js face files, hook up the API self._typeface_js = { faces: THREE.FontUtils.faces, loadFace: THREE.FontUtils.loadFace }; THREE.typeface_js = self._typeface_js;