""" Module for handling the parsing of skeletal animation data. """ import math import mathutils from bpy import data, context from .. import constants, logger def pose_animation(armature, options): """Query armature animation using pose bones :param armature: :param options: :returns: list dictionaries containing animationdata :rtype: [{}, {}, ...] """ logger.debug("animation.pose_animation(%s)", armature) func = _parse_pose_action return _parse_action(func, armature, options) def rest_animation(armature, options): """Query armature animation (REST position) :param armature: :param options: :returns: list dictionaries containing animationdata :rtype: [{}, {}, ...] """ logger.debug("animation.rest_animation(%s)", armature) func = _parse_rest_action return _parse_action(func, armature, options) def _parse_action(func, armature, options): """ :param func: :param armature: :param options: """ animations = [] logger.info("Parsing %d actions", len(data.actions)) for action in data.actions: logger.info("Parsing action %s", action.name) animation = func(action, armature, options) animations.append(animation) return animations def _parse_rest_action(action, armature, options): """ :param action: :param armature: :param options: """ end_frame = action.frame_range[1] start_frame = action.frame_range[0] frame_length = end_frame - start_frame rot = armature.matrix_world.decompose()[1] rotation_matrix = rot.to_matrix() hierarchy = [] parent_index = -1 frame_step = options.get(constants.FRAME_STEP, 1) fps = context.scene.render.fps start = int(start_frame) end = int(end_frame / frame_step) + 1 for bone in armature.data.bones: # I believe this was meant to skip control bones, may # not be useful. needs more testing if bone.use_deform is False: logger.info("Skipping animation data for bone %s", bone.name) continue logger.info("Parsing animation data for bone %s", bone.name) keys = [] for frame in range(start, end): computed_frame = frame * frame_step pos, pchange = _position(bone, computed_frame, action, armature.matrix_world) rot, rchange = _rotation(bone, computed_frame, action, rotation_matrix) rot = _normalize_quaternion(rot) pos_x, pos_y, pos_z = pos.x, pos.z, -pos.y rot_x, rot_y, rot_z, rot_w = rot.x, rot.z, -rot.y, rot.w if frame == start_frame: time = (frame * frame_step - start_frame) / fps # @TODO: missing scale values keyframe = { constants.TIME: time, constants.POS: [pos_x, pos_y, pos_z], constants.ROT: [rot_x, rot_y, rot_z, rot_w], constants.SCL: [1, 1, 1] } keys.append(keyframe) # END-FRAME: needs pos, rot and scl attributes # with animation length (required frame) elif frame == end_frame / frame_step: time = frame_length / fps keyframe = { constants.TIME: time, constants.POS: [pos_x, pos_y, pos_z], constants.ROT: [rot_x, rot_y, rot_z, rot_w], constants.SCL: [1, 1, 1] } keys.append(keyframe) # MIDDLE-FRAME: needs only one of the attributes, # can be an empty frame (optional frame) elif pchange is True or rchange is True: time = (frame * frame_step - start_frame) / fps if pchange is True and rchange is True: keyframe = { constants.TIME: time, constants.POS: [pos_x, pos_y, pos_z], constants.ROT: [rot_x, rot_y, rot_z, rot_w] } elif pchange is True: keyframe = { constants.TIME: time, constants.POS: [pos_x, pos_y, pos_z] } elif rchange is True: keyframe = { constants.TIME: time, constants.ROT: [rot_x, rot_y, rot_z, rot_w] } keys.append(keyframe) hierarchy.append({ constants.KEYS: keys, constants.PARENT: parent_index }) parent_index += 1 animation = { constants.HIERARCHY: hierarchy, constants.LENGTH: frame_length / fps, constants.FPS: fps, constants.NAME: action.name } return animation def _parse_pose_action(action, armature, options): """ :param action: :param armature: :param options: """ # @TODO: this seems to fail in batch mode meaning the # user has to have th GUI open. need to improve # this logic to allow batch processing, if Blender # chooses to behave.... current_context = context.area.type context.area.type = 'DOPESHEET_EDITOR' context.space_data.mode = 'ACTION' context.area.spaces.active.action = action armature_matrix = armature.matrix_world fps = context.scene.render.fps end_frame = action.frame_range[1] start_frame = action.frame_range[0] frame_length = end_frame - start_frame frame_step = options.get(constants.FRAME_STEP, 1) used_frames = int(frame_length / frame_step) + 1 keys = [] channels_location = [] channels_rotation = [] channels_scale = [] for pose_bone in armature.pose.bones: logger.info("Processing channels for %s", pose_bone.bone.name) keys.append([]) channels_location.append( _find_channels(action, pose_bone.bone, 'location')) channels_rotation.append( _find_channels(action, pose_bone.bone, 'rotation_quaternion')) channels_rotation.append( _find_channels(action, pose_bone.bone, 'rotation_euler')) channels_scale.append( _find_channels(action, pose_bone.bone, 'scale')) frame_step = options[constants.FRAME_STEP] frame_index_as_time = options[constants.FRAME_INDEX_AS_TIME] for frame_index in range(0, used_frames): if frame_index == used_frames - 1: frame = end_frame else: frame = start_frame + frame_index * frame_step logger.info("Processing frame %d", frame) time = frame - start_frame if frame_index_as_time is False: time = time / fps context.scene.frame_set(frame) bone_index = 0 def has_keyframe_at(channels, frame): """ :param channels: :param frame: """ def find_keyframe_at(channel, frame): """ :param channel: :param frame: """ for keyframe in channel.keyframe_points: if keyframe.co[0] == frame: return keyframe return None for channel in channels: if not find_keyframe_at(channel, frame) is None: return True return False for pose_bone in armature.pose.bones: logger.info("Processing bone %s", pose_bone.bone.name) if pose_bone.parent is None: bone_matrix = armature_matrix * pose_bone.matrix else: parent_matrix = armature_matrix * pose_bone.parent.matrix bone_matrix = armature_matrix * pose_bone.matrix bone_matrix = parent_matrix.inverted() * bone_matrix pos, rot, scl = bone_matrix.decompose() rot = _normalize_quaternion(rot) pchange = True or has_keyframe_at( channels_location[bone_index], frame) rchange = True or has_keyframe_at( channels_rotation[bone_index], frame) schange = True or has_keyframe_at( channels_scale[bone_index], frame) pos = (pos.x, pos.z, -pos.y) rot = (rot.x, rot.z, -rot.y, rot.w) scl = (scl.x, scl.z, scl.y) keyframe = {constants.TIME: time} if frame == start_frame or frame == end_frame: keyframe.update({ constants.POS: pos, constants.ROT: rot, constants.SCL: scl }) elif any([pchange, rchange, schange]): if pchange is True: keyframe[constants.POS] = pos if rchange is True: keyframe[constants.ROT] = rot if schange is True: keyframe[constants.SCL] = scl if len(keyframe.keys()) > 1: logger.info("Recording keyframe data for %s %s", pose_bone.bone.name, str(keyframe)) keys[bone_index].append(keyframe) else: logger.info("No anim data to record for %s", pose_bone.bone.name) bone_index += 1 hierarchy = [] bone_index = 0 for pose_bone in armature.pose.bones: hierarchy.append({ constants.PARENT: bone_index - 1, constants.KEYS: keys[bone_index] }) bone_index += 1 if frame_index_as_time is False: frame_length = frame_length / fps context.scene.frame_set(start_frame) context.area.type = current_context animation = { constants.HIERARCHY: hierarchy, constants.LENGTH: frame_length, constants.FPS: fps, constants.NAME: action.name } return animation def _find_channels(action, bone, channel_type): """ :param action: :param bone: :param channel_type: """ result = [] if len(action.groups): group_index = -1 for index, group in enumerate(action.groups): if group.name == bone.name: group_index = index # @TODO: break? if group_index > -1: for channel in action.groups[group_index].channels: if channel_type in channel.data_path: result.append(channel) else: bone_label = '"%s"' % bone.name for channel in action.fcurves: data_path = [bone_label in channel.data_path, channel_type in channel.data_path] if all(data_path): result.append(channel) return result def _position(bone, frame, action, armature_matrix): """ :param bone: :param frame: :param action: :param armature_matrix: """ position = mathutils.Vector((0, 0, 0)) change = False ngroups = len(action.groups) if ngroups > 0: index = 0 for i in range(ngroups): if action.groups[i].name == bone.name: index = i for channel in action.groups[index].channels: if "location" in channel.data_path: has_changed = _handle_position_channel( channel, frame, position) change = change or has_changed else: bone_label = '"%s"' % bone.name for channel in action.fcurves: data_path = channel.data_path if bone_label in data_path and "location" in data_path: has_changed = _handle_position_channel( channel, frame, position) change = change or has_changed position = position * bone.matrix_local.inverted() if bone.parent is None: position.x += bone.head.x position.y += bone.head.y position.z += bone.head.z else: parent = bone.parent parent_matrix = parent.matrix_local.inverted() diff = parent.tail_local - parent.head_local position.x += (bone.head * parent_matrix).x + diff.x position.y += (bone.head * parent_matrix).y + diff.y position.z += (bone.head * parent_matrix).z + diff.z return armature_matrix*position, change def _rotation(bone, frame, action, armature_matrix): """ :param bone: :param frame: :param action: :param armature_matrix: """ # TODO: calculate rotation also from rotation_euler channels rotation = mathutils.Vector((0, 0, 0, 1)) change = False ngroups = len(action.groups) # animation grouped by bones if ngroups > 0: index = -1 for i in range(ngroups): if action.groups[i].name == bone.name: index = i if index > -1: for channel in action.groups[index].channels: if "quaternion" in channel.data_path: has_changed = _handle_rotation_channel( channel, frame, rotation) change = change or has_changed # animation in raw fcurves else: bone_label = '"%s"' % bone.name for channel in action.fcurves: data_path = channel.data_path if bone_label in data_path and "quaternion" in data_path: has_changed = _handle_rotation_channel( channel, frame, rotation) change = change or has_changed rot3 = rotation.to_3d() rotation.xyz = rot3 * bone.matrix_local.inverted() rotation.xyz = armature_matrix * rotation.xyz return rotation, change def _handle_rotation_channel(channel, frame, rotation): """ :param channel: :param frame: :param rotation: """ change = False if channel.array_index in [0, 1, 2, 3]: for keyframe in channel.keyframe_points: if keyframe.co[0] == frame: change = True value = channel.evaluate(frame) if channel.array_index == 1: rotation.x = value elif channel.array_index == 2: rotation.y = value elif channel.array_index == 3: rotation.z = value elif channel.array_index == 0: rotation.w = value return change def _handle_position_channel(channel, frame, position): """ :param channel: :param frame: :param position: """ change = False if channel.array_index in [0, 1, 2]: for keyframe in channel.keyframe_points: if keyframe.co[0] == frame: change = True value = channel.evaluate(frame) if channel.array_index == 0: position.x = value if channel.array_index == 1: position.y = value if channel.array_index == 2: position.z = value return change def _quaternion_length(quat): """Calculate the length of a quaternion :param quat: Blender quaternion object :rtype: float """ return math.sqrt(quat.x * quat.x + quat.y * quat.y + quat.z * quat.z + quat.w * quat.w) def _normalize_quaternion(quat): """Normalize a quaternion :param quat: Blender quaternion object :returns: generic quaternion enum object with normalized values :rtype: object """ enum = type('Enum', (), {'x': 0, 'y': 0, 'z': 0, 'w': 1}) length = _quaternion_length(quat) if length is not 0: length = 1 / length enum.x = quat.x * length enum.y = quat.y * length enum.z = quat.z * length enum.w = quat.w * length return enum