/****************************************************** * * GCode * * Manages the gcode * Also handles different flavours of gcode * TODO * calculate extrusion length and total time * ******************************************************/ D3D.GCode = function () { "use strict"; this.gcode = []; this.current = {}; this.extruder = 0.0; this.bottom = true; this.isRetracted = false; this.isFanOn = false; this.nozzlePosition = new THREE.Vector2(0, 0); }; D3D.GCode.prototype.addGCode = function (command) { "use strict"; var str = []; for (var i in command) { if (i === "G") { str.push(i + command[i]); } else if (this.current[i] !== command[i]) { str.push(i + command[i]); this.current[i] = command[i]; } } str = str.join(" "); if (str.length > 0) { this.gcode.push(str); } }; D3D.GCode.prototype.setSettings = function (printer) { "use strict"; this.settings = printer; return this; }; D3D.GCode.prototype.turnFanOn = function (fanSpeed) { "use strict"; this.isFanOn = true; var gcode = { "M": 106 }; if (fanSpeed !== undefined) { gcode["S"] = fanSpeed; } this.addGCode(gcode); return this; }; D3D.GCode.prototype.turnFanOff = function () { "use strict"; this.isFanOn = false; this.addGCode({ "M": 107 }); return this; }; D3D.GCode.prototype.moveTo = function (extrude, x, y, layer) { "use strict"; var layerHeight = this.settings.config["printer.layerHeight"]; var firstLayerSlow = this.settings.config["printer.firstLayerSlow"]; var normalSpeed = this.settings.config["printer.speed"]; var bottomSpeed = this.settings.config["printer.bottomLayerSpeed"]; var normalSpeed = this.settings.config["printer.speed"]; var bottomSpeed = this.settings.config["printer.bottomLayerSpeed"]; var nozzleDiameter = this.settings.config["printer.nozzleDiameter"]; var filamentThickness = this.settings.config["printer.filamentThickness"]; var bottomFlowRate = this.settings.config["printer.bottomFlowRate"]; var normalFlowRate = this.settings.config["printer.normalFlowRate"]; var travelSpeed = this.settings.config["printer.travelSpeed"]; if (this.bottom) { var speed = bottomSpeed * 60; var flowRate = bottomFlowRate; } else { var speed = normalSpeed * 60; var flowRate = normalFlowRate; } var z = (layer + 1) * layerHeight; if (extrude) { var lineLength = this.nozzlePosition.distanceTo(new THREE.Vector2(x, y)); var filamentSurfaceArea = Math.pow((filamentThickness/2), 2) * Math.PI; this.extruder += lineLength * nozzleDiameter * layerHeight / filamentSurfaceArea * flowRate; this.addGCode({ "G": 1, "X": x.toFixed(3), "Y": y.toFixed(3), "Z": z.toFixed(3), "F": speed.toFixed(3), "E": this.extruder.toFixed(3) }); } else { var speed = travelSpeed * 60; this.addGCode({ "G": 0, "X": x.toFixed(3), "Y": y.toFixed(3), "Z": z.toFixed(3), "F": speed.toFixed(3) }); } this.nozzlePosition = new THREE.Vector2(x, y); return this; }; D3D.GCode.prototype.unRetract = function () { "use strict"; if (this.isRetracted) { this.isRetracted = false; var retractionAmount = this.settings.config["printer.retraction.amount"]; var retractionEnabled = this.settings.config["printer.retraction.enabled"]; var retractionMinDistance = this.settings.config["printer.retraction.minDistance"]; var retractionSpeed = this.settings.config["printer.retraction.speed"]; var speed = retractionSpeed * 60; if (this.extruder > retractionMinDistance && retractionEnabled) { this.addGCode({ "G": 0, "E": this.extruder.toFixed(3), "F": speed.toFixed(3) }); } return this; } }; D3D.GCode.prototype.retract = function () { "use strict"; if (!this.isRetracted) { this.isRetracted = true; var retractionAmount = this.settings.config["printer.retraction.amount"]; var retractionEnabled = this.settings.config["printer.retraction.enabled"]; var retractionMinDistance = this.settings.config["printer.retraction.minDistance"]; var retractionSpeed = this.settings.config["printer.retraction.speed"]; var speed = retractionSpeed * 60; if (this.extruder > retractionMinDistance && retractionEnabled) { this.addGCode({ "G": 0, "E": (this.extruder - retractionAmount).toFixed(3), "F": speed.toFixed(3) }); } return this; } }; D3D.GCode.prototype.getGCode = function () { "use strict"; return this.settings.getStartCode().concat(this.gcode, this.settings.getEndCode()); };