mirror of
synced 2025-03-16 09:31:42 +01:00
755 lines
17 KiB
Executable File
755 lines
17 KiB
Executable File
* @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
THREE.SceneExporter = function () {};
THREE.SceneExporter.prototype = {
constructor: THREE.SceneExporter,
parse: function ( scene ) {
var position = Vector3String( scene.position );
var rotation = Vector3String( scene.rotation );
var scale = Vector3String( scene.scale );
var nobjects = 0;
var ngeometries = 0;
var nmaterials = 0;
var ntextures = 0;
var objectsArray = [];
var geometriesArray = [];
var materialsArray = [];
var texturesArray = [];
var fogsArray = [];
var geometriesMap = {};
var materialsMap = {};
var texturesMap = {};
// extract objects, geometries, materials, textures
var checkTexture = function ( map ) {
if ( ! map ) return;
if ( ! ( map.id in texturesMap ) ) {
texturesMap[ map.id ] = true;
texturesArray.push( TextureString( map ) );
ntextures += 1;
var linesArray = [];
function createObjectsList( object, pad ) {
for ( var i = 0; i < object.children.length; i ++ ) {
var node = object.children[ i ];
if ( node instanceof THREE.Mesh ) {
linesArray.push( MeshString( node, pad ) );
nobjects += 1;
if ( ! ( node.geometry.id in geometriesMap ) ) {
geometriesMap[ node.geometry.id ] = true;
geometriesArray.push( GeometryString( node.geometry ) );
ngeometries += 1;
if ( ! ( node.material.id in materialsMap ) ) {
materialsMap[ node.material.id ] = true;
materialsArray.push( MaterialString( node.material ) );
nmaterials += 1;
checkTexture( node.material.map );
checkTexture( node.material.envMap );
checkTexture( node.material.lightMap );
checkTexture( node.material.specularMap );
checkTexture( node.material.bumpMap );
checkTexture( node.material.normalMap );
} else if ( node instanceof THREE.Light ) {
linesArray.push( LightString( node, pad ) );
nobjects += 1;
} else if ( node instanceof THREE.Camera ) {
linesArray.push( CameraString( node, pad ) );
nobjects += 1;
} else if ( node instanceof THREE.Object3D ) {
linesArray.push( ObjectString( node, pad ) );
nobjects += 1;
if ( node.children.length > 0 ) {
linesArray.push( PaddingString( pad + 1 ) + '\t\t"children" : {' );
createObjectsList( node, pad + 2 );
if ( node.children.length > 0 ) {
linesArray.push( PaddingString( pad + 1 ) + "\t\t}" );
linesArray.push( PaddingString( pad ) + "\t\t}" + ( i < object.children.length - 1 ? ",\n" : "" ) );
createObjectsList( scene, 0 );
var objects = linesArray.join( "\n" );
// extract fog
if ( scene.fog ) {
fogsArray.push( FogString( scene.fog ) );
// generate sections
var geometries = generateMultiLineString( geometriesArray, ",\n\n\t" );
var materials = generateMultiLineString( materialsArray, ",\n\n\t" );
var textures = generateMultiLineString( texturesArray, ",\n\n\t" );
var fogs = generateMultiLineString( fogsArray, ",\n\n\t" );
// generate defaults
var activeCamera = null;
scene.traverse( function ( node ) {
if ( node instanceof THREE.Camera && node.userData.active ) {
activeCamera = node;
} );
var defcamera = LabelString( activeCamera ? getObjectName( activeCamera ) : "" );
var deffog = LabelString( scene.fog ? getFogName( scene.fog ) : "" );
// templates
function Vector2String( v ) {
return "[" + v.x + "," + v.y + "]";
function Vector3String( v ) {
return "[" + v.x + "," + v.y + "," + v.z + "]";
function ColorString( c ) {
return "[" + c.r.toFixed( 3 ) + "," + c.g.toFixed( 3 ) + "," + c.b.toFixed( 3 ) + "]";
function LabelString( s ) {
return '"' + s + '"';
function NumConstantString( c ) {
var constants = [ "NearestFilter", "NearestMipMapNearestFilter", "NearestMipMapLinearFilter",
"LinearFilter", "LinearMipMapNearestFilter", "LinearMipMapLinearFilter" ];
for ( var i = 0; i < constants.length; i ++ ) {
if ( THREE[ constants[ i ] ] === c ) return LabelString( constants[ i ] );
return "";
function PaddingString( n ) {
var output = "";
for ( var i = 0; i < n; i ++ ) output += "\t";
return output;
function LightString( o, n ) {
if ( o instanceof THREE.AmbientLight ) {
var output = [
'\t\t' + LabelString( getObjectName( o ) ) + ' : {',
' "type" : "AmbientLight",',
' "color" : ' + o.color.getHex() + ( o.children.length ? ',' : '' )
} else if ( o instanceof THREE.DirectionalLight ) {
var output = [
'\t\t' + LabelString( getObjectName( o ) ) + ' : {',
' "type" : "DirectionalLight",',
' "color" : ' + o.color.getHex() + ',',
' "intensity" : ' + o.intensity + ',',
' "direction" : ' + Vector3String( o.position ) + ',',
' "target" : ' + LabelString( getObjectName( o.target ) ) + ( o.children.length ? ',' : '' )
} else if ( o instanceof THREE.PointLight ) {
var output = [
'\t\t' + LabelString( getObjectName( o ) ) + ' : {',
' "type" : "PointLight",',
' "color" : ' + o.color.getHex() + ',',
' "intensity" : ' + o.intensity + ',',
' "position" : ' + Vector3String( o.position ) + ',',
' "decay" : ' + o.decay + ',',
' "distance" : ' + o.distance + ( o.children.length ? ',' : '' )
} else if ( o instanceof THREE.SpotLight ) {
var output = [
'\t\t' + LabelString( getObjectName( o ) ) + ' : {',
' "type" : "SpotLight",',
' "color" : ' + o.color.getHex() + ',',
' "intensity" : ' + o.intensity + ',',
' "position" : ' + Vector3String( o.position ) + ',',
' "distance" : ' + o.distance + ',',
' "angle" : ' + o.angle + ',',
' "exponent" : ' + o.exponent + ',',
' "decay" : ' + o.decay + ',',
' "target" : ' + LabelString( getObjectName( o.target ) ) + ( o.children.length ? ',' : '' )
} else if ( o instanceof THREE.HemisphereLight ) {
var output = [
'\t\t' + LabelString( getObjectName( o ) ) + ' : {',
' "type" : "HemisphereLight",',
' "skyColor" : ' + o.color.getHex() + ',',
' "groundColor" : ' + o.groundColor.getHex() + ',',
' "intensity" : ' + o.intensity + ',',
' "position" : ' + Vector3String( o.position ) + ( o.children.length ? ',' : '' )
} else {
var output = [];
return generateMultiLineString( output, '\n\t\t', n );
function CameraString( o, n ) {
if ( o instanceof THREE.PerspectiveCamera ) {
var output = [
'\t\t' + LabelString( getObjectName( o ) ) + ' : {',
' "type" : "PerspectiveCamera",',
' "fov" : ' + o.fov + ',',
' "aspect" : ' + o.aspect + ',',
' "near" : ' + o.near + ',',
' "far" : ' + o.far + ',',
' "position" : ' + Vector3String( o.position ) + ( o.children.length ? ',' : '' )
} else if ( o instanceof THREE.OrthographicCamera ) {
var output = [
'\t\t' + LabelString( getObjectName( o ) ) + ' : {',
' "type" : "OrthographicCamera",',
' "left" : ' + o.left + ',',
' "right" : ' + o.right + ',',
' "top" : ' + o.top + ',',
' "bottom" : ' + o.bottom + ',',
' "near" : ' + o.near + ',',
' "far" : ' + o.far + ',',
' "position" : ' + Vector3String( o.position ) + ( o.children.length ? ',' : '' )
} else {
var output = [];
return generateMultiLineString( output, '\n\t\t', n );
function ObjectString( o, n ) {
var output = [
'\t\t' + LabelString( getObjectName( o ) ) + ' : {',
' "position" : ' + Vector3String( o.position ) + ',',
' "rotation" : ' + Vector3String( o.rotation ) + ',',
' "scale" : ' + Vector3String( o.scale ) + ',',
' "visible" : ' + o.visible + ( o.children.length ? ',' : '' )
return generateMultiLineString( output, '\n\t\t', n );
function MeshString( o, n ) {
var output = [
'\t\t' + LabelString( getObjectName( o ) ) + ' : {',
' "geometry" : ' + LabelString( getGeometryName( o.geometry ) ) + ',',
' "material" : ' + LabelString( getMaterialName( o.material ) ) + ',',
' "position" : ' + Vector3String( o.position ) + ',',
' "rotation" : ' + Vector3String( o.rotation ) + ',',
' "scale" : ' + Vector3String( o.scale ) + ',',
' "visible" : ' + o.visible + ( o.children.length ? ',' : '' )
return generateMultiLineString( output, '\n\t\t', n );
function GeometryString( g ) {
if ( g instanceof THREE.SphereGeometry ) {
var output = [
'\t' + LabelString( getGeometryName( g ) ) + ': {',
' "type" : "sphere",',
' "radius" : ' + g.parameters.radius + ',',
' "widthSegments" : ' + g.parameters.widthSegments + ',',
' "heightSegments" : ' + g.parameters.heightSegments,
} else if ( g instanceof THREE.BoxGeometry ) {
var output = [
'\t' + LabelString( getGeometryName( g ) ) + ': {',
' "type" : "cube",',
' "width" : ' + g.parameters.width + ',',
' "height" : ' + g.parameters.height + ',',
' "depth" : ' + g.parameters.depth + ',',
' "widthSegments" : ' + g.widthSegments + ',',
' "heightSegments" : ' + g.heightSegments + ',',
' "depthSegments" : ' + g.depthSegments,
} else if ( g instanceof THREE.PlaneGeometry ) {
var output = [
'\t' + LabelString( getGeometryName( g ) ) + ': {',
' "type" : "plane",',
' "width" : ' + g.width + ',',
' "height" : ' + g.height + ',',
' "widthSegments" : ' + g.widthSegments + ',',
' "heightSegments" : ' + g.heightSegments,
} else if ( g instanceof THREE.Geometry ) {
if ( g.sourceType === "ascii" || g.sourceType === "ctm" || g.sourceType === "stl" || g.sourceType === "vtk" ) {
var output = [
'\t' + LabelString( getGeometryName( g ) ) + ': {',
' "type" : ' + LabelString( g.sourceType ) + ',',
' "url" : ' + LabelString( g.sourceFile ),
} else {
var output = [];
} else {
var output = [];
return generateMultiLineString( output, '\n\t\t' );
function MaterialString( m ) {
if ( m instanceof THREE.MeshBasicMaterial ) {
var output = [
'\t' + LabelString( getMaterialName( m ) ) + ': {',
' "type" : "MeshBasicMaterial",',
' "parameters" : {',
' "color" : ' + m.color.getHex() + ',',
m.map ? ' "map" : ' + LabelString( getTextureName( m.map ) ) + ',' : '',
m.envMap ? ' "envMap" : ' + LabelString( getTextureName( m.envMap ) ) + ',' : '',
m.specularMap ? ' "specularMap" : ' + LabelString( getTextureName( m.specularMap ) ) + ',' : '',
m.lightMap ? ' "lightMap" : ' + LabelString( getTextureName( m.lightMap ) ) + ',' : '',
' "reflectivity" : ' + m.reflectivity + ',',
' "transparent" : ' + m.transparent + ',',
' "opacity" : ' + m.opacity + ',',
' "wireframe" : ' + m.wireframe + ',',
' "wireframeLinewidth" : ' + m.wireframeLinewidth,
' }',
} else if ( m instanceof THREE.MeshLambertMaterial ) {
var output = [
'\t' + LabelString( getMaterialName( m ) ) + ': {',
' "type" : "MeshLambertMaterial",',
' "parameters" : {',
' "color" : ' + m.color.getHex() + ',',
' "emissive" : ' + m.emissive.getHex() + ',',
m.map ? ' "map" : ' + LabelString( getTextureName( m.map ) ) + ',' : '',
m.envMap ? ' "envMap" : ' + LabelString( getTextureName( m.envMap ) ) + ',' : '',
m.specularMap ? ' "specularMap" : ' + LabelString( getTextureName( m.specularMap ) ) + ',' : '',
m.lightMap ? ' "lightMap" : ' + LabelString( getTextureName( m.lightMap ) ) + ',' : '',
' "reflectivity" : ' + m.reflectivity + ',',
' "transparent" : ' + m.transparent + ',',
' "opacity" : ' + m.opacity + ',',
' "wireframe" : ' + m.wireframe + ',',
' "wireframeLinewidth" : ' + m.wireframeLinewidth,
' }',
} else if ( m instanceof THREE.MeshPhongMaterial ) {
var output = [
'\t' + LabelString( getMaterialName( m ) ) + ': {',
' "type" : "MeshPhongMaterial",',
' "parameters" : {',
' "color" : ' + m.color.getHex() + ',',
' "emissive" : ' + m.emissive.getHex() + ',',
' "specular" : ' + m.specular.getHex() + ',',
' "shininess" : ' + m.shininess + ',',
m.map ? ' "map" : ' + LabelString( getTextureName( m.map ) ) + ',' : '',
m.envMap ? ' "envMap" : ' + LabelString( getTextureName( m.envMap ) ) + ',' : '',
m.specularMap ? ' "specularMap" : ' + LabelString( getTextureName( m.specularMap ) ) + ',' : '',
m.lightMap ? ' "lightMap" : ' + LabelString( getTextureName( m.lightMap ) ) + ',' : '',
m.normalMap ? ' "normalMap" : ' + LabelString( getTextureName( m.normalMap ) ) + ',' : '',
m.bumpMap ? ' "bumpMap" : ' + LabelString( getTextureName( m.bumpMap ) ) + ',' : '',
' "bumpScale" : ' + m.bumpScale + ',',
' "reflectivity" : ' + m.reflectivity + ',',
' "transparent" : ' + m.transparent + ',',
' "opacity" : ' + m.opacity + ',',
' "wireframe" : ' + m.wireframe + ',',
' "wireframeLinewidth" : ' + m.wireframeLinewidth,
' }',
} else if ( m instanceof THREE.MeshDepthMaterial ) {
var output = [
'\t' + LabelString( getMaterialName( m ) ) + ': {',
' "type" : "MeshDepthMaterial",',
' "parameters" : {',
' "transparent" : ' + m.transparent + ',',
' "opacity" : ' + m.opacity + ',',
' "wireframe" : ' + m.wireframe + ',',
' "wireframeLinewidth" : ' + m.wireframeLinewidth,
' }',
} else if ( m instanceof THREE.MeshNormalMaterial ) {
var output = [
'\t' + LabelString( getMaterialName( m ) ) + ': {',
' "type" : "MeshNormalMaterial",',
' "parameters" : {',
' "transparent" : ' + m.transparent + ',',
' "opacity" : ' + m.opacity + ',',
' "wireframe" : ' + m.wireframe + ',',
' "wireframeLinewidth" : ' + m.wireframeLinewidth,
' }',
} else if ( m instanceof THREE.MeshFaceMaterial ) {
var output = [
'\t' + LabelString( getMaterialName( m ) ) + ': {',
' "type" : "MeshFaceMaterial",',
' "parameters" : {}',
return generateMultiLineString( output, '\n\t\t' );
function TextureString( t ) {
// here would be also an option to use data URI
// with embedded image from "t.image.src"
// (that's a side effect of using FileReader to load images)
var output = [
'\t' + LabelString( getTextureName( t ) ) + ': {',
' "url" : "' + t.sourceFile + '",',
' "repeat" : ' + Vector2String( t.repeat ) + ',',
' "offset" : ' + Vector2String( t.offset ) + ',',
' "magFilter" : ' + NumConstantString( t.magFilter ) + ',',
' "minFilter" : ' + NumConstantString( t.minFilter ) + ',',
' "anisotropy" : ' + t.anisotropy,
return generateMultiLineString( output, '\n\t\t' );
function FogString( f ) {
if ( f instanceof THREE.Fog ) {
var output = [
'\t' + LabelString( getFogName( f ) ) + ': {',
' "type" : "linear",',
' "color" : ' + ColorString( f.color ) + ',',
' "near" : ' + f.near + ',',
' "far" : ' + f.far,
} else if ( f instanceof THREE.FogExp2 ) {
var output = [
'\t' + LabelString( getFogName( f ) ) + ': {',
' "type" : "exp2",',
' "color" : ' + ColorString( f.color ) + ',',
' "density" : ' + f.density,
} else {
var output = [];
return generateMultiLineString( output, '\n\t\t' );
function generateMultiLineString( lines, separator, padding ) {
var cleanLines = [];
for ( var i = 0; i < lines.length; i ++ ) {
var line = lines[ i ];
if ( line ) {
if ( padding ) line = PaddingString( padding ) + line;
cleanLines.push( line );
return cleanLines.join( separator );
function getObjectName( o ) {
return o.name ? o.name : "Object_" + o.id;
function getGeometryName( g ) {
return g.name ? g.name : "Geometry_" + g.id;
function getMaterialName( m ) {
return m.name ? m.name : "Material_" + m.id;
function getTextureName( t ) {
return t.name ? t.name : "Texture_" + t.id;
function getFogName( f ) {
return f.name ? f.name : "Default fog";
var output = [
' "metadata": {',
' "formatVersion" : 3.2,',
' "type" : "scene",',
' "generatedBy" : "SceneExporter",',
' "objects" : ' + nobjects + ',',
' "geometries" : ' + ngeometries + ',',
' "materials" : ' + nmaterials + ',',
' "textures" : ' + ntextures,
' },',
' "urlBaseType": "relativeToScene",',
' "objects" :',
' {',
' },',
' "geometries" :',
' {',
'\t' + geometries,
' },',
' "materials" :',
' {',
'\t' + materials,
' },',
' "textures" :',
' {',
'\t' + textures,
' },',
' "fogs" :',
' {',
'\t' + fogs,
' },',
' "transform" :',
' {',
' "position" : ' + position + ',',
' "rotation" : ' + rotation + ',',
' "scale" : ' + scale,
' },',
' "defaults" :',
' {',
' "camera" : ' + defcamera + ',',
' "fog" : ' + deffog,
' }',
].join( '\n' );
return JSON.parse( output );