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synced 2025-03-18 10:31:42 +01:00
1209 lines
31 KiB
Executable File
1209 lines
31 KiB
Executable File
* @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
* @author MPanknin / http://www.redplant.de/
THREE.WebGLDeferredRenderer = function ( parameters ) {
var _this = this;
var pixelWidth = parameters.width !== undefined ? parameters.width : 800;
var pixelHeight = parameters.height !== undefined ? parameters.height : 600;
var currentScale = parameters.scale !== undefined ? parameters.scale : 1;
var scaledWidth = Math.floor( currentScale * pixelWidth );
var scaledHeight = Math.floor( currentScale * pixelHeight );
var brightness = parameters.brightness !== undefined ? parameters.brightness : 1;
var tonemapping = parameters.tonemapping !== undefined ? parameters.tonemapping : THREE.SimpleOperator;
var antialias = parameters.antialias !== undefined ? parameters.antialias : false;
this.renderer = parameters.renderer;
if ( this.renderer === undefined ) {
this.renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer( { antialias: false } );
this.renderer.setSize( pixelWidth, pixelHeight );
this.renderer.setClearColor( 0x000000, 0 );
this.renderer.autoClear = false;
this.domElement = this.renderer.domElement;
var gl = this.renderer.context;
var currentCamera = null;
var projectionMatrixInverse = new THREE.Matrix4();
var positionVS = new THREE.Vector3();
var directionVS = new THREE.Vector3();
var tempVS = new THREE.Vector3();
var rightVS = new THREE.Vector3();
var normalVS = new THREE.Vector3();
var upVS = new THREE.Vector3();
var geometryLightSphere = new THREE.SphereGeometry( 1, 16, 8 );
var geometryLightPlane = new THREE.PlaneBufferGeometry( 2, 2 );
var black = new THREE.Color( 0x000000 );
var colorShader = THREE.ShaderDeferred[ "color" ];
var normalDepthShader = THREE.ShaderDeferred[ "normalDepth" ];
var emissiveLightShader = THREE.ShaderDeferred[ "emissiveLight" ];
var pointLightShader = THREE.ShaderDeferred[ "pointLight" ];
var spotLightShader = THREE.ShaderDeferred[ "spotLight" ];
var directionalLightShader = THREE.ShaderDeferred[ "directionalLight" ];
var hemisphereLightShader = THREE.ShaderDeferred[ "hemisphereLight" ];
var areaLightShader = THREE.ShaderDeferred[ "areaLight" ];
var compositeShader = THREE.ShaderDeferred[ "composite" ];
var compColor, compNormal, compDepth, compLight, compFinal;
var passColor, passNormal, passDepth, passLightFullscreen, passLightProxy, compositePass;
var effectFXAA;
var lightSceneFullscreen, lightSceneProxy;
var resizableMaterials = [];
var invisibleMaterial = new THREE.ShaderMaterial();
invisibleMaterial.visible = false;
var defaultNormalDepthMaterial = new THREE.ShaderMaterial( {
uniforms: THREE.UniformsUtils.clone( normalDepthShader.uniforms ),
vertexShader: normalDepthShader.vertexShader,
fragmentShader: normalDepthShader.fragmentShader,
blending: THREE.NoBlending
} );
var initDeferredMaterials = function ( object ) {
if ( object.material instanceof THREE.MeshFaceMaterial ) {
var colorMaterials = [];
var normalDepthMaterials = [];
var materials = object.material.materials;
for ( var i = 0, il = materials.length; i < il; i ++ ) {
var deferredMaterials = createDeferredMaterials( materials[ i ] );
if ( deferredMaterials.transparent ) {
colorMaterials.push( invisibleMaterial );
normalDepthMaterials.push( invisibleMaterial );
} else {
colorMaterials.push( deferredMaterials.colorMaterial );
normalDepthMaterials.push( deferredMaterials.normalDepthMaterial );
object.userData.colorMaterial = new THREE.MeshFaceMaterial( colorMaterials );
object.userData.normalDepthMaterial = new THREE.MeshFaceMaterial( normalDepthMaterials );
} else {
var deferredMaterials = createDeferredMaterials( object.material );
object.userData.colorMaterial = deferredMaterials.colorMaterial;
object.userData.normalDepthMaterial = deferredMaterials.normalDepthMaterial;
object.userData.transparent = deferredMaterials.transparent;
var createDeferredMaterials = function ( originalMaterial ) {
var deferredMaterials = {};
// color material
// -----------------
// diffuse color
// specular color
// shininess
// diffuse map
// vertex colors
// alphaTest
// morphs
var uniforms = THREE.UniformsUtils.clone( colorShader.uniforms );
var defines = { "USE_MAP": !! originalMaterial.map, "USE_ENVMAP": !! originalMaterial.envMap, "GAMMA_INPUT": true };
var material = new THREE.ShaderMaterial( {
fragmentShader: colorShader.fragmentShader,
vertexShader: colorShader.vertexShader,
uniforms: uniforms,
defines: defines,
shading: originalMaterial.shading
} );
if ( originalMaterial instanceof THREE.MeshBasicMaterial ) {
var diffuse = black;
var emissive = originalMaterial.color;
} else {
var diffuse = originalMaterial.color;
var emissive = originalMaterial.emissive !== undefined ? originalMaterial.emissive : black;
var specular = originalMaterial.specular !== undefined ? originalMaterial.specular : black;
var shininess = originalMaterial.shininess !== undefined ? originalMaterial.shininess : 1;
var wrapAround = originalMaterial.wrapAround !== undefined ? ( originalMaterial.wrapAround ? -1 : 1 ) : 1;
var additiveSpecular = originalMaterial.metal !== undefined ? ( originalMaterial.metal ? 1 : -1 ) : -1;
uniforms.emissive.value.copyGammaToLinear( emissive );
uniforms.diffuse.value.copyGammaToLinear( diffuse );
uniforms.specular.value.copyGammaToLinear( specular );
uniforms.shininess.value = shininess;
uniforms.wrapAround.value = wrapAround;
uniforms.additiveSpecular.value = additiveSpecular;
uniforms.map.value = originalMaterial.map;
if ( originalMaterial.envMap ) {
uniforms.envMap.value = originalMaterial.envMap;
uniforms.useRefract.value = originalMaterial.envMap.mapping instanceof THREE.CubeRefractionMapping;
uniforms.refractionRatio.value = originalMaterial.refractionRatio;
uniforms.combine.value = originalMaterial.combine;
uniforms.reflectivity.value = originalMaterial.reflectivity;
uniforms.flipEnvMap.value = ( originalMaterial.envMap instanceof THREE.WebGLRenderTargetCube ) ? 1 : -1;
uniforms.samplerNormalDepth.value = compNormalDepth.renderTarget2;
uniforms.viewWidth.value = scaledWidth;
uniforms.viewHeight.value = scaledHeight;
resizableMaterials.push( { "material": material } );
material.vertexColors = originalMaterial.vertexColors;
material.morphTargets = originalMaterial.morphTargets;
material.morphNormals = originalMaterial.morphNormals;
material.skinning = originalMaterial.skinning;
material.alphaTest = originalMaterial.alphaTest;
material.wireframe = originalMaterial.wireframe;
// uv repeat and offset setting priorities
// 1. color map
// 2. specular map
// 3. normal map
// 4. bump map
var uvScaleMap;
if ( originalMaterial.map ) {
uvScaleMap = originalMaterial.map;
} else if ( originalMaterial.specularMap ) {
uvScaleMap = originalMaterial.specularMap;
} else if ( originalMaterial.normalMap ) {
uvScaleMap = originalMaterial.normalMap;
} else if ( originalMaterial.bumpMap ) {
uvScaleMap = originalMaterial.bumpMap;
if ( uvScaleMap !== undefined ) {
var offset = uvScaleMap.offset;
var repeat = uvScaleMap.repeat;
uniforms.offsetRepeat.value.set( offset.x, offset.y, repeat.x, repeat.y );
deferredMaterials.colorMaterial = material;
// normal + depth material
// -----------------
// vertex normals
// morph normals
// bump map
// bump scale
// clip depth
if ( originalMaterial.morphTargets || originalMaterial.skinning || originalMaterial.bumpMap ) {
var uniforms = THREE.UniformsUtils.clone( normalDepthShader.uniforms );
var defines = { "USE_BUMPMAP": !!originalMaterial.bumpMap };
var normalDepthMaterial = new THREE.ShaderMaterial( {
uniforms: uniforms,
vertexShader: normalDepthShader.vertexShader,
fragmentShader: normalDepthShader.fragmentShader,
shading: originalMaterial.shading,
defines: defines,
blending: THREE.NoBlending
} );
normalDepthMaterial.morphTargets = originalMaterial.morphTargets;
normalDepthMaterial.morphNormals = originalMaterial.morphNormals;
normalDepthMaterial.skinning = originalMaterial.skinning;
if ( originalMaterial.bumpMap ) {
uniforms.bumpMap.value = originalMaterial.bumpMap;
uniforms.bumpScale.value = originalMaterial.bumpScale;
var offset = originalMaterial.bumpMap.offset;
var repeat = originalMaterial.bumpMap.repeat;
uniforms.offsetRepeat.value.set( offset.x, offset.y, repeat.x, repeat.y );
} else {
var normalDepthMaterial = defaultNormalDepthMaterial.clone();
normalDepthMaterial.wireframe = originalMaterial.wireframe;
normalDepthMaterial.vertexColors = originalMaterial.vertexColors;
deferredMaterials.normalDepthMaterial = normalDepthMaterial;
deferredMaterials.transparent = originalMaterial.transparent;
return deferredMaterials;
var updatePointLightProxy = function ( lightProxy ) {
var light = lightProxy.userData.originalLight;
var uniforms = lightProxy.material.uniforms;
// skip infinite pointlights
// right now you can't switch between infinite and finite pointlights
// it's just too messy as they use different proxies
var distance = light.distance;
if ( distance > 0 ) {
lightProxy.scale.set( 1, 1, 1 ).multiplyScalar( distance );
uniforms[ "lightRadius" ].value = distance;
positionVS.setFromMatrixPosition( light.matrixWorld );
positionVS.applyMatrix4( currentCamera.matrixWorldInverse );
uniforms[ "lightPositionVS" ].value.copy( positionVS );
lightProxy.position.setFromMatrixPosition( light.matrixWorld );
} else {
uniforms[ "lightRadius" ].value = Infinity;
// linear space colors
var intensity = light.intensity * light.intensity;
uniforms[ "lightIntensity" ].value = intensity;
uniforms[ "lightColor" ].value.copyGammaToLinear( light.color );
var createDeferredPointLight = function ( light ) {
// setup light material
var materialLight = new THREE.ShaderMaterial( {
uniforms: THREE.UniformsUtils.clone( pointLightShader.uniforms ),
vertexShader: pointLightShader.vertexShader,
fragmentShader: pointLightShader.fragmentShader,
blending: THREE.AdditiveBlending,
depthWrite: false,
transparent: true,
side: THREE.BackSide
} );
// infinite pointlights use full-screen quad proxy
// regular pointlights use sphere proxy
var geometry;
if ( light.distance > 0 ) {
geometry = geometryLightSphere;
} else {
geometry = geometryLightPlane;
materialLight.depthTest = false;
materialLight.side = THREE.FrontSide;
materialLight.uniforms[ "viewWidth" ].value = scaledWidth;
materialLight.uniforms[ "viewHeight" ].value = scaledHeight;
materialLight.uniforms[ 'samplerColor' ].value = compColor.renderTarget2;
materialLight.uniforms[ 'samplerNormalDepth' ].value = compNormalDepth.renderTarget2;
// create light proxy mesh
var meshLight = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, materialLight );
// keep reference for color and intensity updates
meshLight.userData.originalLight = light;
// keep reference for size reset
resizableMaterials.push( { "material": materialLight } );
// sync proxy uniforms to the original light
updatePointLightProxy( meshLight );
return meshLight;
var updateSpotLightProxy = function ( lightProxy ) {
var light = lightProxy.userData.originalLight;
var uniforms = lightProxy.material.uniforms;
var viewMatrix = currentCamera.matrixWorldInverse;
var modelMatrix = light.matrixWorld;
positionVS.setFromMatrixPosition( modelMatrix );
positionVS.applyMatrix4( viewMatrix );
directionVS.setFromMatrixPosition( modelMatrix );
tempVS.setFromMatrixPosition( light.target.matrixWorld );
directionVS.sub( tempVS );
directionVS.transformDirection( viewMatrix );
uniforms[ "lightPositionVS" ].value.copy( positionVS );
uniforms[ "lightDirectionVS" ].value.copy( directionVS );
uniforms[ "lightAngle" ].value = light.angle;
uniforms[ "lightDistance" ].value = light.distance;
// linear space colors
var intensity = light.intensity * light.intensity;
uniforms[ "lightIntensity" ].value = intensity;
uniforms[ "lightColor" ].value.copyGammaToLinear( light.color );
var createDeferredSpotLight = function ( light ) {
// setup light material
var uniforms = THREE.UniformsUtils.clone( spotLightShader.uniforms );
var materialLight = new THREE.ShaderMaterial( {
uniforms: uniforms,
vertexShader: spotLightShader.vertexShader,
fragmentShader: spotLightShader.fragmentShader,
blending: THREE.AdditiveBlending,
depthWrite: false,
depthTest: false,
transparent: true
} );
uniforms[ "viewWidth" ].value = scaledWidth;
uniforms[ "viewHeight" ].value = scaledHeight;
uniforms[ 'samplerColor' ].value = compColor.renderTarget2;
uniforms[ 'samplerNormalDepth' ].value = compNormalDepth.renderTarget2;
// create light proxy mesh
var meshLight = new THREE.Mesh( geometryLightPlane, materialLight );
// keep reference for color and intensity updates
meshLight.userData.originalLight = light;
// keep reference for size reset
resizableMaterials.push( { "material": materialLight } );
// sync proxy uniforms to the original light
updateSpotLightProxy( meshLight );
return meshLight;
var updateDirectionalLightProxy = function ( lightProxy ) {
var light = lightProxy.userData.originalLight;
var uniforms = lightProxy.material.uniforms;
directionVS.setFromMatrixPosition( light.matrixWorld );
tempVS.setFromMatrixPosition( light.target.matrixWorld );
directionVS.sub( tempVS );
directionVS.transformDirection( currentCamera.matrixWorldInverse );
uniforms[ "lightDirectionVS" ].value.copy( directionVS );
// linear space colors
var intensity = light.intensity * light.intensity;
uniforms[ "lightIntensity" ].value = intensity;
uniforms[ "lightColor" ].value.copyGammaToLinear( light.color );
var createDeferredDirectionalLight = function ( light ) {
// setup light material
var uniforms = THREE.UniformsUtils.clone( directionalLightShader.uniforms );
var materialLight = new THREE.ShaderMaterial( {
uniforms: uniforms,
vertexShader: directionalLightShader.vertexShader,
fragmentShader: directionalLightShader.fragmentShader,
blending: THREE.AdditiveBlending,
depthWrite: false,
depthTest: false,
transparent: true
} );
uniforms[ "viewWidth" ].value = scaledWidth;
uniforms[ "viewHeight" ].value = scaledHeight;
uniforms[ 'samplerColor' ].value = compColor.renderTarget2;
uniforms[ 'samplerNormalDepth' ].value = compNormalDepth.renderTarget2;
// create light proxy mesh
var meshLight = new THREE.Mesh( geometryLightPlane, materialLight );
// keep reference for color and intensity updates
meshLight.userData.originalLight = light;
// keep reference for size reset
resizableMaterials.push( { "material": materialLight } );
// sync proxy uniforms to the original light
updateDirectionalLightProxy( meshLight );
return meshLight;
var updateHemisphereLightProxy = function ( lightProxy ) {
var light = lightProxy.userData.originalLight;
var uniforms = lightProxy.material.uniforms;
directionVS.setFromMatrixPosition( light.matrixWorld );
directionVS.transformDirection( currentCamera.matrixWorldInverse );
uniforms[ "lightDirectionVS" ].value.copy( directionVS );
// linear space colors
var intensity = light.intensity * light.intensity;
uniforms[ "lightIntensity" ].value = intensity;
uniforms[ "lightColorSky" ].value.copyGammaToLinear( light.color );
uniforms[ "lightColorGround" ].value.copyGammaToLinear( light.groundColor );
var createDeferredHemisphereLight = function ( light ) {
// setup light material
var uniforms = THREE.UniformsUtils.clone( hemisphereLightShader.uniforms );
var materialLight = new THREE.ShaderMaterial( {
uniforms: uniforms,
vertexShader: hemisphereLightShader.vertexShader,
fragmentShader: hemisphereLightShader.fragmentShader,
blending: THREE.AdditiveBlending,
depthWrite: false,
depthTest: false,
transparent: true
} );
uniforms[ "viewWidth" ].value = scaledWidth;
uniforms[ "viewHeight" ].value = scaledHeight;
uniforms[ 'samplerColor' ].value = compColor.renderTarget2;
uniforms[ 'samplerNormalDepth' ].value = compNormalDepth.renderTarget2;
// create light proxy mesh
var meshLight = new THREE.Mesh( geometryLightPlane, materialLight );
// keep reference for color and intensity updates
meshLight.userData.originalLight = light;
// keep reference for size reset
resizableMaterials.push( { "material": materialLight } );
// sync proxy uniforms to the original light
updateHemisphereLightProxy( meshLight );
return meshLight;
var updateAreaLightProxy = function ( lightProxy ) {
var light = lightProxy.userData.originalLight;
var uniforms = lightProxy.material.uniforms;
var modelMatrix = light.matrixWorld;
var viewMatrix = currentCamera.matrixWorldInverse;
positionVS.setFromMatrixPosition( modelMatrix );
positionVS.applyMatrix4( viewMatrix );
uniforms[ "lightPositionVS" ].value.copy( positionVS );
rightVS.copy( light.right );
rightVS.transformDirection( modelMatrix );
rightVS.transformDirection( viewMatrix );
normalVS.copy( light.normal );
normalVS.transformDirection( modelMatrix );
normalVS.transformDirection( viewMatrix );
upVS.crossVectors( rightVS, normalVS );
uniforms[ "lightRightVS" ].value.copy( rightVS );
uniforms[ "lightNormalVS" ].value.copy( normalVS );
uniforms[ "lightUpVS" ].value.copy( upVS );
uniforms[ "lightWidth" ].value = light.width;
uniforms[ "lightHeight" ].value = light.height;
uniforms[ "constantAttenuation" ].value = light.constantAttenuation;
uniforms[ "linearAttenuation" ].value = light.linearAttenuation;
uniforms[ "quadraticAttenuation" ].value = light.quadraticAttenuation;
// linear space colors
var intensity = light.intensity * light.intensity;
uniforms[ "lightIntensity" ].value = intensity;
uniforms[ "lightColor" ].value.copyGammaToLinear( light.color );
var createDeferredAreaLight = function ( light ) {
// setup light material
var uniforms = THREE.UniformsUtils.clone( areaLightShader.uniforms );
var materialLight = new THREE.ShaderMaterial( {
uniforms: uniforms,
vertexShader: areaLightShader.vertexShader,
fragmentShader: areaLightShader.fragmentShader,
blending: THREE.AdditiveBlending,
depthWrite: false,
depthTest: false,
transparent: true
} );
uniforms[ "viewWidth" ].value = scaledWidth;
uniforms[ "viewHeight" ].value = scaledHeight;
uniforms[ 'samplerColor' ].value = compColor.renderTarget2;
uniforms[ 'samplerNormalDepth' ].value = compNormalDepth.renderTarget2;
// create light proxy mesh
var meshLight = new THREE.Mesh( geometryLightPlane, materialLight );
// keep reference for color and intensity updates
meshLight.userData.originalLight = light;
// keep reference for size reset
resizableMaterials.push( { "material": materialLight } );
// sync proxy uniforms to the original light
updateAreaLightProxy( meshLight );
return meshLight;
var createDeferredEmissiveLight = function () {
// setup light material
var materialLight = new THREE.ShaderMaterial( {
uniforms: THREE.UniformsUtils.clone( emissiveLightShader.uniforms ),
vertexShader: emissiveLightShader.vertexShader,
fragmentShader: emissiveLightShader.fragmentShader,
depthTest: false,
depthWrite: false,
blending: THREE.NoBlending
} );
materialLight.uniforms[ "viewWidth" ].value = scaledWidth;
materialLight.uniforms[ "viewHeight" ].value = scaledHeight;
materialLight.uniforms[ 'samplerColor' ].value = compColor.renderTarget2;
// create light proxy mesh
var meshLight = new THREE.Mesh( geometryLightPlane, materialLight );
// keep reference for size reset
resizableMaterials.push( { "material": materialLight } );
return meshLight;
var initDeferredProperties = function ( object ) {
if ( object.userData.deferredInitialized ) return;
if ( object.material ) initDeferredMaterials( object );
if ( object instanceof THREE.PointLight ) {
var proxy = createDeferredPointLight( object );
if ( object.distance > 0 ) {
lightSceneProxy.add( proxy );
} else {
lightSceneFullscreen.add( proxy );
} else if ( object instanceof THREE.SpotLight ) {
var proxy = createDeferredSpotLight( object );
lightSceneFullscreen.add( proxy );
} else if ( object instanceof THREE.DirectionalLight ) {
var proxy = createDeferredDirectionalLight( object );
lightSceneFullscreen.add( proxy );
} else if ( object instanceof THREE.HemisphereLight ) {
var proxy = createDeferredHemisphereLight( object );
lightSceneFullscreen.add( proxy );
} else if ( object instanceof THREE.AreaLight ) {
var proxy = createDeferredAreaLight( object );
lightSceneFullscreen.add( proxy );
object.userData.deferredInitialized = true;
var setMaterialColor = function ( object ) {
if ( object.material ) {
if ( object.userData.transparent ) {
object.material = invisibleMaterial;
} else {
object.material = object.userData.colorMaterial;
var setMaterialNormalDepth = function ( object ) {
if ( object.material ) {
if ( object.userData.transparent ) {
object.material = invisibleMaterial;
} else {
object.material = object.userData.normalDepthMaterial;
// external API
this.setAntialias = function ( enabled ) {
antialias = enabled;
if ( antialias ) {
effectFXAA.enabled = true;
compositePass.renderToScreen = false;
} else {
effectFXAA.enabled = false;
compositePass.renderToScreen = true;
this.getAntialias = function () {
return antialias;
this.addEffect = function ( effect, normalDepthUniform, colorUniform ) {
if ( effect.material && effect.uniforms ) {
if ( normalDepthUniform ) effect.uniforms[ normalDepthUniform ].value = compNormalDepth.renderTarget2;
if ( colorUniform ) effect.uniforms[ colorUniform ].value = compColor.renderTarget2;
if ( normalDepthUniform || colorUniform ) {
resizableMaterials.push( { "material": effect.material, "normalDepth": normalDepthUniform, "color": colorUniform } );
compFinal.insertPass( effect, -1 );
this.setScale = function ( scale ) {
currentScale = scale;
scaledWidth = Math.floor( currentScale * pixelWidth );
scaledHeight = Math.floor( currentScale * pixelHeight );
compNormalDepth.setSize( scaledWidth, scaledHeight );
compColor.setSize( scaledWidth, scaledHeight );
compLight.setSize( scaledWidth, scaledHeight );
compFinal.setSize( scaledWidth, scaledHeight );
compColor.renderTarget2.shareDepthFrom = compNormalDepth.renderTarget2;
compLight.renderTarget2.shareDepthFrom = compNormalDepth.renderTarget2;
for ( var i = 0, il = resizableMaterials.length; i < il; i ++ ) {
var materialEntry = resizableMaterials[ i ];
var material = materialEntry.material;
var uniforms = material.uniforms;
var colorLabel = materialEntry.color !== undefined ? materialEntry.color : 'samplerColor';
var normalDepthLabel = materialEntry.normalDepth !== undefined ? materialEntry.normalDepth : 'samplerNormalDepth';
if ( uniforms[ colorLabel ] ) uniforms[ colorLabel ].value = compColor.renderTarget2;
if ( uniforms[ normalDepthLabel ] ) uniforms[ normalDepthLabel ].value = compNormalDepth.renderTarget2;
if ( uniforms[ 'viewWidth' ] ) uniforms[ "viewWidth" ].value = scaledWidth;
if ( uniforms[ 'viewHeight' ] ) uniforms[ "viewHeight" ].value = scaledHeight;
compositePass.uniforms[ 'samplerLight' ].value = compLight.renderTarget2;
effectFXAA.uniforms[ 'resolution' ].value.set( 1 / pixelWidth, 1 / pixelHeight );
this.setSize = function ( width, height ) {
pixelWidth = width;
pixelHeight = height;
this.renderer.setSize( pixelWidth, pixelHeight );
this.setScale( currentScale );
function updateLightProxy ( proxy ) {
var uniforms = proxy.material.uniforms;
if ( uniforms[ "matProjInverse" ] ) uniforms[ "matProjInverse" ].value = projectionMatrixInverse;
if ( uniforms[ "matView" ] ) uniforms[ "matView" ].value = currentCamera.matrixWorldInverse;
var originalLight = proxy.userData.originalLight;
if ( originalLight ) {
proxy.visible = originalLight.visible;
if ( originalLight instanceof THREE.PointLight ) {
updatePointLightProxy( proxy );
} else if ( originalLight instanceof THREE.SpotLight ) {
updateSpotLightProxy( proxy );
} else if ( originalLight instanceof THREE.DirectionalLight ) {
updateDirectionalLightProxy( proxy );
} else if ( originalLight instanceof THREE.HemisphereLight ) {
updateHemisphereLightProxy( proxy );
} else if ( originalLight instanceof THREE.AreaLight ) {
updateAreaLightProxy( proxy );
this.render = function ( scene, camera ) {
// setup deferred properties
if ( ! scene.userData.lightSceneProxy ) {
scene.userData.lightSceneProxy = new THREE.Scene();
scene.userData.lightSceneFullscreen = new THREE.Scene();
var meshLight = createDeferredEmissiveLight();
scene.userData.lightSceneFullscreen.add( meshLight );
currentCamera = camera;
lightSceneProxy = scene.userData.lightSceneProxy;
lightSceneFullscreen = scene.userData.lightSceneFullscreen;
passColor.camera = currentCamera;
passNormalDepth.camera = currentCamera;
passLightProxy.camera = currentCamera;
passLightFullscreen.camera = new THREE.OrthographicCamera( -1, 1, 1, -1, 0, 1 );
passColor.scene = scene;
passNormalDepth.scene = scene;
passLightFullscreen.scene = lightSceneFullscreen;
passLightProxy.scene = lightSceneProxy;
scene.traverse( initDeferredProperties );
// update scene graph only once per frame
// (both color and normalDepth passes use exactly the same scene state)
scene.autoUpdate = false;
// 1) g-buffer normals + depth pass
scene.traverse( setMaterialNormalDepth );
// clear shared depth buffer
this.renderer.autoClearDepth = true;
this.renderer.autoClearStencil = true;
// write 1 to shared stencil buffer
// for non-background pixels
//gl.enable( gl.STENCIL_TEST );
gl.stencilOp( gl.REPLACE, gl.REPLACE, gl.REPLACE );
gl.stencilFunc( gl.ALWAYS, 1, 0xffffffff );
gl.clearStencil( 0 );
// just touch foreground pixels (stencil == 1)
// both in color and light passes
gl.stencilFunc( gl.EQUAL, 1, 0xffffffff );
gl.stencilOp( gl.KEEP, gl.KEEP, gl.KEEP );
// 2) g-buffer color pass
scene.traverse( setMaterialColor );
// must use clean slate depth buffer
// otherwise there are z-fighting glitches
// not enough precision between two geometry passes
// just to use EQUAL depth test
this.renderer.autoClearDepth = true;
this.renderer.autoClearStencil = false;
// 3) light pass
// do not clear depth buffer in this pass
// depth from geometry pass is used for light culling
// (write light proxy color pixel if behind scene pixel)
this.renderer.autoClearDepth = false;
scene.autoUpdate = true;
gl.depthFunc( gl.GEQUAL );
projectionMatrixInverse.getInverse( currentCamera.projectionMatrix );
for ( var i = 0, il = lightSceneProxy.children.length; i < il; i ++ ) {
var proxy = lightSceneProxy.children[ i ];
updateLightProxy( proxy );
for ( var i = 0, il = lightSceneFullscreen.children.length; i < il; i ++ ) {
var proxy = lightSceneFullscreen.children[ i ];
updateLightProxy( proxy );
// 4) composite pass
// return back to usual depth and stencil handling state
this.renderer.autoClearDepth = true;
this.renderer.autoClearStencil = true;
gl.depthFunc( gl.LEQUAL );
gl.disable( gl.STENCIL_TEST );
compFinal.render( 0.1 );
var createRenderTargets = function ( ) {
var rtParamsFloatLinear = { minFilter: THREE.NearestFilter, magFilter: THREE.LinearFilter, stencilBuffer: true,
format: THREE.RGBAFormat, type: THREE.FloatType };
var rtParamsFloatNearest = { minFilter: THREE.NearestFilter, magFilter: THREE.NearestFilter, stencilBuffer: true,
format: THREE.RGBAFormat, type: THREE.FloatType };
var rtParamsUByte = { minFilter: THREE.NearestFilter, magFilter: THREE.LinearFilter, stencilBuffer: false,
format: THREE.RGBFormat, type: THREE.UnsignedByteType };
// g-buffers
var rtColor = new THREE.WebGLRenderTarget( scaledWidth, scaledHeight, rtParamsFloatNearest );
var rtNormalDepth = new THREE.WebGLRenderTarget( scaledWidth, scaledHeight, rtParamsFloatNearest );
var rtLight = new THREE.WebGLRenderTarget( scaledWidth, scaledHeight, rtParamsFloatLinear );
var rtFinal = new THREE.WebGLRenderTarget( scaledWidth, scaledHeight, rtParamsUByte );
rtColor.generateMipmaps = false;
rtNormalDepth.generateMipmaps = false;
rtLight.generateMipmaps = false;
rtFinal.generateMipmaps = false;
// normal + depth composer
passNormalDepth = new THREE.RenderPass();
passNormalDepth.clear = true;
compNormalDepth = new THREE.EffectComposer( _this.renderer, rtNormalDepth );
compNormalDepth.addPass( passNormalDepth );
// color composer
passColor = new THREE.RenderPass();
passColor.clear = true;
compColor = new THREE.EffectComposer( _this.renderer, rtColor );
compColor.addPass( passColor );
compColor.renderTarget2.shareDepthFrom = compNormalDepth.renderTarget2;
// light composer
passLightFullscreen = new THREE.RenderPass();
passLightFullscreen.clear = true;
passLightProxy = new THREE.RenderPass();
passLightProxy.clear = false;
compLight = new THREE.EffectComposer( _this.renderer, rtLight );
compLight.addPass( passLightFullscreen );
compLight.addPass( passLightProxy );
compLight.renderTarget2.shareDepthFrom = compNormalDepth.renderTarget2;
// final composer
compositePass = new THREE.ShaderPass( compositeShader );
compositePass.uniforms[ 'samplerLight' ].value = compLight.renderTarget2;
compositePass.uniforms[ 'brightness' ].value = brightness;
compositePass.material.blending = THREE.NoBlending;
compositePass.clear = true;
var defines;
switch ( tonemapping ) {
case THREE.SimpleOperator: defines = { "TONEMAP_SIMPLE": true }; break;
case THREE.LinearOperator: defines = { "TONEMAP_LINEAR": true }; break;
case THREE.ReinhardOperator: defines = { "TONEMAP_REINHARD": true }; break;
case THREE.FilmicOperator: defines = { "TONEMAP_FILMIC": true }; break;
case THREE.UnchartedOperator: defines = { "TONEMAP_UNCHARTED": true }; break;
compositePass.material.defines = defines;
effectFXAA = new THREE.ShaderPass( THREE.FXAAShader );
effectFXAA.uniforms[ 'resolution' ].value.set( 1 / pixelWidth, 1 / pixelHeight );
effectFXAA.renderToScreen = true;
compFinal = new THREE.EffectComposer( _this.renderer, rtFinal );
compFinal.addPass( compositePass );
compFinal.addPass( effectFXAA );
if ( antialias ) {
effectFXAA.enabled = true;
compositePass.renderToScreen = false;
} else {
effectFXAA.enabled = false;
compositePass.renderToScreen = true;
// init
// tonemapping operator types
THREE.NoOperator = 0;
THREE.SimpleOperator = 1;
THREE.LinearOperator = 2;
THREE.ReinhardOperator = 3;
THREE.FilmicOperator = 4;
THREE.UnchartedOperator = 5;