import createDebug from 'debug'; const debug = createDebug('d3d:util:asyncActions'); const defaultSuffixes = ['PENDING', 'FULFILLED', 'REJECTED']; /* * Some utils below are quite similar to the following util: * */ export function createPromiseActionCreators( instance, fnNames, promiseWrapper, actionPrefix = '', suffixes = defaultSuffixes ) { let actionCreators = {}; for (const fnName of fnNames) { actionCreators = { ...actionCreators, ...createPromiseActionCreator(instance, fnName, promiseWrapper, actionPrefix, suffixes) }; } return actionCreators; } /** * Creates an actionCreator that returns an * redux-promise-middleware compatible action with: * - type based on (prefix+) function name and * - the promise the function returns */ export function createPromiseActionCreator( instance, fnName, promiseWrapper, actionPrefix = '', suffixes = defaultSuffixes ) { const fn = instance[fnName]; if (fn === undefined) { throw new Error(`Given instance doesn't have a function named '${fnName}'`); } actionPrefix = actionPrefix ? `${actionPrefix}_` : ''; const fnNameUpper = fnName.toUpperCase(); const pendingType = actionPrefix + fnNameUpper + '_' + suffixes[0]; const fulfilledType = actionPrefix + fnNameUpper + '_' + suffixes[1]; const rejectedType = actionPrefix + fnNameUpper + '_' + suffixes[2]; return { [fnName]: function actionCreator() { debug('actionCreator called: ', fnName, arguments); const promise = fn.apply(instance, arguments); return { type: actionPrefix + fnNameUpper, payload: { promise: promiseWrapper ? promiseWrapper(promise, fnName, arguments) : promise, data: arguments // send as payload with pending action }, // include arguments to meta so it's also included in // the fulfilled and rejected action types meta: { args: arguments } }; }, [pendingType]: pendingType, [fulfilledType]: fulfilledType, [rejectedType]: rejectedType }; } /** * Creates a reducer that manages state for async actions */ export function createAsyncActionsReducer(pendingType, fulfilledType, rejectedType) { return function reducer( state = { pending: false, error: null, data: null }, action ) { switch (action.type) { case pendingType: return { pending: true, data: null, error: null }; case fulfilledType: return { pending: false, data: action.payload, error: null }; case rejectedType: return { pending: false, data: null, error: action.payload }; default: return state; } }; } /** * creates a reducers for a list of names * result is usable for combineReducers() */ export function createAsyncActionsReducers( prefix, names, // default suffixes from redux-promise-middleware: suffixes = defaultSuffixes ) { const reducers = {}; prefix = prefix ? `${prefix}_` : ''; for (const name of names) { const nameUpper = name.toUpperCase(); const pendingType = prefix + nameUpper + '_' + suffixes[0]; const fulfilledType = prefix + nameUpper + '_' + suffixes[1]; const rejectedType = prefix + nameUpper + '_' + suffixes[2]; reducers[name] = createAsyncActionsReducer(pendingType, fulfilledType, rejectedType); } return reducers; }