import React from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import * as actions from 'src/js/actions/index.js'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import { Link } from 'react-router'; import { VERSION } from '@doodle3d/doodle3d-core/lib/constants/general.js'; import injectSheet from 'react-jss'; import textMarkup from 'src/jss/textMarkup.js'; import SignUpPay from 'src/js/components/SignUpPay.js'; import Dialog from 'material-ui/Dialog'; import iconDoodle3D from 'img/apple-touch-icon-144x144-precomposed.png'; import imgScreenshot from 'img/screenshot.png'; // import createDebug from 'debug'; // const debug = createDebug('d3d:popup:about'); const styles = { ...textMarkup, content: { gridColumn: '1 / 3' }, header: { '& h2, & p': { lineHeight: '1.25em', margin: '0' } }, floatRight: { float: "right", marginLeft: "20px" } }; class About extends React.Component { static propTypes = { onClose: PropTypes.func.isRequired, classes: PropTypes.object.isRequired, }; render() { const { classes, onClose } = this.props; return (

Doodle3D Transform v{VERSION}

Doodle3D Transform is a free and open-source web-app that makes designing in 3D easy and fun! Created between 2015-2017 with love by Casper, Peter, Jeroen, Simon, Saskia, Arne, Donna, Nico and Rick. With the support of 1,626 Kickstarter backers.

As of 2021-05-26 Doodle3D Transform is distributed as open source under the MIT License. This gives everyone the freedoms to use Doodle3D Transform in any context: commercial or non-commercial, public or private, open or closed source.

Release Notes |   Licenses |   Help |   Donate |   Twitter |   Github

); } } export default connect(state => ({ }), dispatch => ({ onClose: () => dispatch(actions.router.push(`/`)), }))(injectSheet(styles)(About));