#include #include #include #include // Change the next 6 defines to match your matrix type and size #define LED_PIN 5 #define COLOR_ORDER RGB #define CHIPSET PL9823 #define NUM_LEDS 90 #define MATRIX_WIDTH 18 #define MATRIX_HEIGHT 5 #define MATRIX_TYPE VERTICAL_ZIGZAG_MATRIX cLEDMatrix < -MATRIX_WIDTH, MATRIX_HEIGHT, MATRIX_TYPE > leds; CRGB leds2[NUM_LEDS]; cLEDText ScrollingMsg; const unsigned char TxtDemo[] = { EFFECT_FRAME_RATE "\x05" EFFECT_HSV_AH "\x00\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff" " WELCOME TO FABLAB CHEMNITZ >>> " "\x20" EFFECT_HSV "\x20\xff\xff" " WILLKOMMEN IM FABLAB CHEMNITZ >>> " "\x20" EFFECT_HSV "\xc0\xff\xff" " WELCOME TO FABLAB CHEMNITZ >>> " "\x20" EFFECT_HSV_AV "\x00\xff\xff\x40\xff\xff" " WILLKOMMEN IM FABLAB CHEMNITZ >>> " "\x20" EFFECT_HSV_AH "\x00\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff" " WELCOME TO FABLAB CHEMNITZ >>> " "\x20" EFFECT_HSV "\x20\xff\xff" " WILLKOMMEN IM FABLAB CHEMNITZ >>> " "\x20" EFFECT_HSV "\xc0\xff\xff" " WELCOME TO FABLAB CHEMNITZ >>> " "\x20" EFFECT_HSV_AV "\x00\xff\xff\x40\xff\xff" " WILLKOMMEN IM FABLAB CHEMNITZ >>> " "\x20" /* EFFECT_FRAME_RATE "\x05" EFFECT_HSV_AH "\x00\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff" " DEZENTRALE >>> " "\x20" EFFECT_HSV "\x20\xff\xff" " WANN HAST DU ZUM LETZTEN MAL GESTAUNT ? >>> " "\x20" EFFECT_HSV "\xc0\xff\xff" " DEZENTRALE >>> " "\x20" EFFECT_HSV_AV "\x00\xff\xff\x40\xff\xff" " WANN HAST DU ZUM LETZTEN MAL GESTAUNT ? >>> " "\x20" EFFECT_FRAME_RATE "\x06" EFFECT_BACKGND_DIMMING "\x20" EFFECT_SCROLL_LEFT " LEEFT SCROLL " EFFECT_SCROLL_RIGHT " LLORCS THGIR" EFFECT_CHAR_UP EFFECT_SCROLL_LEFT " UP" EFFECT_SCROLL_LEFT " Magande 2811 ABCDEFGHIJK " EFFECT_FRAME_RATE "\x10" EFFECT_SCROLL_LEFT " LMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789 +*~,;:.-_!$%&/()=\" {[]}`^^#<>" EFFECT_FRAME_RATE "\x06" EFFECT_CHAR_RIGHT " RIGHT" EFFECT_CHAR_DOWN " DOWN" EFFECT_CHAR_LEFT " LEFT" EFFECT_HSV_CV "\x00\xff\xff\x40\xff\xff" EFFECT_CHAR_UP " HSV_CV 00-40" EFFECT_HSV_CH "\x00\xff\xff\x40\xff\xff" "HSV_CH 00-40" EFFECT_HSV_AV "\x00\xff\xff\x40\xff\xff" "HSV_AV 00-40" EFFECT_HSV_AH "\x00\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff" "HSV_AH 00-FF" EFFECT_HSV "\x00\xff\xff" "R" EFFECT_HSV "\x20\xff\xff" "A" EFFECT_HSV "\x40\xff\xff" "I" EFFECT_HSV "\x60\xff\xff" "N" EFFECT_HSV "\xe0\xff\xff" "B" EFFECT_HSV "\xc0\xff\xff" "O" EFFECT_HSV "\xa0\xff\xff" "W" EFFECT_HSV "\x80\xff\xff" "S " EFFECT_DELAY_FRAMES "\x00\x96" EFFECT_RGB "\xff\xff\xff" EFFECT_FRAME_RATE "\x05" EFFECT_SCROLL_LEFT EFFECT_RGB "\x52\xff\xa3" " FABLAB CHEMNITZ -- KEIN DOENER, KEINE PIZZA, ABER ANDERE NETTE DINGE "*/ }; int demo2; /* String StringRead = EFFECT_FRAME_RATE "\x06" EFFECT_SCROLL_LEFT EFFECT_RGB "\x52\xff\xa3" "Hallo weLT:"; */ static uint8_t hue; int16_t x, y; uint8_t h; int UPDATES_PER_SECOND; void setup() { //StringRead.reserve(100); FastLED.addLeds(leds[0], leds.Size()); FastLED.setBrightness(63); FastLED.clear(true); delay(500); FastLED.showColor(CRGB::Red); delay(1000); FastLED.showColor(CRGB::Lime); delay(1000); FastLED.showColor(CRGB::Blue); delay(1000); FastLED.showColor(CRGB::White); delay(1000); FastLED.show(); ScrollingMsg.SetFont(MatriseFontData); ScrollingMsg.Init(&leds, leds.Width(), ScrollingMsg.FontHeight() + 1, 0, 0); ScrollingMsg.SetText((unsigned char *)TxtDemo, sizeof(TxtDemo) - 1); ScrollingMsg.SetTextColrOptions(COLR_RGB | COLR_SINGLE, 0xff, 0x00, 0xff); //ScrollingMsg.SetBackgroundMode(BACKGND_DIMMING, 0x05); //ScrollingMsg.SetFrameRate(FrameRate); // currentPalette = RainbowColors_p; // currentBlending = LINEARBLEND; } void loop() { h = hue; if (ScrollingMsg.UpdateText() == -1) { ScrollingMsg.SetText((unsigned char *)TxtDemo, sizeof(TxtDemo) - 1); //ScrollingMsg.SetText((unsigned char *) StringRead.c_str(), StringRead.length()); // demo2=40; } else { FastLED.show(); //delay(3); //FastLED.clear(); } delay(8); /* if (Serial.available()) { if (Serial.available() != 0) { StringRead = Serial.readString(); } } */ /* if(demo2>=20){ for (x=0; x