#include #include // Change the next 6 defines to match your matrix type and size #define LED_PIN 2 #define COLOR_ORDER GRB #define CHIPSET WS2812B #define MATRIX_WIDTH 80 // Set this negative if physical led 0 is opposite to where you want logical 0 #define MATRIX_HEIGHT 10 // Set this negative if physical led 0 is opposite to where you want logical 0 #define MATRIX_TYPE HORIZONTAL_MATRIX // See top of LEDMatrix.h for matrix wiring types cLEDMatrix leds; uint8_t hue; int16_t counter; void setup() { FastLED.addLeds(leds[0], leds.Size()); FastLED.setBrightness(127); FastLED.clear(true); delay(500); FastLED.showColor(CRGB::Red); delay(1000); FastLED.showColor(CRGB::Lime); delay(1000); FastLED.showColor(CRGB::Blue); delay(1000); FastLED.showColor(CRGB::White); delay(1000); FastLED.clear(true); hue = 0; counter = 0; } void loop() { int16_t sx, sy, x, y; uint8_t h; FastLED.clear(); h = hue; if (counter < 1125) { // ** Fill LED's with diagonal stripes for (x=0; x<(leds.Width()+leds.Height()); ++x) { leds.DrawLine(x - leds.Height(), leds.Height() - 1, x, 0, CHSV(h, 255, 255)); h+=16; } } else { // ** Fill LED's with horizontal stripes for (y=0; y= 2250) counter = 0; FastLED.show(); }