# Madeleine.js for Gitea Madeleine.js Integration for Gitea. Does not work for ASCII files (in conjunction with gitea). You can convert ASCII files to binary using admesh. Admesh is available for Windows and Linux. # Example See https://gitea.fablabchemnitz.de/MarioVoigt/STL-Test/src/branch/master/Bunny-LowPoly.stl (https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:151081/files) # HowTo Steps ``` apt install admesh admesh ascii-file.stl --write-binary-stl binary.stl Gitea config ``` ``` cd /opt/gitea/custom/templates/ mkdir base/ cd base/ ``` ``` vim /opt/gitea/custom/templates/base/footer.tmpl ``` ``` ``` ``` chown git:git footer.tmpl chmod 770 footer.tmpl ``` ``` cd /opt/gitea/custom/ mkdir public/ cd public/ git clone https://github.com/JinJunho/Madeleine.js.git Madeleine.js/ chown -R git:git /opt/gitea/custom/public ``` ``` service gitea restart ``` ## Source code comes from http://jinjunho.github.io/Madeleine.js/