/** * @author Junho Jin[junho.jin@kaist.ac.kr] | https://github.com/JinJunho * @version 1.0.0 * * [Project] Madeleine.js, Pure JavaScript STL Parser & Renderer. * * [Description] Madeleine.js constists of three part: DataReader, Madeleine and Lily. * DataReader is a helper function to read binary data, which is a customized version * of DataView. Lily is a helper Object that manages created Madeleines and logs * messages to console. Madeleine is the part that deals with actual parsing, rendering * and showing your stl files. Customize them however you want. This project is under * MIT License (see the LICENSE file for details). You are allowed to do anything with * this code, as long as you leave the attribution (MUST!). It will be glad if you * contact me for any bug you found or interesting ideas to do with Madeleine.js. * I'm willing to co-work with you! */ (function() { // Madeleine constructor Madeleine = function(options) { var Madeleine; // Constants for default setting var CONVERT_TO_BINARY = true; var OBJECT_MATERIAL = "matt"; var OBJECT_STATUS = false; //var OBJECT_BACKGROUND = "DADADA"; var OBJECT_BACKGROUND = "2E323E"; var OBJECT_COLOR = "00A0E1"; var CAMERA_SIGHT = 45; var CAMERA_NEARFIELD = 1; var CAMERA_FARFIELD = 100000; var VIEWER_THEME = "default"; var VIEWER_PREFIX = "mad-"; var VIEWER_CREATE = true; var VIEWER_HEIGHT = 625; //400 var VIEWER_WIDTH = 1000; //640 var USER_ROTATE_SENSITIVITY = 0.005; var USER_ZOOM_SENSITIVITY = 100; var SCROLL_FACTOR = 10; // Necessary option check if (!document.getElementById(options.target)) { console.log("MADELEINE[ERR] Target must be a valid DOM Element."); return null; } else if (!options.data) { console.log("MADELEINE[ERR] Option must contain target and data."); return null; } // Construct new Madeleine Madeleine = function(options) { // Alias to own object var scope = this; // Internal properties this.__uniqueID = Lily.push(this); this.__containerID = options.target; this.__timer = {start: (new Date).getTime(), end: null}; // About 3d model this.__status = null; this.__object = null; this.__bounds = null; this.__center = null; this.__rawText = null; this.__converted = null; this.__arrayBuffer = null; // Initialize data info object this.__info = {type: null, load: this.type, vertices: 0, facets: 0, faces: 0}; // About visualization this.__scene = new THREE.Scene(); this.__camera = null; this.__viewer = null; this.__canvas = null; // About rendering this.__geometry = null; this.__renderer = null; // About camera view this.__width = null; this.__height = null; this.__sizeRatio = 1; // About user interaction this.__firstPerson = false; this.__movable = true; this.__zoomable = true; this.__rotatable = true; this.__rotating = false; this.__trackMouse = false; this.__mouseX = 0; this.__mouseY = 0; // Crucial properties to render 3d model this.data = options.data; this.type = options.type ? options.type : 'file'; this.container = document.getElementById(this.__containerID); this.relPath = options.path ? options.path + (options.path[options.path.length-1] == "/" ? "" : "/") : "./"; // User configuration this.options = Lily.extend(true, {}, { // Default option material : OBJECT_MATERIAL, showStatus : OBJECT_STATUS, backgroundColor : OBJECT_BACKGROUND, objectColor : OBJECT_COLOR, viewer : { create : VIEWER_CREATE, // Create new viewer? prefix : VIEWER_PREFIX, // Viewer id prefix height : VIEWER_HEIGHT, // Viewer height width : VIEWER_WIDTH, // Viewer width theme : VIEWER_THEME, // Viewer theme }, camera : { sight : CAMERA_SIGHT, // Vertical Field of View near : CAMERA_NEARFIELD, // Near Field Distance far : CAMERA_FARFIELD, // Far Field Distance }, rotateSensitivity : USER_ROTATE_SENSITIVITY, scrollFactor : SCROLL_FACTOR, zoomSensitivity : USER_ZOOM_SENSITIVITY, }, options); // Event Listeners this.scrollHandler = function(e) { var delta = e.wheelDelta ? e.wheelDelta/40 : (e.detail ? -e.detail : 0); if (delta < 0) delta -= this.options.scrollFactor; if (delta > 0) delta += this.options.scrollFactor; scope.cameraZoom(delta); e.preventDefault(); }.bind(this); this.gestureHandler = function(e) { scope.cameraZoom(( 1 < e.scale ? "in" : "out" )); e.preventDefault(); }; this.mouseDownHandler = function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if ((e.which && e.which == 3) || (e.button && e.button == 2)) { // alert("Right click on 3D viewer is disabled."); } else { scope.trackMouse = true; scope.__rotating = false; scope.mouseY = e.clientY; scope.mouseX = e.clientX; } }; this.mouseMoveHandler = function(e) { if (scope.trackMouse) { // Top-left corner is (0, 0) // e.clientX grows as mouse goes down // e.clientY grows as mouse goes right //IMPROVED move object on wheel drag and rotate with left mouse drag if (e.which == 1) {//left button mouse scope.rotateObjectZ(scope.mouseX - e.clientX); scope.rotateObjectX(scope.mouseY - e.clientY); } if (e.which == 2) {//whell button mouse scope.moveObject(event, scope.mouseX - e.clientX); scope.moveObject(event, scope.mouseY - e.clientY); } scope.mouseY = e.clientY; scope.mouseX = e.clientX; } e.preventDefault(); }; this.mouseUpHandler = function(e) { scope.trackMouse = false; scope.__rotating = true; e.preventDefault(); }; // Check if option values are correct this.adjustUserConfiguration(); // Initialize rendering this.init(); }; // Initialize rendering Madeleine.prototype.init = function() { //IMPROVE callbackstart process i.e.: show another loader in other scope if (this.options.callbackstart) this.options.callbackstart(); // Get file name this.__info.name = (typeof this.data == "string") ? this.data.split("/").slice(-1)[0] : this.data.name; // If create new viewer, set canvas size to the viewer. if (this.options.viewer.create) { this.__height = this.options.viewer.height; this.__width = this.options.viewer.width; // Get target width and height, otherwise. } else if (document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle) { this.__height = parseFloat(document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(this.container,null).getPropertyValue('height')); this.__width = parseFloat(document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(this.container,null).getPropertyValue('width')); } else { this.__height = parseFloat(this.container.currentStyle.height); this.__width = parseFloat(this.container.currentStyle.width); } // Create viewer this.createViewer(); // Adjust canvas width/height ratio this.__sizeRatio = this.__width / this.__height; // Create camera this.__camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera( this.options.camera.sight, this.__sizeRatio, this.options.camera.near, this.options.camera.far ); // Set user's point-of-view and default camera position this.__camera.position.set(0, 0, 0); this.__scene.add(this.__camera); // Add lights if (OBJECT_MATERIAL == "shiny") { this.addShadowedLight(1, 1, 1, 0xFFFFFF, 1.3); this.addShadowedLight(0.5, 1, -1, 0xFFCC66, 1); var ambientLight = new THREE.AmbientLight(0x111111); this.__scene.add(ambientLight); } else { var directionalLight = new THREE.DirectionalLight(0xFFFFFF, 1); var ambientLight = new THREE.AmbientLight(0x202020); directionalLight.position.set(0, 1, 1).normalize(); this.__scene.add(directionalLight); this.__scene.add(ambientLight); } // Start rendering this.draw(); }; // Rendering start Madeleine.prototype.draw = function() { // Wait until data is fully loaded var queued = (function(scope) { return function() { // When data ready, parse and render it. scope.run(scope.relPath + "lib/MadeleineLoader.js", { arrbuf: scope.__arrayBuffer, rawtext: scope.__rawText }, function(result) { var hasColors = result.hasColors; var vertices = result.vertices; var normals = result.normals; var colors = result.colors; var alpha = result.alpha; // Create new geometry scope.__geometry = new THREE.Geometry(); // Parsing done. Add vertices and normals to geometry scope.__geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry(); scope.__geometry.addAttribute('position', new THREE.BufferAttribute(vertices, 3)); scope.__geometry.addAttribute('normal', new THREE.BufferAttribute(normals, 3)); // Set color information if (hasColors) { scope.__geometry.addAttribute('color', new THREE.BufferAttribute(colors, 3)); scope.__geometry.hasColors = true; scope.__geometry.alpha = alpha; } // Start rendering scope.renderObject(); // Compute time consumed in parsing and rendering scope.__timer.end = (new Date()).getTime(); var consumed = (scope.__timer.end - scope.__timer.start) / 1000; console.log("MADELEINE[LOG] Time spent: " + consumed + " sec."); // Render object scope.render(); // Log rendering status scope.logStatus(); // Start rotating animation scope.startAnimation(); // Enable mouse zoom action scope.enableZoomAsMouseScroll(); // Enable mouse motion action scope.enableUserInteraction(); //IMPROVED callback end i.e: hide loading of another scope if (scope.options.callbackend) scope.options.callbackend(); }); }; })(this); // Check input type and get STL Binary data switch (this.type) { case "upload": this.getDataFromBlob(this.data, queued);break; case "file": this.getDataFromUrl(this.data, queued);break; default: break; } }; // Get arrayBuffer from Blob Madeleine.prototype.getDataFromBlob = function(file, queuedWork) { var scope = this; if (Detector.fileapi) { var arrbuf = new FileReader(); var rawtxt = new FileReader(); // arraybuffer onload function arrbuf.onload = function () { scope.__arrayBuffer = arrbuf.result //console.log("scope.__arrayBuffer------>", scope.__arrayBuffer); if (scope.__arrayBuffer && scope.__rawText) {//IMPROVED asynchronous onload arrbuf.onload rawtxt.onload doesnt know witch will finish first causing null __arrayBuffer or null __rawText console.log('calling o queuedWork no arrbuf onload'); queuedWork(); } }; // read arrayBuffer from Blob arrbuf.readAsArrayBuffer(file); // rawtext onload function rawtxt.onload = function () { scope.__rawText = rawtxt.result; //console.log("scope.__rawText ----->", scope.__rawText); if (scope.__arrayBuffer && scope.__rawText) {//IMPROVED asynchronous onload arrbuf.onload rawtxt.onload doesnt know witch will finish first causing null __arrayBuffer or null __rawText console.log('calling in no rawtxt onload'); queuedWork(); } }; // read raw text data from Blob rawtxt.readAsText(file); } }; // Get arrayBuffer from external file Madeleine.prototype.getDataFromUrl = function(url, queuedWork, type) { var scope = this; var getArrayBuffer = function() { var arrbuf = new XMLHttpRequest(); arrbuf.onerror = function(e) { console.log("MADELEINE[ERR] Ajax failed.") }; arrbuf.onreadystatechange = function() { if (arrbuf.readyState == 4 && (arrbuf.status == 200 || arrbuf.status == 0)) { scope.__arrayBuffer = arrbuf.response; if (type == "binary") queuedWork(); if (!type) getRawText(); } }; arrbuf.responseType = "arraybuffer"; arrbuf.open("GET", url, true); arrbuf.send(null); }; var getRawText = function() { var rawtxt = new XMLHttpRequest(); rawtxt.onerror = function(e) { console.log("MADELEINE[ERR] Ajax failed.") }; rawtxt.onreadystatechange = function() { if (rawtxt.readyState == 4 && (rawtxt.status == 200 || rawtxt.status == 0)) { scope.__rawText = rawtxt.response; queuedWork(); } }; rawtxt.responseType = "text"; rawtxt.open("GET", url, true); rawtxt.send(null); }; // Get data from external resource switch(type) { case "ascii": getRawText(); break; default: getArrayBuffer(); break; } }; // Render object Madeleine.prototype.renderObject = function() { // Create renderer if (!this.__object) this.createRenderer(); // Get material var material = null; if (this.options.material == "shiny") { material = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial({ color: this.getHexColor(this.options.objectColor), ambient: this.getHexColor(this.options.objectColor), specular: 0x1F1F1F, shininess: 25, side: THREE.DoubleSide, overdraw: true }); } else { material = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial({ color: this.getHexColor(this.options.objectColor), shading: THREE.FlatShading, side: THREE.DoubleSide, overdraw: true }); } // Generate mesh for object this.__object = new THREE.Mesh(this.__geometry, material); this.__geometry.computeBoundingSphere(); this.__geometry.computeVertexNormals(); this.__geometry.computeBoundingBox(); // Adjust positions of camera and object to make object fit into screen properly var radius = this.__geometry.boundingSphere.radius; // 1.865 times zoomed object with radius 85 practically fits best to the screen var zoomFactor = 1.865 * 85 / radius; // Zoom object to fit into the screen. ZoomFactor is practically best to fit this.__object.scale.set(zoomFactor, zoomFactor, zoomFactor); // Height 125 fits well to the screen. If taller, lower the center of y-axis var maxY = this.__geometry.boundingBox.max.y; var minY = this.__geometry.boundingBox.min.y; var height = maxY - minY; var deltaY = (height > 125 ? parseFloat(0.99 * (height - Math.max(maxY, Math.abs(minY)))) : 15); // deltaY in some cases can make object out of screen height //console.log(deltaY, height, minY, maxY); if (options.XY) {//IMPROVMENT setXY mannually if (options.XY.X) { this.__object.position.setX(options.XY.X); } if (options.XY.Y) { this.__object.position.setY(options.XY.Y); } } else { this.__object.position.setY(-deltaY); } // If object is too large to fit in, make camera look further // 500 (default camera distance) : 466 (view height) // new distance (x) : boundingSphere radius (r) * 2 // x = (2 * r * 500) / 466 ~= 2.146 * r if (radius < 233) this.__camera.position.z = 500; else this.__camera.position.z = radius * 2.146; this.__camera.updateProjectionMatrix(); // Parsing finished this.__scene.add(this.__object); this.__object.rotation.x = -1.2; this.__object.rotation.z = 1.2; }; // Generate Renderer Madeleine.prototype.createRenderer = function() { // create renderer this.__renderer = Detector.webgl ? new THREE.WebGLRenderer({ preserveDrawingBuffer: true, alpha: true }) : new THREE.CanvasRenderer(); // attach canvas to viewer this.__canvas = this.__renderer.domElement; this.__viewer.appendChild(this.__canvas); // renderer configuration this.__renderer.setSize(this.__width, this.__height); this.__renderer.setClearColor(0x000000, 0); }; // Generate Madeleine Viewer Madeleine.prototype.createViewer = function() { if (!this.options.viewer.create) this.container.appendChild(this.__renderer.domElement); else { // Create viewer element this.__viewer = document.createElement("div"); this.__viewer.id = this.options.viewer.prefix + this.__uniqueID; // Force viewer size this.__viewer.style["max-width"] = "100%"; this.__viewer.style["min-width"] = "50%"; this.__viewer.style.height = this.__height; this.__viewer.style.width = this.__width; // Set default style this.__viewer.style.background = "transparent"; this.__viewer.style.position = "relative"; this.__viewer.style.margin = "0 0 10px 0"; // Progress bar var progress = document.createElement("div"); progress.id = "progressBar-" + this.__uniqueID; progress.style["-webkit-transition"] = "width .5s ease-in-out, opacity 2s ease"; progress.style["-moz-transition"] = "width .5s ease-in-out, opacity 2s ease"; progress.style["-ms-transition"] = "width .5s ease-in-out, opacity 2s ease"; progress.style["-o-transition"] = "width .5s ease-in-out, opacity 2s ease"; progress.style["transition"] = "width .5s ease-in-out, opacity 2s ease"; progress.style["min-height"] = "2px"; progress.style.background = "#009999"; progress.style.position = "absolute"; progress.style.height = "2px"; progress.style.width = 0; progress.style.left = 0; progress.style.top = 0; // Viewer iconGrid var iconGrid = document.createElement("div"); iconGrid.style.cssText += "background:transparent;position:absolute;padding:15px 10px;"; iconGrid.style.cssText += "height:50px;width:100%;top:0;overflow:hidden;"; iconGrid.className += "box"; var logo = document.createElement("div"); var info = document.createElement("div"); var view = document.createElement("div"); info.id = "model-info-" + this.__uniqueID; info.className += "model-info noselect"; info.innerHTML = this.__info.name; logo.className += "clickable pull-left madeleine-logo"; view.className += "clickable pull-right icon-mad-view"; var rotator = document.createElement("div"); rotator.style.cssText += "background:transparent;position:absolute;padding:15px 10px;right:0;"; rotator.style.cssText += "height:50px;width:100%;top:0;overflow:hidden;"; rotator.style.cssText += "margin-top:"+(this.__height-30)+"px;"; iconGrid.appendChild(view); iconGrid.appendChild(logo); //the madeleine.js logo iconGrid.appendChild(info); //the file name iconGrid.appendChild(rotator); //the invisible thing to allow rotating the model by mouse // Append to container if (this.options.viewer.notappend) {//IMPROVED not append a new canvas put in same $(this.container).html(this.__viewer); this.__viewer.appendChild(iconGrid); this.__viewer.appendChild(progress); } else { this.container.appendChild(this.__viewer); this.__viewer.appendChild(iconGrid); this.__viewer.appendChild(progress); } this.__viewer.style.background = this.makeHexString(options.backgroundColor || OBJECT_BACKGROUND); this.options.objectColor = options.objectColor || OBJECT_COLOR; this.__object && this.setObjectColor(); } }; // Set canvas background color Madeleine.prototype.setBackgroundColor = function(code) { var code = arguments.length == 3 ? [arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2]] : code; var color = this.getHexString(code); this.__viewer.style.background = this.makeHexString(color); }; // Set object surface color Madeleine.prototype.setObjectColor = function() { var color = arguments.length != 0 ? arguments : this.options.objectColor; this.__object.material.color.setHex(this.getHexColor(color)); }; // Generate gradation css Madeleine.prototype.generateGradation = function(colors) { var pos1, pos2, darker, brighter, cssText; cssText = "background: BRIGHT;" + "background: -moz-radial-gradient(center, ellipse cover, BRIGHT POS1%, DARK POS2%);" + "background: -webkit-gradient(radial, center center, 0px, center center, POS2%, color-stop(POS1%,BRIGHT), color-stop(POS2%,DARK))" + "background: -webkit-radial-gradient(center, ellipse cover, BRIGHT POS1%,DARK POS2%);" + "background: -o-radial-gradient(center, ellipse cover, BRIGHT POS1%, DARK POS2%);" + "background: -ms-radial-gradient(center, ellipse cover, BRIGHT POS1%, DARK POS2%);" + "background: radial-gradient(ellipse at center, BRIGHT POS1%, DARK POS2%);" + "filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='BRIGHT', endColorstr='DARK',GradientType=1)"; if (colors.dark) { darker = this.getHexString(colors.dark); brighter = this.getHexString(colors.bright ? colors.bright : this.adjustBrightness(darker)); } else { brighter = this.getHexString(colors.bright); darker = this.getHexString(this.adjustBrightness(brighter)); } pos1 = colors.pos1 ? colors.pos1 : 27; pos2 = colors.pos2 ? colors.pos2 : 100; return cssText.replace(/BRIGHT/g, brighter).replace(/DARK/g, darker).replace(/POS1/g, pos1).replace(/POS2/g, pos2); }; // Get Hex color (0xXXXXXX format) Madeleine.prototype.getHexColor = function() { var code = arguments.length == 3 ? [arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2]] : arguments[0]; var color = this.getHexString(code); return parseInt(color.replace(/\#/g, ''), 16); }; // Get Hex-style string (#XXXXXX format) Madeleine.prototype.getHexString = function(code) { if (typeof code == "string") return this.makeHexString(code); else if (typeof code == "object") return this.rgbToHex(code); }; // Strip # from Hex-style string Madeleine.prototype.cutHexString = function(code) { return code.charAt(0) == "#" ? code.substring(1) : code; }; // Prepend # to hex string Madeleine.prototype.makeHexString = function(code) { var color = code.length == 3 ? code.replace(/(.)/g, '$1$1') : code; return color.charAt(0) != "#" ? "#" + color : color; }; // Convert RGB to Hex Madeleine.prototype.rgbToHex = function(code) { var i, color, hex = "#"; for (i = 0; i < code.length; i++) { color = code[i].toString(16); hex += (color.length == 1 ? "0" + color : color); } return hex; }; // Convert Hex to RGB Madeleine.prototype.hexToRgb = function(code) { var dec = this.cutHexString(code).toString(16); return [parseInt(dec.substring(0, 2), 16), parseInt(dec.substring(2, 4), 16), parseInt(dec.substring(4, 6), 16)]; }; // Get brighter or darker color from input color // Brightness is automatically set according to its intensity. Madeleine.prototype.adjustBrightness = function(code) { var adjustedR, adjustedG, adjustedB; var intensity, color, rgb, r, g, b; var darkFactor = 30, brightFactor = 20; // Get color and RGB color = this.cutHexString(code); rgb = this.hexToRgb(color); r = rgb[0]; g = rgb[1]; b = rgb[2]; // Get grayscale intensity intensity = Math.sqrt(r*r + g*g + b*b) / 255 * 100; // New color adjustedR = intensity > 40 ? (0|(1<<8) + r * (1 - darkFactor / 100)) : (0|(1<<8) + r + (256 - r) * brightFactor / 100); adjustedG = intensity > 40 ? (0|(1<<8) + g * (1 - darkFactor / 100)) : (0|(1<<8) + g + (256 - g) * brightFactor / 100); adjustedB = intensity > 40 ? (0|(1<<8) + b * (1 - darkFactor / 100)) : (0|(1<<8) + b + (256 - b) * brightFactor / 100); return (adjustedR.toString(16)).substr(1) + (adjustedG.toString(16)).substr(1) + (adjustedB.toString(16)).substr(1); }; // Add new background worker Madeleine.prototype.run = function(path, luggage, onload) { var progressBar = document.getElementById("progressBar-"+this.__uniqueID); var worker = new WorkerFacade(path); var scope = this; worker.postMessage(luggage); worker.onmessage = function(event) { var result = event.data; switch (result.type) { case "convert-progress": // console.log("MADELEINE[LOG] Background converting progress: " + result.data + "%"); break; case "convert": if (CONVERT_TO_BINARY) scope.run(scope.relPath + "lib/MadeleineConverter.js", result.data, function(result) { scope.__converted = result }); break; case "progress": //progressBar.style.width = (scope.__width * result.data / 100) + "px"; progressBar.style.width = (result.data) + "%"; if (result.data == 100) { progressBar.style["-webkit-opacity"] = 0; progressBar.style["-moz-opacity"] = 0; progressBar.style["opacity"] = 0; }; // console.log("MADELEINE[LOG] Background work progress: " + result.data + "%"); break; case "message": console.log("MADELEINE[LOG] Background work message: " + result.data); break; case "error": console.log("MADELEINE[ERR] Background work error: " + result.data); break; case "info": scope.__info[result.prop] = result.data; if (result.prop == "size") { var infoBox = document.getElementById("model-info-" + scope.__uniqueID); infoBox.innerHTML += " (" +result.data + ")"; } break; case "data": scope["__" + result.prop] = result.data; break; case "done": onload(result.data); break; default: // Do nothing break; } }; }; // Start animation Madeleine.prototype.startAnimation = function() { if (this.__rotatable) this.__rotating = true; this.interact(this); }; // Stop animation Madeleine.prototype.stopAnimation = function() { this.__rotating = false; }; // Start rotating object Madeleine.prototype.startRotation = function() { this.options.rotateSensitivity = 0.005; this.__rotating = true; }; // Stop rotating object Madeleine.prototype.stopRotation = function() { this.__rotating = false; }; // Enable user interaction Madeleine.prototype.interact = function(scope) { requestAnimationFrame(function(){scope.interact(scope)}); scope.options.showStatus && scope.__status.update(); scope.render(); }; // Perform actual rendering object Madeleine.prototype.render = function() { this.__rotating && this.rotateObjectZ(-1); this.__renderer.render(this.__scene, this.__camera); }; // Move object in xy //IMPROVED let oldX = 0, oldY = 0; Madeleine.prototype.moveObject = function ($event, delta) { if (this.__movable) { let directionX = 0, directionY = 0, diffX = 0, diffY = 0; let offsetmove = options.MOVE_FACTOR || 3; if ($event.pageX < oldX) { directionX = "left" diffX = oldX - $event.pageX; } else if ($event.pageX > oldX) { directionX = "right" diffX = $event.pageX - oldX; } if ($event.pageY < oldY) { directionY = "top" diffY = oldY - $event.pageY; } else if ($event.pageY > oldY) { directionY = "bottom"; diffY = $event.pageY - oldY; } oldX = $event.pageX; oldY = $event.pageY; if (directionX == "left") this.__object.position.x -= offsetmove; if (directionX == "right") this.__object.position.x += offsetmove; if (directionY == "bottom") this.__object.position.y -= offsetmove; if (directionY == "top") this.__object.position.y += offsetmove; } }; // Rotate object in X direction Madeleine.prototype.rotateObjectX = function(delta) { if (this.__movable) this.__object.rotation.x -= delta * this.options.rotateSensitivity; }; // Rotate object in Y direction Madeleine.prototype.rotateObjectY = function(delta) { if (this.__movable) this.__object.rotation.y -= delta * this.options.rotateSensitivity; }; // Rotate object in Z direction Madeleine.prototype.rotateObjectZ = function(delta) { if (this.__movable) this.__object.rotation.z -= delta * this.options.rotateSensitivity; }; // Make animation faster as much as 'delta' Madeleine.prototype.animationFaster = function(delta) { this.options.rotateSensitivity *= (delta ? delta : 2); }; // Make animation slower as much as 'delta' Madeleine.prototype.animationSlower = function(delta) { this.options.rotateSensitivity /= (delta ? delta : 2); }; // Disable Madeline Viewer to be zoomed by mouse scroll Madeleine.prototype.disableZoomAsMouseScroll = function() { var target = this.container; // remove event handler Lily.remove(this.container, "mousewheel", this.scrollHandler); Lily.remove(this.container, "DOMMouseScroll", this.scrollHandler); Lily.remove(this.container, "gesturechange", this.gestureHandler); }; // Enable Madeline Viewer to be zoomed by mouse scroll Madeleine.prototype.enableZoomAsMouseScroll = function() { if (!this.__zoomable) return; // attach event handler Lily.bind(this.container, "mousewheel", this.scrollHandler); Lily.bind(this.container, "DOMMouseScroll", this.scrollHandler); Lily.bind(this.container, "gesturechange", this.gestureHandler); }; // Enable Madeline Viewer to be controlled by mouse movement Madeleine.prototype.enableUserInteraction = function() { // block right click action if (!this.__movable) return; // attach event handler Lily.bind(this.container, "mousedown", this.mouseDownHandler); Lily.bind(this.container, "mousemove", this.mouseMoveHandler); Lily.bind(this.container, "mouseup", this.mouseUpHandler); }; // Disable Madeline Viewer to be controlled by mouse movement Madeleine.prototype.disableUserInteraction = function() { if (!this.__movable) return; // attach event handler Lily.remove(this.container, "mousedown", this.mouseDownHandler); Lily.remove(this.container, "mousemove", this.mouseMoveHandler); Lily.remove(this.container, "mouseup", this.mouseUpHandler); }; // Enable first-person viewer mode Madeleine.prototype.enableFirstPersonViewerMode = function() { this.disableUserInteraction(); Lily.bind(document, "keypress", this.firstPersonHandler); Lily.bind(document, "keydown", this.firstPersonHandler); this.__firstPerson = true; this.__rotating = false; this.__zoomable = false; this.__movable = false; }; // Disable first-person viewer mode Madeleine.prototype.disableFirstPersonViewerMode = function() { this.enableUserInteraction(); this.__firstPerson = false; this.__rotating = true; this.__zoomable = true; this.__movable = true; }; // Adjust camera zoom in/out Madeleine.prototype.cameraZoom = function() { if (!this.__zoomable) return; else { var delta, type; if (arguments.length == 1) { if (typeof arguments[0] == "string") { delta = this.options.zoomSensitivity; type = arguments[0]; } else { delta = arguments[0]; type = null; } } else if (arguments.length == 2) { delta = arguments[0]; type = arguments[1]; } if (type == "in") this.__camera.position.z += delta; else this.__camera.position.z -= delta; this.__camera.updateProjectionMatrix(); } }; // Show animation status Madeleine.prototype.logStatus = function(target) { if (!this.options.showStatus) return; this.__status = new Stats(); this.__status.domElement.style.position = 'absolute'; this.__status.domElement.style.top = '0px'; this.__viewer.appendChild(this.__status.domElement); }; // Show animation status Madeleine.prototype.stopLogStatus = function(target) { this.options.showStatus = false; this.__status = null; }; // Adjust material, camera settings and sensitivities to have proper values Madeleine.prototype.adjustUserConfiguration = function() { this.adjustRotateSensitivity(); this.adjustZoomSensitivity(); this.adjustFocalPoint(); this.checkMaterial(); }; // Check material Madeleine.prototype.checkMaterial = function() { if (this.options.material !== "skin" || this.options.material !== "wire") { this.options.material !== "skin"; } }; // Adjust camera settings to fit into proper range Madeleine.prototype.adjustFocalPoint = function() { var sight = this.options.camera.sight; var near = this.options.camera.near; var far = this.options.camera.far; if (sight && typeof sight === "number" && 75 <= sight && sight <= 1000) return; else this.options.camera.sight = CAMERA_SIGHT; if (near && typeof near === "number" && 0 <= near && near <= 1000) return; else this.options.camera.near = CAMERA_NEARFIELD; if (far && typeof far === "number" && 5000 <= far && far <= 100000) return; else this.options.camera.far = CAMERA_FARFIELD; }; // Adjust zoom sensitivity to fit into proper range Madeleine.prototype.adjustZoomSensitivity = function() { var intensity = this.options.zoomSensitivity; var visibleField = this.options.camera.far - this.options.camera.near; if (intensity && typeof intensity === "number" && 0 < intensity && intensity <= visibleField/1000) return; else this.options.zoomSensitivity = visibleField/1000; }; // Adjust rotate sensitivity to fit into proper range Madeleine.prototype.adjustRotateSensitivity = function(intensity) { var intensity = this.options.rotateSensitivity; if (intensity && typeof intensity === "number" && 0 < intensity && intensity < 0.05) return; else this.options.rotateSensitivity = USER_ROTATE_SENSITIVITY; }; // Add directional light Madeleine.prototype.addShadowedLight = function(x, y, z, color, intensity) { var directionalLight = new THREE.DirectionalLight(color, intensity); var d = 1; directionalLight.position.set(x, y, z); this.__scene.add(directionalLight); // directionalLight.shadowCameraVisible = true; directionalLight.castShadow = true; directionalLight.shadowCameraTop = d; directionalLight.shadowCameraLeft = -d; directionalLight.shadowCameraRight = d; directionalLight.shadowCameraBottom = -d; directionalLight.shadowCameraNear = 1; directionalLight.shadowCameraFar = 4; directionalLight.shadowMapWidth = 1024; directionalLight.shadowMapHeight = 1024; directionalLight.shadowBias = -0.005; directionalLight.shadowDarkness = 0.15; }; //Set position Madeleine.prototype.setXY = function (X, Y) {//IMPROVED this.__object.position.setY(Y); this.__object.position.setX(X); } return new Madeleine(options); }; // Lily helps madeleine. window.Lily = (function() { // Initialize var Lily = function() { if (!Detector.webgl) Detector.addGetWebGLMessage(); this.sisters = []; }; // Attach Madeleine to file input Lily.prototype.ready = function(options) { // Check option fields if (!options.file || !options.target) { console.log("MADELEINE[ERR] Option must contain target and file."); return null; } var target = document.getElementById(options.file); if (!target) { console.log("MADELEINE[ERR] Please provide valid input file element."); return null; } // Attach file upload event handler if (target.tagName.toLowerCase() == "input" && target.type.toLowerCase() == "file") this.onFileInputChange(target, options); // (Optional) Attach drag-and-drop event handler if (options.dropzone) { var dragOverHandler = function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); e.dataTransfer.dropEffect = "copy"; }; var fileDropHandler = function(e) { var i, files = e.dataTransfer.files; e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); for (i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { // create Madeleine for each file var _options = window.Lily.extend({}, options, {type: "upload", data: files[i]}); var madeleine = new Madeleine(_options); } }; // Attach event handler target = document.getElementById(options.dropzone); this.bind(target, "dragover", dragOverHandler); this.bind(target, "drop", fileDropHandler); } }; // Remove attached event handler from element Lily.prototype.remove = function(elem, event, doThis) { var attach = (elem.removeEventListener ? "removeEventListener" : (elem.detachEvent ? "detachEvent" : "")); var onEvent = (elem.removeEventListener ? event : "on" + event); if (attach == "") elem[onEvent] = doThis; else elem[attach](onEvent, doThis, false); }; // Attach new event handler to element Lily.prototype.bind = function(elem, event, doThis) { var attach = (elem.addEventListener ? "addEventListener" : (elem.attachEvent ? "attachEvent" : "")); var onEvent = (elem.addEventListener ? event : "on" + event); if (attach == "") elem[onEvent] = doThis; else elem[attach](onEvent, doThis, false); }; // jQuery source of extend function // Reference: https://github.com/jquery/jquery/blob/master/src/core.js Lily.prototype.extend = function() { var options, name, src, copy, copyIsArray, clone, target = arguments[0] || {}, i = 1, length = arguments.length, deep = false, toString = Object.prototype.toString, hasOwn = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, push = Array.prototype.push, slice = Array.prototype.slice, trim = String.prototype.trim, indexOf = Array.prototype.indexOf, class2type = {"[object Boolean]": "boolean","[object Number]": "number","[object String]": "string","[object Function]": "function", "[object Array]": "array","[object Date]": "date","[object RegExp]": "regexp","[object Object]": "object"}, helper = { isFunction: function (obj) {return helper.type(obj) === "function"}, isArray: Array.isArray || function (obj) {return helper.type(obj) === "array"}, isWindow: function (obj) {return obj != null && obj == obj.window}, isNumeric: function (obj) {return !isNaN(parseFloat(obj)) && isFinite(obj)}, type: function (obj) {return obj == null ? String(obj) : class2type[toString.call(obj)] || "object"}, isPlainObject: function (obj) {if (!obj || helper.type(obj) !== "object" || obj.nodeType) {return false} try { if (obj.constructor && !hasOwn.call(obj, "constructor") && !hasOwn.call(obj.constructor.prototype, "isPrototypeOf")) {return false}} catch (e) {return false} var key; for (key in obj) {}; return key === undefined || hasOwn.call(obj, key) } }; // Handle a deep copy situation if ( typeof target === "boolean" ) { deep = target; // Skip the boolean and the target target = arguments[ i ] || {}; i++; } // Handle case when target is a string or something (possible in deep copy) if ( typeof target !== "object" && !helper.isFunction(target) ) { target = {}; } // Extend helper itself if only one argument is passed if ( i === length ) { target = this; i--; } for ( ; i < length; i++ ) { // Only deal with non-null/undefined values if ( (options = arguments[ i ]) != null ) { // Extend the base object for ( name in options ) { src = target[ name ]; copy = options[ name ]; // Prevent never-ending loop if ( target === copy ) { continue; } // Recurse if we're merging plain objects or arrays if ( deep && copy && ( helper.isPlainObject(copy) || (copyIsArray = helper.isArray(copy)) ) ) { if ( copyIsArray ) { copyIsArray = false; clone = src && helper.isArray(src) ? src : []; } else { clone = src && helper.isPlainObject(src) ? src : {}; } // Never move original objects, clone them target[ name ] = this.extend( deep, clone, copy ); // Don't bring in undefined values } else if ( copy !== undefined ) { target[ name ] = copy; } } } } // Return the modified object return target; }; // When user uploads files, call Madeleine immediately for each stl file. Lily.prototype.onFileInputChange = function(input, options) { // event handler var fileInputChangeHandler = function() { var i, files = this.files; if (files.length) { for (i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { //IMPROVED - Only accepts stl files and invoke callbackerror and throws new error if (files[i].type != 'stl' && files[i].name.indexOf("stl") == -1) { if (options.callbackerror) options.callbackerror({ code: 1001, msg: "Invalid File" }); throw new Error("Invalid Format File. Only Accepts STL!"); } // create Madeleine for each file var _options = window.Lily.extend({}, options, {type: "upload", data: files[i]}); var madeleine = new Madeleine(_options); // hide file input element input.style.display = "none"; } } }; // attach event handler this.bind(input, "change", fileInputChangeHandler); }; // Put madeleine to madeleine list Lily.prototype.push = function(madeleine) { this.sisters.push(madeleine); return this.sisters.length-1; }; // Get madeleine of id 'index' Lily.prototype.get = function(index) { return this.sisters[index]; }; return new Lily(); })(); })(); /* A facade for the Web Worker API that fakes it in case it's missing. * Good when web workers aren't supported in the browser, but it's still fast enough, * so execution doesn't hang too badly (e.g. Opera 10.5). * By Stefan Wehrmeyer, licensed under MIT */ WorkerFacade = null; if(!!window.Worker){ WorkerFacade = (function(){ return function(path){ return new window.Worker(path); }; }()); } else { WorkerFacade = (function(){ var workers = {}, masters = {}, loaded = false; var that = function(path){ var theworker = {}, loaded = false, callings = []; theworker.postToWorkerFunction = function(args){ try{ workers[path]({"data":args}); }catch(err){ theworker.onerror(err); } }; theworker.postMessage = function(params){ if(!loaded){ callings.push(params); return; } theworker.postToWorkerFunction(params); }; masters[path] = theworker; var scr = document.createElement("SCRIPT"); scr.src = path; scr.type = "text/javascript"; scr.onload = function(){ loaded = true; while(callings.length > 0){ theworker.postToWorkerFunction(callings[0]); callings.shift(); } }; document.body.appendChild(scr); var binaryscr = document.createElement("SCRIPT"); binaryscr.src = thingiurlbase + '/binaryReader.js'; binaryscr.type = "text/javascript"; document.body.appendChild(binaryscr); return theworker; }; that.fake = true; that.add = function(pth, worker){ workers[pth] = worker; return function(param){ masters[pth].onmessage({"data": param}); }; }; that.toString = function(){ return "FakeWorker('"+path+"')"; }; return that; }()); };