/* More and more printers now have automatic bed leveling using an ever increasing variety of methods. This makes the leveling routine one of the most complex parts of the firmware and there is not one way to level but hundreds of combinations. First you should decide on the correction method. Once we know how our bed is tilted we want to remove that. This correction is defined by BED_CORRECTION_METHOD and allows the following values: BED_CORRECTION_METHOD 0 Use a rotation matrix. This will make z axis go up/down while moving in x/y direction to compensate the tilt. For multiple extruders make sure the height match the tilt of the bed or one will scratch. BED_CORRECTION_METHOD 1 Motorized correction. This method needs a bed that is fixed on 3 points from which 2 have a motor to change the height. The positions are defined by BED_MOTOR_1_X, BED_MOTOR_1_Y, BED_MOTOR_2_X, BED_MOTOR_2_Y, BED_MOTOR_3_X, BED_MOTOR_3_Y Motor 2 and 3 are the one driven by motor driver 0 and 1. These can be extra motors like Felix Pro 1 uses them or a system with 3 z axis where motors can be controlled individually like the Sparkcube does. Next we have to distinguish several methods of z probing sensors. Each have their own advantages and disadvantages. First the z probe has a position when activated and that position is defined by #define Z_PROBE_X_OFFSET 0 #define Z_PROBE_Y_OFFSET 0 This is needed since we need to know where we measure the height when the z probe triggers. When probing is activated you will see a move to make probe go over current extruder position. The position can be changed in eeprom later on. Some probes need to be activated/deactivated so we can use them. This is defined in the scripts #define Z_PROBE_START_SCRIPT "" #define Z_PROBE_FINISHED_SCRIPT "" Now when we probe we want to know the distance of the extruder to the bed. This is defined by #define Z_PROBE_HEIGHT 4 The 4 means that when we trigger the distance of the nozzle tip is 4mm. If your switch tends to return different points you might repeat a measured point and use the average height: #define Z_PROBE_SWITCHING_DISTANCE 1 #define Z_PROBE_REPETITIONS 5 Switching distance is the z raise needed to turn back a signal reliably to off. Inductive sensors need only a bit while mechanical switches may require a bit more. Next thing to consider is the force for switching. Some beds use a cantilever design and pushing on the outside easily bends the bed. If your sensor needs some force to trigger you add the error of bending. For this reason you might add a bending correction. Currently you define #define BENDING_CORRECTION_A 0 #define BENDING_CORRECTION_B 0 #define BENDING_CORRECTION_C 0 which are the deflections at the 3 z probe points. For all other possible measurements these values get interpolated. You can modify the values later on in eeprom. For force less sensors set them to 0. Next thing is endstop handling. Without bed leveling you normally home to minimum position for x,y and z. With bed leveling this is not that easy any more. Since we do bed leveling we already assume the bed is not leveled for x/y moves. So without correction we would hit the bed for different x/y positions at different heights. As a result we have no real minimum position. That makes a z min endstop quite useless. There is an exception to this. If your nozzle triggers z min or if a inductive sensor would trigger at a given position we could use that signal. With nozzle triggers you need to be careful as a drop of filament would change the height. The other problem is that while homing the auto leveling is not used. So the only position would be if the z min sensor is directly over the 0,0 coordinate which is the rotation point if we have matrix based correction. For motor based correction this will work everywhere correctly. So the only useful position for a z endstop is z max position. Apart from not having the bed tilt problem it also allows homing with a full bed so you can continue an aborted print with some gcode tweaking. With z max homing we adjust the error by simply changing the max. z height. One thing you need to remember is setting #define ENDSTOP_Z_BACK_ON_HOME 4 so we release the z max endstop. This is very important if we move xy at z max. Auto leveling might want to increase z and the endstop might prevent it causing wrong position and a head crash if we later go down. The value should be larger then the maximum expected tilt. Now it is time to define how we measure the bed rotation. Here again we have several methods to choose. All methods need at least 3 points to define the bed rotation correctly. The quality we get comes from the selection of the right points and method. BED_LEVELING_METHOD 0 This method measures at the 3 probe points and creates a plane through these points. If you have a really planar bed this gives the optimum result. The 3 points must not be in one line and have a long distance to increase numerical stability. BED_LEVELING_METHOD 1 This measures a grid. Probe point 1 is the origin and points 2 and 3 span a grid. We measure BED_LEVELING_GRID_SIZE points in each direction and compute a regression plane through all points. This gives a good overall plane if you have small bumps measuring inaccuracies. BED_LEVELING_METHOD 2 Bending correcting 4 point measurement. This is for cantilevered beds that have the rotation axis not at the side but inside the bed. Here we can assume no bending on the axis and a symmetric bending to both sides of the axis. So probe points 2 and 3 build the symmetric axis and point 1 is mirrored to 1m across the axis. Using the symmetry we then remove the bending from 1 and use that as plane. By now the leveling process is finished. All errors that remain are measuring errors and bumps on the bed it self. For deltas you can enable distortion correction to follow the bumps. There are 2 ways to consider a changing bed coating, which are defined by Z_PROBE_Z_OFFSET_MODE. Z_PROBE_Z_OFFSET_MODE = 0 means we measure the surface of the bed below any coating. This is e.g. the case with inductive sensors where we put BuildTak on top. In that case we can set Z_PROBE_Z_OFFSET to the thickness of BuildTak to compensate. If we later change the coating, we only change Z_PROBE_Z_OFFSET to new coating thickness. Z_PROBE_Z_OFFSET_MODE = 1 means we measure the surface of the coating, e.g. because we have a mechanical switch. In that case we add Z_PROBE_Z_OFFSET for the measured height to compensate for correct distance to bed surface. In homing to max we reduce z length by Z_PROBE_Z_OFFSET to get a correct height. In homing to z min we assume z endstop is bed level so we move up Z_PROBE_Z_OFFSET after endstop is hit. This requires the extruder to bend the coating thickness without harm! */ #include "Repetier.h" #ifndef BED_LEVELING_METHOD #define BED_LEVELING_METHOD 0 #endif #ifndef BED_CORRECTION_METHOD #define BED_CORRECTION_METHOD 0 #endif #ifndef BED_LEVELING_GRID_SIZE #define BED_LEVELING_GRID_SIZE 5 #endif #ifndef BED_LEVELING_REPETITIONS #define BED_LEVELING_REPETITIONS 1 #endif #if FEATURE_Z_PROBE void Printer::prepareForProbing() { #ifndef SKIP_PROBE_PREPARE // 1. Ensure we are homed so positions make sense if(!Printer::isHomedAll()) { Printer::homeAxis(true, true, true); } // 2. Go to z probe bed distance for probing Printer::moveToReal(IGNORE_COORDINATE, IGNORE_COORDINATE, RMath::max(EEPROM::zProbeBedDistance() + (EEPROM::zProbeHeight() > 0 ? EEPROM::zProbeHeight() : 0), static_cast(ZHOME_HEAT_HEIGHT)), IGNORE_COORDINATE, Printer::homingFeedrate[Z_AXIS]); // 3. Ensure we can activate z probe at current xy position // Delta is at center already so does not need special testing here! #if EXTRUDER_IS_Z_PROBE == 0 float ZPOffsetX = EEPROM::zProbeXOffset(); float ZPOffsetY = EEPROM::zProbeYOffset(); #if DRIVE_SYSTEM != DELTA float targetX = Printer::currentPosition[X_AXIS]; float targetY = Printer::currentPosition[Y_AXIS]; if(ZPOffsetX > 0 && targetX - ZPOffsetX < Printer::xMin) { targetX = Printer::xMin + ZPOffsetX; } if(ZPOffsetY > 0 && targetY - ZPOffsetY < Printer::yMin) { targetY = Printer::yMin + ZPOffsetY; } if(ZPOffsetX < 0 && targetX - ZPOffsetX > Printer::xMin + Printer::xLength) { targetX = Printer::xMin + Printer::xLength + ZPOffsetX; } if(ZPOffsetY < 0 && targetY - ZPOffsetY > Printer::yMin + Printer::yLength) { targetY = Printer::yMin + Printer::yLength + ZPOffsetY; } Printer::moveToReal(targetX, targetY, IGNORE_COORDINATE, IGNORE_COORDINATE, EXTRUDER_SWITCH_XY_SPEED); Printer::updateCurrentPosition(true); Commands::waitUntilEndOfAllMoves(); #endif #endif #endif } #endif #if FEATURE_AUTOLEVEL && FEATURE_Z_PROBE bool measureAutolevelPlane(Plane &plane) { PlaneBuilder builder; builder.reset(); #if BED_LEVELING_METHOD == 0 // 3 point float h; Printer::moveTo(EEPROM::zProbeX1(), EEPROM::zProbeY1(), IGNORE_COORDINATE, IGNORE_COORDINATE, EEPROM::zProbeXYSpeed()); h = Printer::runZProbe(false, false); if(h == ILLEGAL_Z_PROBE) return false; builder.addPoint(EEPROM::zProbeX1(), EEPROM::zProbeY1(), h); Printer::moveTo(EEPROM::zProbeX2(), EEPROM::zProbeY2(), IGNORE_COORDINATE, IGNORE_COORDINATE, EEPROM::zProbeXYSpeed()); h = Printer::runZProbe(false, false); if(h == ILLEGAL_Z_PROBE) return false; builder.addPoint(EEPROM::zProbeX2(), EEPROM::zProbeY2(), h); Printer::moveTo(EEPROM::zProbeX3(), EEPROM::zProbeY3(), IGNORE_COORDINATE, IGNORE_COORDINATE, EEPROM::zProbeXYSpeed()); h = Printer::runZProbe(false, false); if(h == ILLEGAL_Z_PROBE) return false; builder.addPoint(EEPROM::zProbeX3(), EEPROM::zProbeY3(), h); #elif BED_LEVELING_METHOD == 1 // linear regression float delta = 1.0 / (BED_LEVELING_GRID_SIZE - 1); float ox = EEPROM::zProbeX1(); float oy = EEPROM::zProbeY1(); float ax = delta * (EEPROM::zProbeX2() - EEPROM::zProbeX1()); float ay = delta * (EEPROM::zProbeY2() - EEPROM::zProbeY1()); float bx = delta * (EEPROM::zProbeX3() - EEPROM::zProbeX1()); float by = delta * (EEPROM::zProbeY3() - EEPROM::zProbeY1()); for(int ix = 0; ix < BED_LEVELING_GRID_SIZE; ix++) { for(int iy = 0; iy < BED_LEVELING_GRID_SIZE; iy++) { float px = ox + static_cast(ix) * ax + static_cast(iy) * bx; float py = oy + static_cast(ix) * ay + static_cast(iy) * by; Printer::moveTo(px, py, IGNORE_COORDINATE, IGNORE_COORDINATE, EEPROM::zProbeXYSpeed()); float h = Printer::runZProbe(false, false); if(h == ILLEGAL_Z_PROBE) return false; builder.addPoint(px, py, h); } } #elif BED_LEVELING_METHOD == 2 // 4 point symmetric float h1, h2, h3, h4; float apx = EEPROM::zProbeX1() - EEPROM::zProbeX2(); float apy = EEPROM::zProbeY1() - EEPROM::zProbeY2(); float abx = EEPROM::zProbeX3() - EEPROM::zProbeX2(); float aby = EEPROM::zProbeY3() - EEPROM::zProbeY2(); float ab2 = abx * abx + aby * aby; float abap = apx * abx + apy * aby; float t = abap / ab2; float xx = EEPROM::zProbeX2() + t * abx; float xy = EEPROM::zProbeY2() + t * aby; float x1Mirror = EEPROM::zProbeX1() + 2.0 * (xx - EEPROM::zProbeX1()); float y1Mirror = EEPROM::zProbeY1() + 2.0 * (xy - EEPROM::zProbeY1()); Printer::moveTo(EEPROM::zProbeX1(), EEPROM::zProbeY1(), IGNORE_COORDINATE, IGNORE_COORDINATE, EEPROM::zProbeXYSpeed()); h1 = Printer::runZProbe(false, false); if(h1 == ILLEGAL_Z_PROBE) return false; Printer::moveTo(EEPROM::zProbeX2(), EEPROM::zProbeY2(), IGNORE_COORDINATE, IGNORE_COORDINATE, EEPROM::zProbeXYSpeed()); h2 = Printer::runZProbe(false, false); if(h2 == ILLEGAL_Z_PROBE) return false; Printer::moveTo(EEPROM::zProbeX3(), EEPROM::zProbeY3(), IGNORE_COORDINATE, IGNORE_COORDINATE, EEPROM::zProbeXYSpeed()); h3 = Printer::runZProbe(false, false); if(h3 == ILLEGAL_Z_PROBE) return false; Printer::moveTo(x1Mirror, y1Mirror, IGNORE_COORDINATE, IGNORE_COORDINATE, EEPROM::zProbeXYSpeed()); h4 = Printer::runZProbe(false, false); if(h4 == ILLEGAL_Z_PROBE) return false; t = h2 + (h3 - h2) * t; // theoretical height for crossing point for symmetric axis h1 = t - (h4 - h1) * 0.5; // remove bending part builder.addPoint(EEPROM::zProbeX1(), EEPROM::zProbeY1(), h1); builder.addPoint(EEPROM::zProbeX2(), EEPROM::zProbeY2(), h2); builder.addPoint(EEPROM::zProbeX3(), EEPROM::zProbeY3(), h3); #else #error Unknown bed leveling method #endif builder.createPlane(plane, false); return true; } void correctAutolevel(Plane &plane) { #if BED_CORRECTION_METHOD == 0 // rotation matrix //Printer::buildTransformationMatrix(plane.z(EEPROM::zProbeX1(),EEPROM::zProbeY1()),plane.z(EEPROM::zProbeX2(),EEPROM::zProbeY2()),plane.z(EEPROM::zProbeX3(),EEPROM::zProbeY3())); Printer::buildTransformationMatrix(plane); #elif BED_CORRECTION_METHOD == 1 // motorized correction #if !defined(NUM_MOTOR_DRIVERS) || NUM_MOTOR_DRIVERS < 2 #error You need to define 2 motors for motorized bed correction #endif Commands::waitUntilEndOfAllMoves(); // move steppers might be leveling steppers as well ! float h1 = plane.z(BED_MOTOR_1_X, BED_MOTOR_1_Y); float h2 = plane.z(BED_MOTOR_2_X, BED_MOTOR_2_Y); float h3 = plane.z(BED_MOTOR_3_X, BED_MOTOR_3_Y); // h1 is reference heights, h2 => motor 0, h3 => motor 1 h2 -= h1; h3 -= h1; #if defined(LIMIT_MOTORIZED_CORRECTION) if(h2 < -LIMIT_MOTORIZED_CORRECTION) h2 = -LIMIT_MOTORIZED_CORRECTION; if(h2 > LIMIT_MOTORIZED_CORRECTION) h2 = LIMIT_MOTORIZED_CORRECTION; if(h3 < -LIMIT_MOTORIZED_CORRECTION) h3 = -LIMIT_MOTORIZED_CORRECTION; if(h3 > LIMIT_MOTORIZED_CORRECTION) h3 = LIMIT_MOTORIZED_CORRECTION; #endif MotorDriverInterface *motor2 = getMotorDriver(0); MotorDriverInterface *motor3 = getMotorDriver(1); motor2->setCurrentAs(0); motor3->setCurrentAs(0); motor2->gotoPosition(h2); motor3->gotoPosition(h3); motor2->disable(); motor3->disable(); // now bed is even Printer::currentPositionSteps[Z_AXIS] = h1 * Printer::axisStepsPerMM[Z_AXIS]; #if NONLINEAR_SYSTEM transformCartesianStepsToDeltaSteps(Printer::currentPositionSteps, Printer::currentNonlinearPositionSteps); #endif #else #error Unknown bed correction method set #endif } /** Implementation of the G32 command G32 S<0..2> - Autolevel print bed. S = 1 measure zLength, S = 2 Measure and store new zLength S = 0 : Do not update length - use this if you have not homed before or you mess up zLength! S = 1 : Measure zLength so homing works S = 2 : Like s = 1 plus store results in EEPROM for next connection. */ bool runBedLeveling(int s) { bool success = true; Printer::prepareForProbing(); #if defined(Z_PROBE_MIN_TEMPERATURE) && Z_PROBE_MIN_TEMPERATURE && Z_PROBE_REQUIRES_HEATING float actTemp[NUM_EXTRUDER]; for(int i = 0; i < NUM_EXTRUDER; i++) actTemp[i] = extruder[i].tempControl.targetTemperatureC; Printer::moveToReal(IGNORE_COORDINATE, IGNORE_COORDINATE, RMath::max(EEPROM::zProbeBedDistance() + (EEPROM::zProbeHeight() > 0 ? EEPROM::zProbeHeight() : 0), static_cast(ZHOME_HEAT_HEIGHT)), IGNORE_COORDINATE, Printer::homingFeedrate[Z_AXIS]); Commands::waitUntilEndOfAllMoves(); #if ZHOME_HEAT_ALL for(int i = 0; i < NUM_EXTRUDER; i++) { Extruder::setTemperatureForExtruder(RMath::max(actTemp[i], static_cast(ZPROBE_MIN_TEMPERATURE)), i, false, false); } for(int i = 0; i < NUM_EXTRUDER; i++) { if(extruder[i].tempControl.currentTemperatureC < ZPROBE_MIN_TEMPERATURE) Extruder::setTemperatureForExtruder(RMath::max(actTemp[i], static_cast(ZPROBE_MIN_TEMPERATURE)), i, false, true); } #else if(extruder[Extruder::current->id].tempControl.currentTemperatureC < ZPROBE_MIN_TEMPERATURE) Extruder::setTemperatureForExtruder(RMath::max(actTemp[Extruder::current->id], static_cast(ZPROBE_MIN_TEMPERATURE)), Extruder::current->id, false, true); #endif #endif // defined(Z_PROBE_MIN_TEMPERATURE) && Z_PROBE_MIN_TEMPERATURE && Z_PROBE_REQUIRES_HEATING float h1, h2, h3, hc, oldFeedrate = Printer::feedrate; #if DISTORTION_CORRECTION bool distEnabled = Printer::distortion.isEnabled(); Printer::distortion.disable(false); // if level has changed, distortion is also invalid #endif Printer::setAutolevelActive(false); // iterate Printer::resetTransformationMatrix(true); // in case we switch from matrix to motorized! #if DRIVE_SYSTEM == DELTA // It is not possible to go to the edges at the top, also users try // it often and wonder why the coordinate system is then wrong. // For that reason we ensure a correct behavior by code. Printer::homeAxis(true, true, true); Printer::moveTo(IGNORE_COORDINATE, IGNORE_COORDINATE, EEPROM::zProbeBedDistance() + (EEPROM::zProbeHeight() > 0 ? EEPROM::zProbeHeight() : 0), IGNORE_COORDINATE, Printer::homingFeedrate[Z_AXIS]); #else if(!Printer::isXHomed() || !Printer::isYHomed()) Printer::homeAxis(true, true, false); Printer::updateCurrentPosition(true); Printer::moveTo(EEPROM::zProbeX1(), EEPROM::zProbeY1(), IGNORE_COORDINATE, IGNORE_COORDINATE, EEPROM::zProbeXYSpeed()); #endif Printer::coordinateOffset[X_AXIS] = Printer::coordinateOffset[Y_AXIS] = Printer::coordinateOffset[Z_AXIS] = 0; Printer::startProbing(true); //GCode::executeFString(Com::tZProbeStartScript); Plane plane; #if BED_CORRECTION_METHOD == 1 success = false; for(int r = 0; r < BED_LEVELING_REPETITIONS; r++) { #if DRIVE_SYSTEM == DELTA if(r > 0) { Printer::finishProbing(); Printer::homeAxis(true, true, true); Printer::moveTo(IGNORE_COORDINATE, IGNORE_COORDINATE, EEPROM::zProbeBedDistance() + (EEPROM::zProbeHeight() > 0 ? EEPROM::zProbeHeight() : 0), IGNORE_COORDINATE, Printer::homingFeedrate[Z_AXIS]); Printer::startProbing(true); } #endif // DELTA #endif // BED_CORRECTION_METHOD == 1 if(!measureAutolevelPlane(plane)) { Com::printErrorFLN(PSTR("Probing had returned errors - autoleveling canceled.")); UI_MESSAGE(1); return false; } correctAutolevel(plane); // Leveling is finished now update own positions and store leveling data if needed //float currentZ = plane.z((float)Printer::currentPositionSteps[X_AXIS] * Printer::invAxisStepsPerMM[X_AXIS],(float)Printer::currentPositionSteps[Y_AXIS] * Printer::invAxisStepsPerMM[Y_AXIS]); float currentZ = plane.z(0.0, 0.0); // we rotated around this point, so that is now z height // With max z end stop we adjust z length so after next homing we have also a calibrated printer Printer::zMin = 0; #if MAX_HARDWARE_ENDSTOP_Z //float xRot,yRot,zRot; //Printer::transformFromPrinter(Printer::currentPosition[X_AXIS],Printer::currentPosition[Y_AXIS],Printer::currentPosition[Z_AXIS],xRot,yRot,zRot); //Com::printFLN(PSTR("Z after rotation:"),zRot); // With max z end stop we adjust z length so after next homing we have also a calibrated printer if(s != 0) { // at origin rotations have no influence so use values there to update Printer::zLength += currentZ - Printer::currentPosition[Z_AXIS]; //Printer::zLength += /*currentZ*/ plane.z((float)Printer::currentPositionSteps[X_AXIS] * Printer::invAxisStepsPerMM[X_AXIS],(float)Printer::currentPositionSteps[Y_AXIS] * Printer::invAxisStepsPerMM[Y_AXIS]) - zRot; Com::printFLN(Com::tZProbePrinterHeight, Printer::zLength); } #endif #if Z_PROBE_Z_OFFSET_MODE == 1 currentZ -= EEPROM::zProbeZOffset(); #endif Com::printF(PSTR("CurrentZ:"), currentZ); Com::printFLN(PSTR(" atZ:"), Printer::currentPosition[Z_AXIS]); Printer::currentPositionSteps[Z_AXIS] = currentZ * Printer::axisStepsPerMM[Z_AXIS]; Printer::updateCurrentPosition(true); // set position based on steps position #if BED_CORRECTION_METHOD == 1 if(fabsf(plane.a) < 0.00025 && fabsf(plane.b) < 0.00025 ) { success = true; break; // we reached achievable precision so we can stop } } // for BED_LEVELING_REPETITIONS #if Z_HOME_DIR > 0 && MAX_HARDWARE_ENDSTOP_Z float zall = Printer::runZProbe(false, false, 1, false); if(zall == ILLEGAL_Z_PROBE) return false; Printer::currentPosition[Z_AXIS] = zall; Printer::currentPositionSteps[Z_AXIS] = zall * Printer::axisStepsPerMM[Z_AXIS]; #if NONLINEAR_SYSTEM transformCartesianStepsToDeltaSteps(Printer::currentPositionSteps, Printer::currentNonlinearPositionSteps); #endif if(s >= 1) { float zMax = Printer::runZMaxProbe(); if(zMax == ILLEGAL_Z_PROBE) return false; zall += zMax - ENDSTOP_Z_BACK_ON_HOME; Printer::zLength = zall; } #endif #endif // BED_CORRECTION_METHOD == 1 Printer::updateDerivedParameter(); Printer::finishProbing(); #if BED_CORRECTION_METHOD != 1 Printer::setAutolevelActive(true); // only for software correction or we can spare the comp. time #endif if(s >= 2) { EEPROM::storeDataIntoEEPROM(); } Printer::updateCurrentPosition(true); Commands::printCurrentPosition(); #if DISTORTION_CORRECTION if(distEnabled) Printer::distortion.enable(false); // if level has changed, distortion is also invalid #endif #if DRIVE_SYSTEM == DELTA Printer::homeAxis(true, true, true); // shifting z makes positioning invalid, need to recalibrate #endif Printer::feedrate = oldFeedrate; #if defined(Z_PROBE_MIN_TEMPERATURE) && Z_PROBE_MIN_TEMPERATURE && Z_PROBE_REQUIRES_HEATING #if ZHOME_HEAT_ALL for(int i = 0; i < NUM_EXTRUDER; i++) { Extruder::setTemperatureForExtruder(RMath::max(actTemp[i], static_cast(ZPROBE_MIN_TEMPERATURE)), i, false, false); } for(int i = 0; i < NUM_EXTRUDER; i++) { if(extruder[i].tempControl.currentTemperatureC < ZPROBE_MIN_TEMPERATURE) Extruder::setTemperatureForExtruder(RMath::max(actTemp[i], static_cast(ZPROBE_MIN_TEMPERATURE)), i, false, true); } #else if(extruder[Extruder::current->id].tempControl.currentTemperatureC < ZPROBE_MIN_TEMPERATURE) Extruder::setTemperatureForExtruder(RMath::max(actTemp[Extruder::current->id], static_cast(ZPROBE_MIN_TEMPERATURE)), Extruder::current->id, false, true); #endif #endif return success; } #endif /** \brief Activate or deactivate rotation correction. \param on True if Rotation correction should be enabled. */ void Printer::setAutolevelActive(bool on) { #if FEATURE_AUTOLEVEL if(on == isAutolevelActive()) return; flag0 = (on ? flag0 | PRINTER_FLAG0_AUTOLEVEL_ACTIVE : flag0 & ~PRINTER_FLAG0_AUTOLEVEL_ACTIVE); if(on) Com::printInfoFLN(Com::tAutolevelEnabled); else Com::printInfoFLN(Com::tAutolevelDisabled); updateCurrentPosition(false); #endif // FEATURE_AUTOLEVEL } #if MAX_HARDWARE_ENDSTOP_Z /** \brief Measure distance from current position until triggering z max endstop. \return Distance until triggering in mm. */ float Printer::runZMaxProbe() { #if NONLINEAR_SYSTEM long startZ = realDeltaPositionSteps[Z_AXIS] = currentNonlinearPositionSteps[Z_AXIS]; // update real #endif Commands::waitUntilEndOfAllMoves(); long probeDepth = 2 * (Printer::zMaxSteps - Printer::zMinSteps); stepsRemainingAtZHit = -1; setZProbingActive(true); PrintLine::moveRelativeDistanceInSteps(0, 0, probeDepth, 0, homingFeedrate[Z_AXIS] / ENDSTOP_Z_RETEST_REDUCTION_FACTOR, true, true); if(stepsRemainingAtZHit < 0) { Com::printErrorFLN(PSTR("z-max homing failed")); return ILLEGAL_Z_PROBE; } setZProbingActive(false); currentPositionSteps[Z_AXIS] -= stepsRemainingAtZHit; #if NONLINEAR_SYSTEM transformCartesianStepsToDeltaSteps(Printer::currentPositionSteps, Printer::currentNonlinearPositionSteps); probeDepth = (realDeltaPositionSteps[Z_AXIS] - startZ); #else probeDepth -= stepsRemainingAtZHit; #endif float distance = (float)probeDepth * invAxisStepsPerMM[Z_AXIS]; Com::printF(Com::tZProbeMax, distance); Com::printF(Com::tSpaceXColon, realXPosition()); Com::printFLN(Com::tSpaceYColon, realYPosition()); PrintLine::moveRelativeDistanceInSteps(0, 0, -probeDepth, 0, homingFeedrate[Z_AXIS], true, true); return distance; } #endif #if FEATURE_Z_PROBE /** \brief Activate z-probe Tests if switching from active tool to z-probe is possible at current position. If not the operation is aborted. If ok, it runs start script, checks z position and applies the z-probe offset. \param runScript Run start z-probe script from configuration. \param enforceStartHeight If true moves z to EEPROM::zProbeBedDistance() + (EEPROM::zProbeHeight() > 0 ? EEPROM::zProbeHeight() : 0) + 0.1 if current position is higher. \return True if activation was successful. */ bool Printer::startProbing(bool runScript, bool enforceStartHeight) { float cx, cy, cz; realPosition(cx, cy, cz); // Fix position to be inside print area when probe is enabled #if EXTRUDER_IS_Z_PROBE == 0 float ZPOffsetX = EEPROM::zProbeXOffset(); float ZPOffsetY = EEPROM::zProbeYOffset(); #if DRIVE_SYSTEM == DELTA float rad = EEPROM::deltaMaxRadius(); float dx = Printer::currentPosition[X_AXIS] - ZPOffsetX; float dy = Printer::currentPosition[Y_AXIS] - ZPOffsetY; if(sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) > rad) #else if((ZPOffsetX > 0 && Printer::currentPosition[X_AXIS] - ZPOffsetX < Printer::xMin) || (ZPOffsetY > 0 && Printer::currentPosition[Y_AXIS] - ZPOffsetY < Printer::yMin) || (ZPOffsetX < 0 && Printer::currentPosition[X_AXIS] - ZPOffsetX > Printer::xMin + Printer::xLength) || (ZPOffsetY < 0 && Printer::currentPosition[Y_AXIS] - ZPOffsetY > Printer::yMin + Printer::yLength)) #endif { Com::printErrorF(PSTR("Activating z-probe would lead to forbidden xy position: ")); Com::print(Printer::currentPosition[X_AXIS] - ZPOffsetX); Com::printFLN(PSTR(", "), Printer::currentPosition[Y_AXIS] - ZPOffsetY); GCode::fatalError(PSTR("Could not activate z-probe offset due to coordinate constraints - result is inaccurate!")); return false; } else { if(runScript) { GCode::executeFString(Com::tZProbeStartScript); } float maxStartHeight = EEPROM::zProbeBedDistance() + (EEPROM::zProbeHeight() > 0 ? EEPROM::zProbeHeight() : 0) + 0.1; if(currentPosition[Z_AXIS] > maxStartHeight && enforceStartHeight) { cz = maxStartHeight; moveTo(IGNORE_COORDINATE, IGNORE_COORDINATE, maxStartHeight, IGNORE_COORDINATE, homingFeedrate[Z_AXIS]); } // Update position Printer::offsetX = -ZPOffsetX; Printer::offsetY = -ZPOffsetY; Printer::offsetZ = 0; #if FEATURE_AUTOLEVEL // we must not change z for the probe offset even if we are rotated, so add a correction for z float dx, dy; transformToPrinter(EEPROM::zProbeXOffset(), EEPROM::zProbeYOffset(), 0, dx, dy, offsetZ2); //Com::printFLN(PSTR("ZPOffset2:"),offsetZ2,3); #endif } #else if(runScript) { GCode::executeFString(Com::tZProbeStartScript); } #endif Printer::moveToReal(cx, cy, cz, IGNORE_COORDINATE, EXTRUDER_SWITCH_XY_SPEED); updateCurrentPosition(false); return true; } /** \brief Deactivate z-probe. */ void Printer::finishProbing() { float cx, cy, cz; realPosition(cx, cy, cz); GCode::executeFString(Com::tZProbeEndScript); if(Extruder::current) { #if DUAL_X_AXIS offsetX = 0; // offsets are parking positions for dual x axis! #else offsetX = -Extruder::current->xOffset * invAxisStepsPerMM[X_AXIS]; #endif offsetY = -Extruder::current->yOffset * invAxisStepsPerMM[Y_AXIS]; offsetZ = -Extruder::current->zOffset * invAxisStepsPerMM[Z_AXIS]; } else { offsetX = offsetY = offsetZ = 0; } offsetZ2 = 0; Printer::moveToReal(cx, cy, cz, IGNORE_COORDINATE, EXTRUDER_SWITCH_XY_SPEED); } /** \brief Measure distance to bottom at current position. This is the most important function for bed leveling. It does 1. Run probe start script if first = true and runStartScript = true 2. Position zProbe at current position if first = true. If we are more then maxStartHeight away from bed we also go down to that distance. 3. Measure the the steps until probe hits the bed. 4. Undo positioning to z probe and run finish script if last = true. Now we compute the nozzle height as follows: a) Compute average height from repeated measurements b) Add zProbeHeight to correct difference between triggering point and nozzle height above bed c) If Z_PROBE_Z_OFFSET_MODE == 1 we add zProbeZOffset() that is coating thickness if we measure below coating with indictive sensor. d) Add distortion correction. e) Add bending correction Then we return the measured and corrected z distance. \param first If true, Printer::startProbing is called. \param last If true, Printer::finishProbing is called at the end. \param repeat Number of repetitions to average measurement errors. \param runStartScript If true tells startProbing to run start script. \param enforceStartHeight Tells start script to enforce a maximum distance to bed. \return ILLEGAL_Z_PROBE on errors or measured distance. */ float Printer::runZProbe(bool first, bool last, uint8_t repeat, bool runStartScript, bool enforceStartHeight) { float oldOffX = Printer::offsetX; float oldOffY = Printer::offsetY; float oldOffZ = Printer::offsetZ; if(first) { if(!startProbing(runStartScript, enforceStartHeight)) return ILLEGAL_Z_PROBE; } Commands::waitUntilEndOfAllMoves(); #if defined(Z_PROBE_USE_MEDIAN) && Z_PROBE_USE_MEDIAN int32_t measurements[Z_PROBE_REPETITIONS]; repeat = RMath::min(repeat, Z_PROBE_REPETITIONS); #else int32_t sum = 0; #endif int32_t probeDepth; int32_t shortMove = static_cast((float)Z_PROBE_SWITCHING_DISTANCE * axisStepsPerMM[Z_AXIS]); // distance to go up for repeated moves int32_t lastCorrection = currentPositionSteps[Z_AXIS]; // starting position #if NONLINEAR_SYSTEM realDeltaPositionSteps[Z_AXIS] = currentNonlinearPositionSteps[Z_AXIS]; // update real #endif //int32_t updateZ = 0; waitForZProbeStart(); #if defined(Z_PROBE_DELAY) && Z_PROBE_DELAY > 0 HAL::delayMilliseconds(Z_PROBE_DELAY); #endif Endstops::update(); Endstops::update(); // need to call twice for full update! if(Endstops::zProbe()) { Com::printErrorFLN(PSTR("z-probe triggered before starting probing.")); return ILLEGAL_Z_PROBE; } #if Z_PROBE_DISABLE_HEATERS Extruder::pauseExtruders(true); HAL::delayMilliseconds(70); #endif for(int8_t r = 0; r < repeat; r++) { probeDepth = 2 * (Printer::zMaxSteps - Printer::zMinSteps); // probe should always hit within this distance stepsRemainingAtZHit = -1; // Marker that we did not hit z probe setZProbingActive(true); #if defined(Z_PROBE_DELAY) && Z_PROBE_DELAY > 0 HAL::delayMilliseconds(Z_PROBE_DELAY); #endif PrintLine::moveRelativeDistanceInSteps(0, 0, -probeDepth, 0, EEPROM::zProbeSpeed(), true, true); setZProbingActive(false); if(stepsRemainingAtZHit < 0) { Com::printErrorFLN(Com::tZProbeFailed); return ILLEGAL_Z_PROBE; } #if NONLINEAR_SYSTEM stepsRemainingAtZHit = realDeltaPositionSteps[C_TOWER] - currentNonlinearPositionSteps[C_TOWER]; // nonlinear moves may split z so stepsRemainingAtZHit is only what is left from last segment not total move. This corrects the problem. #endif #if DRIVE_SYSTEM == DELTA currentNonlinearPositionSteps[A_TOWER] += stepsRemainingAtZHit; // Update difference currentNonlinearPositionSteps[B_TOWER] += stepsRemainingAtZHit; currentNonlinearPositionSteps[C_TOWER] += stepsRemainingAtZHit; #elif NONLINEAR_SYSTEM currentNonlinearPositionSteps[Z_AXIS] += stepsRemainingAtZHit; #endif currentPositionSteps[Z_AXIS] += stepsRemainingAtZHit; // now current position is correct #if defined(Z_PROBE_USE_MEDIAN) && Z_PROBE_USE_MEDIAN measurements[r] = lastCorrection - currentPositionSteps[Z_AXIS]; #else sum += lastCorrection - currentPositionSteps[Z_AXIS]; #endif //Com::printFLN(PSTR("ZHSteps:"),lastCorrection - currentPositionSteps[Z_AXIS]); if(r + 1 < repeat) { // go only shortest possible move up for repetitions PrintLine::moveRelativeDistanceInSteps(0, 0, shortMove, 0, HOMING_FEEDRATE_Z, true, true); if(Endstops::zProbe()) { Com::printErrorFLN(PSTR("z-probe did not untrigger on repetitive measurement - maybe you need to increase distance!")); UI_MESSAGE(1); return ILLEGAL_Z_PROBE; } } #ifdef Z_PROBE_RUN_AFTER_EVERY_PROBE GCode::executeFString(PSTR(Z_PROBE_RUN_AFTER_EVERY_PROBE)); #endif } #if Z_PROBE_DISABLE_HEATERS Extruder::unpauseExtruders(false); #endif // Go back to start position PrintLine::moveRelativeDistanceInSteps(0, 0, lastCorrection - currentPositionSteps[Z_AXIS], 0, HOMING_FEEDRATE_Z, true, true); if(Endstops::zProbe()) { // did we untrigger? If not don't trust result! Com::printErrorFLN(PSTR("z-probe did not untrigger on repetitive measurement - maybe you need to increase distance!")); UI_MESSAGE(1); return ILLEGAL_Z_PROBE; } updateCurrentPosition(false); //Com::printFLN(PSTR("after probe")); //Commands::printCurrentPosition(); #if defined(Z_PROBE_USE_MEDIAN) && Z_PROBE_USE_MEDIAN // bubble sort the measurements int32_t tmp; for(fast8_t i = 0 ; i < repeat - 1; i++) { // n numbers require at most n-1 rounds of swapping for(fast8_t j = 0; j < repeat - i - 1; j++) { // if( measurements[j] > measurements[j + 1] ) { // out of order? tmp = measurements[j]; // swap them: measurements[j] = measurements[j + 1]; measurements[j + 1] = tmp; } } } // process result float distance = static_cast(measurements[repeat >> 1]) * invAxisStepsPerMM[Z_AXIS] + EEPROM::zProbeHeight(); #else float distance = static_cast(sum) * invAxisStepsPerMM[Z_AXIS] / static_cast(repeat) + EEPROM::zProbeHeight(); #endif #if FEATURE_AUTOLEVEL // we must change z for the z change from moving in rotated coordinates away from real position float dx, dy, dz; transformToPrinter(0, 0, currentPosition[Z_AXIS], dx, dy, dz); // what is our x,y offset from z position dz -= currentPosition[Z_AXIS]; //Com::printF(PSTR("ZXO:"),dx,3);Com::printF(PSTR(" ZYO:"),dy,3); //transformToPrinter(dx,dy,0,dx,dy,dz); // how much changes z from x,y offset? //Com::printFLN(PSTR(" Z from xy off:"), dz,7); distance += dz; #endif //Com::printFLN(PSTR("OrigDistance:"),distance); #if Z_PROBE_Z_OFFSET_MODE == 1 distance += EEPROM::zProbeZOffset(); // We measured including coating, so we need to add coating thickness! #endif #if DISTORTION_CORRECTION float zCorr = 0; if(Printer::distortion.isEnabled()) { zCorr = distortion.correct(currentPositionSteps[X_AXIS]/* + EEPROM::zProbeXOffset() * axisStepsPerMM[X_AXIS]*/, currentPositionSteps[Y_AXIS] /* + EEPROM::zProbeYOffset() * axisStepsPerMM[Y_AXIS]*/, zMinSteps) * invAxisStepsPerMM[Z_AXIS]; distance += zCorr; } #endif distance += bendingCorrectionAt(currentPosition[X_AXIS], currentPosition[Y_AXIS]); Com::printF(Com::tZProbe, distance, 3); Com::printF(Com::tSpaceXColon, realXPosition()); #if DISTORTION_CORRECTION if(Printer::distortion.isEnabled()) { Com::printF(Com::tSpaceYColon, realYPosition()); Com::printFLN(PSTR(" zCorr:"), zCorr, 3); } else { Com::printFLN(Com::tSpaceYColon, realYPosition()); } #else Com::printFLN(Com::tSpaceYColon, realYPosition()); #endif if(Endstops::zProbe()) { Com::printErrorFLN(PSTR("z-probe did not untrigger after going back to start position.")); UI_MESSAGE(1); return ILLEGAL_Z_PROBE; } if(last) finishProbing(); return distance; } /** * Having printer's height set properly (i.e. after calibration of Z=0), one can use this procedure to measure Z-probe height. * It deploys the sensor, takes several probes at center, then updates Z-probe height with average. */ void Printer::measureZProbeHeight(float curHeight) { #if FEATURE_Z_PROBE currentPositionSteps[Z_AXIS] = curHeight * axisStepsPerMM[Z_AXIS]; updateCurrentPosition(true); #if NONLINEAR_SYSTEM transformCartesianStepsToDeltaSteps(currentPositionSteps, currentNonlinearPositionSteps); #endif float startHeight = EEPROM::zProbeBedDistance() + (EEPROM::zProbeHeight() > 0 ? EEPROM::zProbeHeight() : 0); moveTo(IGNORE_COORDINATE, IGNORE_COORDINATE, startHeight, IGNORE_COORDINATE, homingFeedrate[Z_AXIS]); float zheight = Printer::runZProbe(true, true, Z_PROBE_REPETITIONS, true); if(zheight == ILLEGAL_Z_PROBE) { return; } float zProbeHeight = EEPROM::zProbeHeight() + startHeight -zheight; #if EEPROM_MODE != 0 // Com::tZProbeHeight is not declared when EEPROM_MODE is 0 EEPROM::setZProbeHeight(zProbeHeight); // will also report on output #else Com::printFLN(PSTR("Z-probe height [mm]:"), zProbeHeight); #endif #endif } float Printer::bendingCorrectionAt(float x, float y) { PlaneBuilder builder; builder.addPoint(EEPROM::zProbeX1(), EEPROM::zProbeY1(), EEPROM::bendingCorrectionA()); builder.addPoint(EEPROM::zProbeX2(), EEPROM::zProbeY2(), EEPROM::bendingCorrectionB()); builder.addPoint(EEPROM::zProbeX3(), EEPROM::zProbeY3(), EEPROM::bendingCorrectionC()); Plane plane; builder.createPlane(plane, true); return plane.z(x, y); } void Printer::waitForZProbeStart() { #if Z_PROBE_WAIT_BEFORE_TEST Endstops::update(); Endstops::update(); // double test to get right signal. Needed for crosstalk protection. if(Endstops::zProbe()) return; #if UI_DISPLAY_TYPE != NO_DISPLAY uid.setStatusP(Com::tHitZProbe); uid.refreshPage(); #endif #ifdef DEBUG_PRINT debugWaitLoop = 3; #endif while(!Endstops::zProbe()) { defaultLoopActions(); Endstops::update(); Endstops::update(); // double test to get right signal. Needed for crosstalk protection. } #ifdef DEBUG_PRINT debugWaitLoop = 4; #endif HAL::delayMilliseconds(30); while(Endstops::zProbe()) { defaultLoopActions(); Endstops::update(); Endstops::update(); // double test to get right signal. Needed for crosstalk protection. } HAL::delayMilliseconds(30); UI_CLEAR_STATUS; #endif } #endif /* Transforms theoretical correct coordinates to corrected coordinates resulting from bed rotation and shear transformations. We have 2 coordinate systems. The printer step position where we want to be. These are the positions we send to printers, the theoretical coordinates. In contrast we have the printer coordinates that we need to be at to get the desired result, the real coordinates. */ void Printer::transformToPrinter(float x, float y, float z, float &transX, float &transY, float &transZ) { #if FEATURE_AXISCOMP // Axis compensation: x = x + y * EEPROM::axisCompTanXY() + z * EEPROM::axisCompTanXZ(); y = y + z * EEPROM::axisCompTanYZ(); #endif #if BED_CORRECTION_METHOD != 1 && FEATURE_AUTOLEVEL if(isAutolevelActive()) { transX = x * autolevelTransformation[0] + y * autolevelTransformation[3] + z * autolevelTransformation[6]; transY = x * autolevelTransformation[1] + y * autolevelTransformation[4] + z * autolevelTransformation[7]; transZ = x * autolevelTransformation[2] + y * autolevelTransformation[5] + z * autolevelTransformation[8]; } else { transX = x; transY = y; transZ = z; } #else transX = x; transY = y; transZ = z; #endif } /* Transform back to real printer coordinates. */ void Printer::transformFromPrinter(float x, float y, float z, float &transX, float &transY, float &transZ) { #if BED_CORRECTION_METHOD != 1 && FEATURE_AUTOLEVEL if(isAutolevelActive()) { transX = x * autolevelTransformation[0] + y * autolevelTransformation[1] + z * autolevelTransformation[2]; transY = x * autolevelTransformation[3] + y * autolevelTransformation[4] + z * autolevelTransformation[5]; transZ = x * autolevelTransformation[6] + y * autolevelTransformation[7] + z * autolevelTransformation[8]; } else { transX = x; transY = y; transZ = z; } #else transX = x; transY = y; transZ = z; #endif #if FEATURE_AXISCOMP // Axis compensation: transY = transY - transZ * EEPROM::axisCompTanYZ(); transX = transX - transY * EEPROM::axisCompTanXY() - transZ * EEPROM::axisCompTanXZ(); #endif } #if FEATURE_AUTOLEVEL void Printer::resetTransformationMatrix(bool silent) { autolevelTransformation[0] = autolevelTransformation[4] = autolevelTransformation[8] = 1; autolevelTransformation[1] = autolevelTransformation[2] = autolevelTransformation[3] = autolevelTransformation[5] = autolevelTransformation[6] = autolevelTransformation[7] = 0; if(!silent) Com::printInfoFLN(Com::tAutolevelReset); } void Printer::buildTransformationMatrix(Plane &plane) { float z0 = plane.z(0, 0); float az = z0 - plane.z(1, 0); // ax = 1, ay = 0 float bz = z0 - plane.z(0, 1); // bx = 0, by = 1 // First z direction autolevelTransformation[6] = -az; autolevelTransformation[7] = -bz; autolevelTransformation[8] = 1; float len = sqrt(az * az + bz * bz + 1); autolevelTransformation[6] /= len; autolevelTransformation[7] /= len; autolevelTransformation[8] /= len; autolevelTransformation[0] = 1; autolevelTransformation[1] = 0; autolevelTransformation[2] = -autolevelTransformation[6] / autolevelTransformation[8]; len = sqrt(autolevelTransformation[0] * autolevelTransformation[0] + autolevelTransformation[1] * autolevelTransformation[1] + autolevelTransformation[2] * autolevelTransformation[2]); autolevelTransformation[0] /= len; autolevelTransformation[1] /= len; autolevelTransformation[2] /= len; // cross(z,x) y,z) autolevelTransformation[3] = autolevelTransformation[7] * autolevelTransformation[2] - autolevelTransformation[8] * autolevelTransformation[1]; autolevelTransformation[4] = autolevelTransformation[8] * autolevelTransformation[0] - autolevelTransformation[6] * autolevelTransformation[2]; autolevelTransformation[5] = autolevelTransformation[6] * autolevelTransformation[1] - autolevelTransformation[7] * autolevelTransformation[0]; len = sqrt(autolevelTransformation[3] * autolevelTransformation[3] + autolevelTransformation[4] * autolevelTransformation[4] + autolevelTransformation[5] * autolevelTransformation[5]); autolevelTransformation[3] /= len; autolevelTransformation[4] /= len; autolevelTransformation[5] /= len; Com::printArrayFLN(Com::tTransformationMatrix, autolevelTransformation, 9, 6); } /* void Printer::buildTransformationMatrix(float h1,float h2,float h3) { float ax = EEPROM::zProbeX2() - EEPROM::zProbeX1(); float ay = EEPROM::zProbeY2() - EEPROM::zProbeY1(); float az = h1 - h2; float bx = EEPROM::zProbeX3() - EEPROM::zProbeX1(); float by = EEPROM::zProbeY3() - EEPROM::zProbeY1(); float bz = h1 - h3; // First z direction autolevelTransformation[6] = ay * bz - az * by; autolevelTransformation[7] = az * bx - ax * bz; autolevelTransformation[8] = ax * by - ay * bx; float len = sqrt(autolevelTransformation[6] * autolevelTransformation[6] + autolevelTransformation[7] * autolevelTransformation[7] + autolevelTransformation[8] * autolevelTransformation[8]); if(autolevelTransformation[8] < 0) len = -len; autolevelTransformation[6] /= len; autolevelTransformation[7] /= len; autolevelTransformation[8] /= len; autolevelTransformation[3] = 0; autolevelTransformation[4] = autolevelTransformation[8]; autolevelTransformation[5] = -autolevelTransformation[7]; // cross(y,z) autolevelTransformation[0] = autolevelTransformation[4] * autolevelTransformation[8] - autolevelTransformation[5] * autolevelTransformation[7]; autolevelTransformation[1] = autolevelTransformation[5] * autolevelTransformation[6];// - autolevelTransformation[3] * autolevelTransformation[8]; autolevelTransformation[2] = autolevelTransformation[3] * autolevelTransformation[7] - autolevelTransformation[4] * autolevelTransformation[6]; len = sqrt(autolevelTransformation[0] * autolevelTransformation[0] + autolevelTransformation[1] * autolevelTransformation[1] + autolevelTransformation[2] * autolevelTransformation[2]); autolevelTransformation[0] /= len; autolevelTransformation[1] /= len; autolevelTransformation[2] /= len; len = sqrt(autolevelTransformation[4] * autolevelTransformation[4] + autolevelTransformation[5] * autolevelTransformation[5]); autolevelTransformation[4] /= len; autolevelTransformation[5] /= len; Com::printArrayFLN(Com::tTransformationMatrix,autolevelTransformation, 9, 6); } */ #endif