<_name>The Plaster Tool - #YourMachine001 plaster_YourMachine001 plaster.py inkex.py File export settings ~/Desktop output.gcode false false InkScape performance false (disable for slow computers or huge images; raises performance) 7000 2000 200 4 1 100,0 mm in Pen adjusting 0 33,0 45,0 Laser adjusting 0 0 0 G4 P1000; wait 1 second 0.000 0.000 0,0 [Partial] Repeat geometry outline only [Full] Repeat whole program 0,0 0,0 Random laser power false 0,0 0,0 Random down position pen angle (pressure) false 0,0 0,0 Random tooling speed false 0,0 0,0 Note: minimum tooling speed is 1.0 Random dwell time false 0,0 0,0 Machine type Laser Plotter Controller firmware/wiring Other GCode modifications ;plugin code by Mario (Stoutwind) ;plugin code by Mario (Stoutwind) Safety true true This dirty program creates GCode in x,y dimensions for cartesian CNC machines with tool type plotter/laser. It can handle a single servo motor for pen up and down movements. The z dimension is not implemented. Also multiple tools are not supported. Please define the hardware index of your single laser diode (tool index) and/or pen servo motor (servo index) to use this plugin. It's just intended to use with simple machine constructions. If you build a multi tool machine like a 3D printer with integrated/changeable sub tools for milling, 3D scanning, plotting or laser cutting, you just should pimp this plugin for your own needs. 1) Header, Footer, Repeat commands: Separate each line with '\n' to put more commands on input line 2) Usage of servo motor (common syntax): M340 P°TOOLINDEX° S°ANGLE° 3) Export directory: Put in '~/Desktop' to quickly push the file to your Desktop 4) Pen Up/Down Increment (+/-): You can use this to regulate the pressure or to grind deeper with your pen/cutter/... for each loop 5) X/Y-Offset: Use this for quickly creating a pattern in X, Y or combined XY directions 6) Tooling speed: Define the speed of your pen or laser diode in mm/min or in/min 7) If your image does not update scale and returns wrong dimensions in GCode, please delete orientation points group 'gcodetools' and run this plugin again! 8) Pen moves in wrong direction: Just swap Pos 1 and Pos 2! 9) Use of this plugin with multiple machines: If you hate to reconfigure this plugin each time you swap the machine just make use of a dirty trick: Just copy and rename the plaster.inx file into °ROOT°/share/extensions. You'll have to change the value "_name" and "id" below. The Plaster (Plotter-Laser) Tool is based on ... * Repetier Laser Tool (GNU GPL) from Hot-World GmbH & Co. KG (http://www.repetier.com) * EggBot Hatch (GNU GPL v2) from Evil Mad Scientist (http://www.evilmadscientist.com) * Inkscape Laser Tool Plug-in (GNU GPL) from JTECH Photonics (http://www.jtechphotonics.com) * THLaser Laser Plug-in (GNU GPL) from think|haus (http://www.thinkhaus.org) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Re-)written by Mario Voigt from Stoutwind (https://stoutwind.de) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Last update: 30.10.2016 you found a bug or got some fresh code? Just report to info@stoutwind.de. Thanks! path