2021-08-08 14:43:38 +02:00
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Written by Trampas Stern for MisfitTech .
Misfit Tech invests time and resources providing this open source code ,
please support MisfitTech and open - source hardware by purchasing
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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
# include "calibration.h"
# include "Flash.h"
# include "nonvolatile.h"
# include "board.h" //for divide with rounding macro
# include "utils.h"
static uint16_t getTableIndex ( uint16_t value )
int32_t x ;
x = ( ( int32_t ) value * CALIBRATION_TABLE_SIZE ) / CALIBRATION_STEPS ; //the divide is a floor not a round which is what we want
return ( uint16_t ) x ;
static uint16_t interp ( Angle x1 , Angle y1 , Angle x2 , Angle y2 , Angle x )
int32_t dx , dy , dx2 , y ;
dx = x2 - x1 ;
dy = y2 - y1 ;
dx2 = x - x1 ;
y = ( int32_t ) y1 + DIVIDE_WITH_ROUND ( ( dx2 * dy ) , dx ) ;
if ( y < 0 )
return ( uint16_t ) y ;
static void printData ( int32_t * data , int32_t n )
int32_t i ;
Serial . print ( " \n \r " ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < n ; i + + )
Serial . print ( data [ i ] ) ;
if ( i ! = ( n - 1 ) )
Serial . print ( " , " ) ;
Serial . print ( " \n \r " ) ;
bool CalibrationTable : : updateTableValue ( int32_t index , int32_t value )
table [ index ] . value = value ;
table [ index ] . error = CALIBRATION_STEPS / CALIBRATION_TABLE_SIZE ; //or error is roughly like variance, so set it to span to next calibration value.
return true ;
void CalibrationTable : : printCalTable ( void )
int i ;
Serial . print ( " \n \r " ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < CALIBRATION_TABLE_SIZE ; i + + )
Serial . print ( ( uint16_t ) table [ i ] . value ) ;
Serial . print ( " , " ) ;
Serial . print ( " \n \r " ) ;
Angle CalibrationTable : : fastReverseLookup ( Angle encoderAngle )
# ifdef NZS_FAST_CAL
//assume calibration is good
if ( fastCalVaild )
uint16_t x ;
x = ( ( uint16_t ) encoderAngle ) / 4 ; //we only have 16384 values in table
return ( Angle ) NVM - > FastCal . angle [ x ] ;
} else
return reverseLookup ( encoderAngle ) ;
# else
return reverseLookup ( encoderAngle )
# endif
Angle CalibrationTable : : reverseLookup ( Angle encoderAngle )
int32_t i = 0 ;
int32_t a1 , a2 ;
int32_t x ;
int16_t y ;
int32_t min , max ;
min = ( uint16_t ) table [ 0 ] . value ;
max = min ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < CALIBRATION_TABLE_SIZE ; i + + )
x = ( uint16_t ) table [ i ] . value ;
if ( x < min )
min = x ;
if ( x > max )
max = x ;
x = ( uint16_t ) encoderAngle ;
if ( x < min )
i = 0 ;
a1 = ( uint16_t ) table [ i ] . value ;
//handle index wrap around
if ( i = = ( CALIBRATION_TABLE_SIZE - 1 ) )
a2 = ( uint16_t ) table [ 0 ] . value ;
} else
a2 = ( uint16_t ) table [ i + 1 ] . value ;
if ( abs ( a1 - a2 ) > CALIBRATION_STEPS / 2 )
if ( a1 < a2 )
} else
//LOG("xxxx %d %d %d",a1,a2,x);
//finding matching location
if ( ( x > = a1 & & x < = a2 ) | |
( x > = a2 & & x < = a1 ) )
//LOG("%d", i);
// inerpolate results and return
//LOG("%d %d %d",a1,a2,x);
return y ;
i + + ;
ERROR ( " WE did some thing wrong " ) ;
void CalibrationTable : : smoothTable ( void )
uint16_t b [ ] = { 1 , 2 , 4 , 5 , 4 , 2 , 1 } ;
uint16_t sum_b = 19 ; //sum of b filter
int32_t data [ CALIBRATION_TABLE_SIZE ] ;
int32_t table2 [ CALIBRATION_TABLE_SIZE ] ;
int32_t i ;
int32_t offset = 0 ;
int32_t startNum ;
//first lets handle the wrap around in the table
for ( i = 0 ; i < CALIBRATION_TABLE_SIZE ; i + + )
if ( i > 0 & & offset = = 0 )
if ( ( ( uint16_t ) table [ i - 1 ] . value - ( uint16_t ) table [ i ] . value ) < - 32768 )
offset = - 65536 ;
if ( ( ( uint16_t ) table [ i - 1 ] . value - ( uint16_t ) table [ i ] . value ) > 32768 )
offset = 65536 ;
table2 [ i ] = ( int32_t ) ( ( uint16_t ) table [ i ] . value ) + offset ;
//Serial.print("after wrap\n\r");
//remove the starting offset and compensate table for index
startNum = table2 [ 0 ] ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < CALIBRATION_TABLE_SIZE ; i + + )
table2 [ i ] = table2 [ i ] - startNum - ( i * 65536 ) / CALIBRATION_TABLE_SIZE ;
//Serial.print("after phase comp\n\r");
//filter the data
for ( i = 0 ; i < CALIBRATION_TABLE_SIZE ; i + + )
int j , ix , ib ; ;
int32_t sum = 0 ;
ib = 0 ;
for ( j = i - 3 ; j < i + 4 ; j + + )
ix = j ;
if ( ix < 0 )
if ( i = = 0 )
LOG ( " index %d " , ix ) ;
sum = sum + table2 [ ix ] * b [ ib ] ;
ib + + ;
sum = DIVIDE_WITH_ROUND ( sum , sum_b ) ;
data [ i ] = sum ;
//Serial.print("after filter\n\r");
//add in offset and the phase compenstation
for ( i = 0 ; i < CALIBRATION_TABLE_SIZE ; i + + )
data [ i ] = data [ i ] + startNum + ( i * 65536 ) / CALIBRATION_TABLE_SIZE ;
//Serial.print("after phase comp added\n\r");
//remove the uint16_t wrap
for ( i = 0 ; i < CALIBRATION_TABLE_SIZE ; i + + )
if ( data [ i ] > = 65536 )
data [ i ] = data [ i ] - 65536 ;
//Serial.print("after wrap added\n\r");
//save new table
for ( i = 0 ; i < CALIBRATION_TABLE_SIZE ; i + + )
table [ i ] . value = data [ i ] ;
void CalibrationTable : : saveToFlash ( void )
FlashCalData_t data ;
int i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < CALIBRATION_TABLE_SIZE ; i + + )
data . table [ i ] = ( uint16_t ) table [ i ] . value ;
data . status = true ;
LOG ( " Writting Calbiration to Flash " ) ;
nvmWriteCalTable ( & data , sizeof ( data ) ) ;
memset ( & data , 0 , sizeof ( data ) ) ;
memcpy ( & data , & NVM - > CalibrationTable , sizeof ( data ) ) ;
createFastCal ( ) ;
LOG ( " after writting status is %d " , data . status ) ;
loadFromFlash ( ) ;
void CalibrationTable : : loadFromFlash ( void )
FlashCalData_t data ;
int i ;
LOG ( " Reading Calbiration to Flash " ) ;
memcpy ( & data , & NVM - > CalibrationTable , sizeof ( data ) ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < CALIBRATION_TABLE_SIZE ; i + + )
table [ i ] . value = Angle ( data . table [ i ] ) ;
table [ i ] . error = CALIBRATION_MIN_ERROR ;
data . status = true ;
bool CalibrationTable : : flashGood ( void )
LOG ( " calibration table status is: %d " , NVM - > CalibrationTable . status ) ;
return NVM - > CalibrationTable . status ;
void CalibrationTable : : createFastCal ( void )
# ifdef NZS_FAST_CAL
int32_t i ;
uint16_t cs = 0 ;
uint16_t data [ 256 ] ;
int32_t j ;
j = 0 ;
cs = 0 ;
LOG ( " setting fast calibration " ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 16384 ; i + + )
uint16_t x ;
x = reverseLookup ( i * 4 ) ;
data [ j ] = x ;
j + + ;
if ( j > = 256 )
flashWrite ( & NVM - > FastCal . angle [ i - 255 ] , data , 256 * sizeof ( uint16_t ) ) ;
//LOG("Wrote fastcal at index %d-%d", i-255, i);
j = 0 ;
cs + = x ;
//update the checksum
flashWrite ( & NVM - > FastCal . checkSum , & cs , sizeof ( uint16_t ) ) ;
fastCalVaild = true ;
//this is a quick test
for ( i = 0 ; i < 16384 ; i + + )
LOG ( " fast Cal %d,%d,%d " , i , NVM - > FastCal . angle [ i ] , ( uint32_t ) reverseLookup ( i * 4 ) ) ;
# endif
void CalibrationTable : : updateFastCal ( void )
# ifdef NZS_FAST_CAL
int32_t i ;
uint16_t cs = 0 ;
uint16_t data [ 256 ] ;
int32_t j ;
bool NonZero = false ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 16384 ; i + + )
cs + = NVM - > FastCal . angle [ i ] ;
if ( cs ! = 0 )
NonZero = true ;
if ( cs ! = NVM - > FastCal . checkSum | | NonZero = = false )
createFastCal ( ) ;
LOG ( " fast cal is valid " ) ;
fastCalVaild = true ;
# endif
void CalibrationTable : : init ( void )
int i ;
if ( true = = flashGood ( ) )
loadFromFlash ( ) ;
updateFastCal ( ) ;
} else
for ( i = 0 ; i < CALIBRATION_TABLE_SIZE ; i + + )
table [ i ] . value = 0 ;
table [ i ] . error = CALIBRATION_ERROR_NOT_SET ;
return ;
#if 0
//This code was removed because with micro stepping we can not assume
// our actualAngle is correct.
void CalibrationTable : : updateTable ( Angle actualAngle , Angle encoderValue ) ;
static int32_t lastAngle = - 1 ;
static uint16_t lastEncoderValue = 0 ;
if ( last ! = - 1 )
int32_t dist ;
//hopefull we can use the current point and last point to interpolate and set a value or two in table.
dist = abs ( ( int32_t ) actualAngle - ( int32_t ) lastAngle ) ; //distance between the two angles
//since our angles wrap the shortest distance will be one less than 32768
if ( dist > CALIBRATION_STEPS / 2 )
dist = dist - CALIBRATION_STEPS ;
//if our distance is larger than size between calibration points in table we will ignore this sample
//spans two or more table calibration points for this implementation we will not use
lastIndex = ( int32_t ) index ;
lastValue = value ;
return ;
//now lets see if the values are above and below a table calibration point
dist = abs ( getTableIndex ( lastAngle ) - getTableIndex ( actualAngle ) ) ;
if ( dist ! = 0 ) //if the two indexs into table are not the same it spans a calibration point in table.
//the two span a set calibation table point.
uint16_t newValue ;
newValue = interp ( lastAngle , lastEncoderValue , actualAngle , encoderValue , getTableIndex ( actualAngle ) * ( CALIBRATION_STEPS / CALIBRATION_TABLE_SIZE ) )
//this new value is our best guess as to the correct calibration value.
updateTableValue ( getTableIndex ( actualAngle ) , newValue ) ;
} else
//we should calibate the table value for the point the closest
lastAngle = ( int32_t ) actualAngle ;
lastEncoderValue = encoderValue ;
# endif
//when we are microstepping and are in between steps the probability the stepper motor did not move
// is high. That is the actualAngle will be correct but the encoderValue will be behind due to not having enough torque to move motor.
// Therefore we only want to update the calibration on whole steps where we have highest probability of things being correct.
void CalibrationTable : : updateTable ( Angle actualAngle , Angle encoderValue )
int32_t dist , index ;
Angle tableAngle ;
index = getTableIndex ( ( uint32_t ) actualAngle + CALIBRATION_STEPS / CALIBRATION_TABLE_SIZE / 2 ) ; //add half of distance to next entry to round to closest table index
tableAngle = ( index * CALIBRATION_STEPS ) / CALIBRATION_TABLE_SIZE ; //calculate the angle for this index
dist = tableAngle - actualAngle ; //distance to calibration table angle
//LOG("Dist is %d",dist);
if ( abs ( dist ) < CALIBRATION_MIN_ERROR ) //if we are with in our minimal error we can calibrate
updateTableValue ( index , ( int32_t ) encoderValue ) ;
bool CalibrationTable : : calValid ( void )
uint32_t i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < CALIBRATION_TABLE_SIZE ; i + + )
if ( table [ i ] . error = = CALIBRATION_ERROR_NOT_SET )
return false ;
if ( false = = flashGood ( ) )
saveToFlash ( ) ;
return true ;
//We want to linearly interpolate between calibration table angle
int CalibrationTable : : getValue ( Angle actualAngle , CalData_t * ptrData )
int32_t indexLow , indexHigh ;
int32_t angleLow , angleHigh ;
uint16_t value ;
int32_t y1 , y2 ;
int16_t err ;
indexLow = getTableIndex ( ( uint16_t ) actualAngle ) ;
// LOG("index %d, actual %u",indexLow, (uint16_t)actualAngle);
indexHigh = indexLow + 1 ;
if ( indexHigh > = CALIBRATION_TABLE_SIZE )
//LOG("AngleLow %d, AngleHigh %d",angleLow,angleHigh);
//LOG("TableLow %u, TableHigh %d",(uint16_t)table[indexLow].value,(uint16_t)table[indexHigh].value);
y1 = table [ indexLow ] . value ;
y2 = table [ indexHigh ] . value ;
//handle the wrap condition
if ( abs ( y2 - y1 ) > CALIBRATION_STEPS / 2 )
if ( y2 < y1 )
} else
value = interp ( angleLow , y1 , angleHigh , y2 , actualAngle ) ;
//handle the wrap condition
if ( value > = CALIBRATION_STEPS )
value = value - CALIBRATION_STEPS ;
err = table [ indexLow ] . error ;
if ( table [ indexHigh ] . error > err )
err = table [ indexHigh ] . error ;
if ( table [ indexLow ] . error = = CALIBRATION_ERROR_NOT_SET | |
table [ indexHigh ] . error = = CALIBRATION_ERROR_NOT_SET )
ptrData - > value = value ;
ptrData - > error = err ;
return 0 ;
Angle CalibrationTable : : getCal ( Angle actualAngle )
CalData_t data ;
getValue ( actualAngle , & data ) ;
return data . value ;