/********************************************************************** Copyright (C) 2018 MisfitTech LLC, All rights reserved. MisfitTech uses a dual license model that allows the software to be used under a standard GPL open source license, or a commercial license. The standard GPL license requires that all software statically linked with MisfitTec Code is also distributed under the same GPL V2 license terms. Details of both license options follow: - Open source licensing - MisfitTech is a free download and may be used, modified, evaluated and distributed without charge provided the user adheres to version two of the GNU General Public License (GPL) and does not remove the copyright notice or this text. The GPL V2 text is available on the gnu.org web site - Commercial licensing - Businesses and individuals that for commercial or other reasons cannot comply with the terms of the GPL V2 license must obtain a low cost commercial license before incorporating MisfitTech code into proprietary software for distribution in any form. Commercial licenses can be purchased from www.misfittech.net and do not require any source files to be changed. This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful. You cannot use MisfitTech's code unless you agree that you use the software 'as is'. MisfitTech's code is provided WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranties of NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. MisfitTech LLC disclaims all conditions and terms, be they implied, expressed, or statutory. Written by Trampas Stern for MisfitTech. Misfit Tech invests time and resources providing this open source code, please support MisfitTech and open-source hardware by purchasing products from MisfitTech, www.misifittech.net! *********************************************************************/ #ifndef __COMMAND_H #define __COMMAND_H #include #include #include "syslog.h" /* * Usage: * #include #include "uart_e0.h" sCmdUart KeyfobCmdUart; // UART used for the keyfob command line interface CMD_STR(help,"Displays this message"); //List of supported commands sCommand KeyfobCmds[] = { COMMAND(help), {"",0,""}, //End of list signal }; // print out the help strings for the commands static int help_cmd(sCmdUart *ptrUart,int argc, char * argv[]) { sCommand cmd_list; int i; //now let's parse the command i=0; memcpy(&cmd_list, &KeyfobCmds[i], sizeof(sCommand)); while(cmd_list.function!=0) { CommandPrintf(ptrUart,(cmd_list.name)); CommandPrintf(ptrUart,PSTR(" - ")); CommandPrintf(ptrUart,(cmd_list.help)); CommandPrintf(ptrUart,PSTR("\n\r")); i=i+1; memcpy(&cmd_list, &KeyfobCmds[i], sizeof(sCommand)); } return 0; } uint8_t KeyfobCmdGetChar(void) { uint8_t c; if (UARTE0_getc(&c)!=0) { ERROR("Uart getchar failed"); return 0; } return c; } int KeyfobCmdInit(PIN tx_pin, PIN rx_pin, uint32_t baud) { LOG("UARTE0 init"); UARTE0_Init(tx_pin, rx_pin, baud); CommandInit(&KeyfobCmdUart, UARTE0_kbhit, KeyfobCmdGetChar, UARTE0_putc,NULL); //set up the UART structure return 0; } int KeyfobCmdProcess(void) { return CommandProcess(&KeyfobCmdUart,KeyfobCmds,' ',KEYFOB_CMD_PROMPT); } Advantages: 1. You can actually have more than one UART/device connected to same command line interface. 2. works with harvard machines to save SRAM space using the PSTR functionality 3. You can swap out commands "on the fly" */ #define MAX_CMD_LENGTH 60 #define MAX_ARGS 10 #define MAX_ARG_LENGTH 40 #define CMD_HISTORY 3 //number of commands in history buffer #define ASCII_BACKSPACE 0x08 #define ASCII_ESC 0x1B #define ASCII_UP_ARROW 0x9b #define ANSI_UP "\x1B[A\0" #define MAX_STRING 255 //const char ANSI_UP[]= {ASCII_ESC,'[','A',0}; typedef struct { uint8_t (*kbhit)(void); uint8_t (*getch)(void); uint8_t (*putch)(char data); uint8_t (*puts)(uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t size); uint8_t data; char buffer[MAX_CMD_LENGTH]; char bufferHist[CMD_HISTORY][MAX_CMD_LENGTH]; uint8_t histIndex; uint8_t buffIndex; uint8_t lastChar; }sCmdUart; #define COMMAND(NAME) { NAME ## _str, NAME ## _cmd, NAME ## _help} #ifdef PGM_P //check and see if the PGM_P is defined for the AVR //If so then we use the strings in flash not SRAM #define CMD_STR(NAME,STR) static const char NAME ## _help[] PROGMEM = STR; static const char NAME ## _str[] PROGMEM = #NAME; static int NAME ##_cmd(sCmdUart *ptrUart,int, char **); //Command structure typedef struct { PGM_P name; int (*function) (sCmdUart *ptrUart,int, char **); PGM_P help; } sCommand; int CommandPrintf(sCmdUart *ptrUart, const char *fmt, ...); #else #define CMD_STR(NAME,STR) static char NAME ## _help[] = STR; static char NAME ## _str[] = #NAME; static int NAME ##_cmd(sCmdUart *ptrUart,int, char **); //Command structure typedef struct { char *name; int (*function) (sCmdUart *ptrUart,int, char **); char *help; } sCommand; int CommandPrintf(sCmdUart *ptrUart, char *fmt, ...); #endif int CommandInit(sCmdUart *ptrUart, uint8_t (*kbhit)(void), uint8_t (*getch)(void),uint8_t (*putch)(char data),uint8_t (*puts)(uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t size)); unsigned int CommandParse(sCmdUart *ptrUart,sCommand *ptrCmds, char *str, char delimitor); int CommandProcess(sCmdUart *ptrUart,sCommand *ptrCmds, char delimitor, char *cmdPrompt); #endif