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They can only be online if they are powered by USB 5 V and/or 24 V main power.\n\nThe voltage cannot be 0 V because Duet would be just offline and could not deliver those measurement values", "fieldConfig": { "defaults": { "custom": {} }, "overrides": [] }, "fill": 1, "fillGradient": 0, "gridPos": { "h": 8, "w": 8, "x": 16, "y": 35 }, "hiddenSeries": false, "id": 85, "legend": { "avg": true, "current": true, "max": true, "min": true, "rightSide": false, "show": true, "total": false, "values": true }, "lines": true, "linewidth": 1, "nullPointMode": "null", "options": { "dataLinks": [] }, "percentage": false, "pointradius": 2, "points": false, "renderer": "flot", "seriesOverrides": [ { "alias": "Voltage", "color": "#FF9830" } ], "spaceLength": 10, "stack": false, "steppedLine": false, "targets": [ { "alias": "Voltage", "groupBy": [ { "params": [ "$__interval" ], "type": "time" }, { "params": [ "null" ], "type": "fill" } ], "orderByTime": "ASC", "policy": "default", "query": "SELECT 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Please also have a look at Duet Controller voltage. Please not that this does not monitor any UART bugs in communication between Raspberry PI and USB interfaces!", "editable": true, "error": false, "fieldConfig": { "defaults": { "custom": {} }, "overrides": [] }, "fill": 1, "fillGradient": 1, "grid": {}, "gridPos": { "h": 7, "w": 24, "x": 0, "y": 169 }, "hiddenSeries": false, "id": 49, "isNew": true, "legend": { "alignAsTable": true, "avg": false, "current": true, "max": false, "min": false, "rightSide": true, "show": true, "total": false, "values": true }, "lines": true, "linewidth": 2, "links": [], "nullPointMode": "connected", "options": { "dataLinks": [] }, "percentage": false, "pointradius": 5, "points": false, "renderer": "flot", "seriesOverrides": [], "spaceLength": 10, "stack": false, "steppedLine": false, "targets": [ { "alias": "Smart Stepper - A Drive", "dsType": "influxdb", "expr": "", "groupBy": [ { "params": [ "$interval" ], "type": "time" }, { "params": [ "null" ], "type": "fill" } ], "intervalFactor": 2, "measurement": "swap", "orderByTime": "ASC", "policy": "default", "query": "SELECT last(a_avail) FROM \"usb_devices\" WHERE \"host\" = 'hangprinter-pi.fablabchemnitz.de' AND $timeFilter GROUP BY time($interval)", "rawQuery": true, "refId": "A", "resultFormat": "time_series", "select": [ [ { "params": [ "total" ], "type": "field" }, { "params": [], "type": "last" } ] ], "tags": [ { "key": "host", "operator": "=~", "value": "/^$host$/" } ] }, { "alias": "Smart Stepper - 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