2020-07-20 22:21:36 +02:00

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Written by Trampas Stern for MisfitTech.
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#ifndef __BOARD_H__
#define __BOARD_H__
#include <Arduino.h>
//uncomment this if you are using the Mechaduino hardware
//uncomment the follow lines if using the NEMA 23 10A hardware
//#define NEMA_23_10A_HW
//uncomment the following if the board uses the A5995 driver (NEMA 23 3.2A boards)
//#define A5995_DRIVER
//The March 21 2017 NEMA 17 Smart Stepper has changed some pin outs
// A1 was changed to read motor voltage, hence SW4 is now using D4
// comment out this next line if using the older hardware
#define NEMA17_SMART_STEPPER_3_21_2017
#if defined(MECHADUINO_HARDWARE) && defined(NEMA17_SMART_STEPPER_3_21_2017)
#error "Cannot have both MECHADUINO_HARDWARE and NEMA17_SMART_STEPPER_3_21_2017 defined in board.h"
//The MKS Servo42 uses the A1333_Encoder
// Please uncomment this line and make sure the NEMA17_SMART_STEPPER_3_21_2017 is
// uncommented for the Servo42
//#define A1333_ENCODER
#ifdef A5995_DRIVER
#ifdef NEMA17_SMART_STEPPER_3_21_2017
#error "Only NEMA17_SMART_STEPPER_3_21_2017 or A5595_DRIVER may be defined"
#define NZS_FAST_CAL // define this to use 32k of flash for fast calibration table
#define NZS_FAST_SINE //uses 2048 extra bytes to implement faster sine tables
#define NZS_AS5047_PIPELINE //does a pipeline read of encoder, which is slightly faster
#define NZS_CONTROL_LOOP_HZ (6000) //update rate of control loop
#define NZS_LCD_ABSOULTE_ANGLE //define this to show angle from zero in positive and negative direction
// for example 2 rotations from start will be angle of 720 degrees
//#define ENABLE_PHASE_PREDICTION //this enables prediction of phase at high velocity to increase motor speed
//as of FW0.11 it is considered development only
#define VERSION "FW: 0.40" //this is what prints on LCD during splash screen
//Define this to allow command out serial port, else hardware serial is debug log
#define SERIAL_BAUD (115200) //baud rate for the serial ports
//This section is for using the step and dir pins as serial port
// when the enable pin is inactive.
#define STEP_DIR_BAUD (19200) //this is the baud rate we will use
// These are used as an attempt to use TC4 to count steps
// currently this is not working.
//#define USE_NEW_STEP //define this to use new step method
#define USE_TC_STEP //use timer counter for step pin
#ifndef F_CPU
#define F_CPU (48000000UL)
/* TODO are flaged with TODO
* TODO - add detection of magnet to make sure PCB is on motor
/* change log
* 0.02 added fixes for 0.9 degree motor
* 0.03 added code for using error pin as an enable pin, enable feedback by default
* 0.04
* 0.05 added different modes added support for mechaduino
* 0.06 added time out pipeline read, add some error logging on encoder failure for mechaduino
* 0.07 many changes including
* - fixed error on display when doing a move 99999
* - added velocity and position PID modes
* - fixed LCD menu and put LCD code in own file
* - include LCD source files from adafruit as that ssd1306 need lcd resoultion fix
* - added motor parameters to NVM such step size and rotation are only check on first boot
* - added test on power up to see if motor power is applied.
* - added factory reset command
* - pPID is not stable in my testing.
* 0.08
* - moved enable pin processing out of interrupt context
* - added mode for inverted logic on the enable pin
* - added pin definitions for NEMA23 10A hardware
* - Changed enable such that it does not move motor but just sets current posistion
* 0.09
* - enabled auto detection of LCD
* - cleaned up the commands, made motorparams and systemparams individual commands
* - added the option to the move command to move at a constant RPM
* - Added the setzero command to zero the relative location of motor
* - Added the stop command to stop the planner based moves.
* 0.10
* -Fixed bug in switching control mode to 3
* 0.11
* - Fixed bug where output current was half of what it should have been (sine.h)
* - Added #define for phase predictive advancement
* - Changed calibration to be done with one coil/phase on
* - Added smoothing for calibration
* - Continue to work on the Fet Driver code.
* 0.12
* - Continue to work on the FET driver code
* - fixed a constant issue with the DAC for the A4954 driver
* - added command for setting the operational mode of the enable pin
* - added the start of the A5995 driver.
* 0.13
* - Added delay in for the 0.9 degree motor calibration and testing
* - changed calibration to move 1/2 step at time as it was causing problems on A5995 due to current ramp down
* 0.14 - Added in data logging
* - Averaged the encoder when the motor is stationary to reduce noise/vibrations
* 0.15 - Fixed some fet driver code
* - Added support for the NEMA17 smart stepper
* - Fixed RPM display bug on the LCD
* 0.16 - Added support for enable and error pins on the 3-21-2017 hardware
* 0.17 - Added the ability for the command line to go over the hardwired serial port
* - Fixed a bug where step and direction pin were setup as pulled down pins
* which could cause false stepping in nosiey environments
* 0.18 - Added support for EEPROM writting of last location during brown out - currently brown out is too fast to write
* - Added commands to support reading and restoring location from eeprom
* - Check for pull up on SDA/SCL before doing a I2C read as that SERCOM driver has not time outs and locks.
* - Added faster detection of USB not being plugged in, reduces power up time with no USB
* 0.19 - removed debug information in the ssd1306 driver which caused LCD not always to be found
* 0.20 - Fixed bug in calibration, thanks to Oliver E.
* 0.21 - Fixed issues compiling for mechaduino, including disabling LCD for MEchaduino
* 0.22 - Added home command;
* 0.23 -- added motor voltage sense to remove stepping on power up
* 0.24 - Disabled the home command which used the enable pin if you do not have enable pin
* 0.25 - Added pin read command
* 0.26 - changed the step/dir pins to be input_pullups
* 0.27 - added the option to make the step/dir uart when enable is low.
* - fixed enable to line to disable the A4954 driver
* 0.28 - Enabled some homing options (still under development)
* 0.29 - fixed rounding bug in ANGLE_T0_DEGREES
* 0.30 - Added support for the AS5048A encoder
* 0.31 - Added reading enable pin on during main loop
* 0.32 - Fixed issue where steps were not being counted correctly
* 0.33 - changed sPID parameters back to 0.9 0.0001 0.01
* 0.34 - Added board type to the splash screen
* 0.35 - fixed usign TC4 (USE_TC_STEP) for counting steps. We can measure steps
* - at over 125khz, however the dir pin has ~8us setup time due to interrupt latency.
* - Added debug command to allow debug messages out the USB serial port
* 0.36 - eeprom set location math was wrong.
* 0.37 - fixed bug where the motor would pause periodically do the the TC4 counter.
* 0.38 - fixed bug in the velocity feedback mode.
* 0.39 - changed step count to TCC2, improved the dir pin setup/hold times
* - added support for the MKS Servo42 (A1333 encoder)
* 0.40 - fixed compiling errors for Mechaduino. Added sanity checks for different hardware boards (AK)
* Typedefs that are used across multiple files/modules
typedef enum {
} RotationDir_t;
typedef enum {
ERROR_PIN_MODE_ENABLE=0, //error pin works like enable on step sticks
ERROR_PIN_MODE_ACTIVE_LOW_ENABLE=1, //error pin works like enable on step sticks
ERROR_PIN_MODE_ERROR=2, //error pin is low when there is angle error
ERROR_PIN_MODE_BIDIR=3, //error pin is bidirection open collector
} ErrorPinMode_t;
typedef enum {
CTRL_OFF =0, //controller is disabled
CTRL_OPEN=1, //controller is in open loop mode
CTRL_SIMPLE = 2, //simple error controller
CTRL_POS_PID =3, //PID Position controller
CTRL_POS_VELOCITY_PID =4, //PID Velocity controller
} feedbackCtrl_t;
// ******** EVENT SYS USAGAE ************
// Channel 0 - Step pin event
// ******** TIMER USAGE A4954 versions ************
//TCC1 is used for DAC PWM to the A4954
//TCC0 can be used as PWM for the input pins on the A4954
//TCC2 is used for the step count
//D0 step input could use TCC1 or TCC0 if not used
//TC3 is used for planner tick
//TC5 is use for timing the control loop
// ******** TIMER USAGE NEMA23 10A versions ************
//TCC0 PWM for the FET IN pins
//D10 step input could use TC3 or TCC0 if not used
//TC3 is used for planner tick
//TC4 is used for step count
//TC5 is use for timing the control loop
//mechaduio and Arduino Zero has defined serial ports differently than NZS
#warning "Compiling source for Mechaduino NOT NZS"
#undef Serial5
#define Serial5 Serial
#define SerialUSB Serial
#define PIN_TXD (30)
#define PIN_RXD (31)
#define PIN_STEP_INPUT (0)
#define PIN_DIR_INPUT (1)
#define PIN_MOSI (23)
#define PIN_SCK (24)
#define PIN_MISO (22)
#error "Step/Dir UART not supported on Mechaduino yet"
#define PIN_ERROR (19) //analogInputToDigitalPin(PIN_A5))
#else //not Mechaduino hardware
#ifdef NEMA17_SMART_STEPPER_3_21_2017
#define PIN_SW1 (19)//analogInputToDigitalPin(PIN_A5))
#define PIN_SW3 (14)//analogInputToDigitalPin(PIN_A0))
#ifdef A1333_ENCODER //the MKS Servo42 uses A1 for this switch
#define PIN_SW4 (15)//analogInputToDigitalPin(PIN_A1))
#define PIN_SW4 (2)//D2
#define PIN_ENABLE (10)
#define PIN_ERROR (3)
#define PIN_VMOTOR (A1) //analog pin for the motor
#define PIN_SW1 (19)//analogInputToDigitalPin(PIN_A5))
#define PIN_SW3 (14)//analogInputToDigitalPin(PIN_A0))
#define PIN_SW4 (15)//analogInputToDigitalPin(PIN_A1))
#define PIN_ERROR (10)
#ifdef A5995_DRIVER
#define PIN_ENABLE (3)
#define PIN_SCL (21)
#define PIN_SDA (20)
#define PIN_USB_PWR (38) // this pin is high when usb is connected
#define PIN_AS5047D_CS (16)//analogInputToDigitalPin(PIN_A2))
#define PIN_AS5047D_PWR (11) //pull low to power on AS5047D
//these pins use the TIMER in the A4954 driver
// changing the pin definitions here may require changes in the A4954.cpp file
#define PIN_FET_IN1 (5) //PA15 TC3/WO[1] TCC0/WO[5]1
#define PIN_FET_IN2 (6) //PA20 TC7/W0[0] TCC0/WO[6]2
#define PIN_FET_IN3 (7) //PA21 TC7/WO[1] TCC0/WO[7]3
#define PIN_FET_IN4 (2) //PA14 TC3/W0[0] TCC0/WO[4] 0
#define PIN_FET_VREF1 (4)
#define PIN_FET_VREF2 (3)
#define PIN_FET_ENABLE (12)
//current sense pin from each H-bridge
#define ISENSE_FET_A (17) //analogInputToDigitalPin(PIN_A3)
#define ISENSE_FET_B (8)
//Comparators analog inputs
//#define COMP_FET_A (18)//analogInputToDigitalPin(PIN_A4))
//#define COMP_FET_B (9)
//these are the pins used on the A5995 driver
#define PIN_A5995_ENABLE1 (2) //PA14
#define PIN_A5995_ENABLE2 (18) //PA05 analogInputToDigitalPin(PIN_A4))
#define PIN_A5995_MODE1 (8) //PA06 TCC1 WO[0]
#define PIN_A5995_MODE2 (7) //PA21 TCC0 WO[4] //3
#define PIN_A5995_PHASE1 (6) //PA20 TCC0 WO[6] //2
#define PIN_A5995_PHASE2 (5) //PA15 TCC0 W0[5] //1
#define PIN_A5995_VREF1 (4) //PA08
#define PIN_A5995_VREF2 (9) //PA07
#define PIN_A5995_SLEEPn (25) //RXLED
#define PIN_YELLOW_LED (8)
#ifdef NEMA_23_10A_HW
#define PIN_YELLOW_LED (26) //TXLED (PA27)
#endif //NEMA_23_10A_HW
#define PIN_RED_LED (13)
#define PIN_A4954_IN3 (5)
#define PIN_A4954_IN4 (6)
#define PIN_A4954_IN2 (7)
#define PIN_A4954_IN1 (8)
#define PIN_A4954_IN1 (18) //analogInputToDigitalPin(PIN_A4))
#define PIN_A4954_VREF34 (4)
#define PIN_A4954_VREF12 (9)
//Here are some useful macros
#define DIVIDE_WITH_ROUND(x,y) (((x)+(y)/2)/(y))
#define GPIO_LOW(pin) {PORT->Group[g_APinDescription[(pin)].ulPort].OUTCLR.reg = (1ul << g_APinDescription[(pin)].ulPin);}
#define GPIO_HIGH(pin) {PORT->Group[g_APinDescription[(pin)].ulPort].OUTSET.reg = (1ul << g_APinDescription[(pin)].ulPin);}
#define GPIO_OUTPUT(pin) {PORT->Group[g_APinDescription[(pin)].ulPort].PINCFG[g_APinDescription[(pin)].ulPin].reg &=~(uint8_t)(PORT_PINCFG_INEN) ; PORT->Group[g_APinDescription[(pin)].ulPort].DIRSET.reg = (uint32_t)(1<<g_APinDescription[(pin)].ulPin) ;}
#define PIN_GPIO_OUTPUT(pin) {PORT->Group[g_APinDescription[(pin)].ulPort].PINCFG[g_APinDescription[(pin)].ulPin].reg &=~(uint8_t)(PORT_PINCFG_INEN | PORT_PINCFG_PMUXEN) ; PORT->Group[g_APinDescription[(pin)].ulPort].DIRSET.reg = (uint32_t)(1<<g_APinDescription[(pin)].ulPin) ;}
#define PIN_GPIO(pin) {PORT->Group[g_APinDescription[(pin)].ulPort].PINCFG[g_APinDescription[(pin)].ulPin].reg &=~(uint8_t)(PORT_PINCFG_INEN | PORT_PINCFG_PMUXEN);}
#define GPIO_READ(ulPin) {(PORT->Group[g_APinDescription[ulPin].ulPort].IN.reg & (1ul << g_APinDescription[ulPin].ulPin)) != 0}
#define PIN_PERIPH(pin) {PORT->Group[g_APinDescription[(pin)].ulPort].PINCFG[g_APinDescription[(pin)].ulPin].reg |= PORT_PINCFG_PMUXEN;}
//sets up the pins for the board
static void boardSetupPins(void)
//setup switch pins
#ifdef PIN_SW1
pinMode(PIN_ENABLE, INPUT_PULLUP); //default error pin as enable pin with pull up
pinMode(PIN_ERROR, INPUT_PULLUP); //default error pin as enable pin with pull up
digitalWrite(PIN_AS5047D_CS,LOW); //pull CS LOW by default (chip powered off)
//turn the AS5047D off by default
#ifdef PIN_AS5047D_PWR
//setup the A4954 pins
//setup the PWM for current on the A4954, set for low current
pinMode(PIN_A4954_VREF34, OUTPUT);
pinMode(PIN_A4954_VREF12, OUTPUT);
#ifdef NEMA17_SMART_STEPPER_3_21_2017
static float GetMotorVoltage(void)
uint32_t x;
float f;
//the motor voltage is 1/101 of the adc
x=analogRead(PIN_VMOTOR); //this should be a 10bit value mapped to 3.3V
return f;
static void inline YELLOW_LED(bool state)
static void inline RED_LED(bool state)
#define MIN(a,b) (((a)<(b))?(a):(b))
#define MAX(a,b) (((a)>(b))?(a):(b))
#define ABS(a) (((a)>(0))?(a):(-(a)))
#define DIV(x,y) (((y)>(0))?((x)/(y)):(4294967295))
#define SIGN(x) (((x) > 0) - ((x) < 0))
#define NVIC_IS_IRQ_ENABLED(x) (NVIC->ISER[0] & (1 << ((uint32_t)(x) & 0x1F)))!=0
static inline uint8_t getPinMux(uint16_t ulPin)
uint8_t temp;
if ((ulPin & 0x01)==0)
temp = (PORT->Group[g_APinDescription[ulPin].ulPort].PMUX[g_APinDescription[ulPin].ulPin >> 1].reg) & PORT_PMUX_PMUXE( 0xF ) ;
temp = (PORT->Group[g_APinDescription[ulPin].ulPort].PMUX[g_APinDescription[ulPin].ulPin >> 1].reg)>>4 & 0xF;
return temp;
static inline uint8_t getPinCfg(uint16_t ulPin)
uint8_t temp;
temp = PORT->Group[g_APinDescription[ulPin].ulPort].PINCFG[g_APinDescription[ulPin].ulPin].reg;
return temp;
static inline void setPinCfg(uint16_t ulPin, uint8_t val)
static inline void setPinMux(uint16_t ulPin, uint8_t val)
uint8_t temp;
temp = (PORT->Group[g_APinDescription[ulPin].ulPort].PMUX[g_APinDescription[ulPin].ulPin >> 1].reg);
if ((ulPin & 0x01)==0)
//if an even pin
temp = (temp & 0xF0) | (val & 0x0F);
temp = (temp & 0x0F) | ((val<<4) & 0x0F);
PORT->Group[g_APinDescription[ulPin].ulPort].PMUX[g_APinDescription[ulPin].ulPin >> 1].reg=temp;
PORT->Group[g_APinDescription[ulPin].ulPort].PINCFG[g_APinDescription[ulPin].ulPin].reg |= PORT_PINCFG_PMUXEN ; // Enable port mux
static inline void SET_PIN_PERHERIAL(uint16_t ulPin,EPioType ulPeripheral)
if ( g_APinDescription[ulPin].ulPin & 1 ) // is pin odd?
uint32_t temp ;
// Get whole current setup for both odd and even pins and remove odd one
temp = (PORT->Group[g_APinDescription[ulPin].ulPort].PMUX[g_APinDescription[ulPin].ulPin >> 1].reg) & PORT_PMUX_PMUXE( 0xF ) ;
// Set new muxing
PORT->Group[g_APinDescription[ulPin].ulPort].PMUX[g_APinDescription[ulPin].ulPin >> 1].reg = temp|PORT_PMUX_PMUXO( ulPeripheral ) ;
// Enable port mux
PORT->Group[g_APinDescription[ulPin].ulPort].PINCFG[g_APinDescription[ulPin].ulPin].reg |= PORT_PINCFG_PMUXEN ;
else // even pin
uint32_t temp ;
temp = (PORT->Group[g_APinDescription[ulPin].ulPort].PMUX[g_APinDescription[ulPin].ulPin >> 1].reg) & PORT_PMUX_PMUXO( 0xF ) ;
PORT->Group[g_APinDescription[ulPin].ulPort].PMUX[g_APinDescription[ulPin].ulPin >> 1].reg = temp|PORT_PMUX_PMUXE( ulPeripheral ) ;
PORT->Group[g_APinDescription[ulPin].ulPort].PINCFG[g_APinDescription[ulPin].ulPin].reg |= PORT_PINCFG_PMUXEN ; // Enable port mux
//the Arduino delay function requires interrupts to work.
// if interrupts are disabled use the delayMicroseconds which is a spin loop
static inline void DelayMs(uint32_t ms)
uint32_t prim;
/* Read PRIMASK register, check interrupt status before you disable them */
/* Returns 0 if they are enabled, or non-zero if disabled */
prim = __get_PRIMASK();
if (prim==0)