Author URI: */ // No direct call if( !defined( 'YOURLS_ABSPATH' ) ) die(); /****************** SET UP CONSTANTS ******************/ class AuthMgrPlusRoles { const Administrator = 'Administrator'; const Editor = 'Editor'; const Contributor = 'Contributor'; } class AuthMgrPlusCapability { const ShowAdmin = 'ShowAdmin'; const AddURL = 'AddURL'; const DeleteURL = 'DeleteURL'; const EditURL = 'EditURL'; const ManageAnonURL = 'ManageAnonURL'; const ManageUsrsURL = 'ManageUsrsURL'; const ManagePlugins = 'ManagePlugins'; const API = 'API'; const APIu = 'APIu'; const ViewStats = 'ViewStats'; const ViewAll = 'ViewAll'; } /********** Add hooks to intercept functionality in CORE **********/ yourls_add_action( 'load_template_infos', 'authMgrPlus_intercept_stats' ); function authMgrPlus_intercept_stats() { if ( 'YOURLS_PRIVATE_INFOS' === true ) { authMgrPlus_require_capability( AuthMgrPlusCapability::ViewStats ); } } yourls_add_action( 'api', 'authMgrPlus_intercept_api' ); function authMgrPlus_intercept_api() { if ( 'YOURLS_PRIVATE_API' === true ) { if ( isset( $_REQUEST['shorturl'] ) || isset( $_REQUEST['stats'] ) ) { authMgrPlus_require_capability( AuthMgrPlusCapability::APIu ); } else { authMgrPlus_require_capability( AuthMgrPlusCapability::API ); } } } yourls_add_action( 'auth_successful', 'authMgrPlus_intercept_admin' ); /** * YOURLS processes most actions in the admin page. It would be ideal * to add a unique hook for each action, but unfortunately we need to * hook the admin page load itself, and try to figure out what action * is intended. * * TODO: look for these hooks * * At this point, reasonably assume that the current request is for * a rendering of the admin page. */ function authMgrPlus_intercept_admin() { authMgrPlus_require_capability( authMgrPlusCapability::ShowAdmin ); // we use this GET param to send up a feedback notice to user if ( isset( $_GET['access'] ) && $_GET['access']=='denied' ) { yourls_add_notice('Access Denied'); } $action_capability_map = array( 'add' => AuthMgrPlusCapability::AddURL, 'delete' => AuthMgrPlusCapability::DeleteURL, 'edit_display' => AuthMgrPlusCapability::EditURL, 'edit_save' => AuthMgrPlusCapability::EditURL, 'activate' => AuthMgrPlusCapability::ManagePlugins, 'deactivate' => AuthMgrPlusCapability::ManagePlugins, ); // allow manipulation of this list ( be mindfull of extending Authmp Capability class if needed ) yourls_apply_filter( 'authMgrPlus_action_capability_map', $action_capability_map); // Key actions like Add/Edit/Delete are AJAX requests if ( yourls_is_Ajax() ) { // Define some boundaries for ownership $restricted_actions = array( 'edit_display', 'edit_save', 'delete' ); // Allow some flexability with those boundaries yourls_apply_filter( 'AuthMgrPlus_restricted_ajax_actions', $restricted_actions ); $action_keyword = $_REQUEST['action']; $cap_needed = $action_capability_map[$action_keyword]; // Check the action against those boundaries if ( in_array( $action_keyword, $restricted_actions) ) { $keyword = $_REQUEST['keyword']; $do = authMgrPlus_manage_keyword( $keyword, $cap_needed ); } else { $do = authMgrPlus_have_capability( $cap_needed ); } if ( $do !== true ) { $err = array(); $err['status'] = 'fail'; $err['code'] = 'error:authorization'; $err['message'] = 'Access Denied'; $err['errorCode'] = '403'; echo json_encode( $err ); die(); } } // Intercept requests for plugin management if( isset( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ) && preg_match('/\/admin\/plugins\.php.*/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ) ) { // Is this a plugin page request? if ( isset( $_REQUEST['page'] ) ) { // Is this an allowed plugin? global $authMgrPlus_allowed_plugin_pages; if ( authMgrPlus_have_capability( authMgrPlusCapability::ManagePlugins ) !== true) { $r = $_REQUEST['page']; if(!in_array($r, $authMgrPlus_allowed_plugin_pages ) ) { yourls_redirect( yourls_admin_url( '?access=denied' ), 302 ); } } } else { // Should this user touch plugins? if ( authMgrPlus_have_capability( AuthMgrPlusCapability::ManagePlugins ) !== true) { yourls_redirect( yourls_admin_url( '?access=denied' ), 302 ); } } // intercept requests for global plugin management actions if (isset( $_REQUEST['plugin'] ) ) { $action_keyword = $_REQUEST['action']; $cap_needed = $action_capability_map[$action_keyword]; if ( $cap_needed !== NULL && authMgrPlus_have_capability( $cap_needed ) !== true) { yourls_redirect( yourls_admin_url( '?access=denied' ), 302 ); } } } } /* * Cosmetic filter: removes disallowed plugins from link list */ if( yourls_is_admin() ) { yourls_add_filter( 'admin_sublinks', 'authMgrPlus_admin_sublinks' ); } function authMgrPlus_admin_sublinks( $links ) { global $authMgrPlus_allowed_plugin_pages; if ( authMgrPlus_have_capability( AuthMgrPlusCapability::ManagePlugins ) !== true) { foreach( $links['plugins'] as $link => $ar ) { if(!in_array($link, $authMgrPlus_allowed_plugin_pages) ) unset($links['plugins'][$link]); } } sort($links['plugins']); return $links; } /* * Cosmetic filter: displays currently available roles * by hovering mouse over the username in logout link. */ yourls_add_filter( 'logout_link', 'authMgrPlus_html_append_roles' ); function authMgrPlus_html_append_roles( $original ) { $authenticated = yourls_is_valid_user(); if ( $authenticated === true ) { $listcaps = implode(', ', authMgrPlus_current_capabilities()); return '
'; } else { return $original; } } /**************** CAPABILITY TESTING ****************/ /* * If capability is not permitted in current context, then abort. * This is the most basic way to intercept unauthorized usage. */ // TODO: API responses! function authMgrPlus_require_capability( $capability ) { if ( !authMgrPlus_have_capability( $capability ) ) { // If the user can't view admin interface, return a plain error. if ( !authMgrPlus_have_capability( AuthMgrPlusCapability::ShowAdmin ) ) { // header("HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden"); die('Require permissions to show admin interface.'); } // Otherwise, render errors in admin interface yourls_redirect( yourls_admin_url( '?access=denied' ), 302 ); die(); } } // Heart of system - Can the user do "X"? function authMgrPlus_have_capability( $capability ) { global $authMgrPlus_anon_capabilities; global $authMgrPlus_role_capabilities; global $authMgrPlus_admin_ipranges; // Make sure the environment has been setup authMgrPlus_env_check(); // Check anon capabilities $return = in_array( $capability, $authMgrPlus_anon_capabilities ); // Check user-role based auth if( !$return ) { // Only users have roles. $authenticated = yourls_is_valid_user(); if ( $authenticated !== true ) return false; // List capabilities of particular user role $user_caps = array(); foreach ( $authMgrPlus_role_capabilities as $rolename => $rolecaps ) { if ( authMgrPlus_user_has_role( YOURLS_USER, $rolename ) ) { $user_caps = array_merge( $user_caps, $rolecaps ); } } $user_caps = array_unique( $user_caps ); // Is the requested capability in this list? $return = in_array( $capability, $user_caps ); } // Is user connecting from an admin designated IP? if( !$return ) { // the array of ranges: '' will always be admin foreach ($authMgrPlus_admin_ipranges as $range) { $return = authMgrPlus_cidr_match( $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $range ); if( $return ) break; } } return $return; } // Determine whether a specific user has a role. function authMgrPlus_user_has_role( $username, $rolename ) { global $authMgrPlus_role_assignment; // if no role assignments are created, grant everything FIXME: Make 'admin' // so the site still works even if stuff is configured wrong if ( empty( $authMgrPlus_role_assignment ) ) return true; // do this the case-insensitive way // the entire array was made lowercase in environment check $username = strtolower($username); $rolename = strtolower($rolename); // if the role doesn't exist, give up now. if ( !in_array( $rolename, array_keys( $authMgrPlus_role_assignment ) ) ) return false; $users_in_role = $authMgrPlus_role_assignment[$rolename]; return in_array( $username, $users_in_role ); } /********************* KEYWORD OWNERSHIP ************************/ // Filter out restricted access to keyword data in... // Admin list yourls_add_filter( 'admin_list_where', 'authMgrPlus_admin_list_where' ); function authMgrPlus_admin_list_where($where) { if ( authMgrPlus_have_capability( AuthMgrPlusCapability::ViewAll ) ) return $where; // Allow admin/editor users to see the lot. $user = YOURLS_USER; if (version_compare(YOURLS_VERSION, '1.7.3') >= 0) { $where['sql'] = $where['sql'] . " AND (`user` = :user OR `user` IS NULL) "; $where['binds']['user'] = $user; } else $where = $where . " AND (`user` = $user OR `user` IS NULL) "; return $where; } // API stats yourls_add_filter( 'api_url_stats', 'authMgrPlus_api_url_stats' ); function authMgrPlus_api_url_stats( $return, $shorturl ) { $keyword = str_replace( YOURLS_SITE . '/' , '', $shorturl ); // accept either '' or 'abc' $keyword = yourls_sanitize_string( $keyword ); $keyword = addslashes($keyword); if(authMgrPlus_access_keyword($keyword)) return $return; else return array('simple' => "URL is owned by another user", 'message' => 'URL is owned by another user', 'errorCode' => 403); } // Info pages yourls_add_action( 'pre_yourls_infos', 'authMgrPlus_pre_yourls_infos' ); function authMgrPlus_pre_yourls_infos( $keyword ) { if( !authMgrPlus_access_keyword($keyword) ) { $authenticated = yourls_is_valid_user(); if ( $authenticated === true ) yourls_redirect( yourls_admin_url( '?access=denied' ), 302 ); else yourls_redirect( YOURLS_SITE, 302 ); } } // DB stats yourls_add_filter( 'get_db_stats', 'authMgrPlus_get_db_stats' ); function authMgrPlus_get_db_stats( $return, $where ) { if ( authMgrPlus_have_capability( AuthMgrPlusCapability::ViewAll ) ) return $return; // Allow admin/editor users to see the lot. // or... filter results global $ydb; $table_url = YOURLS_DB_TABLE_URL; $user = YOURLS_USER; if (version_compare(YOURLS_VERSION, '1.7.3') >= 0) { $where['sql'] = $where['sql'] . " AND (`user` = :user OR `user` IS NULL) "; $where['binds']['user'] = $user; $sql = "SELECT COUNT(keyword) as count, SUM(clicks) as sum FROM `$table_url` WHERE 1=1 " . $where['sql']; $binds = $where['binds']; $totals = $ydb->fetchObject($sql, $binds); } else { $where = $where . " AND (`user` = $user OR `user` IS NULL) "; $totals = $ydb->get_results("SELECT COUNT(keyword) as count, SUM(clicks) as sum FROM `$table_url` WHERE 1=1 " . $where ); } $return = array( 'total_links' => $totals->count, 'total_clicks' => $totals->sum ); return $return; } /********************* HOUSEKEEPING ************************/ // Validate environment setup function authMgrPlus_env_check() { global $authMgrPlus_anon_capabilities; global $authMgrPlus_role_capabilities; global $authMgrPlus_role_assignment; global $authMgrPlus_admin_ipranges; global $authMgrPlus_allowed_plugin_pages; if ( !isset( $authMgrPlus_anon_capabilities) ) { $authMgrPlus_anon_capabilities = array(); } if ( !isset( $authMgrPlus_role_capabilities) ) { $authMgrPlus_role_capabilities = array( AuthMgrPlusRoles::Administrator => array( AuthMgrPlusCapability::ShowAdmin, AuthMgrPlusCapability::AddURL, AuthMgrPlusCapability::EditURL, AuthMgrPlusCapability::DeleteURL, AuthMgrPlusCapability::ManageAnonURL, AuthMgrPlusCapability::ManageUsrsURL, AuthMgrPlusCapability::ManagePlugins, AuthMgrPlusCapability::API, AuthMgrPlusCapability::APIu, AuthMgrPlusCapability::ViewStats, AuthMgrPlusCapability::ViewAll, ), AuthMgrPlusRoles::Editor => array( AuthMgrPlusCapability::ShowAdmin, AuthMgrPlusCapability::AddURL, AuthMgrPlusCapability::EditURL, AuthMgrPlusCapability::DeleteURL, AuthMgrPlusCapability::ManageAnonURL, AuthMgrPlusCapability::APIu, AuthMgrPlusCapability::ViewStats, AuthMgrPlusCapability::ViewAll, ), AuthMgrPlusRoles::Contributor => array( AuthMgrPlusCapability::ShowAdmin, AuthMgrPlusCapability::AddURL, AuthMgrPlusCapability::EditURL, AuthMgrPlusCapability::DeleteURL, AuthMgrPlusCapability::APIu, AuthMgrPlusCapability::ViewStats, ), ); } if ( !isset( $authMgrPlus_role_assignment ) ) { $authMgrPlus_role_assignment = array(); } if ( !isset( $authMgrPlus_admin_ipranges ) ) { $authMgrPlus_admin_ipranges = array( '', ); } if ( !isset( $authMgrPlus_allowed_plugin_pages ) ) { $authMgrPlus_allowed_plugin_pages = array( ); } // convert role assignment table to lower case if it hasn't been done already // this makes searches much easier! $authMgrPlus_role_assignment_lower = array(); foreach ( $authMgrPlus_role_assignment as $key => $value ) { $t_key = strtolower( $key ); $t_value = array_map('strtolower', $value); $authMgrPlus_role_assignment_lower[$t_key] = $t_value; } $authMgrPlus_role_assignment = $authMgrPlus_role_assignment_lower; unset($authMgrPlus_role_assignment_lower); // allow manipulation of env by other plugins // be mindfull of extending AuthMgrPlusCapability and AuthMgrPlusRoles classes if needed $a = $authMgrPlus_anon_capabilities; $b = $authMgrPlus_role_capabilities; $c = $authMgrPlus_role_assignment; $d = $authMgrPlus_admin_ipranges; $e = $authMgrPlus_allowed_plugin_pages; yourls_apply_filter( 'authMgrPlus_env_check', $a, $b, $c, $d, $e ); return true; } // Activation: add the user column to the URL table if not added yourls_add_action( 'activated_authMgrPlus/plugin.php', 'authMgrPlus_activated' ); function authMgrPlus_activated() { global $ydb; $table = YOURLS_DB_TABLE_URL; $version = version_compare(YOURLS_VERSION, '1.7.3') >= 0; if ($version) { $sql = "DESCRIBE `$table`"; $results = $ydb->fetchObjects($sql); } else { $results = $ydb->get_results("DESCRIBE $table"); } $activated = false; foreach($results as $r) { if($r->Field == 'user') { $activated = true; } } if(!$activated) { if ($version) { $sql = "ALTER TABLE `$table` ADD `user` VARCHAR(255) NULL"; $insert = $ydb->fetchAffected($sql); } else { $ydb->query("ALTER TABLE `$table` ADD `user` VARCHAR(255) NULL"); } } } /***************** HELPER FUNCTIONS ********************/ // List currently available capabilities function authMgrPlus_current_capabilities() { $current_capabilities = array(); $all_capabilities = array( AuthMgrPlusCapability::ShowAdmin, AuthMgrPlusCapability::AddURL, AuthMgrPlusCapability::EditURL, AuthMgrPlusCapability::DeleteURL, AuthMgrPlusCapability::ManageAnonURL, AuthMgrPlusCapability::ManageUsrsURL, AuthMgrPlusCapability::ManagePlugins, AuthMgrPlusCapability::API, AuthMgrPlusCapability::APIu, AuthMgrPlusCapability::ViewStats, AuthMgrPlusCapability::ViewAll, ); // allow manipulation of this list ( be mindfull of extending the AuthMgrPlusCapability class if needed ) yourls_apply_filter( 'authMgrPlus_current_capabilities', $all_capabilities); foreach ( $all_capabilities as $cap ) { if ( authMgrPlus_have_capability( $cap ) ) { $current_capabilities[] = $cap; } } return $current_capabilities; } // Check for IP in a range // from: function authMgrPlus_cidr_match($ip, $range) { list ($subnet, $bits) = explode('/', $range); $ip = ip2long($ip); $subnet = ip2long($subnet); $mask = -1 << (32 - $bits); $subnet &= $mask; # nb: in case the supplied subnet wasn't correctly aligned return ($ip & $mask) == $subnet; } // Check user access to a keyword ( can they see it ) function authMgrPlus_access_keyword( $keyword ) { global $ydb; if ( authMgrPlus_have_capability( AuthMgrPlusCapability::ViewAll ) ) return true; $table = YOURLS_DB_TABLE_URL; $user = null; if(defined('YOURLS_USER')) $user = YOURLS_USER; if (version_compare(YOURLS_VERSION, '1.7.3') >= 0) { $binds = array( 'keyword' => $keyword, 'user' => $user); $sql = "SELECT 1 FROM `$table` WHERE (`user` IS NULL OR `user` = :user) AND `keyword` = :keyword"; $result = $ydb->fetchAffected($sql, $binds); } else $result = $ydb->query("SELECT 1 FROM `$table` WHERE (`user` IS NULL OR `user` = $user) AND `keyword` = $keyword"); return $result > 0; } // Check user rights to a keyword ( can manage it ) function authMgrPlus_manage_keyword( $keyword, $capability ) { // only authenticated users can manaage keywords $authenticated = yourls_is_valid_user(); if ( $authenticated !== true ) return false; // Admin? if ( authMgrPlus_have_capability( AuthMgrPlusCapability::ManageUsrsURL ) ) return true; // Editor? $owner = authMgrPlus_keyword_owner(); if ( $owner === null ) { if ( authMgrPlus_have_capability( AuthMgrPlusCapability::ManageAnonURL ) ) { return true; } else { return false; } } // Self Edit? $user = YOURLS_USER; if ( $owner === $user ) { if ( authMgrPlus_have_capability( $capability ) ) { return true; } else { return false; } } return false; } // Check keyword ownership function authMgrPlus_keyword_owner( $keyword ) { global $ydb; $table = YOURLS_DB_TABLE_URL; if (version_compare(YOURLS_VERSION, '1.7.3') >= 0) { $binds = array( 'keyword' => $keyword ); $sql = "SELECT * FROM `$table` WHERE `keyword` = :keyword"; $result = $ydb->fetchOne($sql, $binds); } else $result = $ydb->query("SELECT 1 FROM `$table` WHERE `keyword` = $keyword"); return $result['user']; } // Record user info on keyword creation yourls_add_action( 'insert_link', 'authMgrPlus_insert_link' ); function authMgrPlus_insert_link($actions) { global $ydb; $keyword = $actions[2]; $user = YOURLS_USER; $table = YOURLS_DB_TABLE_URL; // Insert $keyword against $username if (version_compare(YOURLS_VERSION, '1.7.3') >= 0) { $binds = array( 'user' => $user, 'keyword' => $keyword); $sql = "UPDATE `$table` SET `user` = :user WHERE `keyword` = :keyword"; $result = $ydb->fetchAffected($sql, $binds); } else { $result = $ydb->query("UPDATE `$table` SET `user` = $user WHERE `keyword` = $keyword"); } } ?>