AuthmgrCapability::AddURL, 'delete' => AuthmgrCapability::DeleteURL, 'edit_display' => AuthmgrCapability::EditURL, 'edit_save' => AuthmgrCapability::EditURL, 'activate' => AuthmgrCapability::ManagePlugins, 'deactivate' => AuthmgrCapability::ManagePlugins, ); // intercept requests for plugin management if ( isset( $_REQUEST['plugin'] ) ) { $action_keyword = $_REQUEST['action']; $cap_needed = $action_capability_map[$action_keyword]; if ( $cap_needed !== NULL && authmgr_have_capability( $cap_needed ) !== true) { yourls_redirect( yourls_admin_url( '?access=denied' ), 302 ); } } // also intercept AJAX requests if ( yourls_is_Ajax() ) { $action_keyword = $_REQUEST['action']; $cap_needed = $action_capability_map[$action_keyword]; if ( authmgr_have_capability( $cap_needed ) !== true) { $err = array(); $err['status'] = 'fail'; $err['code'] = 'error:authorization'; $err['message'] = 'Access Denied'; $err['errorCode'] = '403'; echo json_encode( $err ); die(); } } } yourls_add_filter( 'logout_link', 'authmgr_html_append_roles' ); function authmgr_html_append_roles( $original ) { $authenticated = yourls_is_valid_user(); if ( $authenticated === true ) { $listcaps = implode(', ', authmgr_enumerate_current_capabilities()); return '
'; } else { return $original; } } /**************** CAPABILITY TEST/ENUMERATION ****************/ /* * If capability is not permitted in current context, then abort. * This is the most basic way to intercept unauthorized usage. */ function authmgr_require_capability( $capability ) { if ( !authmgr_have_capability( $capability ) ) { // TODO: display a much nicer error page //die('Sorry, you are not authorized for the action: '.$capability); yourls_redirect( yourls_admin_url( '?access=denied' ), 302 ); die(); } } /* * Returns array of capabilities currently available. */ function authmgr_enumerate_current_capabilities() { $current_capabilities = array(); $all_capabilities = authmgr_enumerate_all_capabilities(); foreach ( $all_capabilities as $cap ) { if ( authmgr_have_capability( $cap ) ) { $current_capabilities[] = $cap; } } return $current_capabilities; } function authmgr_enumerate_all_capabilities() { // TODO: generalize this, instead of just repeating the total declaration return array( AuthmgrCapability::ShowAdmin, AuthmgrCapability::AddURL, AuthmgrCapability::DeleteURL, AuthmgrCapability::EditURL, AuthmgrCapability::ManagePlugins, AuthmgrCapability::API, AuthmgrCapability::ViewStats, ); } /* * Is the requested capability permitted in this context? */ function authmgr_have_capability( $capability ) { return yourls_apply_filter( AUTHMGR_ALLOW, false, $capability); } /******************* FILTERS THAT GRANT CAPABILITIES *****************************/ /* By filtering AUTHMGR_ALLOW, you can grant capabilities without using roles. */ /*********************************************************************************/ /* * What capabilities are always available, including anonymous users? */ yourls_add_filter( AUTHMGR_ALLOW, 'authmgr_check_anon_capability', 5 ); function authmgr_check_anon_capability( $original, $capability ) { global $authmgr_anon_capabilities; // Shortcut - trust approval given by earlier filters if ( $original === true ) return true; // Make sure the anon rights list has been setup authmgr_environment_check(); // Check list of capabilities that don't require authentication return in_array( $capability, $authmgr_anon_capabilities ); } /* * What capabilities are available through role assignments to the active user? */ yourls_add_filter( AUTHMGR_ALLOW, 'authmgr_check_user_capability', 10 ); function authmgr_check_user_capability( $original, $capability ) { global $authmgr_role_capabilities; // Shortcut - trust approval given by earlier filters if ( $original === true ) return true; // ensure $authmgr_role_capabilities has been set up authmgr_environment_check(); // If the user is not authenticated, then give up because only users have roles. $authenticated = yourls_is_valid_user(); if ( $authenticated !== true ) return false; // Enumerate the capabilities available to this user through roles $user_caps = array(); foreach ( $authmgr_role_capabilities as $rolename => $rolecaps ) { if ( authmgr_user_has_role( YOURLS_USER, $rolename ) ) { $user_caps = array_merge( $user_caps, $rolecaps ); } } $user_caps = array_unique( $user_caps ); // Is the desired capability in the enumerated list of capabilities? return in_array( $capability, $user_caps ); } /* * If the user is connecting from an IP address designated for admins, * then all capabilities are automatically granted. * * By default, only (localhost) is an admin range. */ yourls_add_filter( AUTHMGR_ALLOW, 'authmgr_check_admin_ipranges', 15 ); function authmgr_check_admin_ipranges( $original, $capability ) { global $authmgr_admin_ipranges; // Shortcut - trust approval given by earlier filters if ( $original === true ) return true; // ensure $authmgr_admin_ipranges is setup authmgr_environment_check(); foreach ($authmgr_admin_ipranges as $range) { if ( authmgr_cidr_match( $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $range ) ) return true; } return $original; // effectively returns false } /* * What capabilities are available when making API requests without a username? */ yourls_add_filter( AUTHMGR_ALLOW, 'authmgr_check_apiuser_capability', 15 ); function authmgr_check_apiuser_capability( $original, $capability ) { // Shortcut - trust approval given by earlier filters if ( $original === true ) return true; // In API mode and not using user/path authn? Let it go. if ( yourls_is_API() && !isset($_REQUEST['username']) ) return true; // TODO: add controls for actions, like // shorturl, stats, db-stats, url-stats, expand return $original; } /******************** ROLE TEST AND ENUMERATION ***********************/ /* * Determine whether a specific user has a role. */ function authmgr_user_has_role( $username, $rolename ) { return yourls_apply_filter( AUTHMGR_HASROLE, false, $username, $rolename ); } // ******************* FILTERS THAT GRANT ROLE MEMBERSHIP ********************* // By filtering AUTHMGR_HASROLE, you can connect internal roles to something else. // Any filter handlers should execute as quickly as possible. /* * What role memberships are defined for the user in user/config.php? */ yourls_add_filter( AUTHMGR_HASROLE, 'authmgr_user_has_role_in_config'); function authmgr_user_has_role_in_config( $original, $username, $rolename ) { global $authmgr_role_assignment; // if no role assignments are created, grant everything // so the site still works even if stuff is configured wrong if ( empty( $authmgr_role_assignment ) ) return true; // do this the case-insensitive way // the entire array was made lowercase in environment check $username = strtolower($username); $rolename = strtolower($rolename); // if the role doesn't exist, give up now. if ( !in_array( $rolename, array_keys( $authmgr_role_assignment ) ) ) return false; $users_in_role = $authmgr_role_assignment[$rolename]; return in_array( $username, $users_in_role ); } /********************* VALIDATE CONFIGURATION ************************/ function authmgr_environment_check() { global $authmgr_anon_capabilities; global $authmgr_role_capabilities; global $authmgr_role_assignment; if ( !isset( $authmgr_anon_capabilities) ) { $authmgr_anon_capabilities = array( AuthmgrCapability::API, AuthmgrCapability::ShowAdmin,//TODO: hack! how to allow logon page? ); } if ( !isset( $authmgr_role_capabilities) ) { $authmgr_role_capabilities = array( AuthmgrRoles::Administrator => array( AuthmgrCapability::ShowAdmin, AuthmgrCapability::AddURL, AuthmgrCapability::DeleteURL, AuthmgrCapability::EditURL, AuthmgrCapability::ManagePlugins, AuthmgrCapability::API, AuthmgrCapability::ViewStats, ), AuthmgrRoles::Editor => array( AuthmgrCapability::ShowAdmin, AuthmgrCapability::AddURL, AuthmgrCapability::EditURL, AuthmgrCapability::DeleteURL, AuthmgrCapability::ViewStats, ), AuthmgrRoles::Contributor => array( AuthmgrCapability::ShowAdmin, AuthmgrCapability::AddURL, AuthmgrCapability::ViewStats, ), ); } if ( !isset( $authmgr_role_assignment ) ) { $authmgr_role_assignment = array(); } if ( !isset( $authmgr_iprange_roles ) ) { $authmgr_admin_ipranges = array( '', ); } // convert role assignment table to lower case if it hasn't been done already // this makes searches much easier! // TODO: avoid doing this every time we validate $authmgr_role_assignment_lower = array(); foreach ( $authmgr_role_assignment as $key => $value ) { $t_key = strtolower( $key ); $t_value = array_map('strtolower', $value); $authmgr_role_assignment_lower[$t_key] = $t_value; } $authmgr_role_assignment = $authmgr_role_assignment_lower; unset($authmgr_role_assignment_lower); return true; } // ***************** GENERAL UTILITY FUNCTIONS ******************** /* * Borrowed from: * */ function authmgr_cidr_match($ip, $range) { list ($subnet, $bits) = split('/', $range); $ip = ip2long($ip); $subnet = ip2long($subnet); $mask = -1 << (32 - $bits); $subnet &= $mask; # nb: in case the supplied subnet wasn't correctly aligned return ($ip & $mask) == $subnet; }