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2023-07-09 17:10:47 +02:00
package controlP5.layout;
2023-07-06 14:57:02 +02:00
import controlP5.ColorPicker;
import controlP5.ControlP5;
import controlP5.ControllerInterface;
import controlP5.Group;
import controlP5.layout.lang.XMLBaseVisitor;
import controlP5.layout.lang.XMLLexer;
import controlP5.layout.lang.XMLParser;
2023-07-06 14:57:02 +02:00
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.*;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.*;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.ParseTreeWalker;
import processing.core.PApplet;
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.Deque;
import java.util.HashMap;
2023-07-06 14:57:02 +02:00
public class LayoutBuilder {
private final ControlP5 _cp5;
private final PApplet _pApplet;
private final Deque<ElementProps> propertiesInheritance = new ArrayDeque<>();
private final ControllerFactory _factory;
public LayoutBuilder(PApplet pApplet, ControlP5 cp5) {
_cp5 = cp5;
_pApplet = pApplet;
_factory = new ControllerFactory(pApplet, _cp5);
2023-07-06 14:57:02 +02:00
public void parseXML(String xml) throws Exception {
2023-07-06 14:57:02 +02:00
ANTLRInputStream input = new ANTLRInputStream(xml);
XMLLexer lexer = new XMLLexer(input);
CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
XMLParser parser = new XMLParser(tokens);
ParseTree tree = parser.document();
//create walker
2023-07-06 14:57:02 +02:00
ParseTreeWalker walker = new ParseTreeWalker();
XMLVisitor visitor = new XMLVisitor(_pApplet, _cp5);
2023-07-06 14:57:02 +02:00
private class XMLVisitor extends XMLBaseVisitor {
private final ControlP5 _cp5;
private final PApplet _pApplet;
public XMLVisitor(PApplet pApplet, ControlP5 cp5) {
_cp5 = cp5;
_pApplet = pApplet;
//visit first node
public Object visitDocument(XMLParser.DocumentContext ctx) {
// get width and height from the papplet
int parentWidth = _pApplet.width;
int parentHeight = _pApplet.height;
//visit children
propertiesInheritance.push(new ElementProps(parentWidth, parentHeight));
for (int i = 0; i < ctx.children.size(); i++) {
return null;
public Object visitElement(XMLParser.ElementContext ctx) {
if(ctx.content() != null){
return null;
2023-07-06 14:57:02 +02:00
public Object visitStartTag(XMLParser.StartTagContext ctx) {
HashMap<String, Attribute<?>> attributes = new HashMap<>();
for (int i = 0; i < ctx.attribute().size(); i++) {
Attribute<?> attribute = (Attribute<?>) visitAttribute(ctx.attribute(i));
attributes.put(attribute.getName(), attribute);
2023-07-06 14:57:02 +02:00
Tag tag = new Tag(ctx.Name().getText(), attributes);
ControllerInterface<?> controller = _factory.createController(tag.getName(), propertiesInheritance);
_factory.configure(controller, tag.getAttributes(),propertiesInheritance);
//push to the inheritance stack
propertiesInheritance.push(new ElementProps(controller.getWidth(), controller.getHeight()));
return tag;
2023-07-06 14:57:02 +02:00
public Object visitContent(XMLParser.ContentContext ctx) {
return super.visitContent(ctx);
public Object visitEndTag(XMLParser.EndTagContext ctx) {
return super.visitEndTag(ctx);
public Object visitAttribute(XMLParser.AttributeContext ctx) {
if (ctx.value().STRING() != null) {
String name = ctx.Name().getText();
String value = ctx.value().STRING().getText();
return new Attribute<String>(name, value);
//if it px
else if (ctx.value().UNIT() != null && ctx.value().UNIT().getText().equals("px")) {
String name = ctx.Name().getText();
int value = Integer.parseInt(ctx.value().NUMBER().getText());
return new Attribute<Integer>(name, value);
2023-07-06 14:57:02 +02:00
//if it a percentage
else if(ctx.value().UNIT() != null && ctx.value().UNIT().getText().equals("%")){
String name = ctx.Name().getText();
int value = Integer.parseInt(ctx.value().NUMBER().getText());
Percentage percentage = new Percentage(value);
return new Attribute<Percentage>(name, percentage);
// if its a rgb(r,g,b,)
else if (ctx.value().rgb() != null) {
String name = ctx.Name().getText();
int a = 1;
int r = Integer.parseInt(ctx.value().rgb().NUMBER(0).getText());
int g = Integer.parseInt(ctx.value().rgb().NUMBER(1).getText());
int b = Integer.parseInt(ctx.value().rgb().NUMBER(2).getText());
// Color color = (a << 24) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b;
Color c = new Color(r,g,b,a);
return new Attribute<Color>(name, c);
return null;
public class ElementProps {
int width;
int height;
2023-07-06 14:57:02 +02:00
public ElementProps(int width, int height) {
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
private class Tag {
private String name;
private HashMap<String, Attribute<?>> attributes;
public Tag(String name, HashMap<String, Attribute<?>> attributes) { = name;
this.attributes = attributes;
public String getName() {
return name;
public HashMap<String, Attribute<?>> getAttributes() {
return attributes;
public class Attribute<T> {
private String name;
private T value;
public Attribute(String name, T value) { = name;
this.value = value;
public String getName() {
return name;
public T getValue() {
return value;
2023-07-06 14:57:02 +02:00
public static class Percentage{
public float percentage;
public Percentage (float percentage){
this.percentage = percentage;
2023-07-06 14:57:02 +02:00