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package controlP5;
2016-04-14 12:39:16 +02:00
* controlP5 is a processing gui library.
* 2006-2015 by Andreas Schlegel
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
* Public License along with this library; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,
* Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* @author Andreas Schlegel (
* @modified ##date##
* @version ##version##
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import processing.core.PApplet;
import processing.core.PGraphics;
* A tooltip can be registered for individual controllers
* and is activated on rollover.
* @example controllers/ControlP5tooltip
public class Tooltip {
private ControllerView< ? > _myView;
2016-04-14 12:39:16 +02:00
private float[] position = new float[3];
private float[] currentPosition = new float[3];
private float[] previousPosition = new float[3];
private float[] offset = new float[3];
private Controller< ? > _myController;
private long startTime = 0;
private long _myDelayInMillis = 500;
private int _myMode = ControlP5.INACTIVE;
private int _myHeight = 20;
private int _myBackgroundColor = 0xffffffb4;
private int _myMaxAlpha = 255;
private int _myAlpha = 0;
private Map< Controller< ? > , String > map;
private Label _myLabel;
private boolean enabled = true;
private int _myBorder;
private ControlP5 cp5;
private int _myAlignH = ControlP5.RIGHT;
private int _myColor = 0x00000000;
Tooltip( ControlP5 theControlP5 ) {
cp5 = theControlP5;
2016-04-14 12:39:16 +02:00
position[0] = -1000;
position[1] = -1000;
currentPosition = new float[3];
previousPosition = new float[3];
offset = new float[] { 0 , 24 , 0 };
map = new HashMap< Controller< ? > , String >( );
_myLabel = new Label( cp5 , "tooltip" );
_myLabel.setColor( _myColor );
_myLabel.setPadding( 0 , 0 );
setView( new TooltipView( ) );
setBorder( 4 );
* sets the border of the tooltip, the default border is
* 4px.
* @param theValue
* @return Tooltip
public Tooltip setBorder( int theValue ) {
_myBorder = theValue;
_myLabel.getStyle( ).setMargin( _myBorder , _myBorder , _myBorder , _myBorder );
return this;
* returns the value of the border
* @return
public int getBorder( ) {
return _myBorder;
* sets the transparency of the default background,
* default value is 200
* @param theValue
* @return Tooltip
public Tooltip setAlpha( int theValue ) {
_myMaxAlpha = theValue;
return this;
private void updateText( String theText ) {
int n = 1;
for ( char c : theText.toCharArray( ) ) {
if ( c == '\n' ) {
if ( _myLabel.getHeight( ) != _myLabel.getLineHeight( ) * n ) {
_myLabel.setHeight( _myLabel.getLineHeight( ) * n );
_myLabel.set( theText );
* TODO see below
* @param theWindow
void draw( ControlWindow theWindow ) {
2016-04-14 12:39:16 +02:00
// TODO re-implement Tooltip
private boolean moved( ) {
2016-04-14 12:39:16 +02:00
return PApplet.abs( PApplet.dist( previousPosition[0] , previousPosition[1] , currentPosition[0] , currentPosition[1] ) ) > 1;
* A tooltip is activated when entered by the mouse,
* after a given delay time the Tooltip starts to fade
* in. Use setDelay(long) to adjust the default delay
* time of 1000 millis.
* @param theMillis
* @return Tooltip
public Tooltip setDelay( long theMillis ) {
_myDelayInMillis = theMillis;
return this;
* a Tooltip is activated when the mouse enters a
* controller.
* @param theController
protected void activate( Controller< ? > theController ) {
if ( map.containsKey( theController ) ) {
startTime = System.nanoTime( );
_myController = theController;
2016-04-14 12:39:16 +02:00
currentPosition[0] = theController.getControlWindow( ).mouseX;
currentPosition[1] = theController.getControlWindow( ).mouseY;
updateText( map.get( _myController ) );
_myMode = ControlP5.WAIT;
protected void deactivate( ) {
deactivate( 1 );
protected void deactivate( int theNum ) {
if ( theNum == 0 ) {
if ( _myMode >= ControlP5.IDLE ) {
if ( _myMode < ControlP5.FADEOUT )
startTime = System.nanoTime( );
_myMode = ControlP5.FADEOUT;
} else {
_myMode = ( _myMode >= ControlP5.IDLE ) ? ControlP5.FADEOUT : ControlP5.DONE;
* A custom view can be set for a Tooltip. The default
* view class can be found at the bottom of the Tooltip
* source.
* @see controlP5.ControllerView
* @param theDisplay
* @return Tooltip
public Tooltip setView( ControllerView< ? > theDisplay ) {
_myView = theDisplay;
return this;
* registers a controller with the Tooltip, when
* activating the tooltip for a particular controller,
* the registered text (second parameter) will be
* displayed.
* @param theController
* @param theText
* @return Tooltip
public Tooltip register( Controller< ? > theController , String theText ) {
map.put( theController , theText );
theController.registerProperty( "setTooltipEnabled" , "isTooltipEnabled" );
return this;
public Tooltip register( String theControllerName , String theText ) {
Controller< ? > c = cp5.getController( theControllerName );
if ( c == null ) {
return this;
map.put( c , theText );
c.registerProperty( "setTooltipEnabled" , "isTooltipEnabled" );
return this;
* removes a controller from the tooltip
* @param theController
* @return Tooltip
public Tooltip unregister( Controller< ? > theController ) {
map.remove( theController );
theController.removeProperty( "setTooltipEnabled" , "isTooltipEnabled" );
return this;
public Tooltip unregister( String theControllerName ) {
Controller< ? > c = cp5.getController( theControllerName );
if ( c == null ) {
return this;
return unregister( c );
* with the default display, the width of the tooltip is
* set automatically, therefore setWidth() does not have
* any effect without changing the default display to a
* custom ControllerView.
* @see controlP5.ControllerView
* @see controlP5.Tooltip#setDisplay(ControllerView)
* @return Tooltip
public Tooltip setWidth( int theWidth ) {
// _myWidth = theWidth;
return this;
public int getWidth( ) {
return _myLabel.getWidth( );
* @see controlP5.Tooltip#setWidth(int)
* @param theHeight
* @return Tooltip
public Tooltip setHeight( int theHeight ) {
ControlP5.logger( ).warning( "Tooltip.setHeight is disabled with this version" );
_myHeight = theHeight;
return this;
* adds an offset to the position of the controller
* relative to the mouse cursor's position. default
* offset is (10,20)
* @param theX
* @param theY
* @return Tooltip
public Tooltip setPositionOffset( float theX , float theY ) {
2016-04-14 12:39:16 +02:00
offset[0] = theX;
offset[1] = theY;
return this;
* disables the Tooltip on a global level, when
* disabled, tooltip will not respond to any registered
* controller. to disable a tooltip for aparticular
* controller, used unregister(Controller)
* @see controlP5.Tooltip#unregister(Controller)
* @return Tooltip
public Tooltip disable( ) {
enabled = false;
return this;
* in case the tooltip is disabled, use enable() to turn
* the tooltip back on.
* @return Tooltip
public Tooltip enable( ) {
enabled = true;
return this;
* check if the tooltip is enabled or disabled
* @return boolean
public boolean isEnabled( ) {
return enabled;
* sets the Label to a custom label and replaces the
* default label.
* @param theLabel
* @return Tooltip
public Tooltip setLabel( Label theLabel ) {
_myLabel = theLabel;
return this;
* returns the current Label
* @return Label
public Label getLabel( ) {
return _myLabel;
* sets the background color of the tooltip, the default
* color is a dark grey
* @param theColor
* @return Tooltip
public Tooltip setColorBackground( int theColor ) {
_myBackgroundColor = theColor;
return this;
* sets the text color of the tooltip's label, the
* default color is a white
* @param theColor
* @return Tooltip
public Tooltip setColorLabel( int theColor ) {
_myColor = theColor;
_myLabel.setColor( theColor );
return this;
class TooltipView implements ControllerView< Controller< ? >> {
public void display( PGraphics theGraphics , Controller< ? > theController ) {
_myHeight = _myLabel.getHeight( );
theGraphics.fill( _myBackgroundColor , _myAlpha );
theGraphics.rect( 0 , 0 , getWidth( ) + _myBorder * 2 , _myHeight + _myBorder * 2 );
theGraphics.pushMatrix( );
if ( _myAlignH == ControlP5.RIGHT ) {
theGraphics.translate( 6 , 0 );
} else {
theGraphics.translate( getWidth( ) - 6 , 0 );
theGraphics.triangle( 0 , 0 , 4 , -4 , 8 , 0 );
theGraphics.popMatrix( );
int a = ( int ) ( _myAlpha , 0 , _myMaxAlpha , 0 , 255 ) );
_myLabel.setColor( a << 24 | ( _myColor >> 16 ) << 16 | ( _myColor >> 8 ) << 8 | ( _myColor >> 0 ) << 0 );
_myLabel.draw( theGraphics , 0 , 0 , theController );