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// Generated from /Users/gabrielsalvador/Code/controlp5/src/main/java/controlP5/layout/XML.g4 by ANTLR 4.12.0
package controlP5.layout;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.ParseTreeVisitor;
* This interface defines a complete generic visitor for a parse tree produced
* by {@link XMLParser}.
* @param <T> The return type of the visit operation. Use {@link Void} for
* operations with no return type.
public interface XMLVisitor<T> extends ParseTreeVisitor<T> {
* Visit a parse tree produced by {@link XMLParser#document}.
* @param ctx the parse tree
* @return the visitor result
T visitDocument(XMLParser.DocumentContext ctx);
* Visit a parse tree produced by {@link XMLParser#element}.
* @param ctx the parse tree
* @return the visitor result
T visitElement(XMLParser.ElementContext ctx);
* Visit a parse tree produced by {@link XMLParser#startTag}.
* @param ctx the parse tree
* @return the visitor result
T visitStartTag(XMLParser.StartTagContext ctx);
* Visit a parse tree produced by {@link XMLParser#endTag}.
* @param ctx the parse tree
* @return the visitor result
T visitEndTag(XMLParser.EndTagContext ctx);
* Visit a parse tree produced by {@link XMLParser#attribute}.
* @param ctx the parse tree
* @return the visitor result
T visitAttribute(XMLParser.AttributeContext ctx);
* Visit a parse tree produced by {@link XMLParser#content}.
* @param ctx the parse tree
* @return the visitor result
T visitContent(XMLParser.ContentContext ctx);